/************************************************************************* * * * YAP Prolog * * * * Yap Prolog was developed at NCCUP - Universidade do Porto * * * * Copyright L.Damas, V.S.Costa and Universidade do Porto 1985-1997 * * * ************************************************************************** * * * File: modules.pl * * Last rev: * * mods: * * comments: module support * * * *************************************************************************/ % module handling '$module'(_,N,P) :- '$module_dec'(N,P). '$module'(O,N,P,Opts) :- !, '$module'(O,N,P), '$process_module_decls_options'(Opts,module(Opts,N,P)). '$process_module_decls_options'(Var,Mod) :- var(Var), !, '$do_error'(instantiation_error,Mod). '$process_module_decls_options'([],_) :- !. '$process_module_decls_options'([H|L],M) :- !, '$process_module_decls_option'(H,M), '$process_module_decls_options'(L,M). '$process_module_decls_options'(T,M) :- '$do_error'(type_error(list,T),M). '$process_module_decls_option'(Var,M) :- var(Var), '$do_error'(instantiation_error,M). '$process_module_decls_option'(At,_) :- atom(At), !, '$use_module'(At). '$process_module_decls_option'(library(L),_) :- !, '$use_module'(library(L)). '$process_module_decls_option'(hidden(Bool),M) :- !, '$process_hidden_module'(Bool, M). '$process_module_decls_option'(Opt,M) :- '$do_error'(domain_error(module_decl_options,Opt),M). '$process_hidden_module'(TNew,M) :- '$convert_true_off_mod3'(TNew, New, M), source_mode(Old, New), '$prepare_restore_hidden'(Old,New). '$convert_true_off_mod3'(true, off, _) :- !. '$convert_true_off_mod3'(false, on, _) :- !. '$convert_true_off_mod3'(X, _, M) :- '$do_error'(domain_error(module_decl_options,hidden(X)),M). '$prepare_restore_hidden'(Old,Old) :- !. '$prepare_restore_hidden'(Old,New) :- recorda('$system_initialisation', source_mode(New,Old), _). module(N) :- var(N), '$do_error'(instantiation_error,module(N)). module(N) :- atom(N), !, % set it as current module. '$current_module'(_,N). module(N) :- '$do_error'(type_error(atom,N),module(N)). '$module_dec'(N, Ps) :- '$current_module'(_,N), source_location(F, _), '$add_module_on_file'(N, F, Ps). '$add_module_on_file'(Mod, F, Exports) :- recorded('$module','$module'(F0,Mod,_,_),R), !, '$add_preexisting_module_on_file'(F, F0, Mod, Exports, R). '$add_module_on_file'(Module, F, Exports) :- '$convert_for_export'(all, Exports, Module, Module, TranslationTab, AllExports0, load_files), '$add_to_imports'(TranslationTab, Module, Module), % insert ops, at least for now sort( AllExports0, AllExports ), ( source_location(_, Line) -> true ; Line = 0 ), recorda('$module','$module'(F,Module,AllExports, Line),_). '$extend_exports'(Module, NewExports) :- '$convert_for_export'(all, NewExports, Module, Module, _TranslationTab, NewExports1, load_files), recorded('$module','$module'(F,Module,OriginalExports,Line),R), '$add_exports'( NewExports1, OriginalExports, Exports ), erase(R), sort( Exports, AllExports ), recorda('$module','$module'(F,Module,AllExports,Line),_), fail. '$extend_exports'(_F, _Module, _NewExports). '$add_exports'( [], Exports, Exports ). '$add_exports'( [PI|NewExports], OriginalExports, [PI|Exports] ) :- % do not check for redefinitions, at least for now. '$add_exports'( NewExports, OriginalExports, Exports ). % redefining a previously-defined file, no problem. '$add_preexisting_module_on_file'(F, F, Mod, Exports, R) :- !, erase(R), ( recorded('$import','$import'(Mod,_,_,_,_,_),R), erase(R), fail; true), ( source_location(_, Line) -> true ; Line = 0 ), recorda('$module','$module'(F,Mod,Exports, Line),_). '$add_preexisting_module_on_file'(F,F0,Mod,Exports,R) :- repeat, format(user_error, "The module ~a is being redefined.