#include "Yap.h" #include "Yatom.h" /** * Scan a list of arguments and output results to a pre-processed vector. * * @param listl: input list * @param def parameter definition * * @return all arguments, some of them set, some of them not. */ static xarg * matchKey(Atom key, xarg *e0, int n, const param_t *def) { int i; for (i=0; i< n; i++) { if (!strcmp((char *)def->name, (char *)RepAtom(key)->StrOfAE)) { return e0; } def++; e0++; } return NULL; } xarg * Yap_ArgListToVector (Term listl, const param_t *def, int n) { CACHE_REGS xarg *a = calloc( n , sizeof(xarg) ); if (IsApplTerm(listl) && FunctorOfTerm(listl) == FunctorModule) listl = ArgOfTerm(2,listl); if (!IsPairTerm(listl) && listl != TermNil) { if (IsVarTerm(listl) ) { free( a ); LOCAL_Error_TYPE = INSTANTIATION_ERROR; LOCAL_Error_Term = listl; return NULL; } if (IsAtomTerm(listl) ) { xarg *na = matchKey( AtomOfTerm(listl), a, n, def); if (!na) { free( a ); LOCAL_Error_TYPE = TYPE_ERROR_LIST; LOCAL_Error_Term = listl; return NULL; } } else if (IsApplTerm(listl)) { Functor f = FunctorOfTerm( listl ); if (IsExtensionFunctor(f)) { free( a ); LOCAL_Error_TYPE = TYPE_ERROR_LIST; LOCAL_Error_Term = listl; return NULL; } arity_t arity = ArityOfFunctor( f ); if (arity != 1) { free( a ); LOCAL_Error_TYPE = TYPE_ERROR_LIST; LOCAL_Error_Term = listl; return NULL; } xarg *na = matchKey( NameOfFunctor( f ), a, n, def); if (!na) { free( a ); LOCAL_Error_TYPE = TYPE_ERROR_LIST; LOCAL_Error_Term = listl; return NULL; } } else { free( a ); LOCAL_Error_TYPE = TYPE_ERROR_LIST; LOCAL_Error_Term = listl; return NULL; } listl = MkPairTerm( listl, TermNil ); } while (IsPairTerm(listl)) { Term hd = HeadOfTerm( listl ); listl = TailOfTerm( listl ); if (IsVarTerm(hd) || IsVarTerm(listl)) { LOCAL_Error_TYPE = INSTANTIATION_ERROR; if (IsVarTerm(hd)) { LOCAL_Error_Term = hd; } else { LOCAL_Error_Term = listl; } free( a ); return NULL; } if (IsAtomTerm(hd)) { xarg *na = matchKey( AtomOfTerm( hd ), a, n, def); if (!na) return NULL; na->used = true; na->tvalue = TermNil; continue; } else if (IsApplTerm( hd )) { Functor f = FunctorOfTerm( hd ); if (IsExtensionFunctor(f)) { LOCAL_Error_TYPE = TYPE_ERROR_PARAMETER; LOCAL_Error_Term = hd; free( a ); return NULL; } arity_t arity = ArityOfFunctor( f ); if (arity != 1) { LOCAL_Error_TYPE = DOMAIN_ERROR_OUT_OF_RANGE; LOCAL_Error_Term = hd; free( a ); return NULL; } xarg *na = matchKey( NameOfFunctor( f ), a, n, def); if (!na) { free( a ); return NULL; na->used = 1; na->tvalue = ArgOfTerm(1, hd); } else { LOCAL_Error_TYPE = TYPE_ERROR_PARAMETER; free( a ); return NULL; } } if (IsVarTerm(listl)) { LOCAL_Error_TYPE = INSTANTIATION_ERROR; LOCAL_Error_Term = listl; free( a ); return NULL; } else if (listl != TermNil) { LOCAL_Error_TYPE = TYPE_ERROR_LIST; LOCAL_Error_Term = listl; free( a ); return NULL; } return a; } static xarg * matchKey2(Atom key, xarg *e0, int n, const param2_t *def) { int i; for (i=0; i< n; i++) { if (!strcmp((char*)def->name, (char*)RepAtom(key)->StrOfAE)) { return e0; } def++; e0++; } return NULL; } /// Yap_ArgList2ToVector is much the same as before, /// but assumes parameters also have something called a /// scope xarg * Yap_ArgList2ToVector (Term listl, const param2_t *def, int n) { CACHE_REGS xarg *a = calloc( n , sizeof(xarg) ); if (!IsPairTerm(listl) && listl != TermNil) { if (IsVarTerm(listl) ) { free( a ); LOCAL_Error_TYPE = INSTANTIATION_ERROR; LOCAL_Error_Term = listl; return NULL; } if (IsAtomTerm(listl) ) { xarg *na = matchKey2( AtomOfTerm(listl), a, n, def); if (!na) { free( a ); LOCAL_Error_TYPE = TYPE_ERROR_LIST; LOCAL_Error_Term = listl; return NULL; } } if (IsApplTerm(listl)) { Functor f = FunctorOfTerm( listl ); if (IsExtensionFunctor(f)) { free( a ); LOCAL_Error_TYPE = TYPE_ERROR_LIST; LOCAL_Error_Term = listl; return NULL; } arity_t arity = ArityOfFunctor( f ); if (arity != 1) { free( a ); LOCAL_Error_TYPE = TYPE_ERROR_LIST; LOCAL_Error_Term = listl; return NULL; } xarg *na = matchKey2( NameOfFunctor( f ), a, n, def); if (!na) { free( a ); LOCAL_Error_TYPE = TYPE_ERROR_LIST; LOCAL_Error_Term = listl; return NULL; } } else { free( a ); LOCAL_Error_TYPE = TYPE_ERROR_LIST; LOCAL_Error_Term = listl; return NULL; } listl = MkPairTerm( listl, TermNil ); } while (IsPairTerm(listl)) { Term hd = HeadOfTerm( listl ); if (IsVarTerm(hd)) { LOCAL_Error_TYPE = INSTANTIATION_ERROR; free( a ); return NULL; } if (IsAtomTerm(hd)) { xarg *na = matchKey2( AtomOfTerm( hd ), a, n, def); if (!na) { LOCAL_Error_TYPE = DOMAIN_ERROR_OUT_OF_RANGE; LOCAL_Error_Term = hd; free( a ); return NULL; } na->used = true; na->tvalue = TermNil; continue; } else if (IsApplTerm( hd )) { Functor f = FunctorOfTerm( hd ); if (IsExtensionFunctor(f)) { LOCAL_Error_TYPE = TYPE_ERROR_PARAMETER; LOCAL_Error_Term = hd; free( a ); return NULL; } arity_t arity = ArityOfFunctor( f ); if (arity != 1) { LOCAL_Error_TYPE = DOMAIN_ERROR_OUT_OF_RANGE; LOCAL_Error_Term = hd; free( a ); return NULL; } xarg *na = matchKey2( NameOfFunctor( f ), a, n, def); if (na) { na->used = 1; na->tvalue = ArgOfTerm(1, hd); } } else { LOCAL_Error_TYPE = TYPE_ERROR_PARAMETER; LOCAL_Error_Term = hd; free( a ); return NULL; } listl = TailOfTerm(listl); } if (IsVarTerm(listl)) { LOCAL_Error_TYPE = INSTANTIATION_ERROR; free( a ); return NULL; } if (TermNil != listl) { LOCAL_Error_TYPE = TYPE_ERROR_LIST; LOCAL_Error_Term = listl; free( a ); return NULL; } return a; }