:- object(xml). :- info([ version is 1.0, date is 2003/7/7, author is 'Paulo Moura', comment is 'Conversion between compound terms and XML.']). :- public(convert/3). :- mode(convert(@compound, @compound, -atom), zero_or_one). :- mode(convert(-compound, -compound, +atom), zero_or_one). :- info(convert/3, [ comment is 'Converts between a compound term and an interpretation and XML.', argnames is ['Term', 'Interpretation', 'XML']]). convert(Term, Interpretation, XML) :- var(XML) -> phrase(term(Term, Interpretation), List), atom_codes(XML, List) ; atom_codes(XML, List), phrase(term(Term, Interpretation), List). term(Term, Interpretation) --> {nonvar(Term), nonvar(Interpretation), Interpretation =.. [Functor| Tags], Term =.. [Functor| Args]}, open_tag(Functor), arguments(Tags, Args), close_tag(Functor). term(Term, Interpretation) --> {var(Term), var(Interpretation)}, open_tag(Functor), arguments(Tags, Args), close_tag(Functor), {Interpretation =.. [Functor| Tags], Term =.. [Functor| Args]}. arguments([], []) --> []. arguments([Tag| Tags], [Arg| Args]) --> open_tag(Tag), value(Arg), close_tag(Tag), arguments(Tags, Args). open_tag(Tag) --> "<", value(Tag), ">". close_tag(Tag) --> "</", value(Tag), ">". value(Value) --> {nonvar(Value), atom_codes(Value, Codes)}, characters(Codes). value(Value) --> {var(Value)}, characters(Codes), {atom_codes(Value, Codes)}. characters([]) --> []. characters([Code| Codes]) --> [Code], {character(Code)}, characters(Codes). character(Code) :- Code @>= 0'a, Code @=< 0'z, !. character(Code) :- Code @>= 0'A, Code @=< 0'Z. :- end_object.