/************************************************************************* * * * YAP Prolog * * * * Yap Prolog was developed at NCCUP - Universidade do Porto * * * * Copyright L.Damas, V.S.Costa and Universidade do Porto 1985-1997 * * * ************************************************************************** * * * File: atts.yap * * Last rev: 8/2/88 * * mods: * * comments: attribute support for Prolog * * * *************************************************************************/ :- module('$attributes', [ project_delayed_goals/2 ]). prolog:get_attr(Var, Mod, Att) :- functor(AttTerm, Mod, 2), arg(2, AttTerm, Att), attributes:get_module_atts(Var, AttTerm). prolog:put_attr(Var, Mod, Att) :- functor(AttTerm, Mod, 2), arg(2, AttTerm, Att), attributes:put_module_atts(Var, AttTerm). prolog:del_attr(Var, Mod) :- functor(AttTerm, Mod, 2), attributes:del_all_module_atts(Var, AttTerm). prolog:del_attrs(Var) :- attributes:del_all_atts(Var). prolog:get_attrs(AttVar, SWIAtts) :- attributes:get_all_swi_atts(AttVar,SWIAtts). prolog:put_attrs(_, []). prolog:put_attrs(V, Atts) :- cvt_to_swi_atts(Atts, YapAtts), attributes:put_att_term(V, YapAtts). cvt_to_swi_atts([], _). cvt_to_swi_atts(att(Mod,Attribute,Atts), ModAttribute) :- ModAttribute =.. [Mod, YapAtts, Attribute], cvt_to_swi_atts(Atts, YapAtts). % % wake_up_goal is called by the system whenever a suspended goal % resumes. % /* The first case may happen if this variable was used for dif. In this case, we need a way to keep the original suspended goal around */ %'$wake_up_goal'([Module1|Continuation],G) :- % '$write'(4,vsc_woke:G+[Module1|Continuation]:' %'), fail. prolog:'$wake_up_goal'([Module1|Continuation], LG) :- execute_woken_system_goals(LG), do_continuation(Continuation, Module1). % % in the first two cases restore register immediately and proceed % to continuation. In the last case take care with modules, but do % not act as if a meta-call. % % do_continuation('$cut_by'(X), _) :- !, '$$cut_by'(X). do_continuation('$restore_regs'(X), _) :- !, '$restore_regs'(X). do_continuation('$restore_regs'(X,Y), _) :- !, '$restore_regs'(X,Y). do_continuation(Continuation, Module1) :- execute_continuation(Continuation,Module1). execute_continuation(Continuation, Module1) :- '$undefined'(Continuation, Module1), !, '$undefp'([Module1|Continuation]). execute_continuation(Continuation, Mod) :- % do not do meta-expansion nor any fancy stuff. '$execute0'(Continuation, Mod). execute_woken_system_goals([]). execute_woken_system_goals(['$att_do'(V,New)|LG]) :- execute_woken_system_goals(LG), call_atts(V,New). % % what to do when an attribute gets bound % call_atts(V,_) :- nonvar(V), !. call_atts(V,_) :- '$att_bound'(V), !. call_atts(V,New) :- attributes:get_all_swi_atts(V,SWIAtts), ( '$undefined'(woken_att_do(V, New, LGoals, DoNotBind), attributes) -> LGoals = [], DoNotBind = false ; attributes:woken_att_do(V, New, LGoals, DoNotBind) ), ( DoNotBind == true -> attributes:unbind_attvar(V) ; attributes:bind_attvar(V) ), do_hook_attributes(SWIAtts, New), lcall(LGoals). do_hook_attributes([], _). do_hook_attributes(att(Mod,Att,Atts), Binding) :- ('$undefined'(attr_unify_hook(Att,Binding), Mod) -> true ; Mod:attr_unify_hook(Att, Binding) ), do_hook_attributes(Atts, Binding). lcall([]). lcall([Mod:Gls|Goals]) :- lcall2(Gls,Mod), lcall(Goals). lcall2([], _). lcall2([Goal|Goals], Mod) :- call(Mod:Goal), lcall2(Goals, Mod). prolog:call_residue_vars(Goal,Residue) :- attributes:all_attvars(Vs0), call(Goal), attributes:all_attvars(Vs), % this should not be actually strictly necessary right now. % but it makes it a safe bet. sort(Vs, Vss), sort(Vs0, Vs0s), '$ord_remove'(Vss, Vs0s, Residue). '$ord_remove'([], _, []). '$ord_remove'([V|Vs], [], [V|Vs]). '$ord_remove'([V1|Vss], [V2|Vs0s], Residue) :- ( V1 == V2 -> '$ord_remove'(Vss, Vs0s, Residue) ; V1 @< V2 -> Residue = [V1|ResidueF], '$ord_remove'(Vss, [V2|Vs0s], ResidueF) ; '$ord_remove'([V1|Vss], Vs0s, Residue) ). prolog:copy_term(Term, Copy, Goals) :- term_variables(Term, TVars), '$get_goalist_from_attvars'(TVars, Goals0), copy_term_nat([Term|Goals0], [Copy|Goals]). prolog:call_residue(Goal,Residue) :- var(Goal), !, '$do_error'(instantiation_error,call_residue(Goal,Residue)). prolog:call_residue(Module:Goal,Residue) :- atom(Module), !, call_residue(Goal,Module,Residue). prolog:call_residue(Goal,Residue) :- '$current_module'(Module), call_residue(Goal,Module,Residue). call_residue(Goal,Module,Residue) :- call(Module:Goal). project_delayed_goals(G,LGs) :- ( '$undefined'(modules_with_attributes(_),attributes) -> attributed(G, NLAV), NLAV = [_|_] ; % SICStus compatible step, % just try to simplify store by projecting constraints % over query variables. % called by top_level to find out about delayed goals attributes:all_attvars(LAV), LAV = [_|_], !, project_attributes(LAV, G), % now get a list of frozen goals. attributes:all_attvars(NLAV) ), !, get_goalist_from_attvars(NLAV, LGs). project_delayed_goals(_,[]). attributed(G, Vs) :- term_variables(G, LAV), att_vars(LAV, Vs). att_vars([], []). att_vars([V|LGs], [V|AttVars]) :- attvar(V), !, att_vars(LGs, AttVars). att_vars([_|LGs], AttVars) :- att_vars(LGs, AttVars). % make sure we set the suspended goal list to its previous state! % make sure we have installed a SICStus like constraint solver. project_attributes(_, _) :- '$undefined'(modules_with_attributes(_),attributes), !. project_attributes(AllVs, G) :- attributes:modules_with_attributes(LMods), term_variables(G, InputVs), pick_att_vars(InputVs, AttIVs), project_module(LMods, AttIVs, AllVs). pick_att_vars([],[]). pick_att_vars([V|L],[V|NL]) :- attvar(V), !, pick_att_vars(L,NL). pick_att_vars([_|L],NL) :- pick_att_vars(L,NL). project_module([], _, _). project_module([Mod|LMods], LIV, LAV) :- '$pred_exists'(project_attributes(LIV, LAV),Mod), '$notrace'(Mod:project_attributes(LIV, LAV)), !, attributes:all_attvars(NLAV), project_module(LMods,LIV,NLAV). project_module([_|LMods], LIV, LAV) :- project_module(LMods,LIV,LAV). % given a list of attributed variables, generate a conjunction of goals. % get_conj_from_attvars(TVars, Goals) :- get_goalist_from_attvars(TVars, [], GoalList, []), list_to_conjunction(GoalList, Goals). % % same, but generate list % get_goalist_from_attvars(TVars, GoalList) :- get_goalist_from_attvars(TVars, GoalList, []). get_goalist_from_attvars([]) --> []. get_goalist_from_attvars([V|TVars]) --> get_goalist_from_attvar(V), get_goalist_from_attvars(TVars). get_goalist_from_attvar(V) --> { attvar(V) }, !, { attributes:get_all_atts(V, AllAtts) }, all_atts_to_goals(AllAtts, V). get_goalist_from_attvar(_) --> []. all_atts_to_goals(AllAtts, _) --> { var(AllAtts) }, !. all_atts_to_goals(AllAtts, V) --> { functor(AllAtts, Mod, _), arg(1, AllAtts, MoreAtts) }, attgoals_for_module(Mod, V, AllAtts), all_atts_to_goals(MoreAtts, V). % % check constraints for variable % attgoals_for_module(Mod, V, _Gs, GoalListF, GoalList0) :- % SWI, HProlog '$pred_exists'(attribute_goals(V,GoalListF,GoalList0), Mod), !, ( '$notrace'(Mod:attribute_goals(V,GoalListF,GoalList0)) -> true ; GoalListF = GoalList0 ). attgoals_for_module(Mod, V, _, GoalListF, GoalList0) :- % SICStus '$pred_exists'(attribute_goal(V,G),Mod), !, ( '$notrace'(Mod:attribute_goal(V,G)) -> GoalListF = [G|GoalList0] ; GoalListF = GoalList0 ). attgoals_for_module(Mod, V, _, GoalList, GoalList). list_to_conjunction([], true). list_to_conjunction([G], G) :- !. list_to_conjunction([G|GoalList], (G,Goals0)) :- list_to_conjunction(GoalList, Goals0).