/*  $Id$

    Part of SWI-Prolog

    Author:        Jan Wielemaker and Willem Robert van Hage
    E-mail:        wielemak@science.uva.nl
    WWW:           http://www.swi-prolog.org
    Copyright (C): 1985-2005, University of Amsterdam

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
    modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
    as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
    of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
    License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
    Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA

    As a special exception, if you link this library with other files,
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    the GNU General Public License.

:- module(date,
	  [ date_time_value/3,		% ?Field, ?DaTime, ?Value
	    parse_time/2,		% +Date, -Stamp
	    parse_time/3,		% +Date, ?Format, -Stamp
	    day_of_the_week/2           % +Date, -DayOfTheWeek

/** <module> date time routines
@ingroup swi

%%	date_time_value(?Field:atom, +Struct:datime, -Value) is nondet.
%	Extract values from a date-time structure.  Provided fields are
%		| year | integer | |
%		| month | 1..12 | |
%		| day | 1..31 | |
%		| hour | 0..23 | |
%		| minute | 0..59 | |
%		| second | 0.0..60.0 | |
%		| utc_offset | integer | Offset to UTC in seconds (positive is west) |
%		| daylight_saving | bool | Name of timezone; fails if unknown |
%		| date | date(Y,M,D) | |
%		| time | time(H,M,S) | |

date_time_value(year,		 date(Y,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_), Y).
date_time_value(month,		 date(_,M,_,_,_,_,_,_,_), M).
date_time_value(day,		 date(_,_,D,_,_,_,_,_,_), D).
date_time_value(hour,		 date(_,_,_,H,_,_,_,_,_), H).
date_time_value(minute,		 date(_,_,_,_,M,_,_,_,_), M).
date_time_value(second,		 date(_,_,_,_,_,S,_,_,_), S).
date_time_value(utc_offset,	 date(_,_,_,_,_,_,O,_,_), O).
date_time_value(time_zone,	 date(_,_,_,_,_,_,_,Z,_), Z) :- Z \== (-).
date_time_value(daylight_saving, date(_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,D), D) :- D \== (-).

date_time_value(date,		 date(Y,M,D,_,_,_,_,_,_), date(Y,M,D)).
date_time_value(time,		 date(_,_,_,H,M,S,_,_,_), time(H,M,S)).

%%	parse_time(+Text, -Stamp) is semidet.
%%	parse_time(+Text, ?Format, -Stamp) is semidet.
%	Stamp is a  timestamp  created  from   parsing  Text  using  the
%	representation Format. Currently supported formats are:
%	    * rfc_1123
%	    Used for the HTTP protocol to represent time-stamps
%	    * iso_8601
%	    Commonly used in XML documents.

parse_time(Text, Stamp) :-
	parse_time(Text, _Format, Stamp).

parse_time(Text, Format, Stamp) :-
	atom_codes(Text, Codes),
	phrase(date(Format, Y,Mon,D,H,Min,S,UTCOffset), Codes), !,
	date_time_stamp(date(Y,Mon,D,H,Min,S,UTCOffset,-,-), Stamp).

date(iso_8601, Yr, Mon, D, H, Min, S, 0) --> % BC
	"-", date(iso_8601, Y, Mon, D, H, Min, S, 0),
	{ Yr is -1 * Y }.
date(iso_8601, Y, Mon, D, H, Min, S, 0) -->
	iso_8601_rest(Y, Mon, D, H, Min, S).
date(rfc_1123, Y, Mon, D, H, Min, S, 0) --> % RFC 1123: "Fri, 08 Dec 2006 15:29:44 GMT"
	day_name(_), ", ", ws,
	day_of_the_month(D), ws,
	month_name(Mon), ws,
	year(Y), ws,
	hour(H), ":", minute(Min), ":", second(S), ws,
	(   "GMT"
	->  []
	;   []

%%	iso_8601_rest(+Year:int, -Mon, -Day, -H, -M, -S)
%	Process ISO 8601 time-values after parsing the 4-digit year.

iso_8601_rest(_, Mon, D, H, Min, S) -->
	"-", month(Mon), "-", day(D),
	opt_time(H, Min, S).
iso_8601_rest(_, Mon, 0, 0, 0, 0) -->
	"-", month(Mon).
iso_8601_rest(_, Mon, D, H, Min, S) -->
	month(Mon), day(D),
	opt_time(H, Min, S).
iso_8601_rest(_, 1, D, H, Min, S) -->
	"-", ordinal(D),
	opt_time(H, Min, S).
iso_8601_rest(Yr, 1, D, H, Min, S) -->
	"-W", week(W), "-", day_of_the_week(DW),
	opt_time(H, Min, S),
	{ week_ordinal(Yr, W, DW, D) }.
iso_8601_rest(Yr, 1, D, H, Min, S) -->
	"W", week(W), day_of_the_week(DW),
	opt_time(H, Min, S),
	{ week_ordinal(Yr, W, DW, D) }.
iso_8601_rest(Yr, 1, D, 0, 0, 0) -->
	"W", week(W),
	{ week_ordinal(Yr, W, 1, D) }.

opt_time(Hr, Min, Sec) -->
	"T", !, iso_time(Hr, Min, Sec).
opt_time(0, 0, 0) --> "".

