:- object(benchmarks). :- info([ version is 3.0, author is 'Paulo Moura', date is 2007/06/11, comment is 'Benchmark utility predicates and standard set of benchmarks.']). :- public(run/0). :- mode(run, one). :- info(run/0, [ comment is 'Runs all benchmarks the default number of times.']). :- public(run/1). :- mode(run(+integer), one). :- info(run/1, [ comment is 'Runs all benchmarks the specified number of times.', argnames is ['N']]). :- public(run/2). :- mode(run(+atom, +integer), one). :- info(run/2, [ comment is 'Runs a specific benchmark the specified number of times.', argnames is ['Id', 'N']]). :- public(benchmark/2). :- mode(move(?atom, -callable), zero_or_more). :- info(move/2, [ comment is 'Table of benchmark identifiers and benchmark goals.', argnames is ['Id', 'Goal']]). % run all benchmarks the default number of times: run :- run(1000000). % run all benchmark tests N times: run(N) :- benchmark(Id, Goal), run(Id, N, Looptime, Goaltime, Average, Speed), report(Id, Goal, N, Looptime, Goaltime, Average, Speed), fail. run(_). % run a specific benchmark test: run(Id, N) :- benchmark(Id, Goal), run(Id, N, Looptime, Goaltime, Average, Speed), report(Id, Goal, N, Looptime, Goaltime, Average, Speed). run(Id, N, Looptime, Goaltime, Average, Speed) :- {'$lgt_cpu_time'(Seconds1)}, % defined in the config files do_benchmark(empty_loop, N), {'$lgt_cpu_time'(Seconds2)}, Looptime is Seconds2 - Seconds1, {'$lgt_cpu_time'(Seconds3)}, do_benchmark(Id, N), {'$lgt_cpu_time'(Seconds4)}, Goaltime is Seconds4 - Seconds3, Average is (Goaltime - Looptime)/N, Speed is 1.0/Average. report(Id, Goal, N, Looptime, Goaltime, Average, Speed) :- write(Id), write(': '), writeq(Goal), nl, write('Number of repetitions: '), write(N), nl, write('Loop time: '), write(Looptime), nl, write('Goal time: '), write(Goaltime), nl, write('Average time per call: '), write(Average), nl, write('Number of calls per second: '), write(Speed), nl, nl. % some benchmark tests for static code: benchmark(s1, my_length(List, _)) :- {generate_list(20, List)}. benchmark(s2, object::length(List, _)) :- {generate_list(20, List)}. % some benchmark tests for category predicate calls: benchmark(c1, leaf::ctg_direct). benchmark(c2, leaf::ctg_self). % some benchmark tests for dynamic code: benchmark(d1, (create_object(xpto, [], [], []), abolish_object(xpto))). benchmark(d2, plain_dyndb(_)). benchmark(d3, database::this_dyndb(_)). benchmark(d4, database::self_dyndb(_)). benchmark(d5, database::obj_dyndb(_)). % repeat a goal N times without using call/1 and using a failure-driven loop to % avoid the interference of Prolog compiler memory management mechanism (such as % garbage collection) on the results do_benchmark(empty_loop, N) :- {my_repeat(N)}, fail. do_benchmark(empty_loop, _). do_benchmark(s1, N) :- {generate_list(20, List)}, {my_repeat(N)}, {my_length(List, _)}, fail. do_benchmark(s1, _). do_benchmark(s2, N) :- {generate_list(20, List)}, {my_repeat(N)}, object::length(List, _), fail. do_benchmark(s2, _). do_benchmark(c1, N) :- {my_repeat(N)}, leaf::ctg_direct, fail. do_benchmark(c1, _). do_benchmark(c2, N) :- {my_repeat(N)}, leaf::ctg_self, fail. do_benchmark(c2, _). do_benchmark(d1, N) :- {my_repeat(N)}, create_object(xpto, [], [], []), abolish_object(xpto), fail. do_benchmark(d1, _). do_benchmark(d2, N) :- {my_repeat(N)}, {plain_dyndb(N)}, fail. do_benchmark(d2, _). do_benchmark(d3, N) :- {my_repeat(N)}, database::this_dyndb(N), fail. do_benchmark(d3, _). do_benchmark(d4, N) :- {my_repeat(N)}, database::self_dyndb(N), fail. do_benchmark(d4, _). do_benchmark(d5, N) :- {my_repeat(N)}, database::obj_dyndb(N), fail. do_benchmark(d5, _). :- end_object.