/************************************************************************* * * * YAP Prolog * * * * Yap Prolog was developed at NCCUP - Universidade do Porto * * * * Copyright L.Damas, V.S.Costa and Universidade do Porto 1985-1997 * * * ************************************************************************** * * * File: errors.yap * * comments: error messages for YAP * * * * * * * *************************************************************************/ /** @defgroup YAPErrorHandler Error Handling @ingroup YAPErrors The error handler is called when there is an execution error or a warning needs to be displayed. The handlers include a number of hooks to allow user-control. Errors are terms of the form: - error( domain_error( Domain, Culprit )` - error( evaluation_error( Expression, Culprit )` - error( existence_error( Object, Culprit )` - error( instantiation_error )` - error( permission_error( Error, Permission, Culprit)` - error( representation_error( Domain, Culprit )` - error( resource_error( Resource, Culprit )` - error( syntax_error( Error )` - error( system_error( Domain, Culprit )` - error( type_error( Type, Culprit )` - error( uninstantiation_error( Culprit )` @{ */ :- system_module( '$_errors', [system_error/2], ['$Error'/1, '$do_error'/2, system_error/3, system_error/2]). :- use_system_module( '$messages', [file_location/2, generate_message/3, translate_message/4]). /** * @pred system_error( +Error, +Cause) * * Generate a system error _Error_, informing the possible cause _Cause_. * */ system_error(Type,Goal) :- '$do_error'(Type,Goal). '$do_error'(Type,Goal) :- throw(error(Type, print_message(['while calling goal = ~w'-Goal,nl]))). /** * @pred system_error( +Error, +Cause, +Culprit) * * Generate a system error _Error_, informing the source goal _Cause_ * * * ~~~~~~~~~~ * ~~~~~~~~~~ * * */ system_error(Type,Goal) :- throw(error(Type, print_message(['while calling goal = ~w'-Goal,nl]))) . '$do_pi_error'(type_error(callable,Name/0),Message) :- !, '$do_error'(type_error(callable,Name),Message). '$do_pi_error'(Error,Message) :- !, '$do_error'(Error,Message). '$Error'(E) :- '$LoopError'(E, top). %% % error_handler(+Error,+ Level) % % process a````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````n error term. % errorv_handler(Error, Level) :- '$LoopError'(Error, Level). '$LoopError'(_, _) :- flush_output(user_output), flush_output(user_error), fail. '$LoopError'(Error, Level) :- !, '$process_error'(Error, Level), fail. '$LoopError'(_, _) :- flush_output, '$close_error', fail. '$process_error'('$forward'(Msg), _) :- !, throw( '$forward'(Msg) ). '$process_error'(abort, Level) :- !, ( Level \== top -> throw( abort ) ; current_prolog_flag(break_level, 0) -> print_message(informational,abort(user)), fail ; current_prolog_flag(break_level, I0), I is I0-1, current_prolog_flag(break_level, I), throw(abort) ). '$process_error'(error(permission_error(module,redefined,A),B), Level) :- Level \= top, !, throw(error(permission_error(module,redefined,A),B)). '$process_error'(Error, _Level) :- functor(Error, Severity, _), print_message(Severity, Error), !, '$close_error'. '$process_error'(error(Type,Info), _, _) :- print_message(error,error(unhandled_exception(Type),Info)). %% @}