/******************************************************************************\ * * * SimpleCUDD library (www.cs.kuleuven.be/~theo/tools/simplecudd.html) * * SimpleCUDD was developed at Katholieke Universiteit Leuven(www.kuleuven.be) * * * * Copyright Katholieke Universiteit Leuven 2008 * * * * Author: Theofrastos Mantadelis, Angelika Kimmig, Bernd Gutmann * * File: ProblogBDD.c * * * ******************************************************************************** * * * Artistic License 2.0 * * * * Copyright (c) 2000-2006, The Perl Foundation. * * * * Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this license * * document, but changing it is not allowed. * * * * Preamble * * * * This license establishes the terms under which a given free software Package * * may be copied, modified, distributed, and/or redistributed. The intent is * * that the Copyright Holder maintains some artistic control over the * * development of that Package while still keeping the Package available as * * open source and free software. * * * * You are always permitted to make arrangements wholly outside of this license * * directly with the Copyright Holder of a given Package. If the terms of this * * license do not permit the full use that you propose to make of the Package, * * you should contact the Copyright Holder and seek a different licensing * * arrangement. * * Definitions * * * * "Copyright Holder" means the individual(s) or organization(s) named in the * * copyright notice for the entire Package. * * * * "Contributor" means any party that has contributed code or other material to * * the Package, in accordance with the Copyright Holder's procedures. * * * * "You" and "your" means any person who would like to copy, distribute, or * * modify the Package. * * * * "Package" means the collection of files distributed by the Copyright Holder, * * and derivatives of that collection and/or of those files. A given Package * * may consist of either the Standard Version, or a Modified Version. * * * * "Distribute" means providing a copy of the Package or making it accessible * * to anyone else, or in the case of a company or organization, to others * * outside of your company or organization. * * * * "Distributor Fee" means any fee that you charge for Distributing this * * Package or providing support for this Package to another party. It does not * * mean licensing fees. * * * * "Standard Version" refers to the Package if it has not been modified, or has * * been modified only in ways explicitly requested by the Copyright Holder. * * * * "Modified Version" means the Package, if it has been changed, and such * * changes were not explicitly requested by the Copyright Holder. * * * * "Original License" means this Artistic License as Distributed with the * * Standard Version of the Package, in its current version or as it may be * * modified by The Perl Foundation in the future. * * * * "Source" form means the source code, documentation source, and configuration * * files for the Package. * * * * "Compiled" form means the compiled bytecode, object code, binary, or any * * other form resulting from mechanical transformation or translation of the * * Source form. * * Permission for Use and Modification Without Distribution * * * * (1) You are permitted to use the Standard Version and create and use * * Modified Versions for any purpose without restriction, provided that you do * * not Distribute the Modified Version. * * Permissions for Redistribution of the Standard Version * * * * (2) You may Distribute verbatim copies of the Source form of the Standard * * Version of this Package in any medium without restriction, either gratis or * * for a Distributor Fee, provided that you duplicate all of the original * * copyright notices and associated disclaimers. At your discretion, such * * verbatim copies may or may not include a Compiled form of the Package. * * * * (3) You may apply any bug fixes, portability changes, and other * * modifications made available from the Copyright Holder. The resulting * * Package will still be considered the Standard Version, and as such will be * * subject to the Original License. * * Distribution of Modified Versions of the Package as Source * * * * (4) You may Distribute your Modified Version as Source (either gratis or for * * a Distributor Fee, and with or without a Compiled form of the Modified * * Version) provided that you clearly document how it differs from the Standard * * Version, including, but not limited to, documenting any non-standard * * features, executables, or modules, and provided that you do at least ONE of * * the following: * * * * (a) make the Modified Version available to the Copyright Holder of the * * Standard Version, under the Original License, so that the Copyright Holder * * may include your modifications in the Standard Version. * * (b) ensure that installation of your Modified Version does not prevent the * * user installing or running the Standard Version. In addition, the Modified * * Version must bear a name that is different from the name of the Standard * * Version. * * (c) allow anyone who receives a copy of the Modified Version to make the * * Source form of the Modified Version available to others under * * (i) the Original License or * * (ii) a license that permits the licensee to freely copy, modify and * * redistribute the Modified Version using the same licensing terms that apply * * to the copy that the licensee received, and requires that the Source form of * * the Modified Version, and of any works derived from it, be made freely * * available in that license fees are prohibited