/* $Id$ Part of SWI-Prolog Author: Jan Wielemaker E-mail: J.Wielemaker@uva.nl WWW: http://www.swi-prolog.org Copyright (C): 1985-2009, University of Amsterdam This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA As a special exception, if you link this library with other files, compiled with a Free Software compiler, to produce an executable, this library does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License. This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. */ :- module(url, [ parse_url/2, % +URL, -Parts | -URL +Parts parse_url/3, % +URL|URI, +BaseURL, -Parts % -URL, +BaseURL, +Parts is_absolute_url/1, % +URL global_url/3, % +Local, +Base, -Global http_location/2, % ?Parts, ?Location www_form_encode/2, % Value <-> Encoded parse_url_search/2, % Form-data <-> Form fields url_iri/2, % ?URL, ?IRI file_name_to_url/2, % ?FileName, ?URL set_url_encoding/2 % ?Old, +New ]). :- use_module(library(lists)). :- use_module(library(error)). :- use_module(library(utf8)). /** <module> Analysing and constructing URL @ingroup SWILib This library deals with the analysis and construction of a URL, Universal Resource Locator. URL is the basis for communicating locations of resources (data) on the web. A URL consists of a protocol identifier (e.g. HTTP, FTP, and a protocol-specific syntax further defining the location. URLs are standardized in RFC-1738. The implementation in this library covers only a small portion of the defined protocols. Though the initial implementation followed RFC-1738 strictly, the current is more relaxed to deal with frequent violations of the standard encountered in practical use. @author Jan Wielemaker @author Lukas Faulstich @deprecated New code should use library(uri), provided by the =clib= package. */ /******************************* * GLOBALISE * *******************************/ %% global_url(+URL, +Base, -Global) is det. % % Translate a possibly relative URL into an absolute one. % % @error syntax_error(illegal_url) if URL is not legal. global_url(URL, BaseURL, Global) :- ( is_absolute_url(URL), \+ sub_atom(URL, _, _, _, '%') % may have escape, use general -> Global = URL ; sub_atom(URL, 0, _, _, '//') -> parse_url(BaseURL, [], Attributes), memberchk(protocol(Proto), Attributes), atomic_list_concat([Proto, :, URL], Global) ; sub_atom(URL, 0, _, _, #) -> ( sub_atom(BaseURL, _, _, 0, #) -> sub_atom(URL, 1, _, 0, NoHash), atom_concat(BaseURL, NoHash, Global) ; atom_concat(BaseURL, URL, Global) ) ; parse_url(URL, BaseURL, Attributes) -> phrase(curl(Attributes), Chars), atom_codes(Global, Chars) ; throw(error(syntax_error(illegal_url), URL)) ). %% is_absolute_url(+URL) % % True if URL is an absolute URL. That is, a URL that starts with % a protocol identifier. is_absolute_url(URL) :- sub_atom(URL, 0, _, _, 'http://'), !. is_absolute_url(URL) :- sub_atom(URL, 0, _, _, 'https://'), !. is_absolute_url(URL) :- sub_atom(URL, 0, _, _, 'ftp://'), !. is_absolute_url(URL) :- sub_atom(URL, 0, _, _, 'file://'), !. is_absolute_url(URL) :- atom_codes(URL, Codes), phrase(absolute_url, Codes, _), !. /******************************* * CREATE URL/URI * *******************************/ %% http_location(?Parts, ?Location) % % Construct or analyze an HTTP location. This is similar to % parse_url/2, but only deals with the location part of an HTTP % URL. That is, the path, search and fragment specifiers. In the % HTTP protocol, the first line of a message is % % == % <Action> <Location> HTTP/<version> % == % % @param Location Atom or list of character codes. http_location(Parts, Location) :- % Parts --> Location nonvar(Parts), !, phrase(curi(Parts), String), !, atom_codes(Location, String). http_location(Parts, Location) :- % Location --> Parts atom(Location), !, atom_codes(Location, Codes), phrase(http_location(Parts), Codes). http_location(Parts, Codes) :- % LocationCodes --> Parts is_list(Codes), phrase(http_location(Parts), Codes). curl(A) --> { memberchk(protocol(Protocol), A) }, !, catomic(Protocol), ":", curl(Protocol, A). curl(A) --> curl(http, A). curl(file, A) --> !, ( "//" -> cpath(A) ; cpath(A) ). curl(_, A) --> "//", cuser(A), chost(A), cport(A), cpath(A), csearch(A), cfragment(A). curi(A) --> cpath(A), csearch(A). cpath(A) --> ( { memberchk(path(Path), A) } -> { atom_codes(Path, Codes) }, www_encode(Codes, "/+:,") ; "" ). cuser(A) --> ( { memberchk(user(User), A) } -> { atom_codes(User, Codes) }, www_encode(Codes, ":"), "@" ; "" ). chost(A) --> ( { memberchk(host(Host), A) } -> { atom_codes(Host, Codes) }, www_encode(Codes, "") ; "" ). cport(A) --> ( { memberchk(port(Port), A), Port \== 80 } -> { number_codes(Port, Codes) }, ":", www_encode(Codes, "") ; "" ). catomic(A, In, Out) :- atom_codes(A, Codes), append(Codes, Out, In). %% csearch(+Attributes)// csearch(A)--> ( { memberchk(search(Parameters), A) } -> csearch(Parameters, "?") ; [] ). csearch([], _) --> []. csearch([Parameter|Parameters], Sep) --> !, codes(Sep), cparam(Parameter), csearch(Parameters, "&"). cparam(Name=Value) --> !, cname(Name), "=", cvalue(Value). cparam(NameValue) --> % allow to feed Name(Value) { compound(NameValue), !, NameValue =.. [Name,Value] }, cname(Name), "=", cvalue(Value). cparam(Name)--> cname(Name). codes([]) --> []. codes([H|T]) --> [H], codes(T). cname(Atom) --> { atom_codes(Atom, Codes) }, www_encode(Codes, ""). %% cvalue(+Value)// is det. % % Construct a string from Value. Value is either atomic or a % code-list. cvalue(Value) --> { atomic(Value), !, atom_codes(Value, Codes) }, www_encode(Codes, ""). cvalue(Codes) --> { must_be(codes, Codes) }, www_encode(Codes, ""). %% cfragment(+Attributes)// cfragment(A) --> { memberchk(fragment(Frag), A), !, atom_codes(Frag, Codes) }, "#", www_encode(Codes, ""). cfragment(_) --> "". /******************************* * PARSING * *******************************/ %% parse_url(+URL, -Attributes) is det. % % Construct or analyse a URL. URL is an atom holding a URL or a % variable. Parts is a list of components. Each component is of % the format Name(Value). Defined components are: % % * protocol(Protocol) % The used protocol. This is, after the optional =|url:|=, an % identifier separated from the remainder of the URL using :. % parse_url/2 assumes the =http= protocol if no protocol is % specified and the URL can be parsed as a valid HTTP url. In % addition to the RFC-1738 specified protocols, the =file= % protocol is supported as well. % % * host(Host) % Host-name or IP-address on which the resource is located. % Supported by all network-based protocols. % % * port(Port) % Integer port-number to access on the \arg{Host}. This only % appears if the port is explicitly specified in the URL. % Implicit default ports (e.g. 80 for HTTP) do \emph{not} % appear in the part-list. % % * path(Path) % (File-) path addressed by the URL. This is supported for the % =ftp=, =http= and =file= protocols. If no path appears, the % library generates the path =|/|=. % % * search(ListOfNameValue) % Search-specification of HTTP URL. This is the part after the % =|?|=, normally used to transfer data from HTML forms that % use the =GET= protocol. In the URL it consists of a % www-form-encoded list of Name=Value pairs. This is mapped to % a list of Prolog Name=Value terms with decoded names and % values. % % * fragment(Fragment) % Fragment specification of HTTP URL. This is the part after % the =|#|= character. % % The example below illustrates the all this for an HTTP URL. % % == % ?