%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % clp(q,r) version 1.3.3 % % % % (c) Copyright 1992,1993,1994,1995 % % Austrian Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence (OFAI) % % Schottengasse 3 % % A-1010 Vienna, Austria % % % % File: bv.pl % % Author: Christian Holzbaur christian@ai.univie.ac.at % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % simplex with bounded variables, ch, 93/12 % % % TODO: +) var/bound/state classification and maintainance % +) inc/dec_step: take the best?, at least find unconstrained var first % +) trivially implied values % +) avoid eval_rhs through an extra column (Coeff=Rhs) % +) if an optimum is encountered, record the value as bound !!! % +) generalized (transparent) attribute handling % +) coordinate reconsideration cascades % +) =\= % +) strict inequalities via =\= % -) decompose via nonvar test -> no symbolic constants any more ? % constants complicate the nonlin solver anyway ... % +) join t_l,l(L), .... into t_l(L), ... % +) shortcuts for strict ineqs % -) extra types for vars with l/u bound zero % -) occurrence lists for indep vars (with coeffs) ??? % each solve produces one dep var -> push % only complication: pivots % -) *incremental* REVISED simplex ?!! % % sicstus2.1.9.clp conversion: % % -) stable ordering through extra attribute ... % interpreted vs compiled yields different var order % -> nasty in R (need different eps) % % -) check determinism again % % :- public {}/1, maximize/1, minimize/1, sup/2, inf/2, imin/2. % xref.pl :- use_module( library(ordsets), [ord_add_element/3]). % :- use_module( library(deterministic)). % % For the rhs maint. the following events are important: % % -) introduction of an indep var at active bound B % -) narrowing of active bound % -) swap active bound % -) pivot % % % a variables bound (L/U) can have the states: % % -) t_none % -) t_l has a lower bound (not active yet) % -) t_u % -) t_L has an active lower bound % -) t_U % -) t_lu % -) t_Lu % -) t_lU % % ----------------------------------- deref ------------------------------------ % :- mode deref( +, -). % deref( Lin, Lind) :- split( Lin, H, I), normalize_scalar( I, Nonvar), length( H, Len), log_deref( Len, H, [], Restd), add_linear_11( Nonvar, Restd, Lind). :- mode log_deref( +, +, -, -). % log_deref( 0, Vs, Vs, Lin) :- !, arith_eval( 0, Z), Lin = [Z,Z]. log_deref( 1, [v(K,[X^1])|Vs], Vs, Lin) :- !, deref_var( X, Lx), mult_linear_factor( Lx, K, Lin). log_deref( 2, [v(Kx,[X^1]),v(Ky,[Y^1])|Vs], Vs, Lin) :- !, deref_var( X, Lx), deref_var( Y, Ly), add_linear_ff( Lx, Kx, Ly, Ky, Lin). log_deref( N, V0, V2, Lin) :- P is N >> 1, Q is N - P, log_deref( P, V0,V1, Lp), log_deref( Q, V1,V2, Lq), add_linear_11( Lp, Lq, Lin). /* % % tail recursive version % deref( Lin, Lind) :- split( Lin, H, I), normalize_scalar( I, Nonvar), lin_deref( H, Nonvar, Lind). log_deref( _, Lin, [], Res) :- % called from nf.pl arith_eval( 0, Z), lin_deref( Lin, [Z,Z], Res). lin_deref( [], Ld, Ld). lin_deref( [v(K,[X^1])|Vs], Li, Lo) :- deref_var( X, Lx), add_linear_f1( Lx, K, Li, Lii), lin_deref( Vs, Lii, Lo). */ % % If we see a nonvar here, this is a fault % deref_var( X, Lin) :- get_atts( X, lin(Lin)), !. deref_var( X, Lin) :- % create a linear var arith_eval( 0, Z), arith_eval( 1, One), Lin = [Z,Z,X*One], put_atts( X, [order(_),lin(Lin),type(t_none),strictness(2'00)]). var_with_def_assign( Var, Lin) :- decompose( Lin, Hom, _, I), ( Hom = [], % X=k Var = I ; Hom = [V*K|Cs], ( Cs = [], arith_eval(K=:=1), arith_eval(I=:=0) -> % X=Y Var = V ; % general case var_with_def_intern( t_none, Var, Lin, 2'00) ) ). var_with_def_intern( Type, Var, Lin, Strict) :- put_atts( Var, [order(_),lin(Lin),type(Type),strictness(Strict)]), decompose( Lin, Hom, _, _), get_or_add_class( Var, Class), same_class( Hom, Class). var_intern( Type, Var, Strict) :- arith_eval( 