/************************************************************************* * * * YAP Prolog * * * * Yap Prolog was developed at NCCUP - Universidade do Porto * * * * Copyright L.Damas, V.S.Costa and Universidade do Porto 1985-1997 * * * ************************************************************************** * * * File: heapgc.c * * Last rev: * * mods: * * comments: Global Stack garbage collector * * * *************************************************************************/ #ifdef SCCS static char SccsId[] = "%W% %G%"; #endif /* SCCS */ #include "absmi.h" #include "yapio.h" #include "alloc.h" #define EARLY_RESET 1 #if !defined(TABLING) #define EASY_SHUNTING 1 #endif #define HYBRID_SCHEME 1 /* global variables for garbage collection */ #ifndef DEBUG static #endif unsigned int gc_calls = 0; /* number of times GC has been called */ static Int tot_gc_time = 0; /* total time spent in GC */ static Int tot_gc_recovered = 0; /* number of heap objects in all garbage collections */ /* in a single gc */ static unsigned long int total_marked; /* number of heap objects marked */ #ifdef COROUTINING static unsigned long int total_smarked; #endif STATIC_PROTO(Int p_inform_gc, (void)); STATIC_PROTO(Int p_gc, (void)); #ifdef EASY_SHUNTING static choiceptr current_B; static tr_fr_ptr sTR, sTR0; static CELL *prev_HB; #endif static tr_fr_ptr new_TR; STATIC_PROTO(void push_registers, (Int, yamop *)); STATIC_PROTO(void marking_phase, (tr_fr_ptr, CELL *, yamop *, CELL *)); STATIC_PROTO(void compaction_phase, (tr_fr_ptr, CELL *, yamop *, CELL *)); STATIC_PROTO(void pop_registers, (Int, yamop *)); STATIC_PROTO(void init_dbtable, (tr_fr_ptr)); STATIC_PROTO(void mark_db_fixed, (CELL *)); STATIC_PROTO(void mark_regs, (tr_fr_ptr)); STATIC_PROTO(void mark_trail, (tr_fr_ptr, tr_fr_ptr, CELL *, choiceptr)); STATIC_PROTO(void mark_environments, (CELL *, OPREG, CELL *)); STATIC_PROTO(void mark_choicepoints, (choiceptr, tr_fr_ptr, int)); STATIC_PROTO(void into_relocation_chain, (CELL *, CELL *)); STATIC_PROTO(void sweep_trail, (choiceptr, tr_fr_ptr)); STATIC_PROTO(void sweep_environments, (CELL *, OPREG, CELL *)); STATIC_PROTO(void sweep_choicepoints, (choiceptr)); STATIC_PROTO(choiceptr update_B_H, (choiceptr, CELL *, CELL *, CELL *)); STATIC_PROTO(void compact_heap, (void)); STATIC_PROTO(void update_relocation_chain, (CELL *, CELL *)); STATIC_PROTO(int is_gc_verbose, (void)); STATIC_PROTO(int is_gc_very_verbose, (void)); #include "heapgc.h" static int discard_trail_entries = 0; /* support for hybrid garbage collection scheme */ typedef struct { CELL *v; int nof; } cont; #ifdef EASY_SHUNTING #define cont_top0 (cont *)sTR #else static cont *cont_top0; #endif static cont *cont_top; inline static void PUSH_CONTINUATION(CELL *v, int nof) { cont *x; if (nof == 0) return; x = cont_top; x++; if ((ADDR)x > Yap_TrailTop-1024) Yap_growtrail(64 * 1024L); x->v = v; x->nof = nof; cont_top = x; } #define POP_CONTINUATION() { \ if (cont_top == cont_top0) \ return; \ else { \ int nof = cont_top->nof; \ cont *x = cont_top; \ \ current = x->v; \ if (nof == 1) \ cont_top = --x; \ else { \ x->nof = nof-1; \ x->v = current+1; \ } \ } \ goto begin; } #ifdef HYBRID_SCHEME static CELL_PTR *iptop; inline static void PUSH_POINTER(CELL *v) { if (iptop >= (CELL_PTR *)ASP) return; *iptop++ = v; } inline static void POP_POINTER(void) { if (iptop >= (CELL_PTR *)ASP) return; --iptop; } inline static void POPSWAP_POINTER(CELL_PTR *vp) { if (iptop >= (CELL_PTR *)ASP) return; --iptop; if (vp != iptop) *vp = *iptop; } /* original code from In Hyuk Choi, found at http://userpages.umbc.edu/~ichoi1/project/cs441.htm */ static inline void exchange(CELL_PTR * b, Int i, Int j) { CELL *t = b[j]; b[j] = b[i]; b[i] = t; } static UInt partition(CELL *a[], Int p, Int r) { CELL *x; UInt i, j; x = a[p]; i = p+1; j = r; while (a[j] > x && i < j) { j--; } while (a[i] < x && i < j) { i++; } while(i < j) { exchange(a, i, j); i++; j--; while (a[j] > x && i < j) { j--; } while (a[i] < x && i < j) { i++; } } if (a[i] > x) i--; exchange(a, p, i); return(i); } static void insort(CELL *a[], Int p, Int q) { Int j; for (j = p+1; j <= q; j ++) { CELL *key; Int i; key = a[j]; i = j; while (i > p && a[i-1] > key) { a[i] = a[i-1]; i --; } a[i] = key; } } static void quicksort(CELL *a[], Int p, Int r) { Int q; if (p < r) { if (r - p < 100) { insort(a, p, r); return; } exchange(a, p, (p+r)/2); q = partition (a, p, r); quicksort(a, p, q-1); quicksort(a, q + 1, r); } } #else #define PUSH_POINTER(P) #define POP_POINTER() #define POPSWAP_POINTER(P) #endif /* HYBRID_SCHEME */ #ifdef MULTI_ASSIGNMENT_VARIABLES /* Based in opt.mavar.h. This is a set of routines to find out if a ma trail entry has appeared before in the same trail segment. All ma entries for the same cell are then linked. At the end of mark_trail() only one will remain. */ #define GC_MAVARS_HASH_SIZE 512 typedef struct gc_ma_hash_entry_struct { UInt timestmp; CELL* addr; struct gc_ma_hash_entry_struct *next; } gc_ma_hash_entry; static gc_ma_hash_entry gc_ma_hash_table[GC_MAVARS_HASH_SIZE]; static UInt timestamp; /* an unsigned int */ static inline unsigned int GC_MAVAR_HASH(CELL *addr) { #if SIZEOF_INT_P==8 return((((unsigned int)((CELL)(addr)))>>3)%GC_MAVARS_HASH_SIZE); #else return((((unsigned int)((CELL)(addr)))>>2)%GC_MAVARS_HASH_SIZE); #endif } gc_ma_hash_entry *gc_ma_h_top; static inline gc_ma_hash_entry * GC_ALLOC_NEW_MASPACE(void) { gc_ma_hash_entry *new = gc_ma_h_top; if ((char *)gc_ma_h_top > Yap_TrailTop-1024) Yap_growtrail(64 * 1024L); gc_ma_h_top++; cont_top = (cont *)gc_ma_h_top; #ifdef EASY_SHUNTING sTR = (tr_fr_ptr)cont_top; #else cont_top0 = cont_top; #endif return new; } static inline gc_ma_hash_entry* gc_lookup_ma_var(CELL *addr, tr_fr_ptr trp) { unsigned int i = GC_MAVAR_HASH(addr); gc_ma_hash_entry *nptr, *optr = NULL; if (gc_ma_hash_table[i].timestmp != timestamp) { gc_ma_hash_table[i].timestmp = timestamp; gc_ma_hash_table[i].addr = addr; gc_ma_hash_table[i].next = NULL; return NULL; } nptr = gc_ma_hash_table+i; while (nptr) { optr = nptr; if (nptr->addr == addr) { return nptr; } nptr = nptr->next; } nptr = GC_ALLOC_NEW_MASPACE(); optr->next = nptr; nptr->addr = addr; nptr->next = NULL; return NULL; } static inline void GC_NEW_MAHASH(gc_ma_hash_entry *top) { UInt time = ++timestamp; if (time == 0) { unsigned int i; /* damn, we overflowed */ for (i = 0; i < GC_MAVARS_HASH_SIZE; i++) gc_ma_hash_table[i].timestmp = 0; time = ++timestamp; } gc_ma_h_top = top; cont_top = (cont *)gc_ma_h_top; #ifdef EASY_SHUNTING sTR = (tr_fr_ptr)cont_top; #else cont_top0 = cont_top; #endif } #endif /* find all accessible objects on the heap and squeeze out all the rest */ /* push the active registers onto the trail for inclusion during gc */ static void push_registers(Int num_regs, yamop *nextop) { int i; /* push array entries first */ ArrayEntry *al = DynArrayList; while (al != NULL) { if (al->ArrayEArity > 0) { TrailTerm(TR++) = al->ValueOfVE; } al = al->NextArrayE; } #ifdef COROUTINING TrailTerm(TR) = WokenGoals; TrailTerm(TR+1) = MutableList; TrailTerm(TR+2) = AttsMutableList; TrailTerm(TR+3) = DelayedVars; TR += 4; #endif for (i = 1; i <= num_regs; i++) TrailTerm(TR++) = (CELL) XREGS[i]; /* push any live registers we might have hanging around */ if (nextop->opc == Yap_opcode(_move_back) || nextop->opc == Yap_opcode(_skip)) { CELL *lab = (CELL *)(nextop->u.l.l); CELL max = lab[0]; Int curr = lab[1]; lab += 2; if (max) { CELL i; for (i=0L; i <= max; i++) { if (i == 8*CellSize) { curr = lab[0]; lab++; } if (curr & 1) { TrailTerm(TR++) = XREGS[i]; } curr >>= 1; } } } } /* pop the corrected register values from the trail and update the registers */ static void pop_registers(Int num_regs, yamop *nextop) { int i; tr_fr_ptr ptr = TR; /* pop array entries first */ ArrayEntry *al = DynArrayList; while (al != NULL) { if (al->ArrayEArity > 0) { al->ValueOfVE = TrailTerm(ptr++); } al = al->NextArrayE; } #ifdef COROUTINING #ifdef MULTI_ASSIGNMENT_VARIABLES WokenGoals = TrailTerm(ptr++); MutableList = TrailTerm(ptr++); AttsMutableList = TrailTerm(ptr++); DelayedVars = TrailTerm(ptr++); #endif #endif for (i = 1; i <= num_regs; i++) XREGS[i] = TrailTerm(ptr++); /* pop any live registers we might have hanging around */ if (nextop->opc == Yap_opcode(_move_back) || nextop->opc == Yap_opcode(_skip)) { CELL *lab = (CELL *)(nextop->u.l.l); CELL max = lab[0]; Int curr = lab[1]; lab += 2; if (max) { CELL i; for (i=0L; i <= max; i++) { if (i == 8*CellSize) { curr = lab[0]; lab++; } if (curr & 1) { XREGS[i] = TrailTerm(ptr++); } curr >>= 1; } } } } #ifdef DEBUG static int count_cells_marked(void) { CELL *current; int found_marked = 0; for (current = H - 1; current >= H0; current--) { if (MARKED(*current)) { found_marked++; } } return(found_marked); } #endif /* straightforward binary tree scheme that, given a key, finds a matching dbref */ typedef enum { db_entry, cl_entry, lcl_entry, li_entry, dcl_entry } db_entry_type; typedef struct db_entry { CODEADDR val; db_entry_type db_type; struct db_entry *left; CODEADDR lim; struct db_entry *right; } *dbentry; static dbentry db_vec, db_vec0; /* init the table */ static void store_in_dbtable(CODEADDR entry, CODEADDR end, db_entry_type db_type) { dbentry parent = db_vec0; dbentry new = db_vec; if ((ADDR)new > Yap_TrailTop-1024) Yap_growtrail(64 * 1024L); new->val = entry; new->db_type = db_type; new->lim = end; new->left = new->right = NULL; if (db_vec == db_vec0) { db_vec++; return; } db_vec++; parent = db_vec0; beg: if (entry < parent->val) { if (parent->right == NULL) { parent->right = new; } else { parent = parent->right; goto beg; } } else { if (parent->left == NULL) { parent->left = new; } else { parent = parent->left; goto beg; } } } /* find an element in the dbentries table */ static dbentry find_ref_in_dbtable(CODEADDR entry) { dbentry current = db_vec0; while (current != NULL) { if (current->val < entry && current->lim > entry) { return(current); } if (entry < current->val) current = current->right; else current = current->left; } return(NULL); } static void mark_db_fixed(CELL *ptr) { dbentry el; el = find_ref_in_dbtable((CODEADDR)ptr); if (el != NULL) { switch (el->db_type) { case db_entry: ((DBRef)(el->val))->Flags |= GcFoundMask; break; case cl_entry: ((DynamicClause *)(el->val))->ClFlags |= GcFoundMask; break; case lcl_entry: ((LogUpdClause *)(el->val))->ClFlags |= GcFoundMask; break; case li_entry: ((LogUpdIndex *)(el->val))->ClFlags |= GcFoundMask; break; case dcl_entry: ((DeadClause *)(el->val))->ClFlags |= GcFoundMask; break; } } } static void init_dbtable(tr_fr_ptr trail_ptr) { DeadClause *cl = DeadClauses; db_vec0 = db_vec = (dbentry)TR; while (trail_ptr > (tr_fr_ptr)Yap_TrailBase) { register CELL trail_cell; trail_ptr--; trail_cell = TrailTerm(trail_ptr); if (!IsVarTerm(trail_cell) && IsPairTerm(trail_cell)) { CELL *pt0 = RepPair(trail_cell); /* DB pointer */ CELL flags; #ifdef FROZEN_STACKS /* TRAIL */ /* avoid frozen segments */ if ( #ifdef SBA (ADDR) pt0 >= HeapTop #else (ADDR) pt0 >= Yap_TrailBase #endif ) { continue; } #endif /* FROZEN_STACKS */ flags = *pt0; /* for the moment, if all references to the term in the stacks are only pointers, reset the flag */ if (FlagOn(DBClMask, flags)) { DBRef dbr = DBStructFlagsToDBStruct(pt0); store_in_dbtable((CODEADDR)dbr, (CODEADDR)dbr+sizeof(DBStruct)+sizeof(CELL)*dbr->DBT.NOfCells, db_entry); } else if (flags & LogUpdMask) { if (flags & IndexMask) { LogUpdIndex *li = ClauseFlagsToLogUpdIndex(pt0); store_in_dbtable((CODEADDR)li, (CODEADDR)li+li->ClSize, li_entry); } else { LogUpdClause *cli = ClauseFlagsToLogUpdClause(pt0); store_in_dbtable((CODEADDR)cli, (CODEADDR)cli+cli->ClSize, lcl_entry); } } else { DynamicClause *dcl = ClauseFlagsToDynamicClause(pt0); store_in_dbtable((CODEADDR)dcl, (CODEADDR)dcl+dcl->ClSize, dcl_entry); } } } while (cl != NULL) { store_in_dbtable((CODEADDR)cl, (CODEADDR)cl+cl->ClSize, dcl_entry); cl = cl->NextCl; } if (db_vec == db_vec0) { /* could not find any entries: probably using LOG UPD semantics */ db_vec0 = NULL; } } #ifndef ANALYST static char *op_names[_std_top + 1] = { #define OPCODE(OP,TYPE) #OP #include "YapOpcodes.h" #undef OPCODE }; #endif #ifdef DEBUG /* #define INSTRUMENT_GC 1 */ #ifdef INSTRUMENT_GC typedef enum { gc_var, gc_ref, gc_atom, gc_int, gc_num, gc_list, gc_appl, gc_func, gc_susp } gc_types; unsigned long chain[16]; unsigned long env_vars; unsigned long vars[gc_susp+1]; unsigned long num_bs; unsigned long old_vars, new_vars; static CELL *TrueHB; static void inc_vars_of_type(CELL *curr,gc_types val) { if (curr >= H0 && curr < TrueHB) { old_vars++; } else if (curr >= TrueHB && curr < H) { new_vars++; } else { return; } vars[val]++; } static void put_type_info(unsigned long total) { fprintf(Yap_stderr,"[GC] type info for %lu cells\n", total); fprintf(Yap_stderr,"[GC] %lu vars\n", vars[gc_var]); fprintf(Yap_stderr,"[GC] %lu refs\n", vars[gc_ref]); fprintf(Yap_stderr,"[GC] %lu references from env\n", env_vars); fprintf(Yap_stderr,"[GC] %lu atoms\n", vars[gc_atom]); fprintf(Yap_stderr,"[GC] %lu small ints\n", vars[gc_int]); fprintf(Yap_stderr,"[GC] %lu other numbers\n", vars[gc_num]); fprintf(Yap_stderr,"[GC] %lu lists\n", vars[gc_list]); fprintf(Yap_stderr,"[GC] %lu compound terms\n", vars[gc_appl]); fprintf(Yap_stderr,"[GC] %lu functors\n", vars[gc_func]); fprintf(Yap_stderr,"[GC] %lu suspensions\n", vars[gc_susp]); } static void inc_var(CELL *current, CELL *next) { int len = 1; CELL *mynext=next; if (ONHEAP(current)) { if (next == current) { inc_vars_of_type(current,gc_var); chain[0]++; } else { inc_vars_of_type(current,gc_ref); while(ONHEAP(mynext) && IsVarTerm(*mynext)) { CELL *prox = GET_NEXT(*mynext); if (prox == mynext) { chain[0]++; break; } len++; mynext = prox; } if (len>=15) (chain[15])++; else (chain[len])++; } } } #endif /* INSTRUMENT_GC */ int STD_PROTO(vsc_stop,(void)); int vsc_stop(void) { return(1); } #endif #ifdef CHECK_GLOBAL static void check_global(void) { CELL *current; #ifdef INSTRUMENT_GC vars[gc_var] = 0; vars[gc_ref] = 0; vars[gc_atom] = 0; vars[gc_int] = 0; vars[gc_num] = 0; vars[gc_list] = 0; vars[gc_appl] = 0; vars[gc_func] = 0; vars[gc_susp] = 0; #endif for (current = H - 1; current >= H0; current--) { CELL ccurr = *current; if (MARKED(ccurr)) { CELL ccell = UNMARK_CELL(ccurr); if (ccell < (CELL)AtomBase && ccell > EndSpecials && IsVarTerm(ccell)) { /* oops, we found a blob */ int nofcells = (UNMARK_CELL(*current)-EndSpecials) / sizeof(CELL); CELL *ptr = current - nofcells ; current = ptr; ccurr = *current; /* process the functor next */ } if (MARKED(ccurr)) { printf("Oops, found marked cell at %p\n", current); break; } } #if INSTRUMENT_GC if (IsVarTerm(ccurr)) { if (IsBlobFunctor((Functor)ccurr)) vars[gc_num]++; else if (ccurr != 0 && (ccurr < (CELL)Yap_GlobalBase || ccurr > (CELL)Yap_TrailTop)) { /* printf("%p: %s/%d\n", current, RepAtom(NameOfFunctor((Functor)ccurr))->StrOfAE, ArityOfFunctor((Functor)ccurr));*/ vars[gc_func]++; } else if (IsUnboundVar((CELL)current)) vars[gc_var]++; else vars[gc_ref]++; } else if (IsApplTerm(ccurr)) { /* printf("%p: f->%p\n",current,RepAppl(ccurr)); */ vars[gc_appl]++; } else if (IsPairTerm(ccurr)) { /* printf("%p: l->%p\n",current,RepPair(ccurr)); */ vars[gc_list]++; } else if (IsAtomTerm(ccurr)) { /* printf("%p: %s\n",current,RepAtom(AtomOfTerm(ccurr))->StrOfAE); */ vars[gc_atom]++; } else if (IsIntTerm(ccurr)) { /* printf("%p: %d\n",current,IntOfTerm(ccurr)); */ vars[gc_int]++; } #endif } #if INSTRUMENT_GC put_type_info(H-H0); vars[gc_var] = 0; vars[gc_ref] = 0; vars[gc_atom] = 0; vars[gc_int] = 0; vars[gc_num] = 0; vars[gc_list] = 0; vars[gc_appl] = 0; vars[gc_func] = 0; vars[gc_susp] = 0; #endif } #else #define check_global() #endif /* CHECK_GLOBAL */ /* mark a heap object and all heap objects accessible from it */ static void mark_variable(CELL_PTR current) { CELL_PTR next; register CELL ccur; unsigned int arity; begin: ccur = *current; if (MARKED(ccur)) { POP_CONTINUATION(); } MARK(current); total_marked++; PUSH_POINTER(current); next = GET_NEXT(ccur); if (IsVarTerm(ccur)) { if (ONHEAP(next)) { #ifdef EASY_SHUNTING CELL cnext; /* do variable shunting between variables in the global */ if (!MARKED((cnext = *next))) { if (IsVarTerm(cnext) && (CELL)next == cnext) { /* new global variable to new global variable */ if (current < prev_HB && current >= HB && next >= HB && next < prev_HB) { #ifdef INSTRUMENT_GC inc_var(current, current); #endif *next = (CELL)current; *current = MARK_CELL((CELL)current); POP_CONTINUATION(); } else { /* can't help here */ #ifdef INSTRUMENT_GC inc_var(current, next); #endif current = next; } } else { /* binding to a determinate reference */ if (next >= HB && current < LCL0 && cnext != TermFoundVar) { *current = cnext; total_marked--; POP_POINTER(); } else { #ifdef INSTRUMENT_GC inc_var(current, next); #endif current = next; } } } else if (IsVarTerm(cnext) && UNMARK_CELL(cnext) != (CELL)next && current < LCL0) { /* This step is possible because we clean up the trail */ *current = UNMARK_CELL(cnext); total_marked--; POP_POINTER(); } else #endif /* what I'd do without variable shunting */ { #ifdef INSTRUMENT_GC inc_var(current, next); #endif current = next; } goto begin; #ifdef DEBUG } else if (next < (CELL *)Yap_GlobalBase || next > (CELL *)Yap_TrailTop) { fprintf(Yap_stderr, "ooops while marking %lx, %p at %p\n", (unsigned long