#include #include #include #include #include #include #include "FactorGraph.h" #include "Factor.h" #include "BayesBall.h" #include "Util.h" FactorGraph::FactorGraph (const FactorGraph& fg) { const VarNodes& varNodes = fg.varNodes(); for (size_t i = 0; i < varNodes.size(); i++) { addVarNode (new VarNode (varNodes[i])); } const FacNodes& facNodes = fg.facNodes(); for (size_t i = 0; i < facNodes.size(); i++) { FacNode* facNode = new FacNode (facNodes[i]->factor()); addFacNode (facNode); const VarNodes& neighs = facNodes[i]->neighbors(); for (size_t j = 0; j < neighs.size(); j++) { addEdge (varNodes_[neighs[j]->getIndex()], facNode); } } bayesFactors_ = fg.bayesianFactors(); } void FactorGraph::readFromUaiFormat (const char* fileName) { std::ifstream is (fileName); if (!is.is_open()) { cerr << "error: cannot read from file " << fileName << endl; abort(); } ignoreLines (is); string line; getline (is, line); if (line != "MARKOV") { cerr << "error: the network must be a MARKOV network " << endl; abort(); } // read the number of vars ignoreLines (is); unsigned nrVars; is >> nrVars; // read the range of each var ignoreLines (is); Ranges ranges (nrVars); for (unsigned i = 0; i < nrVars; i++) { is >> ranges[i]; } unsigned nrFactors; unsigned nrArgs; unsigned vid; is >> nrFactors; vector factorVarIds; vector factorRanges; for (unsigned i = 0; i < nrFactors; i++) { ignoreLines (is); is >> nrArgs; factorVarIds.push_back ({ }); factorRanges.push_back ({ }); for (unsigned j = 0; j < nrArgs; j++) { is >> vid; if (vid >= ranges.size()) { cerr << "error: invalid variable identifier `" << vid << "'" << endl; cerr << "identifiers must be between 0 and " << ranges.size() - 1 ; cerr << endl; abort(); } factorVarIds.back().push_back (vid); factorRanges.back().push_back (ranges[vid]); } } // read the parameters unsigned nrParams; for (unsigned i = 0; i < nrFactors; i++) { ignoreLines (is); is >> nrParams; if (nrParams != Util::sizeExpected (factorRanges[i])) { cerr << "error: invalid number of parameters for factor nÂș " << i ; cerr << ", expected: " << Util::sizeExpected (factorRanges[i]); cerr << ", given: " << nrParams << endl; abort(); } Params params (nrParams); for (unsigned j = 0; j < nrParams; j++) { is >> params[j]; } if (Globals::logDomain) { Util::log (params); } addFactor (Factor (factorVarIds[i], factorRanges[i], params)); } is.close(); } void FactorGraph::readFromLibDaiFormat (const char* fileName) { std::ifstream is (fileName); if (!is.is_open()) { cerr << "error: cannot read from file " << fileName << endl; abort(); } ignoreLines (is); unsigned nrFactors; unsigned nrArgs; VarId vid; is >> nrFactors; for (unsigned i = 0; i < nrFactors; i++) { ignoreLines (is); // read the factor arguments is >> nrArgs; VarIds vids; for (unsigned j = 0; j < nrArgs; j++) { ignoreLines (is); is >> vid; vids.push_back (vid); } // read ranges Ranges ranges (nrArgs); for (unsigned j = 0; j < nrArgs; j++) { ignoreLines (is); is >> ranges[j]; VarNode* var = getVarNode (vids[j]); if (var != 0 && ranges[j] != var->range()) { cerr << "error: variable `" << vids[j] << "' appears in two or " ; cerr << "more factors with a different range" << endl; } } // read parameters ignoreLines (is); unsigned nNonzeros; is >> nNonzeros; Params params (Util::sizeExpected (ranges), 0); for (unsigned j = 0; j < nNonzeros; j++) { ignoreLines (is); unsigned index; is >> index; ignoreLines (is); double val; is >> val; params[index] = val; } if (Globals::logDomain) { Util::log (params); } std::reverse (vids.begin(), vids.end()); Factor f (vids, ranges, params); std::reverse (vids.begin(), vids.end()); f.reorderArguments (vids); addFactor (f); } is.close(); } FactorGraph::~FactorGraph (void) { for (size_t i = 0; i < varNodes_.size(); i++) { delete varNodes_[i]; } for (size_t i = 0; i < facNodes_.size(); i++) { delete facNodes_[i]; } } void FactorGraph::addFactor (const Factor& factor) { FacNode* fn = new FacNode (factor); addFacNode (fn); const VarIds& vids = fn->factor().arguments(); for (size_t i = 0; i < vids.size(); i++) { VarMap::const_iterator it = varMap_.find (vids[i]); if (it != varMap_.end()) { addEdge (it->second, fn); } else { VarNode* vn = new VarNode (vids[i], fn->factor().range (i)); addVarNode (vn); addEdge (vn, fn); } } } void FactorGraph::addVarNode (VarNode* vn) { varNodes_.push_back (vn); vn->setIndex (varNodes_.size() - 1); varMap_.insert (make_pair (vn->varId(), vn)); } void FactorGraph::addFacNode (FacNode* fn) { facNodes_.push_back (fn); fn->setIndex (facNodes_.size() - 1); } void FactorGraph::addEdge (VarNode* vn, FacNode* fn) { vn->addNeighbor (fn); fn->addNeighbor (vn); } bool FactorGraph::isTree (void) const { return !containsCycle(); } BayesBallGraph& FactorGraph::getStructure (void) { assert (bayesFactors_); if (structure_.empty()) { for (size_t i = 0; i < varNodes_.size(); i++) { structure_.addNode (new BBNode (varNodes_[i])); } for (size_t