/*============================================================================== * LPAD and CP-Logic reasoning suite * File: parsing.pl * Parses predicates to load LPADs (main predicate: parse(FileNameNoExt) * Copyright (c) 2009, Stefano Bragaglia *============================================================================*/ :- dynamic rule/4, def_rule/2. :- use_module(params). :- use_module(utility). % :- source. % :- yap_flag(single_var_warnings, on). /* parse(File) * ----------- * This predicate parses the given .cpl file. * * Note: it can be called more than once without exiting yap * * INPUT * - File: .cpl file to parse, without extension. */ parse(File) :- atom_concat(File, '.cpl', FileName), open(FileName, read, FileHandle), read_clauses(FileHandle, Clauses), close(FileHandle), retractall(rule_by_num(_, _, _, _, _)), retractall(rule(_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _)), retractall(def_rule(_, _)), process_clauses(Clauses, 1). /* assert_rules() * -------------- * This tail recursive predicate parses the given list of (Head:Prob) couples * and stores them incrementally as rules along with the other parameters. * * INPUT * - Head: current head part. * - Prob: probability of the current head part. * - Index: index of the current head part. * - Subst: substitution for the current head part. * - Choices: list of current head parts indexes. * - HeadList: complete head or list of its parts. * - BodyList: complete body or list of its parts. */ assert_rules([], _Index, _HeadList, _BodyList, _Choices, _Id, _Subst) :- !. % Closing condition. assert_rules(['':_Prob], _Index, _HeadList, _BodyList, _Choices, _Id, _Subst) :- !. assert_rules([Head:Prob|Tail], Index, HeadList, BodyList, Choices, Id, Subst) :- assertz(rule(Head, Prob, Index, Id, Subst, Choices, HeadList, BodyList)), Next is Index + 1, assert_rules(Tail, Next, Id, Subst, Choices, HeadList, BodyList). delete_var(_Var, [], []). delete_var(Var, [Current|Tail], [Current|Next]) :- Var \== Current, !, delete_var(Var, Tail, Next). delete_var(_Var, [_Head|Tail], Tail). extract_vars(Variable, Var0, Var1) :- var(Variable), !, (member_eq(Variable, Var0) -> Var1 = Var0; append(Var0, [Variable], Var1)). extract_vars(Term, Var0, Var1) :- Term=..[_F|Args], extract_vars_list(Args, Var0, Var1). extract_vars_clause(end_of_file, []). extract_vars_clause(Clause, VarNames, Couples) :- (Clause = (Head :- _Body) -> true; Head = Clause), extract_vars(Head, [], Vars), pair(VarNames, Vars, Couples). extract_vars_list([], Var, Var). extract_vars_list([Term|Tail], Var0, Var1) :- extract_vars(Term, Var0, Var), extract_vars_list(Tail, Var, Var1). get_var(Var, [Var]) :- var(Var), !. % Succeeds if Var is currently a free variable, otherwise fails. get_var(Var, Value) :- Var=..[_F|Args], get_var_list(Args, Value). get_var_list([], []). get_var_list([Head|Tail], [Head|Next]) :- var(Head), !, get_var_list(Tail, Next). get_var_list([Head|Tail], Vars) :- !, get_var(Head, Var), append(Var, Next, Vars), get_var_list(Tail, Next). /* ground_prob(HeadList) * --------------------- * This tail recursive predicate verifies if the given HeadList is ground. * * INPUT * - HeadList: list of heads to verify its groundness. */ ground_prob([]). ground_prob([_Head:ProbHead|Tail]) :- ground(ProbHead), % Succeeds if there are no free variables in the term ProbHead. ground_prob(Tail). pair(_VarName, [], []). pair([VarName = _Var|TailVarName], [Var|TailVar], [VarName = Var|Tail]) :- pair(TailVarName, TailVar, Tail). /* process_head(HeadList, CompleteHeadList) * ---------------------------------------- * Note: if the annotation in the head are not ground, the null atom is not * added and the eventual formulas are not evaluated. */ process_head(HeadList, GroundHeadList) :- ground_prob(HeadList), !, process_head_ground(HeadList, 0, GroundHeadList); process_head(HeadList, HeadList). /* process_head_ground([Head:ProbHead], Prob, [Head:ProbHead|Null]) * ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ process_head_ground([Head:ProbHead], Prob, [Head:ProbHead|Null]) :- ProbLast is 1 - Prob - ProbHead, setting(epsilon_parsing, Eps), EpsNeg is - Eps, ProbLast > EpsNeg, (ProbLast > Eps -> Null = ['':ProbLast]; Null = []). process_head_ground([Head:ProbHead|Tail], Prob, [Head:ProbHead|Next]) :- ProbNext is Prob + ProbHead, process_head_ground(Tail, ProbNext, Next). /* process_body(BodyList, Vars0, Vars1) * ------------------------------------ * Note: setof must have a goal in the form B^G, where B is a term containing * the existential variables. */ process_body([], Vars, Vars). process_body([setof(A, B^_G, _L)|Tail], Vars0, Vars1) :- !, get_var(A, VarsA), get_var(B, VarsB), remove_vars(VarsA, Vars0, Vars3), remove_vars(VarsB, Vars3, Vars2), process_body(Tail, Vars2, Vars1). process_body([setof(A, _G, _L)|Tail], Vars0, Vars1) :- !, get_var(A, VarsA), remove_vars(VarsA, Vars0, Vars2), process_body(Tail, Vars2, Vars1). process_body([bagof(A, B^_G, _L)|Tail], Vars0, Vars1) :- !, get_var(A, VarsA), get_var(B, VarsB), remove_vars(VarsA, Vars0, Vars3), remove_vars(VarsB, Vars3, Vars2), process_body(Tail, Vars2, Vars1). process_body([bagof(A, _G, _L)|Tail], Vars0, Vars1) :- !, get_var(A, VarsA), remove_vars(VarsA, Vars0, Vars2), process_body(Tail, Vars2, Vars1). process_body([_Head|Tail], Vars0, Vars1) :- !, process_body(Tail, Vars0, Vars1). process_clauses([(end_of_file, [])], _Id). /* NB: il seguente predicato � stato commentato perch� usa predicati non conformi * a quelli attesi (vedi 'rule\5'). * / process_clauses([((Head :- Body), Value)|Tail], Id) :- Head=uniform(A, P, L), !, list2and(BodyList, Body), process_body(BodyList, Value, BodyListValue), remove_vars([P], BodyListValue, V2), append(BodyList, [length(L, Tot), nth0(Number, L, P)], BL1), append(V2, ['Tot'=Tot], V3), assertz(rule(Id, V3, _NH, uniform(A:1/Tot, L, Number), BL1)), assertz(rule_uniform(A, Id, V3, _NH, 1/Tot, L, Number, BL1)), N1 is Id+1, process_clauses(Tail, N1). */ process_clauses([((Head :- Body), Value)|Tail], Id) :- Head = (_;_), !, list2or(HeadListOr, Head), process_head(HeadListOr, HeadList), list2and(BodyList, Body), process_body(BodyList, Value, BodyListValue), length(HeadList, LH), listN(0, LH, NH), assert_rules(HeadList, 0, HeadList, BodyList, NH, Id, BodyListValue), assertz(rule_by_num(Id, BodyListValue, NH, HeadList, BodyList)), N1 is Id+1, process_clauses(Tail, N1). process_clauses([((Head :- Body), Value)|Tail], Id) :- Head = (_:_), !, list2or(HeadListOr, Head), process_head(HeadListOr, HeadList), list2and(BodyList, Body), process_body(BodyList, Value, BodyListValue), length(HeadList, LH), listN(0, LH, NH), assert_rules(HeadList, 0, HeadList, BodyList, NH, Id, BodyListValue), assertz(rule_by_num(Id, BodyListValue, NH, HeadList, BodyList)), N1 is Id+1, process_clauses(Tail, N1). process_clauses([((Head :- Body), _V)|Tail], Id) :- !, list2and(BodyList, Body), assert(def_rule(Head, BodyList)), process_clauses(Tail, Id). process_clauses([(Head, Value)|Tail], Id) :- Head=(_;_), !, list2or(HeadListOr, Head), process_head(HeadListOr, HeadList), length(HeadList, LH), listN(0, LH, NH), assert_rules(HeadList, 0, HeadList, [], NH, Id, Value), assertz(rule_by_num(Id, Value, NH, HeadList, [])), N1 is Id+1, process_clauses(Tail, N1). process_clauses([(Head, Value)|Tail], Id) :- Head=(_:_), !, list2or(HeadListOr, Head), process_head(HeadListOr, HeadList), length(HeadList, LH), listN(0, LH, NH), assert_rules(HeadList, 0, HeadList, [], NH, Id, Value), assertz(rule_by_num(Id, Value, NH, HeadList, [])), N1 is Id+1, process_clauses(Tail, N1). process_clauses([(Head, _V)|Tail], Id) :- assert(def_rule(Head, [])), process_clauses(Tail, Id). read_clauses(Stream, Clauses) :- (setting(ground_body, true) -> read_clauses_ground_body(Stream, Clauses); read_clauses_exist_body(Stream, Clauses)). read_clauses_exist_body(Stream, [(Clause, Vars)|Next]) :- read_term(Stream, Clause, [variable_names(VarNames)]), extract_vars_clause(Clause, VarNames, Vars), (Clause = end_of_file -> Next = []; read_clauses_exist_body(Stream, Next)). read_clauses_ground_body(Stream, [(Clause, Vars)|Next]) :- read_term(Stream, Clause, [variable_names(Vars)]), (Clause = end_of_file -> Next = []; read_clauses_ground_body(Stream, Next)). remove_vars([], Vars, Vars). remove_vars([Head|Tail], Vars0, Vars1) :- delete_var(Head, Vars0, Vars2), remove_vars(Tail, Vars2, Vars1).