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The ancestors of an object are its class and all the superclasses of its class (in class-based hierarchies) or its parent and the ancestors of its parent (in prototype-based hierarchies).</dd> <dt class="glossary"><strong>category</strong><a name="category"></a></dt> <dd>A set of predicates directives and clauses that can be imported by any object.</dd> <dt class="glossary"><strong>class</strong><a name="class"></a></dt> <dd>An object that defines the common predicates of a set of objects (its instances).</dd> <dd><dl> <dt class="glossary"><strong>abstract class</strong><a name="abstractclass"></a></dt> <dd>A class that can not be instantiated. Usually used to store common predicates that are inherited by other classes.</dd> <dt class="glossary"><strong>metaclass</strong><a name="metaclass"></a></dt> <dd>The class of a class, when we see it as an object. Metaclass instances are themselves classes. In a reflexive system any metaclass is also an object.</dd> <dt class="glossary"><strong>subclass</strong><a name="subclass"></a></dt> <dd>A class that is a specialization, direct or indirectly, of another class.</dd> <dt class="glossary"><strong>superclass</strong><a name="superclass"></a></dt> <dd>A class from each another class is a specialization (direct or indirectly, via another class).</dd> </dl></dd> <dt class="glossary"><strong>directive</strong><a name="directive"></a></dt> <dd>A Prolog term that affects the interpretation of Prolog code. Directives are represented using the <code>:-/1</code> prefix functor.</dd> <dd><dl> <dt class="glossary"><strong>entity directive</strong><a name="entity_directive"></a></dt> <dd>A directive that affects how Logtalk entities (objects, protocols, or categories) are used or compiled.</dd> <dt class="glossary"><strong>predicate directive</strong><a name="predicate_directive"></a></dt> <dd>A directive that affects how predicates are called or compiled.</dd> </dl></dd> <dt class="glossary"><strong>encapsulation</strong><a name="encapsulation"></a></dt> <dd>The hiding of an object implementation. This promotes software reuse by isolating users from implementation details.</dd> <dt class="glossary"><strong>entity</strong><a name="entity"></a></dt> <dd>Generic name for Logtalk compilation units: objects, categories and protocols.</dd> <dt class="glossary"><strong>event</strong><a name="event"></a></dt> <dd>The sending of a message to an object. An event can be expressed as an ordered tuple: <code>(Event, Object, Message, Sender)</code>. Logtalk distinguish between the sending of a message - <code>before</code> event - and the return of control to the sender - <code>after</code> event.</dd> <dt class="glossary"><strong>identity</strong><a name="identity"></a></dt> <dd>Property of an entity that distinguish it from every other entity. In Logtalk an entity identity can be an atom or a compound term. All Logtalk entities, objects, protocols and categories share the same name space.</dd> <dt class="glossary"><strong>inheritance</strong><a name="inheritance"></a></dt> <dd>An object inherits predicate directives and clauses from other objects that it extends or specializes. If an object extends other object then we have a prototype-based inheritance. If an object specializes or instantiates another object we have a class-based inheritance.</dd> <dd><dl> <dt class="glossary"><strong>private inheritance</strong><a name="private_inheritance"></a></dt> <dd>All public and protected predicates are inherited as private predicates.</dd> <dt class="glossary"><strong>protected inheritance</strong><a name="protected_inheritance"></a></dt> <dd>All public predicates are inherited as protected. No change for protected or private predicates.</dd> <dt class="glossary"><strong>public inheritance</strong><a name="public_inheritance"></a></dt> <dd>All inherited predicates maintain the declared scope.</dd> </dl></dd> <dt class="glossary"><strong>instance</strong><a name="instance"></a></dt> <dd>The same as object. This term is used when we want to emphasize that an object characteristics are defined by another object (its class).</dd> <dt class="glossary"><strong>instantiation</strong><a name="instantiation"></a></dt> <dd>The process of creating a new class instance.</dd> <dt class="glossary"><strong>message</strong><a name="message"></a></dt> <dd>A request for a service, sent to an object. In more logical terms, a message can be seen as a request for proof construction using an object's predicates.