0, Z), arith_eval( 1, One), Lin = [Z,Z,Var*One], put_atts( Var, [order(_),lin(Lin),type(Type),strictness(Strict)]), get_or_add_class( Var, _Class). % ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ % % [V-Binding]* % Only place where the linear solver binds variables % export_binding( []). export_binding( [X-Y|Gs]) :- export_binding( Y, X), export_binding( Gs). % % numerical stabilizer, clp(r) only % export_binding( Y, X) :- var(Y), !, Y=X. %vsc: added cut here (01/06/06) export_binding( Y, X) :- nonvar(Y), ( arith_eval( Y=:=0) -> arith_eval( 0, X) ; Y = X ). 'solve_='( Nf) :- deref( Nf, Nfd), solve( Nfd). 'solve_=\\='( Nf) :- % vsc deref( Nf, Lind), decompose( Lind, Hom, _, Inhom), ( Hom = [], arith_eval( Inhom =\= 0) ; Hom = [_|_], var_with_def_intern( t_none, Nz, Lind, 2'00), put_atts( Nz, nonzero) ). 'solve_<'( Nf) :- split( Nf, H, I), ineq( H, I, Nf, strict). 'solve_=<'( Nf) :- split( Nf, H, I), ineq( H, I, Nf, nonstrict). maximize( Term) :- minimize( -Term). % % This is NOT coded as minimize(Expr) :- inf(Expr,Expr). % % because the new version of inf/2 only visits % the vertex where the infimum is assumed and returns % to the 'current' vertex via backtracking. % The rationale behind this construction is to eliminate % all garbage in the solver data structures produced by % the pivots on the way to the extremal point caused by % {inf,sup}/{2,4}. % % If we are after the infimum/supremum for minimizing/maximizing, % this strategy may have adverse effects on performance because % the simplex algorithm is forced to re-discover the % extremal vertex through the equation {Inf =:= Expr}. % % Thus the extra code for {minimize,maximize}/1. % % In case someone comes up with an example where % % inf(Expr,Expr) % % outperforms the provided formulation for minimize - so be it. % Both forms are available to the user. % minimize( Term) :- wait_linear( Term, Nf, minimize_lin(Nf)). minimize_lin( Lin) :- deref( Lin, Lind), var_with_def_intern( t_none, Dep, Lind, 2'00), determine_active_dec( Lind), iterate_dec( Dep, Inf), { Dep =:= Inf }. sup( Expression, Sup) :- sup( Expression, Sup, [], []). sup( Expression, Sup, Vector, Vertex) :- inf( -Expression, -Sup, Vector, Vertex). inf( Expression, Inf) :- inf( Expression, Inf, [], []). inf( Expression, Inf, Vector, Vertex) :- wait_linear( Expression, Nf, inf_lin(Nf,Inf,Vector,Vertex)). inf_lin( Lin, _, Vector, _) :- deref( Lin, Lind), var_with_def_intern( t_none, Dep, Lind, 2'00), determine_active_dec( Lind), iterate_dec( Dep, Inf), vertex_value( Vector, Values), bb_put( inf, [Inf|Values]), fail. inf_lin( _, Infimum, _, Vertex) :- bb_delete( inf, L), assign( [Infimum|Vertex], L). assign( [], []). assign( [X|Xs], [Y|Ys]) :- {X =:= Y}, % more defensive/expressive than X=Y assign( Xs, Ys). % --------------------------------- optimization ------------------------------- % % % The _sn(S) =< 0 row might be temporarily infeasible. % We use reconsider/1 to fix this. % % s(S) e [_,0] = d +xi ... -xj, Rhs > 0 so we want to decrease s(S) % % positive xi would have to be moved towards their lower bound, % negative xj would have to be moved towards their upper bound, % % the row s(S) does not limit the lower bound of xi % the row s(S) does not limit the upper bound of xj % % a) if some other row R is limiting xk, we pivot(R,xk), % s(S) will decrease and get more feasible until (b) % b) if there is no limiting row for some xi: we pivot(s(S),xi) % xj: we pivot(s(S),xj) % which cures the infeasibility in one step % % % fails if Status = unlimited/2 % iterate_dec( OptVar, Opt) :- get_atts( OptVar, lin(Lin)), decompose( Lin, H, R, I), % arith_eval( R+I, Now), print(min(Now)), nl, % dec_step_best( H, Status), %vsc: added -> (01/06/06) dec_step( H, Status), ( Status = applied -> iterate_dec( OptVar, Opt) ; Status = optimum -> arith_eval( R+I, Opt) ). iterate_inc( OptVar, Opt) :- get_atts( OptVar, lin(Lin)), decompose( Lin, H, R, I), inc_step( H, Status), %vsc: added -> (01/06/06) ( Status = applied -> iterate_inc( OptVar, Opt) ; Status = optimum -> arith_eval( R+I, Opt) ). % % Status = {optimum,unlimited(Indep,DepT),applied} % If Status = optimum, the tables have not been changed at all. % Searches left to right, does not try to find the 'best' pivot % Therefore we might discover unboundedness only after a few pivots % dec_step( [], optimum). dec_step( [V*K|Vs], Status) :- get_atts( V, type(W)), %vsc: added -> (01/06/06) ( W = t_U(U) -> ( arith_eval( K > 0) -> ( lb( V, Vub-Vb-_) -> Status = applied, pivot_a(Vub,V,Vb,t_u(U)) ; Status = unlimited(V,t_u(U)) ) ; dec_step( Vs, Status) ) ; W = t_lU(L,U) -> ( arith_eval( K > 0) -> Status = applied, arith_eval( L-U, Init), basis( V, Deps), lb( Deps, V, V-t_Lu(L,U)-Init, Vub-Vb-_), pivot_b(Vub,V,Vb,t_lu(L,U)) ; dec_step( Vs, Status) ) ; W = t_L(L) -> ( arith_eval( K < 0) -> ( ub( V, Vub-Vb-_) -> Status = applied, pivot_a(Vub,V,Vb,t_l(L)) ; Status = unlimited(V,t_l(L)) ) ; dec_step( Vs, Status) ) ; W = t_Lu(L,U) -> ( arith_eval( K < 0) -> Status = applied, arith_eval( U-L, Init), basis( V, Deps), ub( Deps, V, V-t_lU(L,U)-Init, Vub-Vb-_), pivot_b(Vub,V,Vb,t_lu(L,U)) ; dec_step( Vs, Status) ) ; W = t_none -> Status = unlimited(V,t_none) ). inc_step( [], optimum). inc_step( [V*K|Vs], Status) :- get_atts( V, type(W)), %vsc: added -> (01/06/06) ( W = t_U(U) -> ( arith_eval( K < 0) -> ( lb( V, Vub-Vb-_) -> Status = applied, pivot_a(Vub,V,Vb,t_u(U)) ; Status = unlimited(V,t_u(U)) ) ; inc_step( Vs, Status) ) ; W = t_lU(L,U) -> ( arith_eval( K < 0) -> Status = applied, arith_eval( L-U, Init), basis( V, Deps), lb( Deps, V, V-t_Lu(L,U)-Init, Vub-Vb-_), pivot_b(Vub,V,Vb,t_lu(L,U)) ; inc_step( Vs, Status) ) ; W = t_L(L) -> ( arith_eval( K > 0) -> ( ub( V, Vub-Vb-_) -> Status = applied, pivot_a(Vub,V,Vb,t_l(L)) ; Status = unlimited(V,t_l(L)) ) ; inc_step( Vs, Status) ) ; W = t_Lu(L,U) -> ( arith_eval( K > 0) -> Status = applied, arith_eval( U-L, Init), basis( V, Deps), ub( Deps, V, V-t_lU(L,U)-Init, Vub-Vb-_), pivot_b(Vub,V,Vb,t_lu(L,U)) ; inc_step( Vs, Status) ) ; W = t_none -> Status = unlimited(V,t_none) ). % ------------------------------ best first heuristic -------------------------- % % % A replacement for dec_step/2 that uses a local best first heuristic. % % dec_step_best( H, Status) :- dec_eval( H, E), ( E = unlimited(_,_), Status = E ; E = [], Status = optimum ; E = [_|_], Status = applied, keysort( E, [_-Best|_]), ( Best = pivot_a(Vub,V,Vb,Wd), pivot_a(Vub,V,Vb,Wd) ; Best = pivot_b(Vub,V,Vb,Wd), pivot_b(Vub,V,Vb,Wd) ) ). dec_eval( [], []). dec_eval( [V*K|Vs], Res) :- get_atts( V, type(W)), ( W = t_U(U), ( arith_eval( K > 0) -> ( lb( V, Vub-Vb-Limit) -> arith_eval( float(Limit*K), Delta), Res = [Delta-pivot_a(Vub,V,Vb,t_u(U)) | Tail], dec_eval( Vs, Tail) ; Res = unlimited(V,t_u(U)) ) ; dec_eval( Vs, Res) ) ; W = t_lU(L,U), ( arith_eval( K > 0) -> arith_eval( L-U, Init), basis( V, Deps), lb( Deps, V, V-t_Lu(L,U)-Init, Vub-Vb-Limit), arith_eval( float(Limit*K), Delta), Res = [Delta-pivot_b(Vub,V,Vb,t_lu(L,U)) | Tail], dec_eval( Vs, Tail) ; dec_eval( Vs, Res) ) ; W = t_L(L), ( arith_eval( K < 0) -> ( ub( V, Vub-Vb-Limit) -> arith_eval( float(Limit*K), Delta), Res = [Delta-pivot_a(Vub,V,Vb,t_l(L)) | Tail], dec_eval( Vs, Tail) ; Res = unlimited(V,t_l(L)) ) ; dec_eval( Vs, Res) ) ; W = t_Lu(L,U), ( arith_eval( K < 