Logtalk reference manual
Built-in method: parameter/2



parameter(Number, Term)

Normally used only in parametric objects, this method returns parameter values by using the parameter position in the object identifier. Note that this predicate implies an unification between its second argument and the corresponding implicit context argument in the predicate containing the call. This unification occurs at the clause head, not at the clause body. See also this/1.

Template and modes

parameter(+integer, ?term)


Number is a variable:
Number is neither a variable nor an integer value:
type_error(integer, Number)
Object identifier is not a compound term:
type_error(compound, Object)
Number is a negative integer value:
domain_error(not_less_than_zero, Number)


:- object(box(_color, _weight)).

    color(Color) :-              % this clause is translated into a fact
        parameter(1, Color).     % upon compilation 

    heavy :-
        parameter(2, Weight),    % after compilation, the >/2 call will be
        Weight > 10.             % the first condition on the clause body