but Distributor Fees are * * allowed. * * Distribution of Compiled Forms of the Standard Version or Modified Versions * * without the Source * * * * (5) You may Distribute Compiled forms of the Standard Version without the * * Source, provided that you include complete instructions on how to get the * * Source of the Standard Version. Such instructions must be valid at the time * * of your distribution. If these instructions, at any time while you are * * carrying out such distribution, become invalid, you must provide new * * instructions on demand or cease further distribution. If you provide valid * * instructions or cease distribution within thirty days after you become aware * * that the instructions are invalid, then you do not forfeit any of your * * rights under this license. * * * * (6) You may Distribute a Modified Version in Compiled form without the * * Source, provided that you comply with Section 4 with respect to the Source * * of the Modified Version. * * Aggregating or Linking the Package * * * * (7) You may aggregate the Package (either the Standard Version or Modified * * Version) with other packages and Distribute the resulting aggregation * * provided that you do not charge a licensing fee for the Package. Distributor * * Fees are permitted, and licensing fees for other components in the * * aggregation are permitted. The terms of this license apply to the use and * * Distribution of the Standard or Modified Versions as included in the * * aggregation. * * * * (8) You are permitted to link Modified and Standard Versions with other * * works, to embed the Package in a larger work of your own, or to build * * stand-alone binary or bytecode versions of applications that include the * * Package, and Distribute the result without restriction, provided the result * * does not expose a direct interface to the Package. * * Items That are Not Considered Part of a Modified Version * * * * (9) Works (including, but not limited to, modules and scripts) that merely * * extend or make use of the Package, do not, by themselves, cause the Package * * to be a Modified Version. In addition, such works are not considered parts * * of the Package itself, and are not subject to the terms of this license. * * General Provisions * * * * (10) Any use, modification, and distribution of the Standard or Modified * * Versions is governed by this Artistic License. By using, modifying or * * distributing the Package, you accept this license. Do not use, modify, or * * distribute the Package, if you do not accept this license. * * * * (11) If your Modified Version has been derived from a Modified Version made * * by someone other than you, you are nevertheless required to ensure that your * * Modified Version complies with the requirements of this license. * * * * (12) This license does not grant you the right to use any trademark, service * * mark, tradename, or logo of the Copyright Holder. * * * * (13) This license includes the non-exclusive, worldwide, free-of-charge * * patent license to make, have made, use, offer to sell, sell, import and * * otherwise transfer the Package with respect to any patent claims licensable * * by the Copyright Holder that are necessarily infringed by the Package. If * * you institute patent litigation (including a cross-claim or counterclaim) * * against any party alleging that the Package constitutes direct or * * contributory patent infringement, then this Artistic License to you shall * * terminate on the date that such litigation is filed. * * * * (14) Disclaimer of Warranty: THE PACKAGE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER * * AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS' AND WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES. THE * * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR * * NON-INFRINGEMENT ARE DISCLAIMED TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY YOUR LOCAL LAW. * * UNLESS REQUIRED BY LAW, NO COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTOR WILL BE LIABLE * * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING IN * * ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THE PACKAGE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * * SUCH DAMAGE. * * * * The End * * * \******************************************************************************/ #include "simplecudd.h" #include "problogmath.h" #include "pqueue.h" #include "iqueue.h" #include #include #define VERSION "2.0.0" int all_loaded_for_deterministic_variables(namedvars varmap, int disp); typedef struct _parameters { int loadfile; int savedfile; int exportfile; int inputfile; int debug; int errorcnt; int *error; int method; int queryid; int timeout; double sigmoid_slope; int online; int maxbufsize; char *ppid; int orderfile; } parameters; typedef struct _gradientpair { double probability; double gradient; } gradientpair; typedef struct _extmanager { DdManager *manager; DdNode *t, *f; hisqueue *his; namedvars varmap; } extmanager; int argtype(const char *arg); void printhelp(int argc, char **arg); parameters loadparam(int argc, char **arg); parameters params; void handler(int num); void pidhandler(int num); void termhandler(int num); void myexpand(extmanager MyManager, DdNode *Current); double CalcProbability(extmanager MyManager, DdNode *Current); double CalcProbabilitySigmoid(extmanager MyManager, DdNode *Current); gradientpair CalcGradient(extmanager MyManager, DdNode *Current, int TargetVar, char *TargetPattern, int type); double CalcExpectedCountsUp(extmanager *MyManager, DdNode *Current, char *query_id); double CalcExpectedCountsDown(extmanager *MyManager, DdNode *Current, char *query_id); double CalcExpectedCounts(extmanager *MyManager, DdNode *Current, char *query_id, int calcdown_needed); int patterncalculated(char *pattern, extmanager MyManager, int loc); char *extractpattern(const char *thestr); int main(int argc, char **arg) { extmanager MyManager; DdNode *bdd = NULL, **forest = NULL, *bakbdd = NULL; bddfileheader fileheader; int i, ivarcnt, code, curbdd; gradientpair tvalue; double probability = -1.0; char *varpattern; varpattern = NULL; code = -1; params = loadparam(argc, arg); if (params.errorcnt > 0) { printhelp(argc, arg); for (i = 0; i < params.errorcnt; i++) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: not known or error at parameter %s.