================================================================= Logtalk - Object oriented extension to Prolog Release 2.14.6 Copyright (c) 1998-2002 Paulo Moura. All Rights Reserved. ================================================================= CONTENTS 1. License 2. Home of Logtalk package 3. Registration 4. Support 5. Installation 6. Documentation 7. Upgrading 8. Contributions 1. LICENSE The overall copyright and permission notice for Logtalk can be found in the LICENSE file in this directory. Logtalk follows the Perl Artistic license. The copyright notice and license applies to all files in this release (sources, documentation and examples) unless otherwise explicitly stated. This software is OSI Certified Open Source Software. OSI Certified is a certification mark of the Open Source Initiative (http://www.opensource.org/). 2. HOME OF LOGTALK PACKAGE The latest release of the Logtalk package is always available at the URL: http://www.logtalk.org/ At this address you can also find useful documentation and information about Logtalk. 3. REGISTRATION To register as a Logtalk user either use the registration form found at the Logtalk web site or send an email message to: registration@logtalk.org with the following information: email address, full name, organization, organization type (education, commercial, government,...), prolog compilers used (optional), platforms (mac, pc, unix,...) (optional) 4. SUPPORT Logtalk support is available for registered users via email to support@logtalk.org. At the URL http://www.logtalk.org/bugs.html you can find a list of known problems and download bug fixes. The latest news about Logtalk are available at the URL http://www.logtalk.org/news.html. There is also a mailing list, logtalk, used to announce new releases and bug fixes and for discussion between Logtalk users, that you can subscribe. For instructions on how to subscribe open the web page: http://sagitta.ci.uc.pt/mailman/listinfo.cgi/logtalk or send an email message to: logtalk-request@list-serv.ci.uc.pt with just the word "help" in the subject or in the message body. 5. INSTALLATION Installing Logtalk is just a matter of uncompressing/unpacking the distribution archive file for your operating system. You can install Logtalk in any directory that you find convenient. See the user manual for a description of the source files organization and for installing/using instructions (to read the user manual open the file manuals/index.html with a web browser). 6. DOCUMENTATION The reference and user manuals and the tutorial are provided in XHTML format and are contained in the manuals directory. PDF versions of all documentation are also available as a separated download from the Logtalk web site. The PDF files include page numbers, index and a table of contents and are available for printing in both A4 and US Letter paper formats. The file RELEASE_NOTES contains descriptions of the changes made in Logtalk since the first public version. Read it carefully if you have been using a previous Logtalk version. The file QUICK_START provides quick instructions for those of you in a hurry to run Logtalk, provided that your usual Prolog compiler is supported. 7. UPGRADING If you have been using a previous Logtalk version read the file UPGRADING for instructions on how to upgrade your programs to run under this new version. 8. CONTRIBUTIONS Contributions, constructive criticisms, code and suggestions are always welcome. If you want to contribute to this project, drop me a line to the support address given above. Happy Logtalking! Paulo Moura pmoura@logtalk.org