% TIMEX2 ISO: "2006-12-08T15:29:44 UTC" or "20061208T"
iso_time(Hr, Min, Sec) -->
	hour(H), ":", minute(M), ":", second(S),
	timezone(DH, DM, DS),
	{ Hr is H + DH, Min is M + DM, Sec is S + DS }.
iso_time(Hr, Min, Sec) -->
	hour(H), ":", minute(M),
	timezone(DH, DM, DS),
	{ Hr is H + DH, Min is M + DM, Sec is DS }.
iso_time(Hr, Min, Sec) -->
	hour(H), minute(M), second(S),
	timezone(DH, DM, DS),
	{ Hr is H + DH, Min is M + DM, Sec is S + DS }.
iso_time(Hr, Min, Sec) -->
	hour(H), minute(M),
	timezone(DH, DM, DS),
	{ Hr is H + DH, Min is M + DM, Sec is DS }.
iso_time(Hr, Min, Sec) -->
	timezone(DH, DM, DS),
	{ Hr is H + DH, Min is DM, Sec is DS }.

% FIXME: deal with leap seconds
timezone(Hr, Min, 0) -->
	"+", hour(H), ":", minute(M), { Hr is -1 * H, Min is -1 * M }.
timezone(Hr, Min, 0) -->
	"+", hour(H), minute(M), { Hr is -1 * H, Min is -1 * M }.
timezone(Hr, 0, 0) -->
	"+", hour(H), { Hr is -1 * H }.
timezone(Hr, Min, 0) -->
	"-", hour(H), ":", minute(M), { Hr is H, Min is M }.
timezone(Hr, Min, 0) -->
	"-", hour(H), minute(M), { Hr is H, Min is M }.
timezone(Hr, 0, 0) -->
	"-", hour(H), { Hr is H }.
timezone(0, 0, 0) -->
timezone(0, 0, 0) -->
	ws, "UTC".
timezone(0, 0, 0) -->
	ws, "GMT". % remove this?
timezone(0, 0, 0) -->

day_name(0) --> "Sun".
day_name(1) --> "Mon".
day_name(2) --> "Tue".
day_name(3) --> "Wed".
day_name(4) --> "Thu".
day_name(5) --> "Fri".
day_name(6) --> "Sat".
day_name(7) --> "Sun".

month_name(1) --> "Jan".
month_name(2) --> "Feb".
month_name(3) --> "Mar".
month_name(4) --> "Apr".
month_name(5) --> "May".
month_name(6) --> "Jun".
month_name(7) --> "Jul".
month_name(8) --> "Aug".
month_name(9) --> "Sep".
month_name(10) --> "Oct".
month_name(11) --> "Nov".
month_name(12) --> "Dec".

day_of_the_month(N) --> int2digit(N), { between(1, 31, N) }.
day_of_the_week(N)  --> digit(N),     { between(1,  7, N) }.
month(M)            --> int2digit(M), { between(1, 12, M) }.
week(W)		    --> int2digit(W), { between(1, 53, W) }.
day(D)              --> int2digit(D), { between(1, 31, D) }.
hour(N)             --> int2digit(N), { between(0, 23, N) }.
minute(N)	    --> int2digit(N), { between(0, 59, N) }.
second(N)           --> int2digit(N), { between(0, 60, N) }. % leap second

int2digit(N) -->
	{ N is D0*10+D1 }.

year(Y) -->
	{ Y is D0*1000+D1*100+D2*10+D3 }.

ordinal(N) --> % Nth day of the year, jan 1 = 1, dec 31 = 365 or 366
	{ N is D0*100+D1*10+D2, between(1, 366, N) }.

digit(D) -->
	{ code_type(C, digit(D)) }.

ws -->
	" ", !,
ws -->

%%	day_of_the_week(+Date, -DayOfTheWeek) is det.
%	Computes the day of the week for a given date.
%	Days of the week are numbered from one to seven:
%       monday = 1, tuesday = 2, ..., sunday = 7.
%       @param Date is a term of the form date(+Year, +Month, +Day)

day_of_the_week(date(Year, Mon, Day), DotW) :-
	format_time(atom(A), '%u', date(Year, Mon, Day, 0, 0, 0, 0, -, -)),
	atom_number(A, DotW).

week_ordinal(Year, Week, Day, Ordinal) :-
	format_time(atom(A), '%w', date(Year, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, -, -)),
	atom_number(A, DotW0),
	Ordinal is ((Week-1) * 7) - DotW0 + Day + 1.