\n", arg[params.error[i]]); } return -1; } if (params.online == 0 && params.loadfile == -1) { printhelp(argc, arg); fprintf(stderr, "Error: you must specify a loading file.\n"); return -1; } if (params.method != 0 && arg[params.method][0] != 'g' && arg[params.method][0] != 'p' && arg[params.method][0] != 'o' && arg[params.method][0] != 'l' && arg[params.method][0] != 'e' && arg[params.method][0] != 'd') { printhelp(argc, arg); fprintf(stderr, "Error: you must choose a calculation method beetween " "[p]robability, [g]radient, [l]ine search, [o]nline, " "[e]xpected counts, probability with [d]eterministic " "nodes.\n"); return -1; } if (params.method != 0 && (arg[params.method][0] == 'g' || arg[params.method][0] == 'p' || arg[params.method][0] == 'l' || arg[params.method][0] == 'e' || arg[params.method][0] == 'd') && params.inputfile == -1) { printhelp(argc, arg); fprintf(stderr, "Error: an input file is necessary for probability, " "gradient, line search calculation or expected counts " "methods.\n"); return -1; } if (params.debug) DEBUGON; RAPIDLOADON; SETMAXBUFSIZE(params.maxbufsize); signal(SIGINT, termhandler); #ifndef __MINGW32__ if (params.ppid != NULL) { signal(SIGALRM, pidhandler); alarm(5); } else { signal(SIGALRM, handler); alarm(params.timeout); } #endif if (params.online) { MyManager.manager = simpleBDDinit(0); MyManager.t = HIGH(MyManager.manager); MyManager.f = LOW(MyManager.manager); MyManager.varmap = InitNamedVars(1, 0); bdd = OnlineGenerateBDD(MyManager.manager, &MyManager.varmap); ivarcnt = GetVarCount(MyManager.manager); } else { // fprintf(stderr,"reading file \n"); fileheader = ReadFileHeader(arg[params.loadfile]); switch (fileheader.filetype) { case BDDFILE_SCRIPT: // fprintf(stderr," ..... %i \n",fileheader.varcnt); MyManager.manager = simpleBDDinit(fileheader.varcnt); MyManager.t = HIGH(MyManager.manager); MyManager.f = LOW(MyManager.manager); MyManager.varmap = InitNamedVars(fileheader.varcnt, fileheader.varstart); if (fileheader.version > 1) { forest = FileGenerateBDDForest(MyManager.manager, MyManager.varmap, fileheader); bdd = forest[0]; bakbdd = bdd; } else { forest = NULL; bdd = FileGenerateBDD(MyManager.manager, MyManager.varmap, fileheader); bakbdd = bdd; } ivarcnt = fileheader.varcnt; break; case BDDFILE_NODEDUMP: MyManager.manager = simpleBDDinit(fileheader.varcnt); MyManager.t = HIGH(MyManager.manager); MyManager.f = LOW(MyManager.manager); MyManager.varmap = InitNamedVars(fileheader.varcnt, fileheader.varstart); bdd = LoadNodeDump(MyManager.manager, MyManager.varmap, fileheader.inputfile); ivarcnt = fileheader.varcnt; break; default: fprintf(stderr, "Error: not a valid file format to load.\n"); return -1; break; } // fprintf(stderr,"bdd built\n"); } alarm(0); // problem specifics if (bdd != NULL) { ivarcnt = RepairVarcnt(&MyManager.varmap); code = 0; if (params.inputfile != -1) { if (LoadVariableData(MyManager.varmap, arg[params.inputfile]) == -1) return -1; // if (!all_loaded(MyManager.varmap, 1)) return -1; all_loaded_for_deterministic_variables(MyManager.varmap, 1); } // impose a predifined order good for debugging // can be used with a partial number of variables to impose ordering at // beggining of BDD if (params.orderfile != -1) { ImposeOrder( MyManager.manager, MyManager.varmap, GetVariableOrder(arg[params.orderfile], MyManager.varmap.varcnt)); } curbdd = 0; do { MyManager.his = InitHistory(ivarcnt); if (params.method != 0) { switch (arg[params.method][0]) { case 'g': for (i = 0; i < MyManager.varmap.varcnt; i++) { if (MyManager.varmap.vars[i] != NULL) { // check whether this is a continues fact if (MyManager.varmap.dynvalue[i] == NULL) { // nope, regular fact varpattern = extractpattern(MyManager.varmap.vars[i]); if ((varpattern == NULL) || (!patterncalculated(varpattern, MyManager, i))) { tvalue = CalcGradient(MyManager, bdd, i + MyManager.varmap.varstart, varpattern, 0); probability = tvalue.probability; if (varpattern == NULL) { printf("query_gradient(%s,%s,p,%e).\n", arg[params.queryid], MyManager.varmap.vars[i], tvalue.gradient); } else { varpattern[strlen(varpattern) - 2] = '\0'; printf("query_gradient(%s,%s,p,%e).\n", arg[params.queryid], varpattern, tvalue.gradient); } ReInitHistory(MyManager.his, MyManager.varmap.varcnt); if (varpattern != NULL) free(varpattern); } } else { // it is! let's do the Hybrid Problog Magic // first for mu varpattern = extractpattern(MyManager.varmap.vars[i]); if ((varpattern == NULL) || (!patterncalculated(varpattern, MyManager, i))) { tvalue = CalcGradient(MyManager, bdd, i + MyManager.varmap.varstart, varpattern, 1); probability = tvalue.probability; if (varpattern == NULL) { printf("query_gradient(%s,%s,mu,%e).\n", arg[params.queryid], MyManager.varmap.vars[i], tvalue.gradient); } else { varpattern[strlen(varpattern) - 2] = '\0'; printf("query_gradient(%s,%s,mu,%e).