:- protocol(queuep). :- info([ version is 1.0, authors is 'Paulo Moura', date is 2000/7/24, comment is 'Queue protocol.']). :- public(empty/1). :- mode(empty(@queue), zero_or_one). :- info(empty/1, [ comment is 'True if the queue is empty.', argnames is ['Queue']]). :- public(head/2). :- mode(head(+queue, ?term), zero_or_one). :- info(head/2, [ comment is 'Unifies Head with the first element of the queue.', argnames is ['Queue', 'Head']]). :- public(join/3). :- mode(join(@term, +queue, -queue), zero_or_one). :- info(join/3, [ comment is 'Adds the new element at the end of the queue.', argnames is ['Element', 'Queue_in', 'Queue_out']]). :- public(join_all/3). :- mode(join_all(+list, +queue, -queue), zero_or_one). :- info(join_all/3, [ comment is 'Adds the new elements at the end of the queue. The elements are added in the same order that they appear in the list.', argnames is ['List', 'Queue_in', 'Queue_out']]). :- public(jump/3). :- mode(jump(@term, +queue, -queue), zero_or_one). :- info(jump/3, [ comment is 'Adds the new element at the front of the queue.', argnames is ['Element', 'Queue_in', 'Queue_out']]). :- public(jump_all/3). :- mode(jump_all(+list, +queue, -queue), zero_or_one). :- info(jump_all/3, [ comment is 'Adds the new elements at the front of the queue. The elements are added in the same order that they appear in the list.', argnames is ['Element', 'Queue_in', 'Queue_out']]). :- public(length/2). :- mode(length(+queue, ?integer), zero_or_one). :- info(length/2, [comment is 'Queue length.', argnames is ['Queue', 'Length']]). :- public(serve/3). :- mode(serve(+queue, ?term, -queue), zero_or_one). :- info(serve/3, [ comment is 'Removes the first element of the queue for service.', argnames is ['Queue_in', 'Head', 'Queue_out']]). :- public(as_list/2). :- mode(as_list(+queue, -list), one). :- info(as_list/2, [comment is 'Converts a queue to a list.', argnames is ['Queue', 'List']]). :- end_protocol.