- parse_url('http://swi.psy.uva.nl/message.cgi?msg=Hello+World%21#x', P). % % P = [ protocol(http), % host('swi.psy.uva.nl'), % fragment(x), % search([ msg = 'Hello World!' % ]), % path('/message.cgi') % ] % == % % By instantiating the parts-list this predicate can be used to % create a URL. parse_url(URL, Attributes) :- nonvar(URL), !, atom_codes(URL, Codes), phrase(url(Attributes), Codes). parse_url(URL, Attributes) :- phrase(curl(Attributes), Codes), !, atom_codes(URL, Codes). %% parse_url(+URL, +BaseURL, -Attributes) is det. % % Similar to parse_url/2 for relative URLs. If URL is relative, % it is resolved using the absolute URL BaseURL. parse_url(URL, BaseURL, Attributes) :- nonvar(URL), !, atom_codes(URL, Codes), ( phrase(absolute_url, Codes, _) -> phrase(url(Attributes), Codes) ; ( atomic(BaseURL) -> parse_url(BaseURL, BaseA0) ; BaseA0 = BaseURL ), select(path(BasePath), BaseA0, BaseA1), delete(BaseA1, search(_), BaseA2), delete(BaseA2, fragment(_), BaseA3), phrase(relative_uri(URIA0), Codes), select(path(LocalPath), URIA0, URIA1), !, globalise_path(LocalPath, BasePath, Path), append(BaseA3, [path(Path)|URIA1], Attributes) ). parse_url(URL, BaseURL, Attributes) :- parse_url(BaseURL, BaseAttributes), memberchk(path(BasePath), BaseAttributes), ( memberchk(path(LocalPath), Attributes) -> globalise_path(LocalPath, BasePath, Path) ; Path = BasePath ), append([path(Path)|Attributes], BaseAttributes, GlobalAttributes), phrase(curl(GlobalAttributes), Chars), atom_codes(URL, Chars). %% globalise_path(+LocalPath, +RelativeTo, -FullPath) is det. % % The first clause deals with the standard URL /... global paths. % The second with file://drive:path on MS-Windows. This is a bit % of a cludge, but unfortunately common practice is -especially on % Windows- not always following the standard globalise_path(LocalPath, _, LocalPath) :- sub_atom(LocalPath, 0, _, _, /), !. globalise_path(LocalPath, _, LocalPath) :- is_absolute_file_name(LocalPath), !. globalise_path(Local, Base, Path) :- base_dir(Base, BaseDir), make_path(BaseDir, Local, Path). base_dir(BasePath, BaseDir) :- ( atom_concat(BaseDir, /, BasePath) -> true ; file_directory_name(BasePath, BaseDir) ). make_path(Dir, Local, Path) :- atom_concat('../', L2, Local), file_directory_name(Dir, Parent), Parent \== Dir, !, make_path(Parent, L2, Path). make_path(/, Local, Path) :- !, atom_concat(/, Local, Path). make_path(Dir, Local, Path) :- atomic_list_concat([Dir, /, Local], Path). %% absolute_url// % % True if the input describes an absolute URL. This means it % starts with a URL schema. We demand a schema of length > 1 to % avoid confusion with Windows drive letters. absolute_url --> lwalpha(_First), schema_chars(Rest), { Rest \== [] }, ":", !. /******************************* * SEQUENCES * *******************************/ digits(L) --> digits(L, []). digits([C|T0], T) --> digit(C), !, digits(T0, T). digits(T, T) --> []. digit(C, [C|T], T) :- code_type(C, digit). /******************************* * RFC-3986 * *******************************/ %% uri(-Parts)// url([protocol(Schema)|Parts]) --> schema(Schema), ":", !, hier_part(Schema, Parts, P2), query(P2, P3), fragment(P3, []). url([protocol(http)|Parts]) --> % implicit HTTP authority(Parts, [path(Path)]), path_abempty(Path). relative_uri(Parts) --> relative_part(Parts, P2), query(P2, P3), fragment(P3, []). relative_part(Parts, Tail) --> "//", !, authority(Parts, [path(Path)|Tail]), path_abempty(Path). relative_part([path(Path)|T], T) --> ( path_absolute(Path) ; path_noschema(Path) ; path_empty(Path) ), !. http_location([path(Path)|P2]) --> path_abempty(Path), query(P2, P3), fragment(P3, []). %% schema(-Atom)// % % Schema