#include #include #include #include "Util.h" #include "Indexer.h" #include "ElimGraph.h" namespace Globals { bool logDomain = false; unsigned verbosity = 0; InfAlgorithms infAlgorithm = InfAlgorithms::VE; }; namespace BpOptions { Schedule schedule = BpOptions::Schedule::SEQ_FIXED; //Schedule schedule = BpOptions::Schedule::SEQ_RANDOM; //Schedule schedule = BpOptions::Schedule::PARALLEL; //Schedule schedule = BpOptions::Schedule::MAX_RESIDUAL; double accuracy = 0.0001; unsigned maxIter = 1000; } vector Statistics::netInfo_; vector Statistics::compressInfo_; unsigned Statistics::primaryNetCount_; namespace Util { template <> std::string toString (const bool& b) { std::stringstream ss; ss << std::boolalpha << b; return ss.str(); } unsigned stringToUnsigned (string str) { int val; stringstream ss; ss << str; ss >> val; if (val < 0) { abort ("error: the value tried to read is negative"); } return static_cast (val); } double stringToDouble (string str) { double val; stringstream ss; ss << str; ss >> val; return val; } void toLog (Params& v) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < v.size(); i++) { v[i] = log (v[i]); } } void fromLog (Params& v) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < v.size(); i++) { v[i] = exp (v[i]); } } double factorial (unsigned num) { double result = 1.0; for (unsigned i = 1; i <= num; i++) { result *= i; } return result; } double logFactorial (unsigned num) { double result = 0.0; if (num < 150) { result = std::log (factorial (num)); } else { for (unsigned i = 1; i <= num; i++) { result += std::log (i); } } return result; } unsigned nrCombinations (unsigned n, unsigned k) { assert (n >= k); int diff = n - k; unsigned result = 0; if (n < 150) { unsigned prod = 1; for (int i = n; i > diff; i--) { prod *= i; } result = prod / factorial (k); } else { double prod = 0.0; for (int i = n; i > diff; i--) { prod += std::log (i); } prod -= logFactorial (k); result = static_cast (std::exp (prod)); } return result; } unsigned expectedSize (const Ranges& ranges) { unsigned prod = 1; for (unsigned i = 0; i < ranges.size(); i++) { prod *= ranges[i]; } return prod; } unsigned getNumberOfDigits (int num) { unsigned count = 1; while (num >= 10) { num /= 10; count ++; } return count; } bool isInteger (const string& s) { stringstream ss1 (s); stringstream ss2; int integer; ss1 >> integer; ss2 << integer; return (ss1.str() == ss2.str()); } string parametersToString (const Params& v, unsigned precision) { stringstream ss; ss.precision (precision); ss << "[" ; for (unsigned i = 0; i < v.size(); i++) { if (i != 0) ss << ", " ; ss << v[i]; } ss << "]" ; return ss.str(); } vector getStateLines (const Vars& vars) { StatesIndexer idx (vars); vector jointStrings; while (idx.valid()) { stringstream ss; for (unsigned i = 0; i < vars.size(); i++) { if (i != 0) ss << ", " ; ss << vars[i]->label() << "=" << vars[i]->states()[(idx[i])]; } jointStrings.push_back (ss.str()); ++ idx; } return jointStrings; } bool setHorusFlag (string key, string value) { bool returnVal = true; if (key == "verbosity") { stringstream ss; ss << value; ss >> Globals::verbosity; } else if (key == "inf_alg") { if ( value == "ve") { Globals::infAlgorithm = InfAlgorithms::VE; } else if (value == "bp") { Globals::infAlgorithm = InfAlgorithms::BP; } else if (value == "cbp") { Globals::infAlgorithm = InfAlgorithms::CBP; } else { cerr << "warning: invalid value `" << value << "' " ; cerr << "for `" << key << "'" << endl; returnVal = false; } } else if (key == "elim_heuristic") { if ( value == "min_neighbors") { ElimGraph::elimHeuristic = ElimHeuristic::MIN_NEIGHBORS; } else if (value == "min_weight") { ElimGraph::elimHeuristic = ElimHeuristic::MIN_WEIGHT; } else if (value == "min_fill") { ElimGraph::elimHeuristic = ElimHeuristic::MIN_FILL; } else if (value == "weighted_min_fill") { ElimGraph::elimHeuristic = ElimHeuristic::WEIGHTED_MIN_FILL; } else { cerr << "warning: invalid value `" << value << "' " ; cerr << "for `" << key << "'" << endl; returnVal = false; } } else if (key == "schedule") { if ( value == "seq_fixed") { BpOptions::schedule = BpOptions::Schedule::SEQ_FIXED; } else if (value == "seq_random") { BpOptions::schedule = BpOptions::Schedule::SEQ_RANDOM; } else if (value == "parallel") { BpOptions::schedule = BpOptions::Schedule::PARALLEL; } else if (value == "max_residual") { BpOptions::schedule = BpOptions::Schedule::MAX_RESIDUAL; } else { cerr << "warning: invalid value `" << value << "' " ; cerr << "for `" << key << "'" << endl; returnVal = false; } } else if (key == "accuracy") { stringstream ss; ss << value; ss >> BpOptions::accuracy; } else if (key == "max_iter") { stringstream ss; ss << value; ss >> BpOptions::maxIter; } else if (key == "use_logarithms") { if ( value == "true") { Globals::logDomain = true; } else if (value == "false") { Globals::logDomain = false; } else { cerr << "warning: invalid value `" << value << "' " ; cerr << "for `" << key << "'" << endl; returnVal = false; } } else { cerr << "warning: invalid key `" << key << "'" << endl; returnVal = false; } return returnVal; } void abort (string msg) { cerr << msg << endl; std::abort(); } void printHeader (string header, std::ostream& os) { printAsteriskLine (os); os << header << endl; printAsteriskLine (os); } void printSubHeader (string header, std::ostream& os) { printDashedLine (os); os << header << endl; printDashedLine (os); } void printAsteriskLine (std::ostream& os) { os << "********************************" ; os << "********************************" ; os << endl; } void printDashedLine (std::ostream& os) { os << "--------------------------------" ; os << "--------------------------------" ; os << endl; } } namespace LogAware { void normalize (Params& v) { double sum = LogAware::addIdenty(); if (Globals::logDomain) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < v.size(); i++) { sum = Util::logSum (sum, v[i]); } assert (sum != -numeric_limits::infinity()); for (unsigned i = 0; i < v.size(); i++) { v[i] -= sum; } } else { for (unsigned i = 0; i < v.size(); i++) { sum += v[i]; } assert (sum != 0.0); for (unsigned i = 0; i < v.size(); i++) { v[i] /= sum; } } } double getL1Distance (const Params& v1, const Params& v2) { assert (v1.size() == v2.size()); double dist = 0.0; if (Globals::logDomain) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < v1.size(); i++) { dist += abs (exp(v1[i]) - exp(v2[i])); } } else { for (unsigned i = 0; i < v1.size(); i++) { dist += abs (v1[i] - v2[i]); } } return dist; } double getMaxNorm (const Params& v1, const Params& v2) { assert (v1.size() == v2.size()); double max = 0.0; if (Globals::logDomain) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < v1.size(); i++) { double diff = abs (exp(v1[i]) - exp(v2[i])); if (diff > max) { max = diff; } } } else { for (unsigned i = 0; i < v1.size(); i++) { double diff = abs (v1[i] - v2[i]); if (diff > max) { max = diff; } } } return max; } double pow (double p, unsigned expoent) { return Globals::logDomain ? p * expoent : std::pow (p, expoent); } double pow (double p, double expoent) { // assumes that `expoent' is never in log domain return Globals::logDomain ? p * expoent : std::pow (p, expoent); } void pow (Params& v, unsigned expoent) { if (expoent == 1) { return; } if (Globals::logDomain) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < v.size(); i++) { v[i] *= expoent; } } else { for (unsigned i = 0; i < v.size(); i++) { v[i] = std::pow (v[i], expoent); } } } void pow (Params& v, double expoent) { // assumes that `expoent' is never in log domain if (Globals::logDomain) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < v.size(); i++) { v[i] *= expoent; } } else { for (unsigned i = 0; i < v.size(); i++) { v[i] = std::pow (v[i], expoent); } } } } unsigned Statistics::getSolvedNetworksCounting (void) { return netInfo_.size(); } void Statistics::incrementPrimaryNetworksCounting (void) { primaryNetCount_ ++; } unsigned