\n", arg[params.queryid], varpattern, tvalue.gradient); } } ReInitHistory(MyManager.his, MyManager.varmap.varcnt); if (varpattern != NULL) free(varpattern); // then for sigma varpattern = extractpattern(MyManager.varmap.vars[i]); if ((varpattern == NULL) || (!patterncalculated(varpattern, MyManager, i))) { tvalue = CalcGradient(MyManager, bdd, i + MyManager.varmap.varstart, varpattern, 2); probability = tvalue.probability; if (varpattern == NULL) { printf("query_gradient(%s,%s,sigma,%e).\n", arg[params.queryid], MyManager.varmap.vars[i], tvalue.gradient); } else { varpattern[strlen(varpattern) - 2] = '\0'; printf("query_gradient(%s,%s,sigma,%e).\n", arg[params.queryid], varpattern, tvalue.gradient); } } ReInitHistory(MyManager.his, MyManager.varmap.varcnt); if (varpattern != NULL) free(varpattern); } } else { fprintf(stderr, "Error: no variable name given for parameter.\n"); } } if (probability < 0.0) { // no nodes, so we have to calculate probability ourself tvalue = CalcGradient(MyManager, bdd, 0 + MyManager.varmap.varstart, NULL, 0); probability = tvalue.probability; } printf("query_probability(%s,%e).\n", arg[params.queryid], probability); break; case 'l': tvalue = CalcGradient(MyManager, bdd, 0 + MyManager.varmap.varstart, NULL, 0); probability = tvalue.probability; printf("query_probability(%s,%e).\n", arg[params.queryid], probability); break; case 'e': // fprintf(stderr,"start calc exp count\n"); printf("query_probability(%s,%30.30e).\n", arg[params.queryid], CalcExpectedCounts(&MyManager, bdd, arg[params.queryid], 1)); break; case 'd': // fprintf(stderr,"start calc exp count\n"); printf("query_probability(%s,%30.30e).\n", arg[params.queryid], CalcExpectedCounts(&MyManager, bdd, arg[params.queryid], 0)); break; case 'p': printf("query_probability(%s,%e).\n", arg[params.queryid], CalcProbability(MyManager, bdd)); break; case 'o': onlinetraverse(MyManager.manager, MyManager.varmap, MyManager.his, bdd); break; default: myexpand(MyManager, bdd); break; } } else { myexpand(MyManager, bdd); } if (forest != NULL) { curbdd++; bdd = forest[curbdd]; } else { bdd = NULL; } ReInitHistory(MyManager.his, MyManager.varmap.varcnt); } while (bdd != NULL); bdd = bakbdd; if (params.savedfile > -1) SaveNodeDump(MyManager.manager, MyManager.varmap, bdd, arg[params.savedfile]); if (params.exportfile > -1) simpleNamedBDDtoDot(MyManager.manager, MyManager.varmap, bdd, arg[params.exportfile]); free(MyManager.his); } if (MyManager.manager != NULL) { KillBDD(MyManager.manager); free(MyManager.varmap.dvalue); free(MyManager.varmap.ivalue); if (MyManager.varmap.dynvalue != NULL) { for (i = 0; i < MyManager.varmap.varcnt; i++) if (MyManager.varmap.dynvalue[i] != NULL) { free(MyManager.varmap.dynvalue[i]); } free(MyManager.varmap.dynvalue); } for (i = 0; i < MyManager.varmap.varcnt; i++) free((void *)MyManager.varmap.vars[i]); free(MyManager.varmap.vars); } if (params.error != NULL) free(params.error); return code; } /* Shell Parameters handling */ int argtype(const char *arg) { if (strcmp(arg, "-l") == 0 || strcmp(arg, "--load") == 0) return 0; if (strcmp(arg, "-e") == 0 || strcmp(arg, "--export") == 0) return 2; if (strcmp(arg, "-m") == 0 || strcmp(arg, "--method") == 0) return 3; if (strcmp(arg, "-i") == 0 || strcmp(arg, "--input") == 0) return 4; if (strcmp(arg, "-h") == 0 || strcmp(arg, "--help") == 0) return 5; if (strcmp(arg, "-d") == 0 || strcmp(arg, "--debug") == 0) return 6; if (strcmp(arg, "-id") == 0 || strcmp(arg, "--queryid") == 0) return 7; if (strcmp(arg, "-t") == 0 || strcmp(arg, "--timeout") == 0) return 8; if (strcmp(arg, "-sd") == 0 || strcmp(arg, "--savedump") == 0) return 9; if (strcmp(arg, "-sl") == 0 || strcmp(arg, "--slope") == 0) return 10; if (strcmp(arg, "-o") == 0 || strcmp(arg, "--online") == 0) return 11; if (strcmp(arg, "-bs") == 0 || strcmp(arg, "--bufsize") == 0) return 12; if (strcmp(arg, "-pid") == 0 || strcmp(arg, "--pid") == 0) return 13; if (strcmp(arg, "-ord") == 0 || strcmp(arg, "--order") == 0) return 14; return -1; } void printhelp(int argc, char **arg) { fprintf(stderr, "\n\nProbLogBDD Tool Version: %s\n\n", VERSION); fprintf( stderr, "SimpleCUDD library (www.cs.kuleuven.be/~theo/tools/simplecudd.html)\n"); fprintf(stderr, "SimpleCUDD was developed at Katholieke Universiteit " "Leuven(www.kuleuven.be)\n"); fprintf(stderr, "Copyright Katholieke Universiteit Leuven 2008\n"); fprintf(stderr, "Authors: Theofrastos Mantadelis, Angelika Kimmig, Bernd Gutmann\n"); fprintf(stderr, "This package falls under the: Artistic License 2.0\n"); fprintf(stderr, "\nUsage: %s -l [filename] -i [filename] -o (-s(d) " "[filename] -e [filename] -m [method] -id [queryid] -sl " "[double]) (-t [seconds] -d -h)\n", arg[0]); fprintf(stderr, "Generates and traverses a BDD\nMandatory parameters:\n"); fprintf(stderr, "\t-l [filename]\t->\tfilename to load supports two " "formats:\n\t\t\t\t\t\t1. script with generation " "instructions\n\t\t\t\t\t\t2. node dump saved file\n"); fprintf(stderr, "\t-i [filename]\t->\tfilename to input problem specifics " "(mandatory with file formats 1, 2)\n"); fprintf(stderr, "\t-o\t\t->\tgenerates the BDD in online mode instead from a " "file can be used instead of -l\n"); fprintf(stderr, "Optional parameters:\n"); fprintf(stderr, "\t-sd [filename]\t->\tfilename to save generated BDD in " "node dump format (fast loading, traverse valid only)\n"); fprintf( stderr, "\t-e [filename]\t->\tfilename to export generated BDD in dot format\n"); fprintf(stderr, "\t-m [method]\t->\tthe calculation method to be used: " "none(default), [p]robability, [g]radient, [l]ine search, " "[o]nline, [e]xpexted counts, prob. with [d]eterministic " "nodes\n"); fprintf(stderr, "\t-id [queryid]\t->\tthe queries identity name (used by " "gradient) default: %s\n", arg[0]); fprintf(stderr, "\t-sl [double]\t->\tthe sigmoid slope (used by gradient) " "default: 1.0\n"); fprintf(stderr, "Extra parameters:\n"); fprintf(stderr, "\t-t [seconds]\t->\tthe seconds (int) for BDD generation " "timeout default 0 = no timeout\n"); fprintf(stderr, "\t-pid [pid]\t->\ta process id (int) to check for " "termination default 0 = no process to check\n"); fprintf(stderr, "\t-bs [bytes]\t->\tthe bytes (int) to use as a maximum " "buffer size to read files default 0 = no max\n"); fprintf(stderr, "\t-ord [filename]\t->\tUse the [filename] to define a " "specific BDD variable order\n"); fprintf(stderr, "\t-d\t\t->\tRun in debug mode (gives extra messages in stderr)\n"); fprintf(stderr, "\t-h\t\t->\tHelp (displays this message)\n"); fprintf(stderr, "Extra notes:\nSupports a forest of BDDs in one shared " "BDD.\nSelected computational methods will be applied to " "each BDD seperately.\nFile operations will be applied only " "to the first BDD.\n"); fprintf(stderr, "\nExample: %s -l testbdd -i input.txt -m g -id testbdd\n", arg[0]); } parameters loadparam(int argc, char **arg) { int i; parameters params; params.loadfile = -1; params.savedfile = -1; params.exportfile = -1; params.method = 0; params.inputfile = -1; params.debug = 0; params.errorcnt = 0; params.queryid = 0; params.timeout = 0; params.sigmoid_slope = 1.0; params.online = 0; params.maxbufsize = 0; params.ppid = NULL; params.orderfile = -1; params.error = (int *)malloc(argc * sizeof(int)); for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) { switch (argtype(arg[i])) { case 0: if (argc > i + 1) { i++; params.loadfile = i; } else { params.error[params.errorcnt] = i; params.errorcnt++; } break; case 2: if (argc > i + 1) { i++; params.exportfile = i; } else { params.error[params.errorcnt] = i; params.errorcnt++; } break; case 3: if (argc > i + 1) { i++; params.method = i; } else { params.error[params.errorcnt] = i; params.errorcnt++; } break; case 4: if (argc > i + 1) { i++; params.inputfile = i; } else { params.error[params.errorcnt] = i; params.errorcnt++; } break; case 5: printhelp(argc, arg); break; case 6: params.debug = 1; break; case 7: if (argc > i + 1) { i++; params.queryid = i; } else { params.error[params.errorcnt] = i; params.errorcnt++; } break; case 8: if ((argc > i + 1) && (IsPosNumber(arg[i + 1]))) { i++; params.timeout = atoi(arg[i]); } else { params.error[params.errorcnt] = i; params.errorcnt++; } break; case 9: if (argc > i + 1) { i++; params.savedfile = i; } else { params.error[params.errorcnt] = i; params.errorcnt++; } break; case 10: if ((argc > i + 1) && (IsRealNumber(arg[i + 1]))) { i++; params.sigmoid_slope = atof(arg[i]); } else { params.error[params.errorcnt] = i; params.errorcnt++; } break; case 11: params.online = 1; break; case 12: if ((argc > i + 1) && (IsPosNumber(arg[i + 1]))) { i++; params.maxbufsize = atoi(arg[i]); } else { params.error[params.errorcnt] = i; params.errorcnt++; } break; case 13: if ((argc > i + 1) && (IsPosNumber(arg[i + 1]))) { i++; params.ppid = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char) * (strlen(arg[i]) + 1)); strcpy(params.ppid, arg[i]); } else { params.error[params.errorcnt] = i; params.errorcnt++; } break; case 14: if (argc > i + 1) { i++; params.orderfile = i; } else { params.error[params.errorcnt] = i; params.errorcnt++; } break; default: params.error[params.errorcnt] = i; params.errorcnt++; break; } } return params; } /* Error Handlers */ void handler(int num) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: Timeout %i exceeded.\n", params.timeout); exit(-1); } void pidhandler(int num) { char *s; if (params.timeout > 0) { params.timeout -= 5; if (params.timeout <= 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: Timeout exceeded.\n"); exit(-1); } } s = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char) * (19 + strlen(params.ppid))); strcpy(s, "ps "); strcat(s, params.ppid); strcat(s, " >/dev/null"); if (system(s) != 0) exit(4); #ifndef __MINGW32__ signal(SIGALRM, pidhandler); #endif alarm(5); free(s); } void termhandler(int num) { exit(3); } /* Debugging traverse function */ void myexpand(extmanager MyManager, DdNode *Current) { DdNode *h, *l; hisnode *Found; const char *curnode; curnode = GetNodeVarNameDisp(MyManager.manager, MyManager.varmap, Current); printf("%s\n", curnode); if ((Current != MyManager.t) && (Current != MyManager.f) && ((Found = GetNode(MyManager.his, MyManager.varmap.varstart, Current)) == NULL)) { l = LowNodeOf(MyManager.manager, Current); h = HighNodeOf(MyManager.manager, Current); printf("l(%s)->", curnode); myexpand(MyManager, l); printf("h(%s)->", curnode); myexpand(MyManager, h); AddNode(MyManager.his, MyManager.varmap.varstart, Current, 0.0, 0, NULL); } } /* Angelika's Algorithm */ double CalcProbability(extmanager MyManager, DdNode *Current) { DdNode *h, *l; hisnode *Found = NULL; const char *curnode; //, *dynvalue; double lvalue, hvalue, tvalue; // density_integral dynvalue_parsed; if (params.debug) { curnode = GetNodeVarNameDisp(MyManager.manager, MyManager.varmap, Current); fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", curnode); } else { // gcc stupidly complains. curnode = NULL; } if (Current == MyManager.t) return 1.0; if (Current == MyManager.f) return 0.0; if ((Found = GetNode(MyManager.his, MyManager.varmap.varstart, Current)) != NULL) return Found->dvalue; l = LowNodeOf(MyManager.manager, Current); h = HighNodeOf(MyManager.manager, Current); if (params.debug) fprintf(stderr, "l(%s)->", curnode); lvalue = CalcProbability(MyManager, l); if (params.debug) fprintf(stderr, "h(%s)->", curnode); hvalue = CalcProbability(MyManager, h); tvalue = MyManager.varmap.dvalue[GetIndex(Current) - MyManager.varmap.varstart]; tvalue = tvalue * hvalue + lvalue * (1.0 - tvalue); AddNode(MyManager.his, MyManager.varmap.varstart, Current, tvalue, 0, NULL); return tvalue; } double CalcExpectedCounts(extmanager *MyManager, DdNode *Current, char *query_id, int calcdown_needed) { // fprintf(stderr,"%%calcing up\n"); double ret = CalcExpectedCountsUp(MyManager, Current, query_id); // fprintf(stderr,"%%result is %e\n",ret); // fprintf(stderr,"%%calcing down\n"); if (calcdown_needed != 0) { // double retd=CalcExpectedCountsDown(MyManager,Current, query_id); } /* if(1 != retd){ */ /* fprintf(stderr,"down %e != up %e/%e\n",ret,retd,ret); */ /* exit(1); */ /* } */ return ret; } /* ComparisonFunction compare_nodes ( extmanager MyManager) */ /* { */ /* //fprintf(stderr,"creating comparator for %p\n",MyManager); */ /* int comparator(void *av, void *bv){ */ /* fprintf(stderr,"========================> %p \n",MyManager); */ /* fprintf(stderr,"xxxxx \n"); */ /* DdNode* a = (DdNode*)av; */ /* DdNode* b = (DdNode*)bv; */ /* extmanager MyManager; */ /* int aindex,bindex, aperm, bperm; */ /* aindex=GetIndex(a); */ /* bindex=GetIndex(b); */ /* aperm=Cudd_IsConstant(a) ? CUDD_CONST_INDEX : * Cudd_ReadPerm(MyManager.manager,aindex); */ /* Cudd_ReadPerm(MyManager.manager,bindex); */ /* bperm=Cudd_IsConstant(b) ? CUDD_CONST_INDEX : * Cudd_ReadPerm(MyManager.manager,bindex); */ /* int temp = aperm-bperm; */ /* //-Cudd_ReadPerm(MyManager.manager,(*b).index);//-Cudd_ReadPerm(MyManager,b);// * - Cudd_ReadPerm(b); */ /* //fprintf(stderr,"comparing3 %p %p %p\n",a,b,MyManager); */ /* // return -1; */ /* if (temp < 0) */ /* return 1; */ /* else if (temp > 0) */ /* return -1; */ /* // else //never return zero otherwise one is pruned away, or(?) */ /* // return 0; */ /* } */ /* // return (acurrentItem != NULL) { DdNode *val = (DdNode *)qiter->currentItem->element; QueueIteratorAdvance(qiter); fprintf(stderr, " %s %s", GetNodeVarNameDisp(MyManager.manager, MyManager.varmap, val), (qiter->currentItem != NULL) ? "," : "]\n"); } } /** also nesting in CalcExpected seems to not work (must be here nested only * valid within function frame)*/ /* will be changed at later stage */ static extmanager *ineedtostorethatsomehow; static int comparator(void *av, void *bv) { int ret = 0; DdNode *a = (DdNode *)av; DdNode *b = (DdNode *)bv; int aindex, bindex, aperm, bperm; aindex = GetIndex(a); bindex = GetIndex(b); aperm = Cudd_IsConstant(a) ? CUDD_CONST_INDEX : Cudd_ReadPerm(ineedtostorethatsomehow->manager, aindex); Cudd_ReadPerm(ineedtostorethatsomehow->manager, bindex); bperm = Cudd_IsConstant(b) ? CUDD_CONST_INDEX : Cudd_ReadPerm(ineedtostorethatsomehow->manager, bindex); int temp = -aperm + bperm; if (temp < 0) ret = 1; else if (temp > 0) ret = -1; // else //never return zero otherwise one is pruned away, or(?) // return 0; if (LOG_EXPECTED) { fprintf(stderr, "perm(%s,%i)=%i perm(%s,%i)=%i => %i\n", GetNodeVarNameDisp(ineedtostorethatsomehow->manager, ineedtostorethatsomehow->varmap, a), aindex, aperm, GetNodeVarNameDisp(ineedtostorethatsomehow->manager, ineedtostorethatsomehow->varmap, b), bindex, bperm, ret); } return ret; } static void skip_nodes_cnt(extmanager *MyManager, double (*counts)[], int skipcnt, DdNode *l, double dprob, char *query_id); /** output information for skipped nodes **/ static void skip_nodes(extmanager *MyManager, double (*counts)[], DdNode *node, DdNode *l, double dprob, char *query_id) { int skipcnt; skipcnt = Cudd_ReadPerm(MyManager->manager, GetIndex(node)) + 1; if (LOG_EXPECTED) { fprintf(stderr, ">> skipper >> %s=%i@%i of %i -> %i@%i %i\n", (char *)(MyManager->varmap.dynvalue[GetIndex(node) - MyManager->varmap.varstart]), GetIndex(node), Cudd_ReadPerm(MyManager->manager, GetIndex(node)), Cudd_ReadSize(MyManager->manager), GetIndex(l), Cudd_ReadPerm(MyManager->manager, GetIndex(l)), Cudd_IsConstant(l)); } skip_nodes_cnt(MyManager, counts, skipcnt, l, dprob, query_id); } static void skip_nodes_cnt(extmanager *MyManager, double (*counts)[], int skipcnt, DdNode *l, double dprob, char *query_id) { if (LOG_EXPECTED) fprintf(stderr, "====================\n"); double p; int ivalue; // fprintf(stderr, " skip (:%i) \n",__LINE__); while (Cudd_IsConstant(l) ? skipcnt < Cudd_ReadSize(MyManager->manager) // the // terminals/leafs/constants // will be ignored : skipcnt < Cudd_ReadPerm(MyManager->manager, GetIndex(l))) { skipcnt++; if (LOG_EXPECTED) { fprintf(stderr, "skipcnt %i\n", skipcnt - 1); } int idx = Cudd_ReadInvPerm(MyManager->manager, skipcnt - 1); if (LOG_EXPECTED) { fprintf(stderr, "index %i %i\n", idx, MyManager->varmap.varstart); } // fprintf(stdout,"%i // %s.\n",skipcnt,MyManager->varmap.dynvalue[GetIndex(node) - // MyManager->varmap.varstart]); if (LOG_EXPECTED) { fprintf(stderr, "Node skipped level %i index: %i name: %s (dprob is %e)\n", skipcnt, idx, MyManager->varmap.vars[idx - MyManager->varmap.varstart], dprob); } // notiz ivalue = MyManager->varmap.ivalue[idx - MyManager->varmap.varstart]; //+ new{ // double tvalue; // probability of prob fact corresp to node // tvalue = MyManager->varmap.dvalue[idx - MyManager->varmap.varstart]; //} if (ivalue == 1) { p = dprob * MyManager->varmap.dvalue[idx - MyManager->varmap.varstart]; //+ new{ // p=dprob*MyManager->varmap.dvalue[idx - MyManager->varmap.varstart] // *tvalue; //} if (p > 0) { // probability is zero, don't follow this branch (*counts)[idx - MyManager->varmap.varstart] += p; // fprintf(stdout,"oec(%s,%s,%e). //%%2\n",query_id,MyManager->varmap.vars[idx - // MyManager->varmap.varstart],p); if (LOG_EXPECTED) fprintf(stderr, "ec -> %s,%s,%e . %%2_1\n", query_id, MyManager->varmap.vars[idx - MyManager->varmap.varstart], p); } else { if (LOG_EXPECTED) { fprintf(stdout, "%% ec(%s,%s,%30.30e). %%2_2\n", query_id, MyManager->varmap.vars[idx - MyManager->varmap.varstart], p); } } } } // fprintf(stderr, " skip %i \n",__LINE__); if (LOG_EXPECTED) { fprintf(stderr, "skipped\n"); } } double CalcExpectedCountsDown(extmanager *MyManager, DdNode *Current, char *query_id) { ineedtostorethatsomehow = MyManager; Queue q = QueueNew(); // fprintf(stderr", =====> queue is: %p \n",q); int i; const char *curnode, *curh, *curl, *dynvalue; DdNode *h, *l, *node; ComparisonFunction fun; hisnode *Found = NULL, *lfound, *hfound; double dprob; // downward probability of current node double tvalue; // probability of prob fact corresp to node int ivalue; double retval; // last value of true double counts[MyManager->varmap.varcnt]; double(*pcnt)[MyManager->varmap.varcnt]; pcnt = &counts; for (i = 0; i < MyManager->varmap.varcnt; i++) { (*pcnt)[i] = 0; } // skip everything before the first node: skip_nodes_cnt(MyManager, pcnt, 0, Current, 1, query_id); fun = *comparator; if (LOG_EXPECTED) { fprintf(stderr, " ##############################\n"); } if (LOG_EXPECTED) { fprintf(stderr, " ##############################\n fun is %p\n", fun); } if (!Cudd_IsConstant(Current)) { QueuePutOnPriority(q, Current, NODE_VALUE, fun); Found = GetNode(MyManager->his, MyManager->varmap.varstart, Current); (*Found).dvalue2 = 1.0 / ((*Found).dvalue); dynvalue = (*Found).dynvalue; } Current = NULL; // not used anymore or should not be retval = 0; while (QueueSize(q) > 0) { if (LOG_EXPECTED) { fprintf(stderr, "\n"); } if (LOG_EXPECTED) { PrintNodeQueue(q, *MyManager); } node = QueueGet(q); curnode = GetNodeVarNameDisp(MyManager->manager, MyManager->varmap, node); // int level = Cudd_ReadPerm(MyManager->manager,GetIndex(node)); if (!Cudd_IsConstant(node)) { tvalue = MyManager->varmap.dvalue[GetIndex(node) - MyManager->varmap.varstart]; ivalue = MyManager->varmap.ivalue[GetIndex(node) - MyManager->varmap.varstart]; dynvalue = MyManager->varmap.vars[GetIndex(node) - MyManager->varmap.varstart]; Found = GetNode(MyManager->his, MyManager->varmap.varstart, node); dprob = (*Found).dvalue2; l = LowNodeOf(MyManager->manager, node); h = HighNodeOf(MyManager->manager, node); lfound = GetNode(MyManager->his, MyManager->varmap.varstart, l); hfound = GetNode(MyManager->his, MyManager->varmap.varstart, h); curh = GetNodeVarNameDisp(MyManager->manager, MyManager->varmap, h); curl = GetNodeVarNameDisp(MyManager->manager, MyManager->varmap, l); if (LOG_EXPECTED) { fprintf(stderr, "%s (%i)--> %s %s\n", curnode, (*node).index, curh, curl); } /** low node */ if ((*lfound).dvalue2 < -0.1) { // only if not seen before == dvalue2=0 // (almost) otherwise requing does not // harm if (LOG_EXPECTED) { fprintf(stderr, "queueing l(%s)=%s \n", curnode, curl); } QueuePutOnPriority(q, l, NODE_VALUE, fun); (*lfound).dvalue2 = 0; } ((*lfound).dvalue2) = ((*lfound).dvalue2) + (ivalue == 0 ? dprob : dprob * (1 - tvalue)); if (LOG_EXPECTED) { fprintf(stderr, "l(%s)=%s %e \n", curnode, curl, (*lfound).dvalue2); } if (LOG_EXPECTED) { fprintf(stderr, "l(%s)=%s %e %e %e\n", curnode, curl, (*lfound).dvalue2, tvalue, dprob); } /** high node */ if ((*hfound).dvalue2 < -0.1) { // only if not seen before == dvalue2=0 // (almost) otherwise requing does not // harm fun = *comparator; (*fun)(l, l); if (LOG_EXPECTED) { PrintNodeQueue(q, *MyManager); fprintf(stderr, "-> %p\n", h); } QueuePutOnPriority(q, h, NODE_VALUE, fun); (*hfound).dvalue2 = 0; } (*hfound).dvalue2 = (*hfound).dvalue2 + (ivalue == 0 ? dprob : (dprob * (tvalue))); if (LOG_EXPECTED) { fprintf(stderr, "h(%s)=%s %e %e %e\n", curnode, curh, (*hfound).dvalue2, tvalue, dprob); } /** output expected counts current node */ if (ivalue == 1) { (*pcnt)[GetIndex(node) - MyManager->varmap.varstart] += dprob * tvalue * (*hfound).dvalue; // fprintf(stdout,"oec(%s,%s,%e). %% 1_1\n",query_id,dynvalue,dprob * // tvalue * (*hfound).dvalue); if (LOG_EXPECTED) fprintf(stderr, "ec -> %s,%s,%e . %% 1_1\n", query_id, dynvalue, dprob * tvalue * (*hfound).dvalue); } else { (*pcnt)[GetIndex(node) - MyManager->varmap.varstart] += dprob * tvalue * (*hfound).dvalue; if (LOG_EXPECTED) fprintf(stderr, "ec -> %s,%s,%e . %% 1_2\n", query_id, dynvalue, dprob * tvalue * (*hfound).dvalue); } /** output expected counts of skipped nodes for low branch*/ skip_nodes(MyManager, pcnt, node, l, dprob * ((ivalue == 0) ? 1 : (1 - tvalue)) * (*lfound).dvalue, query_id); skip_nodes(MyManager, pcnt, node, h, dprob * ((ivalue == 0) ? 1 : (tvalue)) * (*hfound).dvalue, query_id); } else { if (LOG_EXPECTED) { fprintf(stderr, "here: retval %s %e=>%e\n", curnode, retval, (*Found).dvalue2); } if (node == (MyManager->t)) { if (LOG_EXPECTED) { fprintf(stderr, "updating retval %e=>%e\n", retval, (*Found).dvalue2); } retval = (*Found).dvalue2; } } } for (i = 0; i < MyManager->varmap.varcnt; i++) { ivalue = MyManager->varmap.ivalue[i]; /* fprintf(stderr,"Node level %i index: %i name: %s (dprob is %e)\n", */ /* i,idx, */ /* MyManager->varmap.vars[idx - MyManager->varmap.varstart], */ /* dprob); */ // fprintf(stderr,"Node idx: %i level: %i // \n",i,Cudd_ReadPerm(MyManager->manager,i)); if (ivalue == 0) { fprintf(stdout, "%% det: ec(%s,%s,%30.30e).\n", query_id, MyManager->varmap.vars[i], (counts)[i]); } else { fprintf(stdout, "ec(%s,%s,%30.30e).