Logtalk reference manual
Built-in method: phrase/3



phrase(NonTerminal, Input, Rest)

True if the list Input can be parsed using the specified non-terminal NonTerminal. The list Rest is what remains of the list Input after parsing succeeded. This method also accepts grammar rule bodies in the first argument (with the limitation that cuts are only supported in local calls).

Template and modes

phrase(+callable, ?list, ?list)


NonTerminal is a variable:
NonTerminal is neither a variable nor a callable term:
type_error(callable, NonTerminal)
Input is neither a partial list nor a list:
type_error(list, Input)
Rest is neither a partial list nor a list:
type_error(list, Rest)
The grammar rule non-terminal NonTerminal is private:
permission_error(access, private_non_terminal, NonTerminal)
The grammar rule non-terminal NonTerminal is protected:
permission_error(access, protected_non_terminal, NonTerminal)
The grammar rule non-terminal NonTerminal is not declared:
existence_error(non_terminal_declaration, NonTerminal)


| ?- sentence::phrase(noun_phrase, [the, girl, likes, the, boy], Rest).

Rest = [likes, the, boy]