%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % Logtalk - Open source object-oriented logic programming language % Release 2.30.7 % % Copyright (c) 1998-2007 Paulo Moura. All Rights Reserved. % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% :- import stat_set_flag/2 from machine. % workaround for compiling/loading source files :- stat_set_flag(79, 1). % when more than one thread is active :- compiler_options([xpp_on]). #include ../compiler/logtalk.pl % tables of defined events and monitors :- thread_shared('$lgt_before_'(_, _, _, _, _)). :- thread_shared('$lgt_after_'(_, _, _, _, _)). % tables of loaded entities and respective relationships :- thread_shared('$lgt_current_protocol_'(_, _, _)). :- thread_shared('$lgt_current_category_'(_, _, _, _)). :- thread_shared('$lgt_current_object_'(_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _)). :- thread_shared('$lgt_implements_protocol_'(_, _, _)). :- thread_shared('$lgt_imports_category_'(_, _, _)). :- thread_shared('$lgt_instantiates_class_'(_, _, _)). :- thread_shared('$lgt_specializes_class_'(_, _, _)). :- thread_shared('$lgt_extends_protocol_'(_, _, _)). :- thread_shared('$lgt_extends_object_'(_, _, _)). % table of loaded files :- thread_shared('$lgt_loaded_file_'(_, _)). % debugger status and tables :- thread_shared('$lgt_debugging_'(_)). :- thread_shared('$lgt_dbg_debugging_'). :- thread_shared('$lgt_dbg_tracing_'). :- thread_shared('$lgt_dbg_skipping_'). :- thread_shared('$lgt_dbg_spying_'(_, _)). :- thread_shared('$lgt_dbg_spying_'(_, _, _, _)). :- thread_shared('$lgt_dbg_leashing_'(_)). % runtime flags :- thread_shared('$lgt_current_flag_'(_, _)). % static binding caches :- thread_shared('$lgt_static_binding_entity_'(_)). :- thread_shared('$lgt_obj_static_binding_cache_'(_, _, _, _)). :- thread_shared('$lgt_ctg_static_binding_cache_'(_, _, _, _, _, _)). % lookup caches for messages to an object, messages to self, and super calls :- thread_shared('$lgt_obj_lookup_cache_'(_, _, _, _)). :- thread_shared('$lgt_self_lookup_cache_'(_, _, _, _)). :- thread_shared('$lgt_super_lookup_cache_'(_, _, _, _, _)). % lookup cache for asserting and retracting dynamic facts :- thread_shared('$lgt_db_lookup_cache_'(_, _, _, _, _)). % table of library paths :- thread_shared(logtalk_library_path(_, _)). % compiler hook goal: :- thread_shared('$lgt_hook_goal_'(_, _)). % multi-threading tags :- thread_shared('$lgt_threaded_tag_counter'(_)).