\n", query_id, MyManager->varmap.vars[i], (counts)[i]); } } // free(counts); if (LOG_EXPECTED) { fprintf(stderr, "retval is %e\n", retval); } return retval; } double CalcExpectedCountsUp(extmanager *MyManager, DdNode *Current, char *query_id) { // fprintf(stderr,"--------------------- the manager 2 %p \n",&MyManager); DdNode *h, *l; hisnode *Found; const char *curnode = NULL; double lvalue, hvalue, tvalue; // tvalue=0.0; int ivalue; if (params.debug) { curnode = GetNodeVarNameDisp(MyManager->manager, MyManager->varmap, Current); fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", curnode); } if (Current == MyManager->t) { // if ((Found = GetNode(MyManager->his, MyManager->varmap.varstart, // Current)) == NULL) { // fprintf(stderr,"adding true \n"); AddNode(MyManager->his, MyManager->varmap.varstart, MyManager->t, 1, 0, NULL); //}//needed in down return 1.0; } if (Current == MyManager->f) { // fprintf(stderr,"adding false \n"); // if ((Found = GetNode(MyManager->his, MyManager->varmap.varstart, // Current)) == NULL) { AddNode(MyManager->his, MyManager->varmap.varstart, MyManager->f, 0, 0, NULL); //}//needed in down return 0.0; } if ((Found = GetNode(MyManager->his, MyManager->varmap.varstart, Current)) != NULL) return Found->dvalue; l = LowNodeOf(MyManager->manager, Current); h = HighNodeOf(MyManager->manager, Current); if (params.debug) fprintf(stderr, "l(%s)->", curnode); lvalue = CalcExpectedCountsUp(MyManager, l, query_id); if (params.debug) fprintf(stderr, "h(%s)->", curnode); hvalue = CalcExpectedCountsUp(MyManager, h, query_id); tvalue = MyManager->varmap.dvalue[GetIndex(Current) - MyManager->varmap.varstart]; // notiz ivalue = MyManager->varmap.ivalue[GetIndex(Current) - MyManager->varmap.varstart]; if (ivalue == 1) { tvalue = tvalue * hvalue + lvalue * (1.0 - tvalue); } else if (ivalue == 0) { tvalue = hvalue + lvalue; } // fprintf(stderr," ---> %e \n",tvalue); AddNode(MyManager->his, MyManager->varmap.varstart, Current, tvalue, 0, NULL); return tvalue; } /* Bernds Algorithm */ // type=0 regular probabilistic fact // type=1 derive gradient for mu // type=2 derive gradient for sigma gradientpair CalcGradient(extmanager MyManager, DdNode *Current, int TargetVar, char *TargetPattern, int type) { DdNode *h, *l; hisnode *Found; const char *curnode = NULL, *dynvalue; gradientpair lowvalue, highvalue, tvalue; double this_probability; double *gradient; density_integral dynvalue_parsed; if (params.debug) { curnode = GetNodeVarNameDisp(MyManager.manager, MyManager.varmap, Current); fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", curnode); } // base cases if (Current == MyManager.t) { tvalue.probability = 1.0; tvalue.gradient = 0.0; return tvalue; } if (Current == MyManager.f) { tvalue.probability = 0.0; tvalue.gradient = 0.0; return tvalue; } // node is in cache if ((Found = GetNode(MyManager.his, MyManager.varmap.varstart, Current)) != NULL) { tvalue.probability = Found->dvalue; tvalue.gradient = *((double *)Found->dynvalue); return tvalue; } // inductive case l = LowNodeOf(MyManager.manager, Current); h = HighNodeOf(MyManager.manager, Current); if (params.debug) fprintf(stderr, "l(%s)->", curnode); lowvalue = CalcGradient(MyManager, l, TargetVar, TargetPattern, type); if (params.debug) fprintf(stderr, "h(%s)->", curnode); highvalue = CalcGradient(MyManager, h, TargetVar, TargetPattern, type); dynvalue = (char *)MyManager.varmap .dynvalue[GetIndex(Current) - MyManager.varmap.varstart]; if (dynvalue == NULL) { // no dynvalue, it's a regular probabilistic fact memset(&dynvalue_parsed, 0, sizeof(dynvalue_parsed)); this_probability = sigmoid( MyManager.varmap.dvalue[GetIndex(Current) - MyManager.varmap.varstart], params.sigmoid_slope); } else { // there is a dynvalue, it's a continuous fact! let's do the hybrid // ProbLog magic here curnode = GetNodeVarNameDisp(MyManager.manager, MyManager.varmap, Current); dynvalue_parsed = parse_density_integral_string(dynvalue, curnode); this_probability = cumulative_normal(dynvalue_parsed.low, dynvalue_parsed.high, dynvalue_parsed.mu, dynvalue_parsed.sigma); } tvalue.probability = this_probability * highvalue.probability + (1 - this_probability) * lowvalue.probability; tvalue.gradient = this_probability * highvalue.gradient + (1 - this_probability) * lowvalue.gradient; if ((GetIndex(Current) == TargetVar) || ((TargetPattern != NULL) && patternmatch(TargetPattern, MyManager.varmap.vars[GetIndex(Current)]))) { if (type == 0) { // current node is normal probabilistic fact tvalue.gradient += (highvalue.probability - lowvalue.probability) * this_probability * (1 - this_probability) * params.sigmoid_slope; } else if (type == 1) { // it's a continues fact and we need d/dmu tvalue.gradient += cumulative_normal_dmu(dynvalue_parsed.low, dynvalue_parsed.high, dynvalue_parsed.mu, dynvalue_parsed.sigma) * (highvalue.probability + lowvalue.probability); } else if (type == 2) { // it's a continues fact and we need d/dsigma tvalue.gradient += cumulative_normal_dsigma(dynvalue_parsed.low, dynvalue_parsed.high, dynvalue_parsed.mu, dynvalue_parsed.sigma) * (highvalue.probability + lowvalue.probability); } } gradient = (double *)malloc(sizeof(double)); *gradient = tvalue.gradient; AddNode(MyManager.his, MyManager.varmap.varstart, Current, tvalue.probability, 0, gradient); return tvalue; } char *extractpattern(const char *thestr) { char *p; int i = 0, sl = strlen(thestr); while ((thestr[i] != '_') && (i < sl)) i++; if (i == sl) return NULL; i++; p = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char) * (i + 2)); strncpy(p, thestr, i); p[i] = '*'; p[i + 1] = '\0'; return p; } int patterncalculated(char *pattern, extmanager MyManager, int loc) { int i; if (pattern == NULL) return 0; for (i = loc - 1; i > -1; i--) if (patternmatch(pattern, MyManager.varmap.vars[i])) return 1; return 0; }