/************************************************************************* * * * YAP Prolog * * * * Yap Prolog was developed at NCCUP - Universidade do Porto * * * * Copyright L.Damas, V.S.Costa and Universidade do Porto 1985-1997 * * * ************************************************************************** * * * File: load_foreign.yap * * Last rev: 8/2/88 * * mods: * * comments: Utility predicates for load_foreign * * * *************************************************************************/ /** @defgroup LoadForeign Access to Foreign Language Programs @ingroup YAPBuiltins @{ */ :- system_module( '$_load_foreign', [load_foreign_files/3, open_shared_object/2, open_shared_object/3], ['$import_foreign'/3]). :- use_system_module( '$_errors', ['$do_error'/2]). :- use_system_module( '$_modules', ['$do_import'/3]). /** @pred load_foreign_files( _Files_, _Libs_, _InitRoutine_) should be used, from inside YAP, to load object files produced by the C compiler. The argument _ObjectFiles_ should be a list of atoms specifying the object files to load, _Libs_ is a list (possibly empty) of libraries to be passed to the unix loader (`ld`) and InitRoutine is the name of the C routine (to be called after the files are loaded) to perform the necessary declarations to YAP of the predicates defined in the files. YAP will search for _ObjectFiles_ in the current directory first. If it cannot find them it will search for the files using the environment variable: + YAPLIBDIR if defined, or in the default library. YAP also supports the SWI-Prolog interface to loading foreign code: */ load_foreign_files(_Objs,_Libs,_Entry) :- prolog_load_context(file, F), prolog_load_context(module, M), recorded( '$load_foreign_done', [F, M0], _), !, '$import_foreign'(F, M0, M). load_foreign_files(Objs,Libs,Entry) :- '$check_objs_for_load_foreign_files'(Objs,NewObjs,load_foreign_files(Objs,Libs,Entry)), '$check_libs_for_load_foreign_files'(Libs,NewLibs,load_foreign_files(Objs,Libs,Entry)), '$check_entry_for_load_foreign_files'(Entry,load_foreign_files(Objs,Libs,Entry)), '$current_module'( M ), '$load_foreign_files'(NewObjs,NewLibs,Entry), ignore( recordzifnot( '$foreign', M:'$foreign'(Objs,Libs,Entry), _) ), ( prolog_load_context(file, F) -> ignore( recordzifnot( '$load_foreign_done', [F, M], _) ) ; true ), !. '$check_objs_for_load_foreign_files'(V,_,G) :- var(V), !, '$do_error'(instantiation_error,G). '$check_objs_for_load_foreign_files'([],[],_) :- !. '$check_objs_for_load_foreign_files'([Obj|Objs],[NObj|NewObjs],G) :- !, '$check_obj_for_load_foreign_files'(Obj,NObj,G), '$check_objs_for_load_foreign_files'(Objs,NewObjs,G). '$check_objs_for_load_foreign_files'(Objs,_,G) :- '$do_error'(type_error(list,Objs),G). '$check_obj_for_load_foreign_files'(V,_,G) :- var(V), !, '$do_error'(instantiation_error,G). '$check_obj_for_load_foreign_files'(Obj,NewObj,_) :- atom(Obj), !, ( atom(Obj), Obj1 = foreign(Obj) ; Obj1 = Obj ), absolute_file_name(foreign(Obj),[file_type(executable), access(read), expand(true), file_errors(fail) ], NewObj). '$check_obj_for_load_foreign_files'(Obj,_,G) :- '$do_error'(type_error(atom,Obj),G). '$check_libs_for_load_foreign_files'(V,_,G) :- var(V), !, '$do_error'(instantiation_error,G). '$check_libs_for_load_foreign_files'([],[],_) :- !. '$check_libs_for_load_foreign_files'([Lib|Libs],[NLib|NLibs],G) :- !, '$check_lib_for_load_foreign_files'(Lib,NLib,G), '$check_libs_for_load_foreign_files'(Libs,NLibs,G). '$check_libs_for_load_foreign_files'(Libs,_,G) :- '$do_error'(type_error(list,Libs),G). '$check_lib_for_load_foreign_files'(V,_,G) :- var(V), !, '$do_error'(instantiation_error,G). '$check_lib_for_load_foreign_files'(Lib,NLib,_) :- atom(Lib), !, '$process_obj_suffix'(Lib,NewLib), '$checklib_prefix'(NewLib,NLib). '$check_lib_for_load_foreign_files'(Lib,_,G) :- '$do_error'(type_error(atom,Lib),G). '$process_obj_suffix'(Obj,Obj) :- '$swi_current_prolog_flag'(shared_object_extension, ObjSuffix), sub_atom(Obj, _, _, 