is case-insensitive and the canonical version is % lowercase. % % == % Schema ::= ALPHA *(ALPHA|DIGIT|"+"|"-"|".") % == schema(Schema) --> lwalpha(C0), schema_chars(Codes), { atom_codes(Schema, [C0|Codes]) }. schema_chars([H|T]) --> schema_char(H), !, schema_chars(T). schema_chars([]) --> []. schema_char(H) --> [C], { C < 128, ( code_type(C, alpha) -> code_type(H, to_lower(C)) ; code_type(C, digit) -> H = C ; schema_extra(C) -> H = C ) }. schema_extra(0'+). schema_extra(0'-). schema_extra(0'.). % 0' %% hier_part(+Schema, -Parts, ?Tail)// hier_part(file, [path(Path)|Tail], Tail) --> !, "//", ( win_drive_path(Path) ; path_absolute(Path) ; path_rootless(Path) ; path_empty(Path) ), !. hier_part(_, Parts, Tail) --> "//", !, authority(Parts, [path(Path)|Tail]), path_abempty(Path). hier_part(_, [path(Path)|T], T) --> ( path_absolute(Path) ; path_rootless(Path) ; path_empty(Path) ), !. authority(Parts, Tail) --> user_info_chars(UserChars), "@", !, { atom_codes(User, UserChars), Parts = [user(User),host(Host)|T0] }, host(Host), port(T0,Tail). authority([host(Host)|T0], Tail) --> host(Host), port(T0, Tail). user_info_chars([H|T]) --> user_info_char(H), !, user_info_chars(T). user_info_chars([]) --> []. user_info_char(_) --> "@", !, {fail}. user_info_char(C) --> pchar(C). %host(Host) --> ip_literal(Host), !. % TBD: IP6 addresses host(Host) --> ip4_address(Host), !. host(Host) --> reg_name(Host). ip4_address(Atom) --> i256_chars(Chars, [0'.|T0]), i256_chars(T0, [0'.|T1]), i256_chars(T1, [0'.|T2]), i256_chars(T2, []), { atom_codes(Atom, Chars) }. i256_chars(Chars, T) --> digits(Chars, T), \+ \+ { T = [], Chars \== [], number_codes(I, Chars), I < 256 }. reg_name(Host) --> reg_name_chars(Chars), { atom_codes(Host, Chars) }. reg_name_chars([H|T]) --> reg_name_char(H), !, reg_name_chars(T). reg_name_chars([]) --> []. reg_name_char(C) --> pchar(C), { C \== 0':, C \== 0'@ }. port([port(Port)|T], T) --> ":", !, digit(D0), digits(Ds), { number_codes(Port, [D0|Ds]) }. port(T, T) --> []. path_abempty(Path) --> segments_chars(Chars, []), { Chars == [] -> Path = '/' ; atom_codes(Path, Chars) }. win_drive_path(Path) --> drive_letter(C0), ":", ( "/" -> {Codes = [C0, 0':, 0'/|Chars]} ; {Codes = [C0, 0':|Chars]} ), segment_nz_chars(Chars, T0), segments_chars(T0, []), { atom_codes(Path, Codes) }. path_absolute(Path) --> "/", segment_nz_chars(Chars, T0), segments_chars(T0, []), { atom_codes(Path, [0'/| Chars]) }. path_noschema(Path) --> segment_nz_nc_chars(Chars, T0), segments_chars(T0, []), { atom_codes(Path, Chars) }. path_rootless(Path) --> segment_nz_chars(Chars, T0), segments_chars(T0, []), { atom_codes(Path, Chars) }. path_empty('/') --> "". segments_chars([0'/|Chars], T) --> % 0' "/", !, segment_chars(Chars, T0), segments_chars(T0, T). segments_chars(T, T) --> []. segment_chars([H|T0], T) --> pchar(H), !, segment_chars(T0, T). segment_chars(T, T) --> []. segment_nz_chars([H|T0], T) --> pchar(H), segment_chars(T0, T). segment_nz_nc_chars([H|T0], T) --> segment_nz_nc_char(H), !, segment_nz_nc_chars(T0, T). segment_nz_nc_chars(T, T) --> []. segment_nz_nc_char(_) --> ":", !, {fail}. segment_nz_nc_char(C) --> pchar(C). %% query(-Parts, ?Tail)// is det. % % Extract &Name=Value, ... query([search(Params)|T], T) --> "?", !, search(Params). query(T,T) --> []. search([Parameter|Parameters])--> parameter(Parameter), !, ( search_sep -> search(Parameters) ; { Parameters = [] } ). search([]) --> []. parameter(Param)--> !, search_chars(NameS), { atom_codes(Name, NameS) }, ( "=" -> search_value_chars(ValueS), { atom_codes(Value, ValueS), Param = (Name = Value) } ; { Param = Name } ). search_chars([C|T]) --> search_char(C), !, search_chars(T). search_chars([]) --> []. search_char(_) --> search_sep, !, { fail }. search_char(_) --> "=", !, { fail }. search_char(C) --> fragment_char(C). search_value_chars([C|T]) --> search_value_char(C), !, search_value_chars(T). search_value_chars([]) --> []. search_value_char(_) --> search_sep, !, { fail }. search_value_char(C) --> fragment_char(C). %% search_sep// is semidet. % % Matches a search-parameter separator. Traditonally, this is the % &-char, but these days there are `newstyle' ;-char separators. % % @see http://perldoc.perl.org/CGI.html % @tbd This should be configurable search_sep --> "&", !. search_sep --> ";". %% fragment(-Fragment, ?Tail)// % % Extract the fragment (after the =#=) fragment([fragment(Fragment)|T], T) --> "#", !, fragment_chars(Codes), { atom_codes(Fragment, Codes) }. fragment(T, T) --> []. fragment_chars([H|T]) --> fragment_char(H), !, fragment_chars(T). fragment_chars([]) --> []. %% fragment_char(-Char) % % Find a fragment character. fragment_char(C) --> pchar(C), !. fragment_char(0'/) --> "/", !. fragment_char(0'?) --> "?", !. fragment_char(0'[) --> "[", !. % Not according RDF3986! fragment_char(0']) --> "]", !. /******************************* * CHARACTER CLASSES * *******************************/ %% pchar(-Code)// % % unreserved|pct_encoded|sub_delim|":"|"@" % % Performs UTF-8 decoding of percent encoded strings. pchar(0' ) --> "+", !. %' ? pchar(C) --> [C], { unreserved(C) ; sub_delim(C) ; C == 0': ; C == 0'@ }, !. pchar(C) --> percent_coded(C). %% lwalpha(-C)// % % Demand alpha, return as lowercase lwalpha(H) --> [C], { C < 128, code_type(C, alpha), code_type(H, to_lower(C)) }. drive_letter(C) --> [C], { C < 128, code_type(C, alpha) }. /******************************* * RESERVED CHARACTERS * *******************************/ %% sub_delim(?Code) % % Sub-delimiters sub_delim(0'!). sub_delim(0'$). sub_delim(0'&). sub_delim(0''). sub_delim(0'(). sub_delim(0')). sub_delim(0'*). sub_delim(0'+). sub_delim(0',). sub_delim(0';). sub_delim(0'=). %% unreserved(+C) % % Characters that can be represented without procent escaping % RFC 3986, section 2.3 term_expansion(unreserved(map), Clauses) :- findall(unreserved(C), unreserved_(C), Clauses). unreserved_(C) :- between(1, 128, C), code_type(C, alnum). unreserved_(0'-). unreserved_(0'.). unreserved_(0'_). unreserved_(0'~). % 0' unreserved(map). % Expanded /******************************* * FORMS * *******************************/ /* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Encoding/decoding of form-fields using the popular www-form-encoded encoding used with the HTTP GET. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */ %% www_form_encode(+Value, -XWWWFormEncoded) is det. %% www_form_encode(-Value, +XWWWFormEncoded) is det. % % En/Decode between native value and % application/x-www-form-encoded. Maps space to +, keeps alnum, % maps anything else to =|%XX|= and newlines to =|%OD%OA|=. When % decoding, newlines appear as a single newline (10) character. www_form_encode(Value, Encoded) :- atomic(Value), !, atom_codes(Value, Codes), phrase(www_encode(Codes, ""), EncCodes), atom_codes(Encoded, EncCodes). www_form_encode(Value, Encoded) :- atom_codes(Encoded, EncCodes), phrase(www_decode(Codes), EncCodes), atom_codes(Value, Codes). %% www_encode(+Codes, +ExtraUnescaped)// www_encode([0'\r, 0'\n|T], Extra) --> !, "%0D%0A", www_encode(T, Extra). www_encode([0'\n|T], Extra) --> !, "%0D%0A", www_encode(T, Extra). www_encode([H|T], Extra) --> percent_encode(H, Extra), www_encode(T, Extra). www_encode([], _) --> "". percent_encode(C, _Extra) --> { unreserved(C) }, !, [C]. percent_encode(C, Extra) --> { memberchk(C, Extra) }, !, [C]. %percent_encode(0' , _) --> !, "+". % Deprecated: use %20 