% example adopted from: % Programming Language Prolog Part 2, Modules % Committee Draft - January 14, 1998 X3J17/97/5 :- object(tracer). :- info([ version is 2.1, author is 'Paulo Moura', date is 2006/9/17, comment is 'Tracer for a goal call, exit, and fail ports.']). :- public(trace/1). :- meta_predicate(trace(::)). % changes interpretation of meta-calls on trace/1 clauses :- mode(trace(+callable), zero_or_more). :- info(trace/1, [ comment is 'Traces goal execution.', argnames is ['Goal']]). trace(Goal) :- write('call: '), writeq(Goal), nl, call(Goal), % Goal is called in the context of the object sending the message trace/1 write('exit: '), writeq(Goal), nl. trace(Goal) :- write('fail: '), writeq(Goal), nl, fail. :- end_object. % sort code adopted from an example on the SICStus Prolog User Manual % meta-predicate example taken from Prolog Part 2, Modules - Committee Draft :- object(sort(_Type)). :- info([ version is 1.0, author is 'Paulo Moura', date is 2000/7/24, comment is 'List sorting parameterized by the type of the list elements.']). :- uses(list, [append/3]). % calls to append(...) will be translated to list::append(...) :- uses(tracer, [trace/1]). % calls to trace(...) will be translated to tracer::trace(...) :- calls(comparingp). :- public(sort/2). :- mode(sort(+list, -list), one). :- info(sort/2, [ comment is 'Sorts a list in ascending order (quicksort algorithm).', argnames is ['List', 'Sorted']]). :- private(partition/4). :- mode(partition(+list, +nonvar, -list, -list), one). :- info(partition/4, [ comment is 'Partition a list in two lists containing the elements smaller and larger than a pivot.', argnames is ['List', 'Pivot', 'Small', 'Large']]). sort([], []). sort([Head| Tail], Sorted) :- trace(partition(Tail, Head, Small, Large)), trace(sort(Small, Sorted1)), trace(sort(Large, Sorted2)), append(Sorted1, [Head| Sorted2], Sorted). partition([], _, [], []). partition([Head| Tail], Pivot, Small, Large) :- parameter(1, Type), ( Type::(Head < Pivot) -> Small = [Head| Small1], Large = Large1 ; Small = Small1, Large = [Head| Large1] ), partition(Tail, Pivot, Small1, Large1). :- end_object.