0, ObjSuffix), !. '$process_obj_suffix'(Obj,NewObj) :- '$swi_current_prolog_flag'(shared_object_extension, ObjSuffix), atom_concat([Obj,'.',ObjSuffix],NewObj). '$checklib_prefix'(F,F) :- is_absolute_file_name(F), !. '$checklib_prefix'(F, F) :- sub_atom(F, 0, _, _, lib), !. '$checklib_prefix'(F, Lib) :- atom_concat(lib, F, Lib). '$import_foreign'(F, M0, M) :- M \= M0, predicate_property(M0:P,built_in), predicate_property(M0:P,file(F)), functor(P, N, K), '$do_import'(N/K-N/K, M0, M), fail. '$import_foreign'(_F, _M0, _M). '$check_entry_for_load_foreign_files'(V,G) :- var(V), !, '$do_error'(instantiation_error,G). '$check_entry_for_load_foreign_files'(Entry,_) :- atom(Entry), !. '$check_entry_for_load_foreign_files'(Entry,G) :- '$do_error'(type_error(atom,Entry),G). /** @pred open_shared_object(+ _File_, - _Handle_) File is the name of a shared object file (called dynamic load library in MS-Windows). This file is attached to the current process and _Handle_ is unified with a handle to the library. Equivalent to `open_shared_object(File, [], Handle)`. See also load_foreign_library/1 and `load_foreign_library/2`. On errors, an exception `shared_object`( _Action_, _Message_) is raised. _Message_ is the return value from dlerror(). */ open_shared_object(File, Handle) :- open_shared_object(File, [], Handle). /** @pred open_shared_object(+ _File_, - _Handle_, + _Options_) As `open_shared_object/2`, but allows for additional flags to be passed. _Options_ is a list of atoms. `now` implies the symbols are resolved immediately rather than lazily (default). `global` implies symbols of the loaded object are visible while loading other shared objects (by default they are local). Note that these flags may not be supported by your operating system. Check the documentation of `dlopen()` or equivalent on your operating system. Unsupported flags are silently ignored. */ open_shared_object(File, Opts, Handle) :- '$open_shared_opts'(Opts, open_shared_object(File, Opts, Handle), OptsI), '$open_shared_object'(File, OptsI, Handle), prolog_load_context(module, M), ignore( recordzifnot( '$foreign', M:'$swi_foreign'(File,Opts, Handle), _) ). '$open_shared_opts'(Opts, G, _OptsI) :- var(Opts), !, '$do_error'(instantiation_error,G). '$open_shared_opts'([], _, 0) :- !. '$open_shared_opts'([Opt|Opts], G, V) :- '$open_shared_opts'(Opts, G, V0), '$open_shared_opt'(Opt, G, OptV), V0 is V \/ OptV. '$open_shared_opt'(Opt, G, _) :- var(Opt), !, '$do_error'(instantiation_error,G). '$open_shared_opt'(now, __, 1) :- !. '$open_shared_opt'(global, __, 2) :- !. '$open_shared_opt'(Opt, Goal, _) :- '$do_error'(domain_error(open_shared_object_option,Opt),Goal). /** @pred call_shared_object_function(+ _Handle_, + _Function_) Call the named function in the loaded shared library. The function is called without arguments and the return-value is ignored. YAP supports installing foreign language predicates using calls to 'UserCCall()`, `PL_register_foreign()`, and friends. */ call_shared_object_function( Handle, Function) :- '$call_shared_object_function'( Handle, Function), prolog_load_context(module, M), ignore( recordzifnot( '$foreign', M:'$swi_foreign'( Handle, Function ), _) ). %%! @}