i = 0; i < facNodes_.size(); i++) { const VarIds& vids = facNodes_[i]->factor().arguments(); for (size_t j = 1; j < vids.size(); j++) { structure_.addEdge (vids[j], vids[0]); } } } return structure_; } void FactorGraph::print (void) const { for (size_t i = 0; i < varNodes_.size(); i++) { cout << "var id = " << varNodes_[i]->varId() << endl; cout << "label = " << varNodes_[i]->label() << endl; cout << "range = " << varNodes_[i]->range() << endl; cout << "evidence = " << varNodes_[i]->getEvidence() << endl; cout << "factors = " ; for (size_t j = 0; j < varNodes_[i]->neighbors().size(); j++) { cout << varNodes_[i]->neighbors()[j]->getLabel() << " " ; } cout << endl << endl; } for (size_t i = 0; i < facNodes_.size(); i++) { facNodes_[i]->factor().print(); } } void FactorGraph::exportToGraphViz (const char* fileName) const { ofstream out (fileName); if (!out.is_open()) { cerr << "error: cannot open file to write at " ; cerr << "FactorGraph::exportToDotFile()" << endl; abort(); } out << "graph \"" << fileName << "\" {" << endl; for (size_t i = 0; i < varNodes_.size(); i++) { if (varNodes_[i]->hasEvidence()) { out << '"' << varNodes_[i]->label() << '"' ; out << " [style=filled, fillcolor=yellow]" << endl; } } for (size_t i = 0; i < facNodes_.size(); i++) { out << '"' << facNodes_[i]->getLabel() << '"' ; out << " [label=\"" << facNodes_[i]->getLabel(); out << "\"" << ", shape=box]" << endl; } for (size_t i = 0; i < facNodes_.size(); i++) { const VarNodes& myVars = facNodes_[i]->neighbors(); for (size_t j = 0; j < myVars.size(); j++) { out << '"' << facNodes_[i]->getLabel() << '"' ; out << " -- " ; out << '"' << myVars[j]->label() << '"' << endl; } } out << "}" << endl; out.close(); } void FactorGraph::exportToUaiFormat (const char* fileName) const { ofstream out (fileName); if (!out.is_open()) { cerr << "error: cannot open file " << fileName << endl; abort(); } out << "MARKOV" << endl; out << varNodes_.size() << endl; VarNodes sortedVns = varNodes_; std::sort (sortedVns.begin(), sortedVns.end(), sortByVarId()); for (size_t i = 0; i < sortedVns.size(); i++) { out << ((i != 0) ? " " : "") << sortedVns[i]->range(); } out << endl << facNodes_.size() << endl; for (size_t i = 0; i < facNodes_.size(); i++) { VarIds args = facNodes_[i]->factor().arguments(); out << args.size() << " " << Util::elementsToString (args) << endl; } out << endl; for (size_t i = 0; i < facNodes_.size(); i++) { Params params = facNodes_[i]->factor().params(); if (Globals::logDomain) { Util::exp (params); } out << params.size() << endl << " " ; out << Util::elementsToString (params) << endl << endl; } out.close(); } void FactorGraph::exportToLibDaiFormat (const char* fileName) const { ofstream out (fileName); if (!out.is_open()) { cerr << "error: cannot open file " << fileName << endl; abort(); } out << facNodes_.size() << endl << endl; for (size_t i = 0; i < facNodes_.size(); i++) { Factor f (facNodes_[i]->factor()); out << f.nrArguments() << endl; out << Util::elementsToString (f.arguments()) << endl; out << Util::elementsToString (f.ranges()) << endl; VarIds args = f.arguments(); std::reverse (args.begin(), args.end()); f.reorderArguments (args); if (Globals::logDomain) { Util::exp (f.params()); } out << f.size() << endl; for (size_t j = 0; j < f.size(); j++) { out << j << " " << f[j] << endl; } out << endl; } out.close(); } void FactorGraph::ignoreLines (std::ifstream& is) const { string ignoreStr; while (is.peek() == '#' || is.peek() == '\n') { getline (is, ignoreStr); } } bool FactorGraph::containsCycle (void) const { vector visitedVars (varNodes_.size(), false); vector visitedFactors (facNodes_.size(), false); for (size_t i = 0; i < varNodes_.size(); i++) { int v = varNodes_[i]->getIndex(); if (!visitedVars[v]) { if (containsCycle (varNodes_[i], 0, visitedVars, visitedFactors)) { return true; } } } return false; } bool FactorGraph::containsCycle ( const VarNode* v, const FacNode* p, vector& visitedVars, vector& visitedFactors) const { visitedVars[v->getIndex()] = true; const FacNodes& adjacencies = v->neighbors(); for (size_t i = 0; i < adjacencies.size(); i++) { int w = adjacencies[i]->getIndex(); if (!visitedFactors[w]) { if (containsCycle (adjacencies[i], v, visitedVars, visitedFactors)) { return true; } } else if (visitedFactors[w] && adjacencies[i] != p) { return true; } } return false; // no cycle detected in this component } bool FactorGraph::containsCycle ( const FacNode* v, const VarNode* p, vector& visitedVars, vector& visitedFactors) const { visitedFactors[v->getIndex()] = true; const VarNodes& adjacencies = v->neighbors(); for (size_t i = 0; i < adjacencies.size(); i++) { int w = adjacencies[i]->getIndex(); if (!visitedVars[w]) { if (containsCycle (adjacencies[i], v, visitedVars, visitedFactors)) { return true; } } else if (visitedVars[w] && adjacencies[i] != p) { return true; } } return false; // no cycle detected in this component }