int)ccur, current, next); #endif } else { #ifdef COROUTING total_smarked++; #endif #ifdef INSTRUMENT_GC inc_var(current, next); #endif } POP_CONTINUATION(); } else if (IsPairTerm(ccur)) { #ifdef INSTRUMENT_GC inc_vars_of_type(current,gc_list); #endif if (ONHEAP(next)) { PUSH_CONTINUATION(next+1,1); current = next; goto begin; } else if (ONCODE(next)) { mark_db_fixed(RepPair(ccur)); } POP_CONTINUATION(); } else if (IsApplTerm(ccur)) { register CELL cnext = *next; #ifdef INSTRUMENT_GC if (!IsExtensionFunctor((Functor)cnext)) inc_vars_of_type(current,gc_appl); else inc_vars_of_type(current,gc_num); #endif if (ONCODE(next)) { if ((Functor)cnext == FunctorDBRef) { DBRef tref = DBRefOfTerm(ccur); /* make sure the reference is marked as in use */ if ((tref->Flags & ErasedMask) && tref->Parent != NULL && tref->Parent->KindOfPE & LogUpdDBBit) { *current = MkDBRefTerm(DBErasedMarker); MARK(current); } else { tref->Flags |= GcFoundMask; } } else { mark_db_fixed(next); } POP_CONTINUATION(); } if ( MARKED(cnext) || !ONHEAP(next) ) POP_CONTINUATION(); if (next < H0) POP_CONTINUATION(); if (IsExtensionFunctor((Functor)cnext)) { switch (cnext) { case (CELL)FunctorLongInt: MARK(next); total_marked += 3; PUSH_POINTER(next); PUSH_POINTER(next+1); PUSH_POINTER(next+2); POP_CONTINUATION(); case (CELL)FunctorDouble: MARK(next); total_marked += 2+SIZEOF_DOUBLE/SIZEOF_LONG_INT; PUSH_POINTER(next); PUSH_POINTER(next+1); PUSH_POINTER(next+2); #if SIZEOF_DOUBLE==2*SIZEOF_LONG_INT PUSH_POINTER(next+3); #endif POP_CONTINUATION(); #ifdef USE_GMP case (CELL)FunctorBigInt: MARK(next); /* size is given by functor + friends */ total_marked += 2+ (sizeof(MP_INT)+ (((MP_INT *)(next+1))->_mp_alloc*sizeof(mp_limb_t)))/CellSize; { int i; PUSH_POINTER(next); for (i = 1; i <= (sizeof(MP_INT)+ (((MP_INT *)(next+1))->_mp_alloc*sizeof(mp_limb_t)))/CellSize; i++) PUSH_POINTER(next+i); PUSH_POINTER(next+i); } POP_CONTINUATION(); #endif default: POP_CONTINUATION(); } } if (next < H0) POP_CONTINUATION(); #ifdef INSTRUMENT_GC inc_vars_of_type(next,gc_func); #endif arity = ArityOfFunctor((Functor)(cnext)); MARK(next); ++total_marked; PUSH_POINTER(next); current = next+1; PUSH_CONTINUATION(current+1,arity-1); goto begin; } #ifdef INSTRUMENT_GC else if (IsAtomTerm(ccur)) inc_vars_of_type(current,gc_atom); else inc_vars_of_type(current, gc_int); #endif POP_CONTINUATION(); } void Yap_mark_variable(CELL_PTR current) { mark_variable(current); } static void mark_external_reference(CELL *ptr) { CELL reg = *ptr; /* first, mark variables in environments */ if (IsVarTerm(reg)) { if (ONHEAP(reg)) { #ifdef HYBRID_SCHEME CELL_PTR *old = iptop; #endif mark_variable(ptr); total_marked--; POPSWAP_POINTER(old); } else { MARK(ptr); } } else if (IsApplTerm(reg)) { CELL *next = RepAppl(reg); if (ONHEAP(next)) { #ifdef HYBRID_SCHEME CELL_PTR *old = iptop; #endif mark_variable(ptr); total_marked--; POPSWAP_POINTER(old); } else { MARK(ptr); if (ONCODE(next)) { if ((Functor)(*next) == FunctorDBRef) { DBRef tref = DBRefOfTerm(reg); /* make sure the reference is marked as in use */ if ((tref->Flags & ErasedMask) && tref->Parent != NULL && tref->Parent->KindOfPE & LogUpdDBBit) { *ptr = MkDBRefTerm(DBErasedMarker); MARK(ptr); } else { tref->Flags |= GcFoundMask; } } else { mark_db_fixed(next); } } } } else if (IsPairTerm(reg)) { CELL *next = RepPair(reg); if (ONHEAP(next)) { #ifdef HYBRID_SCHEME CELL_PTR *old = iptop; #endif mark_variable(ptr); total_marked--; POPSWAP_POINTER(old); } else { MARK(ptr); if (ONCODE(next)) { mark_db_fixed(next); } } } else { /* atom or integer */ MARK(ptr); } } /* * mark all heap objects accessible from the trail (which includes the active * general purpose registers) */ void Yap_mark_external_reference(CELL *ptr) { mark_external_reference(ptr); } static void mark_regs(tr_fr_ptr old_TR) { tr_fr_ptr trail_ptr; /* first, whatever we dumped on the trail. Easier just to do the registers separately? */ for (trail_ptr = old_TR; trail_ptr < TR; trail_ptr++) mark_external_reference(&TrailTerm(trail_ptr)); } #ifdef COROUTINING static void mark_delays(CELL *max) { CELL *ptr = (CELL *)Yap_GlobalBase; for (; ptr < max; ptr++) { mark_external_reference(ptr); } } #endif /* mark all heap objects accessible from a chain of environments */ static void mark_environments(CELL_PTR gc_ENV, OPREG size, CELL *pvbmap) { CELL_PTR saved_var; while (gc_ENV != NULL) { /* no more environments */ Int bmap = 0; int currv = 0; #ifdef DEBUG if (size < 0 || size > 512) fprintf(Yap_stderr,"Oops, env size for %p is %ld\n", gc_ENV, (unsigned long int)size); #endif mark_db_fixed((CELL *)gc_ENV[E_CP]); /* for each saved variable */ if (size > EnvSizeInCells) { int tsize = size - EnvSizeInCells; currv = sizeof(CELL)*8-tsize%(sizeof(CELL)*8); if (pvbmap != NULL) { pvbmap += tsize/(sizeof(CELL)*8); bmap = *pvbmap; } else { bmap = -1L; } bmap = (Int)(((CELL)bmap) << currv); } for (saved_var = gc_ENV - size; saved_var < gc_ENV - EnvSizeInCells; saved_var++) { if (currv == sizeof(CELL)*8) { if (pvbmap) { pvbmap--; bmap = *pvbmap; } else { bmap = -1L; } currv = 0; } /* we may have already been here */ if (bmap < 0 && !MARKED(*saved_var)) { #ifdef INSTRUMENT_GC Term ccur = *saved_var; if (IsVarTerm(ccur)) { int len = 1; CELL *mynext= GET_NEXT(ccur); if (ONHEAP(mynext)) { env_vars++; while(ONHEAP(mynext) && IsVarTerm(*mynext)) { CELL *prox = GET_NEXT(*mynext); if (prox == mynext) { chain[0]++; break; } len++; mynext = prox; } if (len>=15) (chain[15])++; else (chain[len])++; } } #endif mark_external_reference(saved_var); } bmap <<= 1; currv++; } /* have we met this environment before?? */ /* we use the B field in the environment to tell whether we have been here before or not. We do it at the end because we don't want to lose any variables that would have been trimmed at the first environment visit. */ if (MARKED(gc_ENV[E_CB])) return; MARK(gc_ENV+E_CB); size = EnvSize((CELL_PTR) (gc_ENV[E_CP])); /* size = EnvSize(CP) */ pvbmap = EnvBMap((CELL_PTR) (gc_ENV[E_CP])); #if 0 if (size < 0) { PredEntry *pe = EnvPreg(gc_ENV[E_CP]); op_numbers op = Yap_op_from_opcode(ENV_ToOp(gc_ENV[E_CP])); fprintf(Yap_stderr,"ENV %p-%p(%d) %s\n", gc_ENV, pvbmap, size-EnvSizeInCells, op_names[op]); if (pe->ArityOfPE) fprintf(Yap_stderr," %s/%d\n", RepAtom(NameOfFunctor(pe->FunctorOfPred))->StrOfAE, pe->ArityOfPE); else fprintf(Yap_stderr," %s\n", RepAtom((Atom)(pe->FunctorOfPred))->StrOfAE); } #endif gc_ENV = (CELL_PTR) gc_ENV[E_E]; /* link to prev * environment */ } } /* Cleaning the trail should be quick and simple, right? Well, not really :-(. The problem is that the trail includes a dumping ground of the WAM registers and of extra choice-point fields, which need to be cleaned from somewhere. And cleaning the trail itself is not easy. The problem is that we may not have cleaned the trail after cuts. If we naively followed these pointers, we could have direct references to the global stack! A solution is to verify whether we are poiting at a legitimate trail entry. Unfortunately this requires some extra work following choice-points. */ static void mark_trail(tr_fr_ptr trail_ptr, tr_fr_ptr trail_base, CELL *gc_H, choiceptr gc_B) { #ifdef EASY_SHUNTING tr_fr_ptr begsTR = NULL, endsTR = NULL; #endif cont *old_cont_top0 = cont_top0; GC_NEW_MAHASH((gc_ma_hash_entry *)cont_top0); while (trail_base < trail_ptr) { register CELL trail_cell; trail_cell = TrailTerm(trail_base); if (IsVarTerm(trail_cell)) { CELL *hp = (CELL *)trail_cell; /* if a variable older than the current CP has not been marked yet, than its new binding is not accessible and we can reset it. Note we must use gc_H to avoid trouble with dangling variables in the heap */ if (((hp < gc_H && hp >= H0) || (hp > (CELL *)gc_B && hp < LCL0) ) && !MARKED(*hp)) { #ifdef EARLY_RESET /* reset to be a variable */ RESET_VARIABLE(hp); discard_trail_entries++; RESET_VARIABLE(&TrailTerm(trail_base)); #ifdef FROZEN_STACKS RESET_VARIABLE(&TrailVal(trail_base)); #endif #else /* if I have no early reset I have to follow the trail chain */ mark_external_reference(&TrailTerm(trail_base)); UNMARK(&TrailTerm(trail_base)); #endif /* EARLY_RESET */ } else if (hp < (CELL *)Yap_GlobalBase || hp > (CELL *)Yap_TrailTop) { /* I decided to allow pointers from the Heap back into the trail. The point of doing so is to have dynamic arrays */ mark_external_reference(hp); } else if ((hp < (CELL *)gc_B && hp >= gc_H) || hp > (CELL *)Yap_TrailBase) { /* clean the trail, avoid dangling pointers! */ RESET_VARIABLE(&TrailTerm(trail_base)); #ifdef FROZEN_STACKS RESET_VARIABLE(&TrailVal(trail_base)); #endif discard_trail_entries++; } else { if (trail_cell == (CELL)trail_base) discard_trail_entries++; #ifdef FROZEN_STACKS else