</dd> <dt class="glossary"><strong>metainterpreter</strong><a name="metainterpreter"></a></dt> <dd>A program capable of running and modifying other programs written in the same language.</dd> <dt class="glossary"><strong>method</strong><a name="method"></a></dt> <dd>Set of predicate clauses used to answer a message sent to an object. Logtalk uses dynamic binding to find which method to run to answer a message.</dd> <dt class="glossary"><strong>monitor</strong><a name="monitor"></a></dt> <dd>Any object that is notified when a spied event occurs. The spied events can be set by the monitor or by any other object.</dd> <dt class="glossary"><strong>object</strong><a name="object"></a></dt> <dd>An entity characterized by an identity and a set of predicate directives and clauses. In Logtalk objects can be either static or dynamic, like any other Prolog code.</dd> <dd><dl> <dt class="glossary"><strong>parametric object</strong><a name="parametric"></a></dt> <dd>An object whose name is a compound term containing free variables that can be used to parameterize the object predicates.</dd> </dl></dd> <dt class="glossary"><strong>parent</strong><a name="parent"></a></dt> <dd>An object that is extended by another object.</dd> <dt class="glossary"><strong>predicate</strong><a name="predicate"></a></dt> <dd>Predicates describe what is true about the application domain. A predicate is identified by its name and number of arguments using the notation <code><name>/<nargs></code>.</dd> <dd><dl> <dt class="glossary"><strong>local predicate</strong><a name="local_predicate"></a></dt> <dd>A predicate that is defined in an object (or in a category) but that is not listed in a scope directive. These predicates behave like private predicates but are invisible to the reflection methods.</dd> <dt class="glossary"><strong>metapredicate</strong><a name="metapredicate"></a></dt> <dd>A predicate where one of its arguments will be called as a goal. For instance, <code>findall/3</code> and <code>call/1</code> are Prolog built-ins metapredicates.</dd> <dt class="glossary"><strong>private predicate</strong><a name="private_predicate"></a></dt> <dd>A predicate that can only be called from the object that contains the scope directive.</dd> <dt class="glossary"><strong>protected predicate</strong><a name="protected_predicate"></a></dt> <dd>A predicate that can only be called from the object containing the scope directive or from an object that inherits the predicate.</dd> <dt class="glossary"><strong>public predicate</strong><a name="public_predicate"></a></dt> <dd>A predicate that can be called from any object.</dd> <dt class="glossary"><strong>visible predicate</strong><a name="visible_predicate"></a></dt> <dd>A predicate that is declared for an object, a built-in method, or a Prolog or Logtalk built-in predicate.</dd> </dl></dd> <dt class="glossary"><strong>profiler</strong><a name="profiler"></a></dt> <dd>A program that collects data about other program performance.</dd> <dt class="glossary"><strong>protocol</strong><a name="protocol"></a></dt> <dd>A set of predicates directives that can be implemented by an object or a category (or extended by another protocol).</dd> <dt class="glossary"><strong>prototype</strong><a name="protocol"></a></dt> <dd>A self-describing object that may extend or be extended by other objects.</dd> <dt class="glossary"><strong>self</strong><a name="self"></a></dt> <dd>The original object that received the message under execution.</dd> <dt class="glossary"><strong>sender</strong><a name="sender"></a></dt> <dd>An object that sends a message to other object.</dd> <dt class="glossary"><strong>specialization</strong><a name="specialization"></a></dt> <dd>A class is specialized by constructing a new class that inherit its predicates and possibly add new ones.</dd> <dt class="glossary"><strong>this</strong><a name="this"></a></dt> <dd>The object that contains the predicate clause under execution.</dd> </dl> <div class="navbottom"> </div> <div class="copyright"> Copyright © <a href="mailto:pmoura@logtalk.org">Paulo Moura</a> — <a href="http://www.logtalk.org">Logtalk.org</a> </div> <div class="footer"> <p><span class="bleft"><a href="http://validator.w3.org/check/referer">XHTML</a> + <a href="http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/check/referer">CSS</a></span><span class="bright">Last updated on: December 23, 2003</span></p> </div> </body> </html>