[Sep 16 2009]

 * ENHANCED: CLP(Q/R): Correct residual goals for suspendend non-linear
[Aug 9 2009]

 * ENHANCED: CLP(Q/R): Working residual goals with copy_term/3. Please review.
[Mar 30 2009]

 * FIXED: alarm handling on Win64 (Kerri Haris)
[Nov 21 2008]

 * FIXED: wakeup issue in S_LIST and H_LIST_FF instructions.  Matt Lilley.
[Mar 30 2009]

 * FIXED: alarm handling on Win64 (Kerri Haris)
[Nov 21 2008]

 * FIXED: wakeup issue in S_LIST and H_LIST_FF instructions.  Matt Lilley.
[Nov 21 2008]

 * FIXED: wakeup issue in S_LIST and H_LIST_FF instructions.  Matt Lilley.
Sep 10, 2006

  * JW: Removed dependency on C/3.

Mar 31, 2006

  * JW: Removed SICStus ugraphs.pl and replaced by new SWI-Prolog library

Oct 17, 2005

   * LDK: Changed floor and ceiling operators to cope with
     inaccurate floats.

Feb 25, 2005

   * TS: Fix for Bugzilla Bug 19 by Leslie De Koninck.

Feb 21, 2005

   * JW: Fixed various module imports and expanded SWI-Prolog
     library(ordsets) to support all of the clp(R) library.

Dec 16, 2004

   * JW: Make loading parts silent
   * TS: Fixed bug toplevel printing. Now only pass different
	 variables to dump/3.

Dec 15, 2004

   * JW: Added version to CVS, updated copyright notices, etc.
   * TS: Added automatic printing of constraints on variables
	 in toplevel query.