~n Old file: ~a~n New file: ~a~nDo you really want to redefine it? (y or n)",[Mod,F0,F]), '$mod_scan'(C), !, ( C is "y" -> '$add_preexisting_module_on_file'(F, F, Mod, Exports, R) ; '$do_error'(permission_error(module,redefined,Mod),module(Mod,Exports)) ). '$mod_scan'(C) :- stream_property(user_input,tty(true)), stream_property(user_error,tty(true)), !, repeat, get0(C), '$skipeol'(C), (C is "y" -> true ; C is "n" -> true ; C is "h" -> true ; C is "e" -> halt(1) ; format(user_error, ' Please answer with ''y'', ''n'', ''e'' or ''h'' ', []), fail), !. '$mod_scan'(C) :- C is "n". '$module_produced by'(M, M0, N, K) :- recorded('$import','$import'(M,M0,_,_,N,K),_), !. '$module_produced by'(M, M0, N, K) :- recorded('$import','$import'(MI,M0,G1,_,N,K),_), functor(G1, N1, K1), '$module_produced by'(M,MI,N1,K1). % expand module names in a clause % A1: Input Clause % A2: Output Class to Compiler (lives in module HM) % A3: Output Class to clause/2 and listing (lives in module HM) % % modules: % A4: module for body of clause (this is the one used in looking up predicates) % A5: context module (this is the current context % A6: head module (this is the one used in compiling and accessing). % % '$module_expansion'(H,H,H,_M,_HM) :- var(H), !. '$module_expansion'((H:-B),(H:-B1),(H:-BOO),M,HM) :- !, '$is_mt'(M, H, B, IB, MM), '$module_u_vars'(H,UVars,M), % collect head variables in % expanded positions '$module_expansion'(IB,B1,BO,M,MM,HM,UVars), ('$full_clause_optimisation'(H, M, BO, BOO) -> true ; BO = BOO ). % do not expand bodyless clauses. '$module_expansion'(H,H,H,_,_). '$trace_module'(X) :- telling(F), tell('P0:debug'), write(X),nl, tell(F), fail. '$trace_module'(_). '$trace_module'(X,Y) :- X==Y, !. '$trace_module'(X,Y) :- telling(F), tell('~/.dbg.modules'), write('***************'), nl, portray_clause(X), portray_clause(Y), tell(F),fail. '$trace_module'(_,_). % expand module names in a body % args are: % goals to expand % code to pass to listing % code to pass to compiler % current module for looking up preds M % default module DM % head module HM % % to understand the differences, you can consider: % % a:(d:b(X) :- g:c(X), d(X), user:hello(X)). % % when we process meta-predicate c, HM=d, DM=a, BM=a, M=g and we should get: % % d:b(X) :- g:c(g:X), a:d(X), user:hello(X). % % on the other hand, % % a:(d:b(X) :- c(X), d(X), d:e(X)). % % will give % % d:b(X) :- a:c(a:X), a:d(X), e(X). % % % head variables. % goals or arguments/sub-arguments? % I cannot use call here because of format/3 '$module_expansion'(V,NG,NG,_,MM,_,HVars) :- var(V), !, ( '$not_in_vars'(V,HVars) -> NG = call(MM:V) ; NG = call(V) ). '$module_expansion'((A,B),(A1,B1),(AO,BO),M,MM,HM,HVars) :- !, '$module_expansion'(A,A1,AO,M,MM,HM,HVars), '$module_expansion'(B,B1,BO,M,MM,HM,HVars). '$module_expansion'((A;B),(A1;B1),(AO;BO),M,MM,HM,HVars) :- var(A), !, '$module_expansion'(A,A1,AO,M,MM,HM,HVars), '$module_expansion'(B,B1,BO,M,MM,HM,HVars). '$module_expansion'((A*->B;C),(A1*->B1;C1),(yap_hacks:current_choicepoint(DCP),AO,yap_hacks:cut_at(DCP),BO; CO),M,MM,HM,HVars) :- !, '$module_expansion'(A,A1,AOO,M,MM,HM,HVars), '$clean_cuts'(AOO, AO), '$module_expansion'(B,B1,BO,M,MM,HM,HVars), '$module_expansion'(C,C1,CO,M,MM,HM,HVars). '$module_expansion'((A;B),(A1;B1),(AO;BO),M,MM,HM,HVars) :- !, '$module_expansion'(A,A1,AO,M,MM,HM,HVars), '$module_expansion'(B,B1,BO,M,MM,HM,HVars). '$module_expansion'((A|B),(A1|B1),(AO|BO),M,MM,HM,HVars) :- !, '$module_expansion'(A,A1,AO,M,MM,HM,HVars), '$module_expansion'(B,B1,BO,M,MM,HM,HVars). '$module_expansion'((A->B),(A1->B1),(AO->BO),M,MM,HM,HVars) :- !, '$module_expansion'(A,A1,AOO,M,MM,HM,HVars), '$clean_cuts'(AOO, AO), '$module_expansion'(B,B1,BO,M,MM,HM,HVars). '$module_expansion'(\+A,\+A1,\+AO,M,MM,HM,HVars) :- !, '$module_expansion'(A,A1,AO,M,MM,HM,HVars). '$module_expansion'(not(A),not(A1),not(AO),M,MM,HM,HVars) :- !, '$module_expansion'(A,A1,AO,M,MM,HM,HVars). '$module_expansion'(true,true,true,_,_,_,_) :- !. '$module_expansion'(fail,fail,fail,_,_,_,_) :- !. '$module_expansion'(false,false,false,_,_,_,_) :- !. % if