0) -> arith_eval( U-L, Init), basis( V, Deps), ub( Deps, V, V-t_lU(L,U)-Init, Vub-Vb-Limit), arith_eval( float(Limit*K), Delta), Res = [Delta-pivot_b(Vub,V,Vb,t_lu(L,U)) | Tail], dec_eval( Vs, Tail) ; dec_eval( Vs, Res) ) ; W = t_none, Res = unlimited(V,t_none) ). % ------------------------- find the most constraining row --------------------- % % % The code for the lower and the upper bound are dual versions of each other. % The only difference is in the orientation of the comparisons. % Indeps are ruled out by their types. % If there is no bound, this fails. % % *** The actual lb and ub on an indep variable X are [lu]b + b(X), where b(X) % is the value of the active bound. % % Nota bene: We must NOT consider infeasible rows as candidates to % leave the basis! % ub( X, Ub) :- basis( X, Deps), ub_first( Deps, X, Ub). :- mode ub_first( +, ?, -). % ub_first( [Dep|Deps], X, Tightest) :- ( get_atts( Dep, [lin(Lin),type(Type)]), ub_inner( Type, X, Lin, W, Ub), arith_eval( Ub >= 0) -> ub( Deps, X, Dep-W-Ub, Tightest) ; ub_first( Deps, X, Tightest) ). % % Invariant: Ub >= 0 and decreasing % :- mode ub( +, ?, +, -). % ub( [], _, T0,T0). ub( [Dep|Deps], X, T0,T1) :- ( get_atts( Dep, [lin(Lin),type(Type)]), ub_inner( Type, X, Lin, W, Ub), T0 = _-Ubb, arith_eval( Ub < Ubb), arith_eval( Ub >= 0) -> % rare failure ub( Deps, X, Dep-W-Ub,T1) ; ub( Deps, X, T0,T1) ). lb( X, Lb) :- basis( X, Deps), lb_first( Deps, X, Lb). :- mode lb_first( +, ?, -). % lb_first( [Dep|Deps], X, Tightest) :- ( get_atts( Dep, [lin(Lin),type(Type)]), lb_inner( Type, X, Lin, W, Lb), arith_eval( Lb =< 0) -> lb( Deps, X, Dep-W-Lb, Tightest) ; lb_first( Deps, X, Tightest) ). % % Invariant: Lb =< 0 and increasing % :- mode lb( +, ?, +, -). % lb( [], _, T0,T0). lb( [Dep|Deps], X, T0,T1) :- ( get_atts( Dep, [lin(Lin),type(Type)]), lb_inner( Type, X, Lin, W, Lb), T0 = _-Lbb, arith_eval( Lb > Lbb), arith_eval( Lb =< 0) -> % rare failure lb( Deps, X, Dep-W-Lb,T1) ; lb( Deps, X, T0,T1) ). % % Lb =< 0 for feasible rows % :- mode lb_inner( +, ?, +, -, -). % lb_inner( t_l(L), X, Lin, t_L(L), Lb) :- nf_rhs_x( Lin, X, Rhs, K), arith_eval( K > 0), arith_eval( (L-Rhs)/K, Lb). lb_inner( t_u(U), X, Lin, t_U(U), Lb) :- nf_rhs_x( Lin, X, Rhs, K), arith_eval( K < 0), arith_eval( (U-Rhs)/K, Lb). lb_inner( t_lu(L,U), X, Lin, W, Lb) :- nf_rhs_x( Lin, X, Rhs, K), case_signum( K, ( W = t_lU(L,U), arith_eval( (U-Rhs)/K, Lb) ), fail, ( W = t_Lu(L,U), arith_eval( (L-Rhs)/K, Lb) )). % % Ub >= 0 for feasible rows % :- mode ub_inner( +, ?, +, -, -). % ub_inner( t_l(L), X, Lin, t_L(L), Ub) :- nf_rhs_x( Lin, X, Rhs, K), arith_eval( K < 0), arith_eval( (L-Rhs)/K, Ub). ub_inner( t_u(U), X, Lin, t_U(U), Ub) :- nf_rhs_x( Lin, X, Rhs, K), arith_eval( K > 0), arith_eval( (U-Rhs)/K, Ub). ub_inner( t_lu(L,U), X, Lin, W, Ub) :- nf_rhs_x( Lin, X, Rhs, K), case_signum( K, ( W = t_Lu(L,U), arith_eval( (L-Rhs)/K, Ub) ), fail, ( W = t_lU(L,U), arith_eval( (U-Rhs)/K, Ub) )). % ---------------------------------- equations --------------------------------- % % % backsubstitution will not make the system infeasible, if the bounds on the indep % vars are obeyed, but some implied values might pop up in rows where X occurs % -) special case X=Y during bs -> get rid of dependend var(s), alias % solve( Lin) :- decompose( Lin, H, _, I), solve( H, Lin, I, Bindings, []), export_binding( Bindings). solve( [], _, I, Bind0,Bind0) :- arith_eval( I=:=0). % redundant or trivially unsat %vsc: changed to list in head (01/06/06) solve( [HHd|HTl], Lin, _, Bind0,BindT) :- % % [] is an empty ord_set, anything will be preferred % over 9-9 % sd( [HHd|HTl], [],ClassesUniq, 9-9-0,Category-Selected-_, NV,NVT), isolate( Selected, Lin, Lin1), %vsc: added -> (01/06/06) ( Category = 1 -> put_atts( Selected, lin(Lin1)), decompose( Lin1, Hom, _, Inhom), bs_collect_binding( Hom, Selected, Inhom, Bind0,BindT), eq_classes( NV, NVT, ClassesUniq) ; Category = 2 -> get_atts( Selected, class(NewC)), class_allvars( NewC, Deps), ( ClassesUniq = [_] -> % rank increasing bs_collect_bindings( Deps, Selected, Lin1, Bind0,BindT) ; Bind0 = BindT, bs( Deps, Selected, Lin1) ), eq_classes( NV, NVT, ClassesUniq) ; Category = 3 -> put_atts( Selected, lin(Lin1)), get_atts( Selected, type(Type)), deactivate_bound( Type, Selected), eq_classes( NV, NVT, ClassesUniq), basis_add( Selected, Basis), undet_active( Lin1), decompose( Lin1, Hom, _, Inhom), bs_collect_binding( Hom, Selected, Inhom, Bind0,Bind1), rcbl( Basis, Bind1,BindT) ; Category = 4 -> get_atts( Selected, [type(Type),class(NewC)]), class_allvars( NewC, Deps), ( ClassesUniq = [_] -> % rank increasing bs_collect_bindings( Deps, Selected, Lin1, Bind0,Bind1) ; Bind0 = Bind1, bs( Deps, Selected, Lin1) ), deactivate_bound( Type, Selected), basis_add( Selected, Basis), % eq_classes( NV, NVT, ClassesUniq), % 4 -> var(NV) equate( ClassesUniq, _), undet_active( Lin1), rcbl( Basis, Bind1,BindT) ). % % Much like solve, but we solve for a particular variable of type % t_none % solve_x( Lin, X) :- decompose( Lin, H, _, I), solve_x( H, Lin, I, X, Bindings, []), export_binding( Bindings). solve_x( [], _, I, _, Bind0,Bind0) :- arith_eval( I=:=0). % redundant or trivially unsat solve_x( H, Lin, _, Selected, Bind0,BindT) :- H = [_|_], % indexing sd( H, [],ClassesUniq, 9-9-0,_, NV,NVT), isolate( Selected, Lin, Lin1), ( get_atts( Selected, class(NewC)) -> class_allvars( NewC, Deps), ( ClassesUniq = [_] -> % rank increasing bs_collect_bindings( Deps, Selected, Lin1, Bind0,BindT) ; Bind0 = BindT, bs( Deps, Selected, Lin1) ), eq_classes( NV, NVT, ClassesUniq) ; put_atts( Selected, lin(Lin1)), decompose( Lin1, Hom, _, Inhom), bs_collect_binding( Hom, Selected, Inhom, Bind0,BindT), eq_classes( NV, NVT, ClassesUniq) ). sd( [], Class0,Class0, Preference0,Preference0, NV0,NV0). sd( [X*K|Xs], Class0,ClassN, Preference0,PreferenceN, NV0,NVt) :- ( get_atts( X, class(Xc)) -> % old NV0 = NV1, ord_add_element( Class0, Xc, Class1), ( get_atts( X, type(t_none)) -> preference( Preference0, 2-X-K, Preference1) ; preference( Preference0, 4-X-K, Preference1) ) ; % new Class1 = Class0, 'C'( NV0, X, NV1), ( get_atts( X, type(t_none)) -> preference( Preference0, 1-X-K, Preference1) ; preference( Preference0, 3-X-K, Preference1) ) ), sd( Xs, Class1,ClassN, Preference1,PreferenceN, NV1,NVt). % % A is best sofar, B is current % preference( A, B, Pref) :- A = Px-_-_, B = Py-_-_, compare( Rel, Px, Py), %vsc: added -> (01/06/06) ( Rel = = -> Pref = B % ( arith_eval(abs(Ka)= Pref=A ; Pref=B ) ; Rel = < -> Pref = A ; Rel = > -> Pref = B ). % % equate after attach_class because other classes may contribute % nonvars and will bind the tail of NV % eq_classes( NV, _, Cs) :- var( NV), !, equate( Cs, _). eq_classes( NV, NVT, Cs) :- class_new( Su, NV,NVT, []), attach_class( NV, Su), equate( Cs, Su). equate( [], _). equate( [X|Xs], X) :- equate( Xs, X). % % assert: none of the Vars has a class attribute yet % attach_class( Xs, _) :- var( Xs), !. attach_class( [X|Xs], Class) :- put_atts( X, class(Class)), attach_class( Xs, Class). /** unconstrained( [X*K|Xs], Uc,Kuc, Rest) :- ( get_atts( X, type(t_none)) -> Uc = X, Kuc = K, Rest = Xs ; Rest = [X*K|Tail], unconstrained( Xs, Uc,Kuc, Tail) ). **/ /**/ unconstrained( Lin, Uc,Kuc, Rest) :- decompose( Lin, H, _, _), sd( H, [],_, 9-9-0,Category-Uc-_, _,_), Category =< 2, delete_factor( Uc, Lin, Rest, Kuc). /**/ % % point the vars in Lin into the same equivalence class % maybe join some global data % same_class( [], _). same_class( [X*_|Xs], Class) :- get_or_add_class( X, Class), same_class( Xs, Class). get_or_add_class( X, Class) :- get_atts( X, class(ClassX)), !, ClassX = Class. % explicit =/2 because of cut get_or_add_class( X, Class) :- put_atts( X, class(Class)), class_new( Class, [X|Tail],Tail, []). % initial class atts allvars( X, Allvars) :- get_atts( X, class(C)), class_allvars( C, Allvars). deactivate_bound( t_l(_), _). deactivate_bound( t_u(_), _). deactivate_bound( t_lu(_,_), _). deactivate_bound( t_L(L), X) :- put_atts( X, type(t_l(L))). deactivate_bound( t_Lu(L,U), X) :- put_atts( X, type(t_lu(L,U))). deactivate_bound( t_U(U), X) :- put_atts( X, type(t_u(U))). deactivate_bound( t_lU(L,U), X) :- put_atts( X, type(t_lu(L,U))). intro_at( X, Value, Type) :- put_atts( X, type(Type)), ( arith_eval( Value =:= 0) -> true ; backsubst_delta( X, Value) ). % % The choice t_lu -> t_Lu is arbitrary % undet_active( Lin) :- decompose( Lin, Lin1, _, _), undet_active_h( Lin1). undet_active_h( []). undet_active_h( [X*_|Xs]) :- get_atts( X, type(Type)), undet_active( Type, X), undet_active_h( Xs). undet_active( t_none, _). % type_activity undet_active( t_L(_), _). undet_active( t_Lu(_,_), _). undet_active( t_U(_), _). undet_active( t_lU(_,_), _). undet_active( t_l(L), X) :- intro_at( X, L, t_L(L)). undet_active( t_u(U), X) :- intro_at( X, U, t_U(U)). undet_active( t_lu(L,U), X) :- intro_at( X, L, t_Lu(L,U)). determine_active_dec( Lin) :- decompose( Lin, Lin1, _, _), arith_eval( -1, Mone), determine_active( Lin1, Mone). determine_active_inc( Lin) :- decompose( Lin, Lin1, _, _), arith_eval( 1, One), determine_active( Lin1, One). determine_active( [], _). determine_active( [X*K|Xs], S) :- get_atts( X, type(Type)), determine_active( Type, X, K, S), determine_active( Xs, S). determine_active( t_L(_), _, _, _). determine_active( t_Lu(_,_), _, _, _). determine_active( t_U(_), _, _, _). determine_active( t_lU(_,_), _, _, _). determine_active( t_l(L), X, _, _) :- intro_at( X, L, t_L(L)). determine_active( t_u(U), X, _, _) :- intro_at( X, U, t_U(U)). determine_active( t_lu(L,U), X, K, S) :- case_signum( K*S, intro_at( X, L, t_Lu(L,U)), fail, intro_at( X, U, t_lU(L,U))). % % Careful when an indep turns into t_none !!! % detach_bounds( V) :- get_atts( V, lin(Lin)), put_atts( V, [type(t_none),strictness(2'00)]), ( indep( Lin, V) -> ( ub( V, Vub-Vb-_) -> % exchange against thightest basis_drop( Vub), pivot( Vub, V, Vb) ; lb( V, Vlb-Vb-_) -> basis_drop( Vlb), pivot( Vlb, V, Vb) ; true ) ; basis_drop( V) ). % ----------------------------- manipulate the basis --------------------------- % basis_drop( X) :- get_atts( X, class(Cv)), class_basis_drop( Cv, X). basis( X, Basis) :- get_atts( X, class(Cv)), class_basis( Cv, Basis). basis_add( X, NewBasis) :- get_atts( X, class(Cv)), class_basis_add( Cv, X, NewBasis). basis_pivot( Leave, Enter) :- get_atts( Leave, class(Cv)), class_basis_pivot( Cv, Enter, Leave). % ----------------------------------- pivot ------------------------------------ % % % Pivot ignoring rhs and active states % pivot( Dep, Indep) :- get_atts( Dep, lin(H)), delete_factor( Indep, H, H0, Coeff), arith_eval( -1/Coeff, K), arith_eval( -1, Mone), arith_eval( 0, Z), add_linear_ff( H0, K, [Z,Z,Dep*Mone], K, Lin), backsubst( Indep, Lin). pivot_a( Dep, Indep, Vb,Wd) :- basis_pivot( Dep, Indep), pivot( Dep, Indep, Vb), put_atts( Indep, type(Wd)). pivot_b( Vub, V, Vb, Wd) :- ( Vub == V -> put_atts( V, type(Vb)), pivot_b_delta( Vb, Delta), % nonzero(Delta) backsubst_delta( V, Delta) ; pivot_a( Vub, V, Vb,Wd) ). pivot_b_delta( t_Lu(L,U), Delta) :- arith_eval( L-U, Delta). pivot_b_delta( t_lU(L,U), Delta) :- arith_eval( U-L, Delta). select_active_bound( t_L(L), L). select_active_bound( t_Lu(L,_), L). select_active_bound( t_U(U), U). select_active_bound( t_lU(_,U), U). select_active_bound( t_none, Z) :- arith_eval( 