mark_external_reference(&TrailVal(trail_base)); #endif #ifdef EASY_SHUNTING if (hp < gc_H && hp >= H0) { tr_fr_ptr nsTR = (tr_fr_ptr)cont_top0; CELL *cptr = (CELL *)trail_cell; if ((ADDR)nsTR > Yap_TrailTop-1024) Yap_growtrail(64 * 1024L); TrailTerm(nsTR) = (CELL)NULL; TrailTerm(nsTR+1) = *hp; TrailTerm(nsTR+2) = trail_cell; if (begsTR == NULL) begsTR = nsTR; else TrailTerm(endsTR) = (CELL)nsTR; endsTR = nsTR; cont_top = (cont *)(nsTR+3); sTR = (tr_fr_ptr)cont_top; gc_ma_h_top = (gc_ma_hash_entry *)(nsTR+3); RESET_VARIABLE(cptr); MARK(cptr); } #endif } } else if (IsPairTerm(trail_cell)) { /* can safely ignore this */ } #if MULTI_ASSIGNMENT_VARIABLES else { CELL *cptr = RepAppl(trail_cell); /* This is a bit complex. The idea is that we may have several trailings for the same mavar in the same trail segment. Essentially, the problem arises because of !. What we want is to ignore all but the last entry, or in this case, all but the first entry with the last value. */ if (!gc_lookup_ma_var(cptr, trail_base)) { /* first time we see it*/ if (HEAP_PTR(trail_cell)) { /* fool the gc into thinking this is a variable */ TrailTerm(trail_base) = (CELL)cptr; mark_external_reference(&(TrailTerm(trail_base))); /* reset the gc to believe the original tag */ TrailTerm(trail_base) = AbsAppl((CELL *)TrailTerm(trail_base)); } trail_base++; mark_external_reference(&(TrailTerm(trail_base))); trail_base ++; if (HEAP_PTR(trail_cell)) { /* fool the gc into thinking this is a variable */ TrailTerm(trail_base) = (CELL)cptr; mark_external_reference(&(TrailTerm(trail_base))); /* reset the gc to believe the original tag */ TrailTerm(trail_base) = AbsAppl((CELL *)TrailTerm(trail_base)); } } else { /* we can safely ignore this little monster */ discard_trail_entries += 3; RESET_VARIABLE(&TrailTerm(trail_base)); #ifdef FROZEN_STACKS RESET_VARIABLE(&TrailVal(trail_base)); #endif trail_base++; RESET_VARIABLE(&TrailTerm(trail_base)); #ifdef FROZEN_STACKS RESET_VARIABLE(&TrailVal(trail_base)); #endif trail_base++; RESET_VARIABLE(&TrailTerm(trail_base)); #ifdef FROZEN_STACKS RESET_VARIABLE(&TrailVal(trail_base)); #endif } } #endif trail_base++; } #ifdef EASY_SHUNTING sTR = (tr_fr_ptr)old_cont_top0; while (begsTR != NULL) { tr_fr_ptr newsTR = (tr_fr_ptr)TrailTerm(begsTR); TrailTerm(sTR) = TrailTerm(begsTR+1); TrailTerm(sTR+1) = TrailTerm(begsTR+2); begsTR = newsTR; sTR += 2; } #else cont_top0 = old_cont_top0; #endif cont_top = cont_top0; } /* * mark all heap objects accessible from each choicepoint & its chain of * environments */ #ifdef TABLING #ifdef TABLING_BATCHED_SCHEDULING #define init_substitution_pointer(GCB, SUBS_PTR, DEP_FR) \ SUBS_PTR = (CELL *) (CONS_CP(GCB) + 1) #else /* TABLING_LOCAL_SCHEDULING */ #define init_substitution_pointer(GCB, SUBS_PTR, DEP_FR) \ SUBS_PTR = (CELL *) (CONS_CP(GCB) + 1); \ if (DepFr_leader_cp(DEP_FR) == GCB) \ SUBS_PTR += SgFr_arity(GEN_CP_SG_FR(GCB)) #endif /* TABLING_SCHEDULING */ #endif static void mark_slots(CELL *ptr) { Int ns = IntOfTerm(*ptr); ptr++; while (ns > 0) { mark_external_reference(ptr); ptr++; ns--; } } static void mark_choicepoints(register choiceptr gc_B, tr_fr_ptr saved_TR, int very_verbose) { #ifdef TABLING dep_fr_ptr depfr = LOCAL_top_dep_fr; #endif #ifdef EASY_SHUNTING HB = H; #endif while (gc_B != NULL) { op_numbers opnum; register OPCODE op; yamop *rtp = gc_B->cp_ap; mark_db_fixed((CELL *)rtp); mark_db_fixed((CELL *)(gc_B->cp_cp)); #ifdef EASY_SHUNTING current_B = gc_B; prev_HB = HB; #endif HB = gc_B->cp_h; #ifdef INSTRUMENT_GC num_bs++; #endif #ifdef TABLING /* include consumers */ if (depfr != NULL && gc_B >= DepFr_cons_cp(depfr)) { gc_B = DepFr_cons_cp(depfr); depfr = DepFr_next(depfr); continue; } if (rtp == NULL) { opnum = _table_completion; } else #endif { op = rtp->opc; opnum = Yap_op_from_opcode(op); } if (very_verbose) { switch (opnum) { case _retry_c: case _or_else: case _or_last: case _Nstop: case _retry_userc: case _trust_logical_pred: case _retry_profiled: case _count_retry: { Atom at; UInt arity; Term mod; if (Yap_PredForCode(gc_B->cp_ap, &at, &arity, &mod)) { if (arity) fprintf(Yap_stderr,"[GC] %s/%ld marked %ld (%s)\n", RepAtom(at)->StrOfAE, (long int)arity, total_marked, op_names[opnum]); else fprintf(Yap_stderr,"[GC] %s marked %ld (%s)\n", RepAtom(at)->StrOfAE, total_marked, op_names[opnum]); } else fprintf(Yap_stderr,"[GC] marked %ld (%s)\n", total_marked, op_names[opnum]); } break; #ifdef TABLING case _table_completion: case _table_answer_resolution: { PredEntry *pe = ENV_ToP(gc_B->cp_cp); op_numbers caller_op = Yap_op_from_opcode(ENV_ToOp(gc_B->cp_cp)); /* first condition checks if this was a meta-call */ if ((caller_op != _call && caller_op != _fcall) || pe == NULL) { fprintf(Yap_stderr,"[GC] marked %ld (%s)\n", total_marked, op_names[opnum]); } else fprintf(Yap_stderr,"[GC] %s/%d marked %ld (%s)\n", RepAtom(NameOfFunctor(pe->FunctorOfPred))->StrOfAE, pe->ArityOfPE, total_marked, op_names[opnum]); } break; case _trie_retry_var: case _trie_trust_var: case _trie_retry_val: case _trie_trust_val: case _trie_retry_atom: case _trie_trust_atom: case _trie_retry_list: case _trie_trust_list: case _trie_retry_struct: case _trie_trust_struct: fprintf(Yap_stderr,"[GC] marked %ld (%s)\n", total_marked, op_names[opnum]); break; #endif default: { PredEntry *pe = (PredEntry *)gc_B->cp_ap->u.ld.p; if (pe == NULL) { fprintf(Yap_stderr,"[GC] marked %ld (%s)\n", total_marked, op_names[opnum]); } else if (pe->ArityOfPE) fprintf(Yap_stderr,"[GC] %s/%d marked %ld (%s)\n", RepAtom(NameOfFunctor(pe->FunctorOfPred))->StrOfAE, pe->ArityOfPE, total_marked, op_names[opnum]); else fprintf(Yap_stderr,"[GC] %s marked %ld (%s)\n", RepAtom((Atom)(pe->FunctorOfPred))->StrOfAE, total_marked, op_names[opnum]); } } } { /* find out how many cells are still alive in the trail */ #ifndef FROZEN_STACKS UInt d0 = discard_trail_entries, diff, orig; orig = saved_TR-gc_B->cp_tr; #endif mark_trail(saved_TR, gc_B->cp_tr, gc_B->cp_h, gc_B); saved_TR = gc_B->cp_tr; #ifndef FROZEN_STACKS diff = discard_trail_entries-d0; gc_B->cp_tr = (tr_fr_ptr)(orig-diff); #endif /* FROZEN_STACKS */ } if (opnum == _or_else || opnum == _or_last) { /* ; choice point */ mark_environments((CELL_PTR) (gc_B->cp_a1), #ifdef YAPOR -gc_B->cp_cp->u.ldl.s / ((OPREG)sizeof(CELL)), (CELL *)(gc_B->cp_cp->u.ldl.bl) #else -gc_B->cp_cp->u.sla.s / ((OPREG)sizeof(CELL)), gc_B->cp_cp->u.sla.bmap #endif ); } else { /* choicepoint with arguments */ register CELL_PTR saved_reg; OPREG nargs; if (opnum == _Nstop) mark_environments((CELL_PTR) gc_B->cp_env, EnvSizeInCells, NULL); else #ifdef TABLING if (opnum != _table_completion) #endif mark_environments((CELL_PTR) gc_B->cp_env, EnvSize((CELL_PTR) (gc_B->cp_cp)), EnvBMap((CELL_PTR) (gc_B->cp_cp))); /* extended choice point */ restart_cp: switch (opnum) { case _Nstop: mark_slots(gc_B->cp_env); if (gc_B->cp_b != NULL) { nargs = 0; break; } else { /* this is the last choice point, the work is done ;-) */ return; } case _retry_c: case _retry_userc: if (gc_B->cp_ap == RETRY_C_RECORDED_K_CODE || gc_B->cp_ap == RETRY_C_RECORDEDP_CODE) { /* we have a reference from the choice-point stack to a term */ choiceptr old_b = B; DBRef ref; B = gc_B; ref = (DBRef)EXTRA_CBACK_ARG(3,1); if (IsVarTerm((CELL)ref)) ref->Flags |= GcFoundMask; else { if (ONCODE((CELL)ref)) { mark_db_fixed(RepAppl((CELL)ref)); } } B = old_b; } nargs = rtp->u.lds.s+rtp->u.lds.extra; break; case _jump: rtp = rtp->u.l.l; op = rtp->opc; opnum = Yap_op_from_opcode(op); goto restart_cp; case _trust_logical_pred: case _retry_profiled: case _count_retry: rtp = NEXTOP(rtp,l); op = rtp->opc; opnum = Yap_op_from_opcode(op); goto restart_cp; case _trust_fail: nargs = 0; break; #ifdef TABLING case _table_answer_resolution: { CELL *answ_fr; CELL vars; /* fetch the solution */ init_substitution_pointer(gc_B, answ_fr, CONS_CP(gc_B)->ccp_dep_fr); vars = *answ_fr++; while (vars--) { mark_external_reference(answ_fr); answ_fr++; } nargs = 0; } break; case _table_completion: { register gen_cp_ptr gcp = GEN_CP(gc_B); int nargs; #ifdef TABLING_BATCHED_SCHEDULING nargs = gcp->gcp_sg_fr->subgoal_arity; #else nargs = gcp->gcp_dep_fr->subgoal_frame->subgoal_arity; #endif saved_reg = (CELL *)(gcp+1)+nargs; nargs = *saved_reg++; while (nargs--) { mark_external_reference(saved_reg); saved_reg++; } } nargs = 0; break; case _table_retry_me: case _table_trust_me: case _table_retry: case _table_trust: { register gen_cp_ptr gcp = GEN_CP(gc_B); int nargs = rtp->u.ld.s; /* for each saved register */ for (saved_reg = (CELL *)(gcp+1); /* assumes we can count registers in CP this way */ saved_reg < (CELL *)(gcp+1) + nargs; saved_reg++) { mark_external_reference(saved_reg); } nargs = *saved_reg++; while (nargs--) { mark_external_reference(saved_reg); saved_reg++; } } nargs = 0; break; case _trie_retry_var: case _trie_trust_var: case _trie_retry_val: case _trie_trust_val: case _trie_retry_atom: case _trie_trust_atom: case _trie_retry_list: case _trie_trust_list: case _trie_retry_struct: case _trie_trust_struct: { CELL *aux_ptr; int heap_arity; int vars_arity; int subs_arity; /* fetch the solution */ aux_ptr = (CELL *)(gc_B+1); heap_arity = *aux_ptr; vars_arity = *(aux_ptr + heap_arity + 1); subs_arity = *(aux_ptr + heap_arity + 2); if (heap_arity) { int i; aux_ptr += heap_arity + subs_arity + vars_arity + 1; for (i = 0; i < heap_arity + subs_arity + vars_arity + 1; i++) { mark_external_reference(aux_ptr); aux_ptr--; } } else { int i; aux_ptr += 2 + subs_arity + vars_arity; for (i = 0; i < vars_arity; i++) { mark_external_reference(aux_ptr); aux_ptr--; } for (i = 1; i < subs_arity; i++) { aux_ptr--; mark_external_reference(aux_ptr); } } } nargs = 0; break; #endif case _profiled_retry_and_mark: case _count_retry_and_mark: case _retry_and_mark: ClauseCodeToDynamicClause(gc_B->cp_ap)->ClFlags |= GcFoundMask; #ifdef DEBUG case _retry_me: case _trust_me: case _profiled_retry_me: case _profiled_trust_me: case _count_retry_me: case _count_trust_me: case _retry_me0: case _trust_me0: case _retry_me1: case _trust_me1: case _retry_me2: case _trust_me2: case _retry_me3: case _trust_me3: case _retry_me4: case _trust_me4: case _retry: case _trust: nargs = rtp->u.ld.s; break; default: fprintf(Yap_stderr, "OOps in GC: Unexpected opcode: %d\n", opnum); nargs = 0; #else default: nargs = rtp->u.ld.s; #endif } /* for each saved register */ for (saved_reg = &gc_B->cp_a1; /* assumes we can count registers in CP this way */ saved_reg < &gc_B->cp_a1 + nargs; saved_reg++) { mark_external_reference(saved_reg); } } gc_B = gc_B->cp_b; } } /* * insert a cell which points to a heap object into relocation chain of that * object */ static void into_relocation_chain(CELL_PTR current, CELL_PTR next) { #ifdef TAGS_FAST_OPS register CELL ccur = *current, cnext = *next; if (IsVarTerm(ccur)) { *current = ( MARKED(ccur) ? MARK_CELL(UNMARKED(cnext)) : UNMARKED(cnext) ); *next = (MARKED(cnext) ? MBIT : 0) | RBIT | (Int) current; } else if (IsPairTerm(ccur)) { *current = ( MARKED(ccur) ? MARK_CELL(UNMARKED(cnext)) : UNMARKED(cnext) ); *next = AbsPair((CELL *) ((MARKED(cnext) ? MBIT : 0) | RBIT | (Int) current)); } else if (IsApplTerm(ccur)) { *current = ( MARKED(ccur) ? MARK_CELL(UNMARKED(cnext)) : UNMARKED(cnext) ); *next = AbsAppl((CELL *) ((MARKED(cnext) ? MBIT : 0) | RBIT | (Int) current)); } else { fprintf(Yap_stderr," OH MY GOD !!!!!!!!!!!!\n"); } #else CELL current_tag; current_tag = TAG(*current); *current = (*current & MBIT) | (*next & ~MBIT); #if INVERT_RBIT *next = ((*next & MBIT) | (CELL) current | current_tag) & ~RBIT; #else *next = (*next & MBIT) | RBIT | (CELL) current | current_tag; #endif #endif } /* insert trail cells which point to heap objects into relocation chains */ static void sweep_trail(choiceptr gc_B, tr_fr_ptr old_TR) { tr_fr_ptr trail_ptr, dest; Int OldHeapUsed = HeapUsed; #ifdef DEBUG Int hp_entrs = 0, hp_erased = 0, hp_not_in_use = 0, hp_in_use_erased = 0, code_entries = 0; #endif #ifndef FROZEN_STACKS /* adjust cp_tr pointers, we don't compress TR if we have freeze. */ { Int size = old_TR-(tr_fr_ptr)Yap_TrailBase; size -= discard_trail_entries; while (gc_B != NULL) { size -= (UInt)(gc_B->cp_tr); gc_B->cp_tr = (tr_fr_ptr)Yap_TrailBase+size; gc_B = gc_B->cp_b; } } #endif /* FROZEN_STACKS */ /* first, whatever we dumped on the trail. Easier just to do the registers separately? */ for (trail_ptr = old_TR; trail_ptr < TR; trail_ptr++) { if (MARKED(TrailTerm(trail_ptr))) { UNMARK(&TrailTerm(trail_ptr)); if (HEAP_PTR(TrailTerm(trail_ptr))) { into_relocation_chain(&TrailTerm(trail_ptr), GET_NEXT(TrailTerm(trail_ptr))); } } } /* next, follows the real trail entries */ trail_ptr = (tr_fr_ptr)Yap_TrailBase; dest = trail_ptr; while (trail_ptr < old_TR) { register CELL trail_cell; trail_cell = TrailTerm(trail_ptr); #ifndef FROZEN_STACKS /* recover a trail cell */ if (trail_cell == (CELL)trail_ptr) { TrailTerm(dest) = trail_cell; trail_ptr++; /* just skip cell */ } else #endif { TrailTerm(dest) = trail_cell; if (IsVarTerm(trail_cell)) { /* we need to check whether this is a honest to god trail entry */ if ((CELL *)trail_cell < H && MARKED(*(CELL *)trail_cell) && (CELL *)trail_cell >= H0) { if (HEAP_PTR(trail_cell)) { into_relocation_chain(&TrailTerm(dest), GET_NEXT(trail_cell)); } #ifdef FROZEN_STACKS /* it is complex to recover cells with frozen segments */ TrailVal(dest) = TrailVal(trail_ptr); if (MARKED(TrailVal(dest))) { UNMARK(&TrailVal(dest)); if (HEAP_PTR(TrailVal(dest))) { into_relocation_chain(&TrailVal(dest), GET_NEXT(TrailVal(dest))); } } #endif } else if ((CELL *)trail_cell < (CELL *)Yap_GlobalBase || (CELL *)trail_cell > (CELL *)Yap_TrailTop) { /* we may have pointers from the heap back into the cell */ CELL *next = GET_NEXT(*CellPtr(trail_cell)); UNMARK(CellPtr(trail_cell)); if (HEAP_PTR(*CellPtr(trail_cell))) { into_relocation_chain(CellPtr(trail_cell),next); } #ifdef FROZEN_STACKS /* it is complex to recover cells with frozen segments */ TrailVal(dest) = TrailVal(trail_ptr); if (MARKED(TrailVal(dest))) { UNMARK(&TrailVal(dest)); if (HEAP_PTR(TrailVal(dest))) { into_relocation_chain(&TrailVal(dest), GET_NEXT(TrailVal(dest))); } } #endif } } else if (IsPairTerm(trail_cell)) { CELL *pt0 = RepPair(trail_cell); CELL flags; #ifdef FROZEN_STACKS /* TRAIL */ /* process all segments */ if ( #ifdef SBA (ADDR) pt0 >= Yap_GlobalBase #else (ADDR) pt0 >= Yap_TrailBase #endif ) { trail_ptr++; dest++; continue; } #endif /* FROZEN_STACKS */ flags = *pt0; #ifdef DEBUG hp_entrs++; if (!FlagOn(GcFoundMask, flags)) { hp_not_in_use++; if (!FlagOn(DBClMask, flags)) { code_entries++; } if (FlagOn(ErasedMask, flags)) { hp_erased++; } } else { if (FlagOn(ErasedMask, flags)) { hp_in_use_erased++; } } #endif if (!FlagOn(GcFoundMask, flags)) { if (FlagOn(DBClMask, flags)) { DBRef dbr = (DBRef) ((CELL)pt0 - (CELL) &(((DBRef) NIL)->Flags)); dbr->Flags &= ~InUseMask; DEC_DBREF_COUNT(dbr); if (dbr->Flags & ErasedMask) { Yap_ErDBE(dbr); } } else { if (flags & LogUpdMask) { if (flags & IndexMask) { LogUpdIndex *indx = ClauseFlagsToLogUpdIndex(pt0); int erase; DEC_CLREF_COUNT(indx); indx->ClFlags &= ~InUseMask; erase = (indx->ClFlags & ErasedMask && !indx->ClRefCount); if (erase) { /* at this point, no one is accessing the clause */ Yap_ErLogUpdIndex(indx); } } else { LogUpdClause *cl = ClauseFlagsToLogUpdClause(pt0); int erase; DEC_CLREF_COUNT(cl); cl->ClFlags &= ~InUseMask; erase = ((cl->ClFlags & ErasedMask) && !cl->ClRefCount); if (erase) { /* at this point, no one is accessing the clause */ Yap_ErLogUpdCl(cl); } } } else { DynamicClause *cl = ClauseFlagsToDynamicClause(pt0); int erase; DEC_CLREF_COUNT(cl); cl->ClFlags &= ~InUseMask; erase = (cl->ClFlags & ErasedMask) #if defined(YAPOR) || defined(THREADS) && (cl->ClRefCount == 0) #endif ; if (erase) { /* at this point, no one is accessing the clause */ Yap_ErCl(cl); } } } RESET_VARIABLE(&TrailTerm(dest)); discard_trail_entries++; } else { *pt0 = ResetFlag(GcFoundMask, flags); } #if MULTI_ASSIGNMENT_VARIABLES } else { CELL trail_cell = TrailTerm(trail_ptr+2); CELL *ptr; CELL old = TrailTerm(trail_ptr+1); if (MARKED(trail_cell)) ptr = RepAppl(UNMARK_CELL(trail_cell)); else ptr = RepAppl(trail_cell); TrailTerm(dest+1) = old; TrailTerm(dest+2) = TrailTerm(dest) = trail_cell; if (MARKED(old)) { UNMARK(&TrailTerm(dest+1)); if (HEAP_PTR(old)) { into_relocation_chain(&TrailTerm(dest+1), GET_NEXT(old)); } } #ifdef FROZEN_STACKS TrailVal(dest+1) = TrailVal(trail_ptr+1); if (MARKED(TrailVal(dest+1))) { UNMARK(&TrailVal(dest+1)); if (HEAP_PTR(TrailVal(dest+1))) { into_relocation_chain(&TrailVal(dest+1), GET_NEXT(TrailTerm(dest+1))); } } TrailVal(dest+2) = TrailVal(trail_ptr+2); if (MARKED(TrailVal(dest+2))) { UNMARK(&TrailVal(dest+2)); if (HEAP_PTR(TrailVal(dest+2))) { into_relocation_chain(&TrailVal(dest+2), GET_NEXT(TrailTerm(dest+2))); } } #endif if (MARKED(trail_cell)) { UNMARK(&TrailTerm(dest)); UNMARK(&TrailTerm(dest+2)); if (HEAP_PTR(trail_cell)) { into_relocation_chain(&TrailTerm(dest), GET_NEXT(trail_cell)); into_relocation_chain(&TrailTerm(dest+2), GET_NEXT(trail_cell)); } } trail_ptr += 2; dest += 2; #endif } trail_ptr++; dest++; } } new_TR = dest; if (is_gc_verbose()) { if (old_TR != (tr_fr_ptr)Yap_TrailBase) fprintf(Yap_stderr, "[GC] Trail: discarded %d (%ld%%) cells out of %ld\n", discard_trail_entries, (unsigned long int)(discard_trail_entries*100/(old_TR-(tr_fr_ptr)Yap_TrailBase)), (unsigned long int)(old_TR-(tr_fr_ptr)Yap_TrailBase)); #ifdef DEBUG if (hp_entrs > 0) fprintf(Yap_stderr, "[GC] Trail: unmarked %ld dbentries (%ld%%) out of %ld\n", (long int)hp_not_in_use, (long int)(hp_not_in_use*100/hp_entrs), (long int)hp_entrs); if (hp_in_use_erased > 0 && hp_erased > 0) fprintf(Yap_stderr, "[GC] Trail: deleted %ld dbentries (%ld%%) out of %ld\n", (long int)hp_erased, (long int)(hp_erased*100/(hp_erased+hp_in_use_erased)), (long int)(hp_erased+hp_in_use_erased)); #endif fprintf(Yap_stderr, "[GC] Heap: recovered %ld bytes (%ld%%) out of %ld\n", (unsigned long int)(OldHeapUsed-HeapUsed), (unsigned long int)((OldHeapUsed-HeapUsed)/(OldHeapUsed/100)), (unsigned long int)OldHeapUsed); } { DeadClause **cptr; DeadClause *cl; cptr = &(DeadClauses); cl = DeadClauses; while (cl != NULL) { if (!