I don't know what the module is, I cannot do anything to the goal, % so I just put a call for later on. '$module_expansion'(M:G,call(M:G),'$execute_wo_mod'(G,M),_,_,_,_) :- var(M), !. '$module_expansion'(M:G,G1,GO,_,_CM,HM,HVars) :- !, '$module_expansion'(G,G1,GO,M,M,HM,HVars). '$module_expansion'(G, G1, GO, CurMod, MM, HM,HVars) :- % is this imported from some other module M1? '$imported_pred'(G, CurMod, GG, M1), !, '$module_expansion'(GG, G1, GO, M1, MM, HM,HVars). '$module_expansion'(G, G1, GO, CurMod, MM, HM,HVars) :- '$meta_expansion'(G, CurMod, MM, HM, GI, HVars), !, '$complete_goal_expansion'(GI, CurMod, MM, HM, G1, GO, HVars). '$module_expansion'(G, G1, GO, CurMod, MM, HM, HVars) :- '$complete_goal_expansion'(G, CurMod, MM, HM, G1, GO, HVars). expand_goal(G, G) :- var(G), !. expand_goal(M:G, M:NG) :- '$do_expand'(G, M, NG), !. expand_goal(G, NG) :- '$current_module'(Mod), '$do_expand'(G, Mod, NG), !. expand_goal(G, G). '$do_expand'(G, _, G) :- var(G), !. '$do_expand'(M:G, _CurMod, M:GI) :- !, '$do_expand'(G, M, GI). '$do_expand'(G, CurMod, GI) :- ( '$pred_exists'(goal_expansion(G,GI), CurMod), call(CurMod:goal_expansion(G, GI)) -> true ; '$pred_exists'(goal_expansion(G,GI), system), system:goal_expansion(G, GI) -> true ; user:goal_expansion(G, CurMod, GI) -> true ; user:goal_expansion(G, GI) ), !. '$do_expand'(G, CurMod, NG) :- '$is_metapredicate'(G,CurMod), !, functor(G, Name, Arity), prolog:'$meta_predicate'(Name,CurMod,Arity,PredDef), G =.. [Name|GArgs], PredDef =.. [Name|GDefs], '$expand_args'(GArgs, CurMod, GDefs, NGArgs), NG =.. [Name|NGArgs]. '$expand_args'([], _, [], []). '$expand_args'([A|GArgs], CurMod, 0.GDefs, [NA|NGArgs]) :- '$do_expand'(A, CurMod, NA), !, '$expand_args'(GArgs, CurMod, GDefs, NGArgs). '$expand_args'([A|GArgs], CurMod, _.GDefs, [A|NGArgs]) :- '$expand_args'(GArgs, CurMod, GDefs, NGArgs). % args are: % goal to expand % current module for looking up pred % current module for looking up pred % current module from top-level clause % goal to pass to listing % goal to pass to compiler % head variables. '$complete_goal_expansion'(G, CurMod, MM, HM, G1, GO, HVars) :- % '$pred_goal_expansion_on', '$do_expand'(G, CurMod, GI), GI \== G, !, '$module_expansion'(GI, G1, GO, CurMod, MM, HM, HVars). '$complete_goal_expansion'(G, M, _CM, HM, G1, G2, _HVars) :- '$all_system_predicate'(G,M,ORIG), !, % make built-in processing transparent. '$match_mod'(G, M, ORIG, HM, G1), '$c_built_in'(G1, M, Gi), Gi = G2. '$complete_goal_expansion'(G, GMod, _, HM, NG, NG, _) :- '$match_mod'(G, GMod, GMod, HM, NG). %'$match_mod'(G, GMod, GMod, NG) :- !, % NG = G. '$match_mod'(G, _, SM, _, G) :- SM == prolog, nonvar(G), \+ '$is_multifile'(G,SM), !. % prolog: needs no module info. % same module as head, and body goal (I cannot get rid of qualifier before % meta-call. '$match_mod'(G, HMod, _, HM, G) :- HMod == HM, !. '$match_mod'(G, GMod, _, _, GMod:G). % be careful here not to generate an undefined exception. '$imported_pred'(G, ImportingMod, G0, ExportingMod) :- '$enter_undefp', '$undefined'(G, ImportingMod), '$get_undefined_pred'(G, ImportingMod, G0, ExportingMod), ExportingMod \= ImportingMod, !, '$exit_undefp'. '$imported_pred'(_G, _ImportingMod, _, _) :- '$exit_undefp', fail. '$get_undefined_pred'(G, ImportingMod, G0, ExportingMod) :- recorded('$import','$import'(ExportingModI,ImportingMod,G0I,G,_,_),_), '$continue_imported'(ExportingMod, ExportingModI, G0, G0I), !. % SWI builtin '$get_undefined_pred'(G, _ImportingMod, G0, ExportingMod) :- recorded('$dialect',Dialect,_), Dialect \= yap, functor(G, Name, Arity), call(Dialect:index(Name,Arity,ExportingModI,_)), !, '$continue_imported'(ExportingMod, ExportingModI, G0, G), !. '$get_undefined_pred'(G, _ImportingMod, G0, ExportingMod) :- yap_flag(autoload, V), V = true, '$autoloader_find_predicate'(G,ExportingModI), !, '$continue_imported'(ExportingMod, ExportingModI, G0, G). '$get_undefined_pred'(G, ImportingMod, G0, ExportingMod) :- prolog:'$parent_module'(ImportingMod,ExportingModI), '$continue_imported'(ExportingMod, ExportingModI, G0, G). '$autoloader_find_predicate'(G,ExportingModI) :- '$nb_getval'('$autoloader_set', true, fail), !, autoloader:find_predicate(G,ExportingModI). '$autoloader_find_predicate'(G,ExportingModI) :- '$exit_undefp', yap_flag(autoload, false), load_files([library(autoloader), autoloader:library('INDEX'), swi:library('dialect/swi/INDEX')], [autoload(true),if(not_loaded)]), nb_setval('$autoloader_set', true), yap_flag(autoload, true), '$enter_undefp', autoloader:find_predicate(G,ExportingModI). '$continue_imported'(Mod,Mod,Pred,Pred) :- \+ '$undefined'(Pred, Mod), !. '$continue_imported'(FM,Mod,FPred,Pred) :- recorded('$import','$import'(IM,Mod,IPred,Pred,_,_),_), !, '$continue_imported'(FM, IM, FPred, IPred). '$continue_imported'(FM,Mod,FPred,Pred) :- prolog:'$parent_module'(Mod,IM), '$continue_imported'(FM, IM, FPred, Pred). % module_transparent declaration % :- dynamic('$module_transparent'/4). '$module_transparent'((P,Ps), M) :- !, '$module_transparent'(P, M), '$module_transparent'(Ps, M). '$module_transparent'(M:D, _) :- !, '$module_transparent'(D, M). '$module_transparent'(F/N, M) :- '$module_transparent'(F,M,N,_), !. '$module_transparent'(F/N, M) :- functor(P,F,N), asserta(prolog:'$module_transparent'(F,M,N,P)), '$flags'(P, M, Fl, Fl), NFlags is Fl \/ 0x200004, '$flags'(P, M, Fl, NFlags). '$is_mt'(M, H, B, (context_module(CM),B), CM) :- '$module_transparent'(_, M, _, H), !. '$is_mt'(M, _, B, B, M). % meta_predicate declaration % records $meta_predicate(SourceModule,Functor,Arity,Declaration) % directive now meta_predicate Ps :- $meta_predicate(Ps). :- dynamic('$meta_predicate'/4). :- multifile '$meta_predicate'/4. '$meta_predicate'(P, M) :- var(P), '$do_error'(instantiation_error,module(M)). '$meta_predicate'((P,Ps), M) :- !, '$meta_predicate'(P, M), '$meta_predicate'(Ps, M). '$meta_predicate'(M:D, _) :- !, '$meta_predicate'(D, M). '$meta_predicate'(P, M1) :- '$install_meta_predicate'(P, M1). '$install_meta_predicate'(P, M1) :- functor(P,F,N), ( M1 = prolog -> M = _ ; M1 = M), ( retractall(prolog:'$meta_predicate'(F,M,N,_)), fail ; true), asserta(prolog:'$meta_predicate'(F,M,N,P)), '$flags'(P, M1, Fl, Fl), NFlags is Fl \/ 0x200000, '$flags'(P, M1, Fl, NFlags). % return list of vars in expanded positions on the head of a clause. % % these variables should not be expanded by meta-calls in the body of the goal. % '$module_u_vars'(H,UVars,M) :- functor(H,F,N), '$meta_predicate'(F,M,N,D), !, '$module_u_vars'(N,D,H,UVars). '$module_u_vars'(_,[],_). '$module_u_vars'(0,_,_,[]) :- !. '$module_u_vars'(I,D,H,[Y|L]) :- arg(I,D,X), ( X=':' ; integer(X)), arg(I,H,Y), var(Y), !, I1 is I-1, '$module_u_vars'(I1,D,H,L). '$module_u_vars'(I,D,H,L) :- I1 is I-1, '$module_u_vars'(I1,D,H,L). % expand arguments of a meta-predicate % $meta_expansion(ModuleWhereDefined,CurrentModule,Goal,ExpandedGoal,MetaVariables) '$meta_expansion'(G,Mod,MP,HM,G1,HVars) :- functor(G,F,N), '$meta_predicate'(F,Mod,N,D), !, % format(user_error,'[ ~w ',[G]), functor(G1,F,N), '$meta_expansion_loop'(N, D, G, G1, HVars, Mod, MP, HM). % format(user_error,' gives ~w]`n',[G1]). % expand argument '$meta_expansion_loop'(0,_,_,_,_,_,_,_) :- !. '$meta_expansion_loop'(I,D,G,NG,HVars,CurMod,M,HM) :- arg(I,D,X), (X==':' -> true ; integer(X)), arg(I,G,A), '$do_expand'(A,HVars), !, arg(I,NG,M:A), I1 