percent_encode(C, _) --> { C =< 127 }, !, percent_byte(C). percent_encode(C, _) --> % Unicode characters { current_prolog_flag(url_encoding, utf8), !, phrase(utf8_codes([C]), Bytes) }, percent_bytes(Bytes). percent_encode(C, _) --> { C =< 255 }, !, percent_byte(C). percent_encode(_C, _) --> { representation_error(url_character) }. percent_bytes([]) --> "". percent_bytes([H|T]) --> percent_byte(H), percent_bytes(T). percent_byte(C) --> [0'%, D1, D2], { nonvar(C) -> Dv1 is (C>>4 /\ 0xf), Dv2 is (C /\ 0xf), code_type(D1, xdigit(Dv1)), code_type(D2, xdigit(Dv2)) ; code_type(D1, xdigit(Dv1)), code_type(D2, xdigit(Dv2)), C is ((Dv1)<<4) + Dv2 }. percent_coded(C) --> percent_byte(C0), !, ( { C0 == 13 % %0D%0A --> \n }, "%0", ( "A" ; "a" ) -> { C = 10 } ; { C0 >= 0xc0 }, % UTF-8 lead-in utf8_cont(Cs), { phrase(utf8_codes([C]), [C0|Cs]) } -> [] ; { C = C0 } ). %% www_decode(-Codes)// www_decode([0' |T]) --> "+", !, www_decode(T). www_decode([C|T]) --> percent_coded(C), !, www_decode(T). www_decode([C|T]) --> [C], !, www_decode(T). www_decode([]) --> []. utf8_cont([H|T]) --> percent_byte(H), { between(0x80, 0xbf, H) }, !, utf8_cont(T). utf8_cont([]) --> []. %% set_url_encoding(?Old, +New) is semidet. % % Query and set the encoding for URLs. The default is =utf8=. % The only other defined value is =iso_latin_1=. % % @tbd Having a global flag is highly inconvenient, but a % work-around for old sites using ISO Latin 1 encoding. :- create_prolog_flag(url_encoding, utf8, [type(atom)]). set_url_encoding(Old, New) :- current_prolog_flag(url_encoding, Old), ( Old == New -> true ; must_be(oneof([utf8, iso_latin_1]), New), set_prolog_flag(url_encoding, New) ). /******************************* * IRI PROCESSING * *******************************/ %% url_iri(+Encoded, -Decoded) is det. %% url_iri(-Encoded, +Decoded) is det. % % Convert between a URL, encoding in US-ASCII and an IRI. An IRI % is a fully expanded Unicode string. Unicode strings are first % encoded into UTF-8, after which %-encoding takes place. url_iri(Encoded, Decoded) :- nonvar(Encoded), !, ( sub_atom(Encoded, _, _, _, '%') -> atom_codes(Encoded, Codes), unescape_precent(Codes, UTF8), phrase(utf8_codes(Unicodes), UTF8), atom_codes(Decoded, Unicodes) ; Decoded = Encoded ). url_iri(URL, IRI) :- atom_codes(IRI, IRICodes), phrase(percent_encode(IRICodes, "/:?#&="), UrlCodes), atom_codes(URL, UrlCodes). unescape_precent([], []). unescape_precent([0'%,C1,C2|T0], [H|T]) :- !, %' code_type(C1, xdigit(D1)), code_type(C2, xdigit(D2)), H is D1*16 + D2, unescape_precent(T0, T). unescape_precent([H|T0], [H|T]) :- unescape_precent(T0, T). /******************************* * FORM DATA * *******************************/ %% parse_url_search(?Spec, ?Fields:list(Name=Value)) is det. % % Construct or analyze an HTTP search specification. This deals % with form data using the MIME-type % =application/x-www-form-urlencoded= as used in HTTP GET % requests. parse_url_search(Spec, Fields) :- atomic(Spec), !, atom_codes(Spec, Codes), phrase(search(Fields), Codes). parse_url_search(Codes, Fields) :- is_list(Codes), !, phrase(search(Fields), Codes). parse_url_search(Codes, Fields) :- must_be(list, Fields), phrase(csearch(Fields, ""), Codes). /******************************* * FILE URLs * *******************************/ %% file_name_to_url(+File, -URL) is det. %% file_name_to_url(-File, +URL) is semidet. % % Translate between a filename and a file:// URL. % % @tbd Current implementation does not deal with paths that % need special encoding. file_name_to_url(File, FileURL) :- nonvar(File), !, absolute_file_name(File, Path), atom_concat('file://', Path, FileURL), !. file_name_to_url(File, FileURL) :- atom_concat('file://', File, FileURL), !.