Statistics::getPrimaryNetworksCounting (void) { return primaryNetCount_; } void Statistics::updateStatistics ( unsigned size, bool loopy, unsigned nIters, double time) { netInfo_.push_back (NetInfo (size, loopy, nIters, time)); } void Statistics::printStatistics (void) { cout << getStatisticString(); } void Statistics::writeStatistics (const char* fileName) { ofstream out (fileName); if (!out.is_open()) { cerr << "error: cannot open file to write at " ; cerr << "Statistics::writeStats()" << endl; abort(); } out << getStatisticString(); out.close(); } void Statistics::updateCompressingStatistics ( unsigned nrGroundVars, unsigned nrGroundFactors, unsigned nrClusterVars, unsigned nrClusterFactors, unsigned nrNeighborless) { compressInfo_.push_back (CompressInfo (nrGroundVars, nrGroundFactors, nrClusterVars, nrClusterFactors, nrNeighborless)); } string Statistics::getStatisticString (void) { stringstream ss2, ss3, ss4, ss1; ss1 << "running mode: " ; switch (Globals::infAlgorithm) { case InfAlgorithms::VE: ss1 << "ve" << endl; break; case InfAlgorithms::BP: ss1 << "bp" << endl; break; case InfAlgorithms::CBP: ss1 << "cbp" << endl; break; } ss1 << "message schedule: " ; switch (BpOptions::schedule) { case BpOptions::Schedule::SEQ_FIXED: ss1 << "sequential fixed" << endl; break; case BpOptions::Schedule::SEQ_RANDOM: ss1 << "sequential random" << endl; break; case BpOptions::Schedule::PARALLEL: ss1 << "parallel" << endl; break; case BpOptions::Schedule::MAX_RESIDUAL: ss1 << "max residual" << endl; break; } ss1 << "max iterations: " << BpOptions::maxIter << endl; ss1 << "accuracy " << BpOptions::accuracy << endl; ss1 << endl << endl; Util::printSubHeader ("Network information", ss2); ss2 << left; ss2 << setw (15) << "Network Size" ; ss2 << setw (9) << "Loopy" ; ss2 << setw (15) << "Iterations" ; ss2 << setw (15) << "Solving Time" ; ss2 << endl; unsigned nLoopyNets = 0; unsigned nUnconvergedRuns = 0; double totalSolvingTime = 0.0; for (unsigned i = 0; i < netInfo_.size(); i++) { ss2 << setw (15) << netInfo_[i].size; if (netInfo_[i].loopy) { ss2 << setw (9) << "yes"; nLoopyNets ++; } else { ss2 << setw (9) << "no"; } if (netInfo_[i].nIters == 0) { ss2 << setw (15) << "n/a" ; } else { ss2 << setw (15) << netInfo_[i].nIters; if (netInfo_[i].nIters > BpOptions::maxIter) { nUnconvergedRuns ++; } } ss2 << setw (15) << netInfo_[i].time; totalSolvingTime += netInfo_[i].time; ss2 << endl; } ss2 << endl << endl; unsigned c1 = 0, c2 = 0, c3 = 0, c4 = 0; if (compressInfo_.size() > 0) { Util::printSubHeader ("Compress information", ss3); ss3 << left; ss3 << "Ground Cluster Ground Cluster Neighborless" << endl; ss3 << "Vars Vars Factors Factors Vars" << endl; for (unsigned i = 0; i < compressInfo_.size(); i++) { ss3 << setw (9) << compressInfo_[i].nrGroundVars; ss3 << setw (10) << compressInfo_[i].nrClusterVars; ss3 << setw (10) << compressInfo_[i].nrGroundFactors; ss3 << setw (10) << compressInfo_[i].nrClusterFactors; ss3 << setw (10) << compressInfo_[i].nrNeighborless; ss3 << endl; c1 += compressInfo_[i].nrGroundVars - compressInfo_[i].nrNeighborless; c2 += compressInfo_[i].nrClusterVars; c3 += compressInfo_[i].nrGroundFactors - compressInfo_[i].nrNeighborless; c4 += compressInfo_[i].nrClusterFactors; if (compressInfo_[i].nrNeighborless != 0) { c2 --; c4 --; } } ss3 << endl << endl; } ss4 << "primary networks: " << primaryNetCount_ << endl; ss4 << "solved networks: " << netInfo_.size() << endl; ss4 << "loopy networks: " << nLoopyNets << endl; ss4 << "unconverged runs: " << nUnconvergedRuns << endl; ss4 << "total solving time: " << totalSolvingTime << endl; if (compressInfo_.size() > 0) { double pc1 = (1.0 - (c2 / (double)c1)) * 100.0; double pc2 = (1.0 - (c4 / (double)c3)) * 100.0; ss4 << setprecision (5); ss4 << "variable compression: " << pc1 << "%" << endl; ss4 << "factor compression: " << pc2 << "%" << endl; } ss4 << endl << endl; ss1 << ss4.str() << ss2.str() << ss3.str(); return ss1.str(); }