is I-1, '$meta_expansion_loop'(I1, D, G, NG, HVars, CurMod, M, HM). '$meta_expansion_loop'(I, D, G, NG, HVars, CurMod, M, HM) :- arg(I,G,A), arg(I,NG,A), I1 is I-1, '$meta_expansion_loop'(I1, D, G, NG, HVars, CurMod, M, HM). % check if an argument should be expanded '$do_expand'(V,HVars) :- var(V), !, '$not_in_vars'(V,HVars). '$do_expand'(_:_,_) :- !, fail. '$do_expand'(_,_). '$not_in_vars'(_,[]). '$not_in_vars'(V,[X|L]) :- X\==V, '$not_in_vars'(V,L). current_module(Mod) :- '$all_current_modules'(Mod), \+ '$system_module'(Mod). current_module(Mod,TFN) :- '$all_current_modules'(Mod), ( recorded('$module','$module'(TFN,Mod,_Publics, _),_) -> true ; TFN = user ). source_module(Mod) :- '$current_module'(Mod). % comma has its own problems. :- '$install_meta_predicate'((0,0), prolog). :- meta_predicate abolish(:), abolish(:,+), all(?,0,-), assert(:), assert(:,+), assert_static(:), asserta(:), asserta(:,+), asserta_static(:), assertz(:), assertz(:,+), assertz_static(:), at_halt(0), bagof(?,0,-), bb_get(:,-), bb_put(:,+), bb_delete(:,?), bb_update(:,?,?), call(0), call(1,?), call(2,?,?), call(3,?,?,?), call_with_args(0), call_with_args(1,?), call_with_args(2,?,?), call_with_args(3,?,?,?), call_with_args(4,?,?,?,?), call_with_args(5,?,?,?,?,?), call_with_args(6,?,?,?,?,?,?), call_with_args(7,?,?,?,?,?,?,?), call_with_args(8,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?), call_with_args(9,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?), call_cleanup(0,0), call_cleanup(0,?,0), call_residue(0,?), call_residue_vars(0,?), call_shared_object_function(:,+), catch(0,?,0), clause(:,?), clause(:,?,?), compile(:), consult(:), current_predicate(:), current_predicate(?,:), db_files(:), depth_bound_call(0,+), discontiguous(:), ensure_loaded(:), exo_files(:), findall(?,0,-), findall(?,0,-,?), forall(0,0), format(+,:), format(+,+,:), format_time(?,+,:), format_time(?,+,:,+), freeze(?,0), hide_predicate(:), if(0,0,0), ignore(0), incore(0), listing(:), multifile(:), nospy(:), not(0), once(0), phrase(2,?), phrase(2,?,+), predicate_property(:,?), predicate_statistics(:,-,-,-), on_exception(+,0,0), qsave_program(+,:), reconsult(:), retract(:), retract(:,?), retractall(:), reconsult(:), setof(?,0,-), setup_call_cleanup(0,0,0), setup_call_catcher_cleanup(0,0,?,0), spy(:), stash_predicate(:), unknown(+,:), use_module(:), use_module(:,?), use_module(?,:,?), when(+,0), with_mutex(+,0), with_output_to(?,0), (0 -> 0), (0 *-> 0), (0 ; 0), ^(+,0), {}(0,?,?), ','(2,2,?,?), ;(2,2,?,?), '|'(2,2,?,?), ->(2,2,?,?), \+(2,?,?), \+ 0 . % % get rid of a module and of all predicates included in the module. % abolish_module(Mod) :- recorded('$module','$module'(_,Mod,_,_),R), erase(R), fail. abolish_module(Mod) :- recorded('$import','$import'(Mod,_,_,_,_,_),R), erase(R), fail. abolish_module(Mod) :- '$current_predicate'(Mod,Na,Ar), abolish(Mod:Na/Ar), fail. abolish_module(_). export(Resource) :- var(Resource), '$do_error'(instantiation_error,export(Resource)). export([]) :- !. export([Resource| Resources]) :- !, export_resource(Resource), export(Resources). export(Resource) :- export_resource(Resource). export_resource(Resource) :- var(Resource), '$do_error'(instantiation_error,export(Resource)). export_resource(P) :- P = F/N, atom(F), number(N), N >= 0, !, '$current_module'(Mod), ( recorded('$module','$module'(File,Mod,ExportedPreds,Line),R) -> erase(R), recorda('$module','$module'(File,Mod,[P|ExportedPreds],Line),_) ; prolog_load_context(file, File) -> recorda('$module','$module'(File,Mod,[P],Line),_) ; recorda('$module','$module'(user_input,Mod,[P],1),_) ). export_resource(P0) :- P0 = F//N, atom(F), number(N), N >= 0, !, N1 is N+2, P = F/N1, '$current_module'(Mod), ( recorded('$module','$module'(File,Mod,ExportedPreds,Line),R) -> erase(R), recorda('$module','$module'(File,Mod,[P|ExportedPreds],Line ),_) ; prolog_load_context(file, File) -> recorda('$module','$module'(File,Mod,[P],Line),_) ; recorda('$module','$module'(user_input,Mod,[P],1),_) ). export_resource(op(Prio,Assoc,Name)) :- !, op(Prio,Assoc,prolog:Name). export_resource(Resource) :- '$do_error'(type_error(predicate_indicator,Resource),export(Resource)). export_list(Module, List) :- recorded('$module','$module'(_,Module,List,_),_). '$convert_for_export'(all, Exports, _Module, _ContextModule, Tab, MyExports, _) :- '$simple_conversion'(Exports, Tab, MyExports). '$convert_for_export'([], Exports, Module, ContextModule, Tab, MyExports, Goal) :- '$clean_conversion'([], Exports, Module, ContextModule, Tab, MyExports, Goal). '$convert_for_export'([P1|Ps], Exports, Module, ContextModule, Tab, MyExports, Goal) :- '$clean_conversion'([P1|Ps], Exports, Module, ContextModule, Tab, MyExports, Goal). '$convert_for_export'(except(Excepts), Exports, Module, ContextModule, Tab, MyExports, Goal) :- '$neg_conversion'(Excepts, Exports, Module, ContextModule, MyExports, Goal), '$simple_conversion'(MyExports, Tab, _). '$simple_conversion'([], [], []). '$simple_conversion'([F/N|Exports], [F/N-F/N|Tab], [F/N|E]) :- '$simple_conversion'(Exports, Tab, E). '$simple_conversion'([F//N|Exports], [F/N2-F/N2|Tab], [F/N2|E]) :- N2 is N+1, '$simple_conversion'(Exports, Tab, E). '$simple_conversion'([F/N as NF|Exports], [F/N-NF/N|Tab], [NF/N|E]) :- '$simple_conversion'(Exports, Tab, E). '$simple_conversion'([F//N as BF|Exports], [F/N2-NF/N2|Tab], [NF/N2|E]) :- N2 is N+1, '$simple_conversion'(Exports, Tab, E). '$simple_conversion'([op(Prio,Assoc,Name)|Exports], [op(Prio,Assoc,Name)|Tab], [op(Prio,Assoc,Name)|E]) :- '$simple_conversion'(Exports, Tab, E). '$clean_conversion'([], _, _, _, [], [], _). '$clean_conversion'([(N1/A1 as N2)|Ps], List, Module, ContextModule, [N1/A1-N2/A1|Tab], [N2/A1|MyExports], Goal) :- !, ( lists:memberchk(N1/A1, List) -> '$clean_conversion'(Ps, List, Module, ContextModule, Tab, MyExports, Goal) ; '$bad_export'((N1/A1 as A2), Module, ContextModule) ). '$clean_conversion'([N1/A1|Ps], List, Module, ContextModule, [N1/A1-N1/A1|Tab], [N1/A1|MyExports], Goal) :- !, ( lists:memberchk(N1/A1, List) -> '$clean_conversion'(Ps, List, Module, ContextModule, Tab, MyExports, Goal) ; '$bad_export'(N1/A1, Module, ContextModule) ). '$clean_conversion'([N1//A1|Ps], List, Module, ContextModule, [N1/A2-N1/A2|Tab], [N1/A2|MyExports], Goal) :- !, A2 is A1+2, ( lists:memberchk(N1/A2, List) -> '$clean_conversion'(Ps, List, Module, ContextModule, Tab, MyExports, Goal) ; '$bad_export'(N1//A1, Module, ContextModule) ). '$clean_conversion'([N1//A1 as N2|Ps], List, Module, ContextModule, [N2/A2-N1/A2|Tab], [N2/A2|MyExports], Goal) :- !, A2 is A1+2, ( lists:memberchk(N2/A2, List) -> '$clean_conversion'(Ps, List, Module, ContextModule, Tab, MyExports, Goal) ; '$bad_export'((N1//A1 as A2), Module, ContextModule) ). '$clean_conversion'([op(Prio,Assoc,Name)|Ps], List, Module, ContextModule, [op(Prio,Assoc,Name)|Tab], [op(Prio,Assoc,Name)|MyExports], Goal) :- !, ( lists:memberchk(op(Prio,Assoc,Name), List) -> '$clean_conversion'(Ps, List, Module, ContextModule, Tab, MyExports, Goal) ; '$bad_export'(op(Prio,Assoc,Name), Module, ContextModule) ). '$clean_conversion'([P|_], _List, _, _, _, _, Goal) :- '$do_error'(domain_error(module_export_predicates,P), Goal). '$bad_export'(_, _Module, _ContextModule) :- !. '$bad_export'(Name/Arity, Module, ContextModule) :- functor(P, Name, Arity), predicate_property(Module:P, _), !, print_message(warning, declaration(Name/Arity, Module, ContextModule, private)). '$bad_export'(Name//Arity, Module, ContextModule) :- Arity2 is