(cl->ClFlags & GcFoundMask)) { char *ocl = (char *)cl; cl = cl->NextCl; *cptr = cl; Yap_FreeCodeSpace(ocl); } else { cl->ClFlags &= ~GcFoundMask; cptr = &(cl->NextCl); cl = cl->NextCl; } } } } /* * insert cells of a chain of environments which point to heap objects into * relocation chains */ static void sweep_environments(CELL_PTR gc_ENV, OPREG size, CELL *pvbmap) { CELL_PTR saved_var; while (gc_ENV != NULL) { /* no more environments */ Int bmap = 0; int currv = 0; /* for each saved variable */ if (size > EnvSizeInCells) { int tsize = size - EnvSizeInCells; currv = sizeof(CELL)*8-tsize%(sizeof(CELL)*8); if (pvbmap != NULL) { pvbmap += tsize/(sizeof(CELL)*8); bmap = *pvbmap; } else { bmap = -1L; } bmap = (Int)(((CELL)bmap) << currv); } for (saved_var = gc_ENV - size; saved_var < gc_ENV - EnvSizeInCells; saved_var++) { if (currv == sizeof(CELL)*8) { if (pvbmap != NULL) { pvbmap--; bmap = *pvbmap; } else { bmap = -1L; } currv = 0; } if (bmap < 0) { CELL env_cell = *saved_var; if (MARKED(env_cell)) { UNMARK(saved_var); if (HEAP_PTR(env_cell)) { into_relocation_chain(saved_var, GET_NEXT(env_cell)); } } } bmap <<= 1; currv++; } /* have we met this environment before?? */ /* we use the B field in the environment to tell whether we have been here before or not */ if (!MARKED(gc_ENV[E_CB])) return; UNMARK(gc_ENV+E_CB); size = EnvSize((CELL_PTR) (gc_ENV[E_CP])); /* size = EnvSize(CP) */ pvbmap = EnvBMap((CELL_PTR) (gc_ENV[E_CP])); gc_ENV = (CELL_PTR) gc_ENV[E_E]; /* link to prev * environment */ } } static void sweep_slots(CELL *ptr) { Int ns = IntOfTerm(*ptr); ptr++; while (ns > 0) { CELL cp_cell = *ptr; if (MARKED(cp_cell)) { UNMARK(ptr); if (HEAP_PTR(cp_cell)) { into_relocation_chain(ptr, GET_NEXT(cp_cell)); } } ptr++; ns--; } } /* * insert cells of each choicepoint & its chain of environments which point * to heap objects into relocation chains */ static void sweep_choicepoints(choiceptr gc_B) { #ifdef TABLING dep_fr_ptr depfr = LOCAL_top_dep_fr; #endif while(gc_B != NULL) { yamop *rtp = gc_B->cp_ap; register OPCODE op; op_numbers opnum; #ifdef TABLING /* include consumers */ if (depfr != NULL && gc_B >= DepFr_cons_cp(depfr)) { gc_B = DepFr_cons_cp(depfr); depfr = DepFr_next(depfr); continue; } if (rtp == NULL) { opnum = _table_completion; } else #endif { op = rtp->opc; opnum = Yap_op_from_opcode(op); } restart_cp: /* * fprintf(Yap_stderr,"sweeping cps: %x, %x, %x\n", * *gc_B,CP_Extra(gc_B),CP_Nargs(gc_B)); */ /* any choice point */ switch (opnum) { case _Nstop: /* end of the road, say bye bye! */ sweep_environments(gc_B->cp_env, EnvSizeInCells, NULL); sweep_slots(gc_B->cp_env); if (gc_B->cp_b != NULL) { break; } else return; case _trust_fail: sweep_environments(gc_B->cp_env, EnvSizeInCells, NULL); break; case _or_else: case _or_last: sweep_environments((CELL_PTR)(gc_B->cp_a1), #ifdef YAPOR -gc_B->cp_cp->u.ldl.s / ((OPREG)sizeof(CELL)), (CELL *)(gc_B->cp_cp->u.ldl.bl) #else -gc_B->cp_cp->u.sla.s / ((OPREG)sizeof(CELL)), gc_B->cp_cp->u.sla.bmap #endif ); break; case _trust_logical_pred: case _retry_profiled: case _count_retry: rtp = NEXTOP(rtp,l); op = rtp->opc; opnum = Yap_op_from_opcode(op); goto restart_cp; case _jump: rtp = rtp->u.l.l; op = rtp->opc; opnum = Yap_op_from_opcode(op); goto restart_cp; #ifdef TABLING case _table_answer_resolution: { CELL *answ_fr; CELL vars; sweep_environments(gc_B->cp_env, EnvSize((CELL_PTR) (gc_B->cp_cp)), EnvBMap((CELL_PTR) (gc_B->cp_cp))); /* fetch the solution */ init_substitution_pointer(gc_B, answ_fr, CONS_CP(gc_B)->ccp_dep_fr); vars = *answ_fr++; while (vars--) { CELL cp_cell = *answ_fr; if (MARKED(cp_cell)) { UNMARK(answ_fr); if (HEAP_PTR(cp_cell)) { into_relocation_chain(answ_fr, GET_NEXT(cp_cell)); } } answ_fr++; } } break; case _table_completion: { register gen_cp_ptr gcp = GEN_CP(gc_B); #ifdef TABLING_BATCHED_SCHEDULING int nargs = gcp->gcp_sg_fr->subgoal_arity; #else int nargs = gcp->gcp_dep_fr->subgoal_frame->subgoal_arity; #endif CELL *saved_reg; saved_reg = (CELL *)(gcp+1)+nargs; nargs = *saved_reg++; while (nargs--) { CELL cp_cell = *saved_reg; if (MARKED(cp_cell)) { UNMARK(saved_reg); if (HEAP_PTR(cp_cell)) { into_relocation_chain(saved_reg, GET_NEXT(cp_cell)); } } saved_reg++; } } break; case _table_retry_me: case _table_trust_me: case _table_retry: case _table_trust: { register gen_cp_ptr gcp = GEN_CP(gc_B); int nargs; CELL *saved_reg; sweep_environments(gc_B->cp_env, EnvSize((CELL_PTR) (gc_B->cp_cp)), EnvBMap((CELL_PTR) (gc_B->cp_cp))); nargs = rtp->u.ld.s; /* for each saved register */ for (saved_reg = (CELL *)(gcp+1); /* assumes we can count registers in CP this way */ saved_reg < (CELL *)(gcp+1) + nargs; saved_reg++) { CELL cp_cell = *saved_reg; if (MARKED(cp_cell)) { UNMARK(saved_reg); if (HEAP_PTR(cp_cell)) { into_relocation_chain(saved_reg, GET_NEXT(cp_cell)); } } } saved_reg = (CELL *)(gcp+1) + nargs; nargs = *saved_reg++; while (nargs--) { CELL cp_cell = *saved_reg; if (MARKED(cp_cell)) { UNMARK(saved_reg); if (HEAP_PTR(cp_cell)) { into_relocation_chain(saved_reg, GET_NEXT(cp_cell)); } } saved_reg++; } } break; case _trie_retry_var: case _trie_trust_var: case _trie_retry_val: case _trie_trust_val: case _trie_retry_atom: case _trie_trust_atom: case _trie_retry_list: case _trie_trust_list: case _trie_retry_struct: case _trie_trust_struct: { CELL *aux_ptr; int heap_arity; int vars_arity; int subs_arity; sweep_environments(gc_B->cp_env, EnvSize((CELL_PTR) (gc_B->cp_cp)), EnvBMap((CELL_PTR) (gc_B->cp_cp))); /* fetch the solution */ aux_ptr = (CELL *)(gc_B+1); heap_arity = *aux_ptr; vars_arity = *(aux_ptr + heap_arity + 1); subs_arity = *(aux_ptr + heap_arity + 2); if (heap_arity) { int i; aux_ptr += heap_arity + subs_arity + vars_arity + 1; for (i = 0; i < heap_arity + subs_arity + vars_arity + 1; i++) { CELL cp_cell = *aux_ptr; if (MARKED(cp_cell)) { UNMARK(aux_ptr); if (HEAP_PTR(cp_cell)) { into_relocation_chain(aux_ptr, GET_NEXT(cp_cell)); } } aux_ptr--; } } else { int i; aux_ptr += 2 + subs_arity + vars_arity; for (i = 0; i < vars_arity; i++) { CELL cp_cell = *aux_ptr; if (MARKED(cp_cell)) { UNMARK(aux_ptr); if (HEAP_PTR(cp_cell)) { into_relocation_chain(aux_ptr, GET_NEXT(cp_cell)); } } aux_ptr--; } for (i = 1; i < subs_arity; i++) { CELL cp_cell = *--aux_ptr; if (MARKED(cp_cell)) { UNMARK(aux_ptr); if (HEAP_PTR(cp_cell)) { into_relocation_chain(aux_ptr, GET_NEXT(cp_cell)); } } } } } break; #endif case _retry_c: case _retry_userc: { register CELL_PTR saved_reg; /* for each extra saved register */ for (saved_reg = &(gc_B->cp_a1)+rtp->u.lds.s; saved_reg < &(gc_B->cp_a1)+rtp->u.lds.s+rtp->u.lds.extra; saved_reg++) { CELL cp_cell = *saved_reg; if (MARKED(cp_cell)) { UNMARK(saved_reg); if (HEAP_PTR(cp_cell)) { into_relocation_chain(saved_reg, GET_NEXT(cp_cell)); } } } } /* continue to clean environments and arguments */ default: { register CELL_PTR saved_reg; sweep_environments(gc_B->cp_env, EnvSize((CELL_PTR) (gc_B->cp_cp)), EnvBMap((CELL_PTR) (gc_B->cp_cp))); /* for each saved register */ for (saved_reg = &gc_B->cp_a1; saved_reg < &gc_B->cp_a1 + rtp->u.ld.s; saved_reg++) { CELL cp_cell = *saved_reg; if (MARKED(cp_cell)) { UNMARK(saved_reg); if (HEAP_PTR(cp_cell)) { into_relocation_chain(saved_reg, GET_NEXT(cp_cell)); } } } } } /* link to prev choicepoint */ gc_B = gc_B->cp_b; } } /* update a relocation chain to point all its cells to new location of object */ static void update_relocation_chain(CELL_PTR current, CELL_PTR dest) { CELL_PTR next; CELL ccur = *current; #ifdef TAGS_FAST_OPS while (RMARKED(ccur)) { register CELL cnext; next = GET_NEXT(ccur); cnext = *next; if (IsVarTerm(ccur)) { ccur = *current = (MARKED_VAR(ccur) ? ENSURE_MARKED(cnext) : UNMARKED(cnext) ); *next = (MARKED(cnext) ? MBIT : 0) | (Int) dest; } else if (IsPairTerm(ccur)) { ccur = *current = (MARKED_COMP(ccur) ? ENSURE_MARKED(cnext) : UNMARKED(cnext) ); *next = AbsPair((CELL *) ((MARKED(cnext) ? MBIT : 