/** * @file jupyter.yap * * @brief allow interaction between Jupyter and YAP. * * @long The code in here: * - establishes communication between Prolog and Python Streams * - inputs Prolog code and queries * - supports completion of Prolog programs. * - */ :- module( jupyter, [jupyter_query/3, errors/2, ready/2, completion/2 ] ). :- reexport(library(yapi)). :- use_module(library(lists)). :- use_module(library(maplist)). :- use_module(library(python)). :- python_import(sys). user:jupyter_query(Self, Cell, Line ) :- start_low_level_trace, setup_call_cleanup( jupyter: enter_cell(Self), jupyter:jupyter_cell(Self, Cell, Line), jupyter:exit_cell(Self) ). jupyter_cell(_Self, Cell, _) :- jupyter_consult(Cell), fail. jupyter_cell( _Self, _, Line ) :- blank( Line ), !. jupyter_cell( _Self, _, [] ) :- !. jupyter_cell( Self, _, Line ) :- python_query( Self, Line ). jupyter_consult(Text) :- blank( Text ), !. jupyter_consult(Cell) :- open_mem_read_stream( Cell, Stream), load_files(user:'jupyter cell',[stream(Stream)]). %should load_files close? blank(Text) :- atom_codes(Text, L), maplist( blankc, L). blankc(' '). blankc('\n'). blankc('\t'). enter_cell(_Self) :- open('//python/input', read, _Input, []), open('//python/sys.stdout', append, _Output, []), open('//python/sys.stdout', append, _Error, []), %set_prolog_flag(user_input, _Input), set_prolog_flag(user_output, _Output), set_prolog_flag(user_error, _Error). exit_cell(_Self) :- %close( user_input), close( user_output), close( user_error). user:completions(S, Self) :- open_mem_read_stream(S, St), scan_to_list(St, Tokens), close(St), reverse(Tokens, RTokens), strip_final_tokens(RTokens, MyTokens), setof( Completion, complete(MyTokens, Completion), Cs), Self.matches := Cs. strip_final_tokens(['EOT'|Ts], Ts) :- !. strip_final_tokens( Ts, Ts ). complete([E,l,C,l,A|More], isconsult(A), %B = l, library(C,Lib), %D=l, E=atom(Prefix), \+ arg( Rest ), check_library( Prefix, Lib, C). complete([E,l,C,l,-,'['|More], isconsult(A), %B = l, library(C,Lib), %D=l, E=atom(Prefix), \+ arg( Rest ), check_library( Prefix, Lib, C). complete([C,l,A|More], isconsult(A), %B = l, C=atom(Prefix), \+ arg( Rest ), file_or_library( Prefix, C). complete([C,l,-,'['|More], isconsult(A), %B = l, C=atom(Prefix), \+ arg( Rest ), file_or_library( Prefix, C). complete( [atom(F)|Rest], C) :- \+ arg( Rest ), predicate( F, Pred, Arity ), cont( Arity, F, Pred, C). isconsult( atom(use_module) ). isconsult( atom(ensure_loaded) ). isconsult( atom(compile) ). isconsult( atom(consult) ). isconsult( atom(reconsult) ). isconsult( atom(load_files) ). isconsult( '[' ). arg([']'|_]). arg([l|_]). file_or_library(F,C) :- libsym(C0), atom_cooncat(F,C,C0). file_or_library(F,C) :- check_file(F,C). check_file(F0,C) :- atom_concat('\'',F,F0), !, absolute_file_name( F, FF, [access(none)] ), atom_concat( FF, '*' , Pat), absolute_file_name( Pat, C0, [glob(true)] ), atom_concat(Pat,C00,C0), atom_conct(C00,'\'',C). check_file(F0,C) :- atom_concat( F0, '*' , Pat), absolute_file_name( Pat, C0, [glob(true)] ), atom_concat(Pat,C,C0). check_library( Lib, F, C) :- atom_concat( F, '*' , Pat), LibF =.. [Lib(Pat)], absolute_file_name( LibF, Lib, [glob(true)] ), file_directory_name( Lib, Name), ( atom_concat(C, '.yap', Name) -> true ; atom_concat(C, '.ypp', Name) -> true ; atom_concat(C, '.prolog', Name) -> true ). predicate(N,P,A) :- system_predicate(P0/A), atom_concat(N,P,P0). predicate(N,P,A) :- current_predicate(P0/A), atom_concat(N,P,P0). cont(0, F, P, P0) :- atom_concat( F, P, P0 ). cont( _, F, P, PB ):- atom_concat( [F, P, '('], PB ). ready(_Self, Line ) :- blank( Line ), !. ready(Self, Line ) :- errors( Self, Line ), \+ syntax_error(_,_). user:errors( Self, Text ) :- setup_call_cleanup( open_events( Self, Text, Stream), clauses(Self, Stream), close_events( Self ) ). clauses(Self, Stream) :- repeat, read_clause(Stream, Cl, [term_position(_Pos), syntax_errors(fail)] ), command( Self, Cl ), Cl == end_of_file, !. command(_, end_of_file) :- !. command( _Self, ( :- op(Prio,Assoc,Name) ) ) :- addop(Prio,Assoc,Name). command( _Self, ( :- module(Name, Exports) )) :- retract( active_module( M0 ) ), atom_concat( '__m0_', Name, M ), assert( active_module(M) ), assert( undo( active_module(M0) ) ), maplist( addop2(M), Exports). addop(Prio,Assoc,Name) :- ( current_op(OPrio, SimilarAssoc, Name), op(Prio, Assoc, Name), matched_op(Assoc, SimilarAssoc) -> assertz( undo(op( OPrio, Assoc, Name ) ) ) ; assertz( undo(op( 0, Assoc, Name ) ) ) ). addop2(M, op(Prio, Assoc, Name)) :- addop( Prio, Assoc, M:Name ). matched_op(A, B) :- optype( A, T), optype( B, T). optype(fx,pre). optype(fy,pre). optype(xfx,in). optype(xfy,in). optype(yfx,in). optype(yfy,in). optype(xf,pos). optype(yf,pos). :- dynamic user:portray_message/2. :- multifile user:portray_message/2. :- dynamic syntax_error/4, undo/1. open_events(Self, Text, Stream) :- Self.errors := [], open_mem_read_stream( Text, Stream ), assert((user:portray_message(_Severity, error(syntax_error(Cause),info(between(_,LN,_), _FileName, CharPos, Details))) :- assert( syntax_error(Cause,LN,CharPos,Details) ) )). close_events( _Self ) :- retract( undo(G) ), call(G), fail. close_events( Self ) :- retract( syntax_error( C, L, N, A )), Self.errors := [t(C,L,N,A)] + Self.errors, fail. close_events( _ ).