================================================================= Logtalk - Object oriented extension to Prolog Release 2.8.4 Copyright (c) 1998-2001 Paulo Moura. All Rights Reserved. ================================================================= % farmer, cabbage, goat and wolf problem | ?- farmer::initial_state(Initial), depth_first(10)::solve(farmer, Initial, Path), farmer::print_path(Path). cgwf.<__>..........____ c_w_..........<__>.f_g_ c_wf.<__>..........__g_ __w_..........<__>.fcg_ _gwf.<__>.........._c__ _g__..........<__>.fc_w _g_f.<__>.........._c_w ____..........<__>.fcgw Path = [(north,north,north,north),(north,south,north,south),(north,south,north,north),(south,south,north,south),(south,north,north,north),(south,north,south,south),(south,north,south,north),(south,south,south,south)], Initial = (north,north,north,north) ? yes % missionaires and cannibals problem, solved using a hill-climbing strategy | ?- miss_cann::initial_state(Initial), hill_climbing(16)::solve(miss_cann, Initial, Path, Cost), miss_cann::print_path(Path). MMMCCC.<__>.......... MMCC..........<__>.MC MMMCC.<__>..........C MMM..........<__>.CCC MMMC.<__>..........CC MC..........<__>.MMCC MMCC.<__>..........MC CC..........<__>.MMMC CCC.<__>..........MMM C..........<__>.MMMCC CC.<__>..........MMMC ..........<__>.MMMCCC Cost = 15, Path = [((3,3),esq,0,0),((2,2),dir,1,1),((3,2),esq,0,1),((3,0),dir,0,3),((3,1),esq,0,2),((1,1),dir,2,2),((2,2),esq,1,1),((0,2),dir,3,1),((0,3),esq,3,0),((0,1),dir,3,2),((0,2),esq,3,1),((0,0),dir,3,3)], Initial = ((3,3),esq,0,0) yes % same problem as above with the addition of a monitor to measure hill-climbing performance | ?- performance::init, miss_cann::initial_state(Initial), hill_climbing(16)::solve(miss_cann, Initial, Path, Cost), miss_cann::print_path(Path), performance::report. MMMCCC.<__>.......... MMCC..........<__>.MC MMMCC.<__>..........C MMM..........<__>.CCC MMMC.<__>..........CC MC..........<__>.MMCC MMCC.<__>..........MC CC..........<__>.MMMC CCC.<__>..........MMM C..........<__>.MMMCC CC.<__>..........MMMC ..........<__>.MMMCCC solution length: 12 number of state transitions: 27 ratio solution length / state transitions: 0.4444444444444444 minimum branching degree: 2 average branching degree: 2.5555555555555554 maximum branching degree: 3 time: 0.067999999999756255 Cost = 15, Path = [((3,3),esq,0,0),((2,2),dir,1,1),((3,2),esq,0,1),((3,0),dir,0,3),((3,1),esq,0,2),((1,1),dir,2,2),((2,2),esq,1,1),((0,2),dir,3,1),((0,3),esq,3,0),((0,1),dir,3,2),((0,2),esq,3,1),((0,0),dir,3,3)], Initial = ((3,3),esq,0,0) ? yes % water jugs problem solved using a breadth and a depth first strategy, with performance monitors % it's interesting to compare the results | ?- performance::init, water_jug::initial_state(Initial), breadth_first(6)::solve(water_jug, Initial, Path), water_jug::print_path(Path), performance::report. 4-gallon jug: 0 3-gallon jug: 0 4-gallon jug: 0 3-gallon jug: 3 4-gallon jug: 3 3-gallon jug: 0 4-gallon jug: 3 3-gallon jug: 3 4-gallon jug: 4 3-gallon jug: 2 4-gallon jug: 0 3-gallon jug: 2 solution length: 6 number of state transitions: 105 ratio solution length / state transitions: 0.05714285714285714 minimum branching degree: 2 average branching degree: 3.6315789473684212 maximum branching degree: 4 time: 0.20000000000027285 Path = [(0,0),(0,3),(3,0),(3,3),(4,2),(0,2)], Initial = (0,0) ? yes | ?- performance::init, water_jug::initial_state(Initial), depth_first(10)::solve(water_jug, Initial, Path), water_jug::print_path(Path), performance::report. 4-gallon jug: 0 3-gallon jug: 0 4-gallon jug: 4 3-gallon jug: 0 4-gallon jug: 4 3-gallon jug: 3 4-gallon jug: 0 3-gallon jug: 3 4-gallon jug: 3 3-gallon jug: 0 4-gallon jug: 3 3-gallon jug: 3 4-gallon jug: 4 3-gallon jug: 2 4-gallon jug: 0 3-gallon jug: 2 solution length: 8 number of state transitions: 12 ratio solution length / state transitions: 0.6666666666666666 minimum branching degree: 1 average branching degree: 2.0 maximum branching degree: 3 time: 0.021999999999934516 Path = [(0,0),(4,0),(4,3),(0,3),(3,0),(3,3),(4,2),(0,2)], Initial = (0,0) ? yes % eight puzzle solved using a hill-climbing strategy | ?- performance::init, eight_puzzle::initial_state(five_steps, Initial), hill_climbing(25)::solve(eight_puzzle, Initial, Path, Cost), eight_puzzle::print_path(Path), performance::report. 283 164 7 5 283 1 4 765 2 3 184 765 23 184 765 123 84 765 123 8 4 765 solution length: 6 number of state transitions: 15 ratio solution length / state transitions: 0.4 minimum branching degree: 2 average branching degree: 3.1333333333333333 maximum branching degree: 4 time: 0.050000000000181899 Cost = 5, Path = [[2/1,1/2,1/3,3/3,3/2,3/1,2/2,1/1,2/3],[2/2,1/2,1/3,3/3,3/2,3/1,2/1,1/1,2/3],[2/3,1/2,1/3,3/3,3/2,3/1,2/1,1/1,2/2],[1/3,1/2,2/3,3/3,3/2,3/1,2/1,1/1,2/2],[1/2,1/3,2/3,3/3,3/2,3/1,2/1,1/1,2/2],[2/2,1/3,2/3,3/3,3/2,3/1,2/1,1/1,1/2]], Initial = [2/1,1/2,1/3,3/3,3/2,3/1,2/2,1/1,2/3] ? yes % eight puzzle solved using a best-first strategy | ?- performance::init, eight_puzzle::initial_state(five_steps, Initial), best_first(25)::solve(eight_puzzle, Initial, Path, Cost), eight_puzzle::print_path(Path), performance::report. 283 164 7 5 283 1 4 765 2 3 184 765 23 184 765 123 84 765 123 8 4 765 solution length: 6 number of state transitions: 15 ratio solution length / state transitions: 0.4 minimum branching degree: 2 average branching degree: 3.1333333333333333 maximum branching degree: 4 time: 0.046000000000276486 Cost = 5, Path = [[2/1,1/2,1/3,3/3,3/2,3/1,2/2,1/1,2/3],[2/2,1/2,1/3,3/3,3/2,3/1,2/1,1/1,2/3],[2/3,1/2,1/3,3/3,3/2,3/1,2/1,1/1,2/2],[1/3,1/2,2/3,3/3,3/2,3/1,2/1,1/1,2/2],[1/2,1/3,2/3,3/3,3/2,3/1,2/1,1/1,2/2],[2/2,1/3,2/3,3/3,3/2,3/1,2/1,1/1,1/2]], Initial = [2/1,1/2,1/3,3/3,3/2,3/1,2/2,1/1,2/3] ? yes % turn off performance monitor | ?- performance::stop.