0) | (Int) dest)); } else if (IsApplTerm(ccur)) { ccur = *current = (MARKED_COMP(ccur) ? ENSURE_MARKED(cnext) : UNMARKED(cnext) ); *next = AbsAppl((CELL *) ((MARKED(cnext) ? MBIT : 0) | (Int) dest)); } #ifdef DEBUG else { Yap_Error(SYSTEM_ERROR, TermNil, "ATOMIC in a GC relocation chain"); } #endif } #else /* TAGS_FAST_OPS */ while (RMARKED(ccur)) { CELL current_tag; next = GET_NEXT(ccur); current_tag = TAG(ccur); ccur = *current = (ccur & MBIT) | (*next & ~MBIT); #if INVERT_RBIT *next = (*next & MBIT) | (CELL) dest | current_tag | RBIT; #else *next = (*next & MBIT) | (CELL) dest | current_tag; #endif } #endif /* TAGS_FAST_OPS */ } #ifdef TABLING static dep_fr_ptr gl_depfr; #endif static inline choiceptr update_B_H( choiceptr gc_B, CELL *current, CELL *dest, CELL *odest) { /* also make the value of H in a choicepoint coherent with the new global */ while (gc_B && current <= gc_B->cp_h) { if (gc_B->cp_h == current) { gc_B->cp_h = dest; } else { gc_B->cp_h = odest; } gc_B = gc_B->cp_b; #ifdef TABLING if (gl_depfr != NULL && gc_B >= DepFr_cons_cp(gl_depfr)) { gc_B = DepFr_cons_cp(gl_depfr); gl_depfr = DepFr_next(gl_depfr); } #endif } return(gc_B); } /* * move marked objects on the heap upwards over unmarked objects, and reset * all pointers to point to new locations */ static void compact_heap(void) { CELL_PTR dest, current, next; #ifdef DEBUG Int found_marked = 0; #endif /* DEBUG */ choiceptr gc_B = B; int in_garbage = 0; /* * upward phase - scan heap from high to low, setting marked upward * ptrs to point to what will be the new locations of the * objects pointed to */ #ifdef TABLING gl_depfr = LOCAL_top_dep_fr; #endif dest = (CELL_PTR) H0 + total_marked - 1; for (current = H - 1; current >= H0; current--) { if (MARKED(*current)) { CELL ccell = UNMARK_CELL(*current); if (ccell < (CELL)AtomBase && ccell > EndSpecials && IsVarTerm(ccell) ) { /* oops, we found a blob */ int nofcells = (UNMARK_CELL(*current)-EndSpecials) / sizeof(CELL); CELL *ptr = current - nofcells ; CELL func = ptr[0]; if (MARKED(func)) { #ifdef DEBUG found_marked+=nofcells; #endif /* DEBUG */ gc_B = update_B_H(gc_B, current, dest, dest+1); /* this one's being used */ /* first swap the tag so that it will be seen by the next step */ { CELL tmp = current[0]; current[0] = ptr[1]; ptr[1] = tmp; } if (in_garbage > 0) { current[1] = in_garbage; in_garbage = 0; } dest -= nofcells; current = ptr; /* process the functor next */ } else { /* skip the term */ in_garbage += nofcells+1; current = ptr; continue; } } else{ gc_B = update_B_H(gc_B, current, dest, dest+1); } if (in_garbage > 0) { current[1] = in_garbage; in_garbage = 0; } #ifdef DEBUG found_marked++; #endif /* DEBUG */ update_relocation_chain(current, dest); if (HEAP_PTR(*current)) { next = GET_NEXT(*current); if (next < current) /* push into reloc. * chain */ into_relocation_chain(current, next); else if (current == next) /* cell pointing to * itself */ *current = (*current & MBIT) | (CELL) dest; /* no tag */ } dest--; } else { in_garbage++; } } if (in_garbage) H0[0] = in_garbage; #ifdef DEBUG if (total_marked != found_marked) fprintf(Yap_stderr,"[GC] Upward (%d): %ld total against %ld found\n", gc_calls, (unsigned long int)total_marked, (unsigned long int)found_marked); found_marked = 0; #endif /* * downward phase - scan heap from low to high, moving marked objects * to their new locations & setting downward pointers to pt to new * locations */ dest = (CELL_PTR) H0; for (current = H0; current < H; current++) { CELL ccur = *current; if (MARKED(ccur)) { CELL uccur = UNMARK_CELL(ccur); if (uccur < (CELL)AtomBase && uccur > EndSpecials && IsVarTerm(uccur)) { /* oops, we found a blob */ int nofcells = (uccur-EndSpecials) / sizeof(CELL) , i; *dest++ = current[nofcells-1]; current ++; for (i = 0; i < nofcells-2; i++) { *dest++ = *current++; } *dest++ = ccur; #ifdef DEBUG found_marked += nofcells; #endif continue; } #ifdef DEBUG found_marked++; #endif update_relocation_chain(current, dest); ccur = *current; next = GET_NEXT(ccur); if (HEAP_PTR(ccur) && /* move current cell & * push */ next > current) { /* into relocation chain */ *dest = ccur; into_relocation_chain(dest, next); UNMARK(dest); } else { /* just move current cell */ *dest = ccur = UNMARK_CELL(ccur); } /* next cell, please */ dest++; } else { current += (ccur-1); } } #ifdef DEBUG if (total_marked != found_marked) fprintf(Yap_stderr,"[GC] Downward (%d): %ld total against %ld found\n", gc_calls, (unsigned long int)total_marked, (unsigned long int)found_marked); #endif H = dest; /* reset H */ HB = B->cp_h; #ifdef TABLING if (B_FZ == (choiceptr)LCL0) H_FZ = H0; else H_FZ = B_FZ->cp_h; #endif } #ifdef HYBRID_SCHEME static void adjust_cp_hbs(void) { #ifdef TABLING dep_fr_ptr depfr = LOCAL_top_dep_fr; #endif choiceptr gc_B = B; CELL_PTR *top = iptop-1, *base = (CELL_PTR *)H; while (gc_B != NULL) { CELL *gc_H = gc_B->cp_h; CELL_PTR *nbase = base; if (top[0] <= gc_H) { if (top[0] == gc_H) gc_B->cp_h = H0+(top-base); else gc_B->cp_h = H0+((top+1)-base); } else while (TRUE) { CELL_PTR *nxt = nbase+(top-nbase)/2; if (nxt[0] > gc_H) { if (nbase == top) { if (nbase == base) { gc_B->cp_h = H0; break; } else { Yap_Error(SYSTEM_ERROR,TermNil,"Bug in Garbage collector"); return; } } top = nxt; } else if (nxt[0] < gc_H && nxt[1] < gc_H) { nbase = nxt+1; } else { if (nxt[0] == gc_H) { gc_B->cp_h = H0+(nxt-base); top = nxt; break; } else { gc_B->cp_h = H0+((nxt-base)+1); top = nxt; break; } } } #ifdef TABLING if (depfr != NULL && gc_B >= DepFr_cons_cp(depfr)) { gc_B = DepFr_cons_cp(depfr); depfr = DepFr_next(depfr); } else #endif gc_B = gc_B->cp_b; } } /* * move marked objects on the heap upwards over unmarked objects, and reset * all pointers to point to new locations */ static void icompact_heap(void) { CELL_PTR *iptr, *ibase = (CELL_PTR *)H; #ifdef DEBUG Int found_marked = 0; #endif /* DEBUG */ /* * upward phase - scan heap from high to low, setting marked upward * ptrs to point to what will be the new locations of the * objects pointed to */ for (iptr = iptop - 1; iptr >= ibase; iptr--) { CELL ccell; CELL_PTR current; current = *iptr; ccell = UNMARK_CELL(*current); if (ccell < (CELL)AtomBase && ccell > EndSpecials && IsVarTerm(ccell) ) { /* oops, we found a blob */ int nofcells = (UNMARK_CELL(*current)-EndSpecials) / sizeof(CELL); CELL *ptr = current - nofcells ; iptr -= nofcells; #ifdef DEBUG found_marked+=nofcells; #endif /* DEBUG */ /* this one's being used */ /* first swap the tag so that it will be seen by the next step */ { CELL tmp = current[0]; current[0] = ptr[1]; ptr[1] = tmp; } current = ptr; } #ifdef DEBUG found_marked++; #endif /* DEBUG */ update_relocation_chain(current, H0+(iptr-ibase)); if (HEAP_PTR(*current)) { CELL_PTR next; next = GET_NEXT(*current); if (next < current) /* push into reloc. * chain */ into_relocation_chain(current, next); else if (current == next) /* cell pointing to * itself */ *current = (*current & MBIT) | (CELL) (H0+(iptr-ibase)); /* no tag */ } } #ifdef DEBUG if (total_marked != found_marked) fprintf(Yap_stderr,"[GC] Upward (%d): %ld total against %ld found\n", gc_calls, (unsigned long int)total_marked, (unsigned long int)found_marked); found_marked = 0; #endif /* * downward phase - scan heap from low to high, moving marked objects * to their new locations & setting downward pointers to pt to new * locations */ for (iptr = ibase; iptr < iptop; iptr++) { CELL_PTR next; CELL *current = *iptr; CELL ccur = *current; CELL_PTR dest = H0+(iptr-ibase); CELL uccur = UNMARK_CELL(ccur); if (uccur < (CELL)AtomBase && uccur > EndSpecials && IsVarTerm(uccur)) { /* oops, we found a blob */ int nofcells = (uccur-EndSpecials) / sizeof(CELL) , i; *dest++ = current[nofcells-1]; current ++; for (i = 0; i < nofcells-2; i++) { *dest++ = *current++; } *dest = ccur; iptr += nofcells-1; #ifdef DEBUG found_marked += nofcells; #endif continue; } #ifdef DEBUG found_marked++; #endif update_relocation_chain(current, dest); ccur = *current; next = GET_NEXT(ccur); if (HEAP_PTR(ccur) && /* move current cell & * push */ next > current) { /* into relocation chain */ *dest = ccur; into_relocation_chain(dest, next); UNMARK(dest); } else { /* just move current cell */ *dest = ccur = UNMARK_CELL(ccur); } } #ifdef DEBUG if (total_marked != found_marked) fprintf(Yap_stderr,"[GC] Downward (%d): %ld total against %ld found\n", gc_calls, (unsigned long int)total_marked, (unsigned long int)found_marked); #endif H = H0+(iptop-ibase); /* reset H */ HB = B->cp_h; #ifdef TABLING if (B_FZ == (choiceptr)LCL0) H_FZ = H0; else H_FZ = B_FZ->cp_h; #endif } #endif /* HYBRID_SCHEME */ #ifdef EASY_SHUNTING static void set_conditionals(tr_fr_ptr sTR) { while (sTR != sTR0) { CELL *cptr; sTR -= 2; cptr = (CELL *)TrailTerm(sTR+1); *cptr = TrailTerm(sTR); } } #endif /* * mark all objects on the heap that are accessible from active registers, * the trail, environments, and choicepoints */ static void marking_phase(tr_fr_ptr old_TR, CELL *current_env, yamop *curp, CELL *max) { #ifdef EASY_SHUNTING current_B = B; #endif init_dbtable(old_TR); #ifdef EASY_SHUNTING sTR0 = (tr_fr_ptr)db_vec; sTR = (tr_fr_ptr)db_vec; #else cont_top0 = (cont *)db_vec; #endif cont_top = (cont *)db_vec; /* These two must be marked first so that our trail optimisation won't lose values */ #ifdef COROUTINING Yap_mark_all_suspended_goals(); #endif mark_regs(old_TR); /* active registers & trail */ #ifdef COROUTINING mark_delays(max); #endif /* active environments */ mark_environments(current_env, EnvSize(curp), EnvBMap((CELL *)curp)); mark_choicepoints(B, old_TR, is_gc_very_verbose()); /* choicepoints, and environs */ #ifdef EASY_SHUNTING set_conditionals(sTR); #endif } #ifdef COROUTINING static void sweep_delays(CELL *max) { CELL *ptr = (CELL *)Yap_GlobalBase; while (ptr < max) { if (MARKED(*ptr)) { UNMARK(ptr); if (HEAP_PTR(*ptr)) { into_relocation_chain(ptr, GET_NEXT(*ptr)); } } ptr++; } } #endif /* * move marked heap objects upwards over unmarked objects, and reset all * pointers to point to new locations */ static void compaction_phase(tr_fr_ptr old_TR, CELL *current_env, yamop *curp, CELL *max) { #ifdef COROUTINING sweep_delays(max); #endif sweep_environments(current_env, EnvSize(curp), EnvBMap((CELL *)curp)); sweep_choicepoints(B); sweep_trail(B, old_TR); #ifdef HYBRID_SCHEME #ifdef DEBUG if (total_marked #ifdef COROUTINING -total_smarked #endif != iptop-(CELL_PTR *)H && iptop < (CELL_PTR *)ASP -1024) fprintf(Yap_stderr,"[GC] Oops on iptop-H (%ld) vs %ld\n", (unsigned long int)(iptop-(CELL_PTR *)H), total_marked); #endif if (iptop < (CELL_PTR *)ASP && 10*total_marked < H-H0) { #ifdef INSTRUMENT_GC int effectiveness = (((H-H0)-total_marked)*100)/(H-H0); fprintf(Yap_stderr,"[GC] using pointers (%d)\n", effectiveness); #endif quicksort((CELL_PTR *)H, 0, (iptop-(CELL_PTR *)H)-1); adjust_cp_hbs(); icompact_heap(); } else #endif /* HYBRID_SCHEME */ { #ifdef DEBUG #ifdef HYBID_SCHEME int effectiveness = (((H-H0)-total_marked)*100)/(H-H0); fprintf(stderr,"[GC] not using pointers (%d) ASP: %p, ip %p (expected %p) \n", effectiveness, ASP, iptop, H+total_marked); #endif #endif compact_heap(); } } static Int do_gc(Int predarity, CELL *current_env, yamop *nextop) { Int heap_cells = H-H0; int gc_verbose = is_gc_verbose(); tr_fr_ptr old_TR; UInt m_time, c_time, time_start, gc_time; #if COROUTINING CELL *max = (CELL *)Yap_ReadTimedVar(DelayedVars); #else CELL *max = NULL; #endif Int effectiveness = 0; int gc_trace = FALSE; #if USE_SYSTEM_MALLOC /* I can't use it because I may have pointers to high memory */ return 0; #endif #if COROUTINING if (H0 - max < 1024+(2*NUM_OF_ATTS)) { if (!Yap_growglobal(¤t_env)) { Yap_Error(SYSTEM_ERROR, TermNil, Yap_ErrorMessage); return 0; } } #endif #ifdef INSTRUMENT_GC { int i; for (i=0; i<16; i++) chain[i]=0; vars[gc_var] = 0; vars[gc_ref] = 0; vars[gc_atom] = 0; vars[gc_int] = 0; vars[gc_num] = 0; vars[gc_list] = 0; vars[gc_appl] = 0; vars[gc_func] = 0; vars[gc_susp] = 0; env_vars = 0; old_vars = new_vars = 0; TrueHB = HB; num_bs = 0; } #endif #ifdef DEBUG check_global(); #endif if (Yap_GetValue(AtomGcTrace) != TermNil) gc_trace = 1; /* sanity check: can we still do garbage_collection ? */ if ((CELL)Yap_TrailTop & (MBIT|RBIT)) { /* oops, we can't */ if (gc_verbose) { fprintf(Yap_stderr, "[GC] TrailTop at %p clashes with gc bits: %lx\n", Yap_TrailTop, (unsigned long int)(MBIT|RBIT)); fprintf(Yap_stderr, "[GC] garbage collection disallowed\n"); } return(0); } if (gc_trace) { fprintf(Yap_stderr, "[gc]\n"); } else if (gc_verbose) { fprintf(Yap_stderr, "[GC] Start of garbage collection %d:\n", gc_calls); #ifndef EARLY_RESET fprintf(Yap_stderr, "[GC] no early reset in trail\n"); #endif fprintf(Yap_stderr, "[GC] Global: %8ld cells (%p-%p)\n", (long int)heap_cells,H0,H); fprintf(Yap_stderr, "[GC] Local:%8ld cells (%p-%p)\n", (unsigned long int)(LCL0-ASP),LCL0,ASP); fprintf(Yap_stderr, "[GC] Trail:%8ld cells (%p-%p)\n", (unsigned long int)(TR-(tr_fr_ptr)Yap_TrailBase),Yap_TrailBase,TR); } #if !USE_SYSTEM_MALLOC if (HeapTop >= Yap_GlobalBase - MinHeapGap) { *--ASP = (CELL)current_env; if (!Yap_growheap(FALSE, MinHeapGap, NULL)) { Yap_Error(SYSTEM_ERROR, TermNil, Yap_ErrorMessage); return(FALSE); } current_env = (CELL *)*ASP; ASP++; } #endif time_start = Yap_cputime(); total_marked = 0; #ifdef COROUTING total_smarked = 0; #endif discard_trail_entries = 0; #ifdef HYBRID_SCHEME iptop = (CELL_PTR *)H; #endif /* get the number of active registers */ YAPEnterCriticalSection(); old_TR = TR; push_registers(predarity, nextop); marking_phase(old_TR, current_env, nextop, max); m_time = Yap_cputime(); gc_time = m_time-time_start; if (heap_cells) effectiveness = ((heap_cells-total_marked)*100)/heap_cells; else effectiveness = 0; if (gc_verbose) { fprintf(Yap_stderr, "[GC] Mark: Recovered %ld cells of %ld (%ld%%) in %g sec\n", (long int)(heap_cells-total_marked), (long int)heap_cells, (long int)effectiveness, (double)(m_time-time_start)/1000); #ifdef INSTRUMENT_GC { int i; for (i=0; i<16; i++) { if (chain[i]) { fprintf(Yap_stderr, "[GC] chain[%d]=%lu\n", i, chain[i]); } } put_type_info((unsigned long int)total_marked); fprintf(Yap_stderr,"[GC] %lu/%ld before and %lu/%ld after\n", old_vars, (unsigned long int)(B->cp_h-H0), new_vars, (unsigned long int)(H-B->cp_h)); fprintf(Yap_stderr,"[GC] %ld choicepoints\n", num_bs); } #endif } time_start = m_time; compaction_phase(old_TR, current_env, nextop, max); TR = old_TR; pop_registers(predarity, nextop); TR = new_TR; YAPLeaveCriticalSection(); c_time = Yap_cputime(); if (gc_verbose) { fprintf(Yap_stderr, "[GC] Compress: took %g sec\n", (double)(c_time-time_start)/1000); } gc_time += (c_time-time_start); tot_gc_time += gc_time; tot_gc_recovered += heap_cells-total_marked; if (gc_verbose) { fprintf(Yap_stderr, "[GC] GC %d took %g sec, total of %g sec doing GC so far.\n", gc_calls, (double)gc_time/1000, (double)tot_gc_time/1000); fprintf(Yap_stderr, "[GC] Left %ld cells free in stacks.\n", (unsigned long int)(ASP-H)); } check_global(); return effectiveness; } static int is_gc_verbose(void) { #ifdef INSTRUMENT_GC /* always give info when we are debugging gc */ return(TRUE); #else return(Yap_GetValue(AtomGcVerbose) != TermNil || Yap_GetValue(AtomGcVeryVerbose) != TermNil); #endif } int Yap_is_gc_verbose(void) { return is_gc_verbose(); } static int is_gc_very_verbose(void) { return(Yap_GetValue(AtomGcVeryVerbose) != TermNil); } Int Yap_total_gc_time(void) { return(tot_gc_time); } static Int p_inform_gc(void) { Term tn = MkIntegerTerm(tot_gc_time); Term tt = MkIntegerTerm(gc_calls); Term ts = MkIntegerTerm((tot_gc_recovered*sizeof(CELL))); return(Yap_unify(tn, ARG2) && Yap_unify(tt, ARG1) && Yap_unify(ts, ARG3)); } static int call_gc(UInt gc_lim, Int predarity, CELL *current_env, yamop *nextop) { UInt gc_margin = 128; Term Tgc_margin; Int effectiveness = 0; int gc_on = FALSE; #if defined(YAPOR) || defined(THREADS) if (NOfThreads != 1) { Yap_Error(SYSTEM_ERROR,TermNil,"cannot perform garbage collection: more than a worker/thread running"); return(FALSE); } #endif if (Yap_GetValue(AtomGc) != TermNil) gc_on = TRUE; if (IsIntegerTerm(Tgc_margin = Yap_GetValue(AtomGcMargin)) && gc_margin > 0) { gc_margin = (UInt)IntegerOfTerm(Tgc_margin); } else { /* only go exponential for the first 8 calls */ if (gc_calls < 8) gc_margin <<= gc_calls; else { /* next grow linearly */ gc_margin <<= 8; gc_margin *= gc_calls; } } if (gc_margin < gc_lim) gc_margin = gc_lim; gc_calls++; if (gc_on) { effectiveness = do_gc(predarity, current_env, nextop); if (effectiveness > 90) { while (gc_margin < H-H0) gc_margin <<= 1; } } else { effectiveness = 0; } /* expand the stack if effectiveness is less than 20 % */ if (ASP - H < gc_margin/sizeof(CELL) || effectiveness < 20) { return (Yap_growstack(gc_margin)); } /* * debug for(save_total=1; save_total<=N; ++save_total) * plwrite(XREGS[save_total],Yap_DebugPutc,0); */ return ( TRUE ); } int Yap_gc(Int predarity, CELL *current_env, yamop *nextop) { return call_gc(4096, predarity, current_env, nextop); } int Yap_gcl(UInt gc_lim, Int predarity, CELL *current_env, yamop *nextop) { return call_gc(gc_lim+CalculateStackGap()*sizeof(CELL), predarity, current_env, nextop); } static Int p_gc(void) { do_gc(0, ENV, P); return(TRUE); } void Yap_init_gc(void) { Yap_InitCPred("$gc", 0, p_gc, 0); Yap_InitCPred("$inform_gc", 3, p_inform_gc, 0); } void Yap_inc_mark_variable() { total_marked++; }