0, Z). % % for project.pl % select_active_bound( t_l(_), Z) :- arith_eval( 0, Z). select_active_bound( t_u(_), Z) :- arith_eval( 0, Z). select_active_bound( t_lu(_,_), Z) :- arith_eval( 0, Z). % % Pivot taking care of rhs and active states % pivot( Dep, Indep, IndAct) :- get_atts( Dep, lin(H)), put_atts( Dep, type(IndAct)), select_active_bound( IndAct, Abv), % Dep or Indep delete_factor( Indep, H, H0, Coeff), arith_eval( -1/Coeff, K), arith_eval( 0, Z), arith_eval( -1, Mone), arith_eval( -Abv, Abvm), add_linear_ff( H0, K, [Z,Abvm,Dep*Mone], K, Lin), backsubst( Indep, Lin). backsubst_delta( X, Delta) :- arith_eval( 1, One), arith_eval( 0, Z), backsubst( X, [Z,Delta,X*One]). backsubst( X, Lin) :- allvars( X, Allvars), bs( Allvars, X, Lin). % % valid if nothing will go ground % bs( Xs, _, _) :- var( Xs), !. bs( [X|Xs], V, Lin) :- ( get_atts( X, lin(LinX)), nf_substitute( V, Lin, LinX, LinX1) -> put_atts( X, lin(LinX1)), bs( Xs, V, Lin) ; bs( Xs, V, Lin) ). % % rank increasing backsubstitution % bs_collect_bindings( Xs, _, _, Bind0,BindT) :- var( Xs), !, Bind0=BindT. bs_collect_bindings( [X|Xs], V, Lin, Bind0,BindT) :- ( get_atts( X, lin(LinX)), nf_substitute( V, Lin, LinX, LinX1) -> put_atts( X, lin(LinX1)), decompose( LinX1, Hom, _, Inhom), bs_collect_binding( Hom, X, Inhom, Bind0,Bind1), bs_collect_bindings( Xs, V, Lin, Bind1,BindT) ; bs_collect_bindings( Xs, V, Lin, Bind0,BindT) ). % % The first clause exports bindings, % the second (no longer) aliasings % bs_collect_binding( [], X, Inhom) --> [ X-Inhom ]. bs_collect_binding( [_|_], _, _) --> []. /* bs_collect_binding( [Y*K|Ys], X, Inhom) --> ( { Ys = [], Y \== X, arith_eval( K=:=1), arith_eval( Inhom=:=0) } -> [ X-Y ] ; [] ). */ % % reconsider the basis % rcbl( [], Bind0,Bind0). rcbl( [X|Continuation], Bind0,BindT) :- ( rcb( X, Status, Violated) -> % have a culprit rcbl_status( Status, X, Continuation, Bind0,BindT, Violated) ; rcbl( Continuation, Bind0,BindT) ). % % reconsider one element of the basis % later: lift the binds % reconsider( X) :- rcb( X, Status, Violated), !, rcbl_status( Status, X, [], Binds,[], Violated), export_binding( Binds). reconsider( _). % % Find a basis variable out of its bound or at its bound % Try to move it into whithin its bound % a) impossible -> fail % b) optimum at the bound -> implied value % c) else look at the remaining basis variables % rcb( X, Status, Violated) :- get_atts( X, [lin(Lin),type(Type)]), decompose( Lin, H, R, I), ( Type = t_l(L), arith_eval( R+I =< L), Violated = l(L), inc_step( H, Status) ; Type = t_u(U), arith_eval( R+I >= U), Violated = u(U), dec_step( H, Status) ; Type = t_lu(L,U), arith_eval( R+I, At), ( arith_eval( At =< L), Violated = l(L), inc_step( H, Status) ; arith_eval( At >= U), Violated = u(U), dec_step( H, Status) ) % % don't care for other types % ). rcbl_status( optimum, X, Cont, B0,Bt, Violated) :- rcbl_opt( Violated, X, Cont, B0,Bt). rcbl_status( applied, X, Cont, B0,Bt, Violated) :- rcbl_app( Violated, X, Cont, B0,Bt). rcbl_status( unlimited(Indep,DepT), X, Cont, B0,Bt, Violated) :- rcbl_unl( Violated, X, Cont, B0,Bt, Indep, DepT). % % Might reach optimum immediately without changing the basis, % but in general we must assume that there were pivots. % If the optimum meets the bound, we backsubstitute the implied % value, solve will call us again to check for further implied % values or unsatisfiability in the rank increased system. % rcbl_opt( l(L), X, Continuation, B0,B1) :- get_atts( X, [lin(Lin),strictness(Strict),type(Type)]), decompose( Lin, _, R, I), arith_eval( R+I, Opt), case_signum( L-Opt, ( narrow_u( Type, X, Opt), % { X =< Opt } rcbl( Continuation, B0,B1) ), ( Strict /\ 2'10 =:= 0, % meets lower arith_eval( -Opt, Mop), normalize_scalar( Mop, MopN), add_linear_11( MopN, Lin, Lin1), decompose( Lin1, Hom, _, Inhom), %vsc: added -> (01/06/06) ( Hom = [] -> rcbl( Continuation, B0,B1) % would not callback ; Hom = [_|_] -> solve( Hom, Lin1, Inhom, B0,B1) ) ), fail ). rcbl_opt( u(U), X, Continuation, B0,B1) :- get_atts( X, [lin(Lin),strictness(Strict),type(Type)]), decompose( Lin, _, R, I), arith_eval( R+I, Opt), case_signum( U-Opt, fail, ( Strict /\ 2'01 =:= 0, % meets upper arith_eval( -Opt, Mop), normalize_scalar( Mop, MopN), add_linear_11( MopN, Lin, Lin1), decompose( Lin1, Hom, _, Inhom), %vsc: added -> (01/06/06) ( Hom = [] -> rcbl( Continuation, B0,B1) % would not callback ; Hom = [_|_] -> solve( Hom, Lin1, Inhom, B0,B1) ) ), ( narrow_l( Type, X, Opt), % { X >= Opt } rcbl( Continuation, B0,B1) )). % % Basis has already changed when this is called % rcbl_app( l(L), X, Continuation, B0,B1) :- get_atts( X, lin(Lin)), decompose( Lin, H, R, I), ( arith_eval( R+I > L) -> % within bound now rcbl( Continuation, B0,B1) ; % arith_eval( R+I, Val), print( rcbl_app(X:L:Val)), nl, inc_step( H, Status), rcbl_status( Status, X, Continuation, B0,B1, l(L)) ). rcbl_app( u(U), X, Continuation, B0,B1) :- get_atts( X, lin(Lin)), decompose( Lin, H, R, I), ( arith_eval( R+I < U) -> % within bound now rcbl( Continuation, B0,B1) ; dec_step( H, Status), rcbl_status( Status, X, Continuation, B0,B1, u(U)) ). % % This is never called for a t_lu culprit % rcbl_unl( l(L), X, Continuation, B0,B1, Indep, DepT) :- pivot_a( X, Indep, t_L(L), DepT), % changes the basis rcbl( Continuation, B0,B1). rcbl_unl( u(U), X, Continuation, B0,B1, Indep, DepT) :- pivot_a( X, Indep, t_U(U), DepT), % changes the basis rcbl( Continuation, B0,B1). narrow_u( t_u(_), X, U) :- put_atts( X, type(t_u(U))). narrow_u( t_lu(L,_), X, U) :- put_atts( X, type(t_lu(L,U))). narrow_l( t_l(_), X, L) :- put_atts( X, type(t_l(L))). narrow_l( t_lu(_,U), X, L) :- put_atts( X, type(t_lu(L,U))). % ----------------------------------- dump ------------------------------------- dump_var( t_none, V, I,H) --> !, ( { H=[W*K],V==W,arith_eval(I=:=0),arith_eval(K=:=1) } -> % indep var [] ; { nf2sum( H, I, Sum) }, [ V = Sum ] ). dump_var( t_L(L), V, I,H) --> !, dump_var( t_l(L), V, I,H). dump_var( t_l(L), V, I,H) --> !, { H= [_*K|_], % avoid 1 >= 0 get_atts( V, strictness(Strict)), Sm is Strict /\ 2'10, arith_eval( 1/K, Kr), arith_eval( Kr*(L-I), Li), mult_hom( H, Kr, H1), arith_eval( 0, Z), nf2sum( H1, Z, Sum), ( arith_eval( K > 0) -> dump_strict( Sm, Sum >= Li, Sum > Li, Result) ; dump_strict( Sm, Sum =< Li, Sum < Li, Result) ) }, [ Result ]. dump_var( t_U(U), V, I,H) --> !, dump_var( t_u(U), V, I,H). dump_var( t_u(U), V, I,H) --> !, { H= [_*K|_], % avoid 0 =< 1 get_atts( V, strictness(Strict)), Sm is Strict /\ 2'01, arith_eval( 1/K, Kr), arith_eval( Kr*(U-I), Ui), mult_hom( H, Kr, H1), arith_eval( 0, Z), nf2sum( H1, Z, Sum), ( arith_eval( K > 0) -> dump_strict( Sm, Sum =< Ui, Sum < Ui, Result) ; dump_strict( Sm, Sum >= Ui, Sum > Ui, Result) ) }, [ Result ]. dump_var( t_Lu(L,U), V, I,H) --> !, dump_var( t_l(L), V,I,H), dump_var( t_U(U), V,I,H). dump_var( t_lU(L,U), V, I,H) --> !, dump_var( t_l(L), V,I,H), dump_var( t_U(U), V,I,H). dump_var( t_lu(L,U), V, I,H) --> !, dump_var( t_l(L), V,I,H), dump_var( t_U(U), V,I,H). dump_var( T, V, I,H) --> [ V:T:I+H ]. dump_strict( 0, Result, _, Result). dump_strict( 1, _, Result, Result). dump_strict( 2, _, Result, Result). dump_nz( _, H, I) --> { H = [_*K|_], arith_eval( 1/K, Kr), arith_eval( -Kr*I, I1), mult_hom( H, Kr, H1), arith_eval( 0, Z), nf2sum( H1, Z, Sum) }, [ Sum =\= I1 ].