/************************************************************************* * * * YAP Prolog * * * * Yap Prolog was developed at NCCUP - Universidade do Porto * * * * Copyright L.Damas, V.S.Costa and Universidade do Porto 1985-1997 * * * *************************************************************************/ :- system_module( '$os', [ cd/0, cd/1, getcwd/1, ls/0, pwd/0, unix/1, putenv/2, getenv/2, setenv/2 ], [] ). :- use_system_module( '$_errors', ['$do_error'/2]). %% @{ /** @defgroup YAPOS Access to Operating System Functionality @ingroup builtins The following built-in predicates allow access to underlying Operating System functionality. */ /** @pred cd Changes the current directory (on UNIX environments) to the user's home directory. */ cd :- cd('~'). /** @pred cd(+ _D_) Changes the current directory (on UNIX environments). */ cd(F) :- absolute_file_name(F, Dir, [file_type(directory),file_errors(fail),access(execute),expand(true)]), working_directory(_, Dir). /** @pred getcwd(- _D_) Unify the current directory, represented as an atom, with the argument _D_. */ getcwd(Dir) :- working_directory(Dir, Dir). /** @pred ls Prints a list of all files in the current directory. */ ls :- getcwd(X), '$load_system_ls'(X,L), '$do_print_files'(L). '$load_system_ls'(X,L) :- '$undefined'(directory_files(X, L), system), load_files(library(system),[silent(true)]), fail. '$load_system_ls'(X,L) :- system:directory_files(X, L). '$do_print_files'([]) :- nl. '$do_print_files'([F| Fs]) :- '$do_print_file'(F), '$do_print_files'(Fs). '$do_print_file'('.') :- !. '$do_print_file'('..') :- !. '$do_print_file'(F) :- atom_concat('.', _, F), !. '$do_print_file'(F) :- write(F), write(' '). /** @pred pwd Prints the current directory. */ pwd :- getcwd(X), write(X), nl. /** @pred unix(+ _S_) Access to Unix-like functionality: + argv/1 Return a list of arguments to the program. These are the arguments that follow a `--`, as in the usual Unix convention. + cd/0 Change to home directory. + cd/1 Change to given directory. Acceptable directory names are strings or atoms. + environ/2 If the first argument is an atom, unify the second argument with the value of the corresponding environment variable. + getcwd/1 Unify the first argument with an atom representing the current directory. + putenv/2 Set environment variable _E_ to the value _S_. If the environment variable _E_ does not exist, create a new one. Both the environment variable and the value must be atoms. + shell/1 Execute command under current shell. Acceptable commands are strings or atoms. + system/1 Execute command with `/bin/sh`. Acceptable commands are strings or atoms. + shell/0 Execute a new shell. */ unix(V) :- var(V), !, '$do_error'(instantiation_error,unix(V)). unix(argv(L)) :- prolog_flag(argv, L). unix(cd) :- cd('~'). unix(cd(A)) :- cd(A). unix(environ(X,Y)) :- '$do_environ'(X,Y). unix(getcwd(X)) :- getcwd(X). unix(shell(V)) :- var(V), !, '$do_error'(instantiation_error,unix(shell(V))). unix(shell(A)) :- atom(A), !, '$shell'(A). unix(shell(A)) :- string(A), !, '$shell'(A). unix(shell(V)) :- '$do_error'(type_error(atomic,V),unix(shell(V))). unix(system(V)) :- var(V), !, '$do_error'(instantiation_error,unix(system(V))). unix(system(A)) :- atom(A), !, system(A). unix(system(A)) :- string(A), !, system(A). unix(system(V)) :- '$do_error'(type_error(atom,V),unix(system(V))). unix(shell) :- sh. unix(putenv(X,Y)) :- '$putenv'(X,Y). '$is_list_of_atoms'(V,_) :- var(V),!. '$is_list_of_atoms'([],_) :- !. '$is_list_of_atoms'([H|L],L0) :- !, '$check_if_head_may_be_atom'(H,L0), '$is_list_of_atoms'(L,L0). '$is_list_of_atoms'(H,L0) :- '$do_error'(type_error(list,H),unix(argv(L0))). '$check_if_head_may_be_atom'(H,_) :- var(H), !. '$check_if_head_may_be_atom'(H,_) :- atom(H), !. '$check_if_head_may_be_atom'(H,L0) :- '$do_error'(type_error(atom,H),unix(argv(L0))). '$do_environ'(X, Y) :- var(X), !, '$do_error'(instantiation_error,unix(environ(X,Y))). '$do_environ'(X, Y) :- atom(X), !, '$getenv'(X,Y). '$do_environ'(X, Y) :- '$do_error'(type_error(atom,X),unix(environ(X,Y))). /** @pred putenv(+ _E_,+ _S_) Set environment variable _E_ to the value _S_. If the environment variable _E_ does not exist, create a new one. Both the environment variable and the value must be atoms. */ putenv(Na,Val) :- '$putenv'(Na,Val). getenv(Na,Val) :- '$getenv'(Na,Val). /** @pred setenv(+ _Name_,+ _Value_) Set environment variable. _Name_ and _Value_ should be instantiated to atoms or integers. The environment variable will be passed to `shell/[0-2]` and can be requested using `getenv/2`. They also influence expand_file_name/2. */ setenv(Na,Val) :- '$putenv'(Na,Val). /** @} */