Arity+2, functor(P, Name, Arity2), predicate_property(Module:P, _), !, print_message(warning, declaration(Name/Arity, Module, ContextModule, private)). '$bad_export'(Indicator, Module, ContextModule) :- !, print_message(warning, declaration( Indicator, Module, ContextModule, undefined)). '$neg_conversion'([], Exports, _, _, Exports, _). '$neg_conversion'([N1/A1|Ps], List, Module, ContextModule, MyExports, Goal) :- !, ( lists:delete(List, N1/A1, RList) -> '$neg_conversion'(Ps, RList, Module, ContextModule, MyExports, Goal) ; '$bad_export'(N1/A1, Module, ContextModule) ). '$neg_conversion'([N1//A1|Ps], List, Module, ContextModule, MyExports, Goal) :- !, A2 is A1+2, ( lists:delete(List, N1/A2, RList) -> '$neg_conversion'(Ps, RList, Module, ContextModule, MyExports, Goal) ; '$bad_export'(N1//A1, Module, ContextModule) ). '$neg_conversion'([op(Prio,Assoc,Name)|Ps], List, Module, ContextModule, MyExports, Goal) :- !, ( lists:delete(List, op(Prio,Assoc,Name), RList) -> '$neg_conversion'(Ps, RList, Module, ContextModule, MyExports, Goal) ; '$bad_export'(op(Prio,Assoc,Name), Module, ContextModule) ). '$clean_conversion'([P|_], _List, _, _, _, Goal) :- '$do_error'(domain_error(module_export_predicates,P), Goal). '$add_to_imports'([], _, _). % no need to import from the actual module '$add_to_imports'([T|Tab], Module, ContextModule) :- '$do_import'(T, Module, ContextModule), '$add_to_imports'(Tab, Module, ContextModule). '$do_import'(op(Prio,Assoc,Name), _Mod, ContextMod) :- op(Prio,Assoc,ContextMod:Name). '$do_import'(N0/K0-N0/K0, Mod, Mod) :- !. '$do_import'(_N/K-N1/K, _Mod, ContextMod) :- recorded('$module','$module'(_F, ContextMod, MyExports,_),_), once(lists:member(N1/K, MyExports)), functor(S, N1, K), % reexport predicates if they are undefined in the current module. \+ '$undefined'(S,ContextMod), !. '$do_import'( N/K-N1/K, Mod, ContextMod) :- functor(G,N,K), '$follow_import_chain'(Mod,G,M0,G0), G0=..[N0|Args], G1=..[N1|Args], ( '$check_import'(M0,ContextMod,N1,K) -> ( ContextMod = user -> ( recordzifnot('$import','$import'(M0,user,G0,G1,N1,K),_) -> true ; true) ; ( recordaifnot('$import','$import'(M0,ContextMod,G0,G1,N1,K),_) -> true ; true ) ) ; true ). '$follow_import_chain'(M,G,M0,G0) :- recorded('$import','$import'(M1,M,G1,G,_,_),_), M \= M1, !, '$follow_import_chain'(M1,G1,M0,G0). '$follow_import_chain'(M,G,M,G). % trying to import Mod:N/K into ContextM '$check_import'(Mod, ContextM, N, K) :- recorded('$import','$import'(MI, ContextM, _, _, N,K),_R), % dereference MI to M1, in order to find who % is actually generating ( '$module_produced by'(M1, MI, N, K) -> true ; MI = M1 ), ( '$module_produced by'(M2, Mod, N, K) -> true ; M = M2 ), M2 \= M1, !, b_getval('$lf_status', TOpts), '$lf_opt'(redefine_module, TOpts, Action), '$redefine_action'(Action, M1, M2, M, N/K). '$check_import'(_,_,_,_). '$redefine_action'(ask, M1, M2, M, N/K) :- stream_property(user_input,tty(true)), !, format(user_error,'NAME CLASH: ~w was already imported to module ~w;~n',[M1:N/K,M2]), format(user_error,' Do you want to import it from ~w ? [y, n, e or h] ',M), '$mod_scan'(C), ( C =:= 0'e -> halt(1) ; C =:= 0'y ). '$redefine_action'(true, M1, _, _, _) :- !, recorded('$module','$module'(F, M1, _MyExports,_Line),_), unload_file(F). '$redefine_action'(false, M1,M2, M, N/K) :- '$do_error'(permission_error(import,M1:N/K,redefined,M2),module(M)). % I assume the clause has been processed, so the % var case is long gone! Yes :) '$clean_cuts'(G,(yap_hacks:current_choicepoint(DCP),NG)) :- '$conj_has_cuts'(G,DCP,NG,OK), OK == ok, !. '$clean_cuts'(G,G). '$conj_has_cuts'(V,_,V, _) :- var(V), !. '$conj_has_cuts'(!,DCP,'$$cut_by'(DCP), ok) :- !. '$conj_has_cuts'((G1,G2),DCP,(NG1,NG2), OK) :- !, '$conj_has_cuts'(G1, DCP, NG1, OK), '$conj_has_cuts'(G2, DCP, NG2, OK). '$conj_has_cuts'((G1;G2),DCP,(NG1;NG2), OK) :- !, '$conj_has_cuts'(G1, DCP, NG1, OK), '$conj_has_cuts'(G2, DCP, NG2, OK). '$conj_has_cuts'((G1->G2),DCP,(G1;NG2), OK) :- !, % G1: the system must have done it already '$conj_has_cuts'(G2, DCP, NG2, OK). '$conj_has_cuts'((G1*->G2),DCP,(G1;NG2), OK) :- !, % G1: the system must have done it already '$conj_has_cuts'(G2, DCP, NG2, OK). '$conj_has_cuts'(if(G1,G2,G3),DCP,if(G1,NG2,NG3), OK) :- !, % G1: the system must have done it already '$conj_has_cuts'(G2, DCP, NG2, OK), '$conj_has_cuts'(G3, DCP, NG3, OK). '$conj_has_cuts'(G,_,G, _). set_base_module(ExportingModule) :- var(ExportingModule), '$do_error'(instantiation_error,set_base_module(ExportingModule)). set_base_module(ExportingModule) :- atom(ExportingModule), !, '$current_module'(Mod), retractall(prolg:'$parent_module'(Mod,_)), asserta(prolog:'$parent_module'(Mod,ExportingModule)). set_base_module(ExportingModule) :- '$do_error'(type_error(atom,ExportingModule),set_base_module(ExportingModule)). import_module(Mod, ImportModule) :- var(Mod), '$do_error'(instantiation_error,import_module(Mod, ImportModule)). import_module(Mod, ImportModule) :- atom(Mod), !, prolog:'$parent_module'(Mod,ImportModule). import_module(Mod, EM) :- '$do_error'(type_error(atom,Mod),import_module(Mod, EM)). add_import_module(Mod, ImportModule, Pos) :- var(Mod), '$do_error'(instantiation_error,add_import_module(Mod, ImportModule, Pos)). add_import_module(Mod, ImportModule, Pos) :- var(Pos), '$do_error'(instantiation_error,add_import_module(Mod, ImportModule, Pos)). add_import_module(Mod, ImportModule, start) :- atom(Mod), !, retractall(prolog:'$parent_module'(Mod,ImportModule)), asserta(prolog:'$parent_module'(Mod,ImportModule)). add_import_module(Mod, ImportModule, end) :- atom(Mod), !, retractall(prolog:'$parent_module'(Mod,ImportModule)), assertz(prolog:'$parent_module'(Mod,ImportModule)). add_import_module(Mod, ImportModule, Pos) :- \+ atom(Mod), !, '$do_error'(type_error(atom,Mod),add_import_module(Mod, ImportModule, Pos)). add_import_module(Mod, ImportModule, Pos) :- '$do_error'(domain_error(start_end,Pos),add_import_module(Mod, ImportModule, Pos)). delete_import_module(Mod, ImportModule) :- var(Mod), '$do_error'(instantiation_error,delete_import_module(Mod, ImportModule)). delete_import_module(Mod, ImportModule) :- var(ImportModule), '$do_error'(instantiation_error,delete_import_module(Mod, ImportModule)). delete_import_module(Mod, ImportModule) :- atom(Mod), atom(ImportModule), !, retractall(prolog:'$parent_module'(Mod,ImportModule)). delete_import_module(Mod, ImportModule) :- \+ atom(Mod), !, '$do_error'(type_error(atom,Mod),delete_import_module(Mod, ImportModule)). delete_import_module(Mod, ImportModule) :- '$do_error'(type_error(atom,ImportModule),delete_import_module(Mod, ImportModule)). '$set_source_module'(Source0, SourceF) :- prolog_load_context(module, Source0), !, module(SourceF). '$set_source_module'(Source0, SourceF) :- current_module(Source0, SourceF). /** '$declare_module'(+Module, +Super, +File, +Line, +Redefine) is det. Start a new (source-)module @param Module is the name of the module to declare @param File is the canonical name of the file from which the module is loaded @param Line is the line-number of the :- module/2 directive. @param Redefine If =true=, allow associating the module to a new file */ '$declare_module'(Name, _Test, Context, _File, _Line) :- add_import_module(Name, Context, start). module_property(Mod, line_count(L)) :- recorded('$module','$module'(_F,Mod,_,L),_). module_property(Mod, file(F)) :- recorded('$module','$module'(F,Mod,_,_),_). module_property(Mod, exports(Es)) :- recorded('$module','$module'(_,Mod,Es,_),_). ls_imports :- recorded('$import','$import'(M0,M,G0,G,_N,_K),_R), numbervars(G0+G, 0, _), format('~a:~w <- ~a:~w~n', [M, G, M0, G0]), fail. ls_imports.