 * @file   clauses.yap
 * @author VITOR SANTOS COSTA <vsc@VITORs-MBP.lan>
 * @date   Tue Nov 17 14:51:30 2015
 * @brief  Utilities for clause manipulation.

:- module(clauses,

%% @{

 *  @defgroup clauses Clause Manipulation
 *  @ingroup library

  This library supports a number of useful utilities that come up over and
  over again when manipulating Prolog programs. This will include
  operations and conversion to other structures.

  @author Vitor Santos Costa

/** conj2list( +Conj, -List) is det
  Generate a list from a conjunction of literals.

  It is often easier to apply operations on lists than on clauses
conj2list( M:Conj, List ) :-
	conj2list_( Conj, M, List, [] ).

conj2list( Conj, List ) :-
	conj2list_( Conj, List, [] ).

conj2list_( C ) -->
	{ var(C) },
conj2list_( true )  --> !.
conj2list_( (C1, C2) ) -->
	conj2list_( C1 ),
	conj2list_( C2 ).
conj2list_( C ) -->

conj2list_( C, M ) -->
	{ var(C) },
	[M: C].
conj2list_( true , _)  --> !.
conj2list_( (C1, C2), M ) -->
	conj2list_( C1, M ),
	conj2list_( C2, M  ).
conj2list_( C, M ) -->
    { strip_module(M:C, NM, NC) },

/** list2conj( +List, -Conj) is det
  Generate a conjunction from a list of literals.

  Notice Mthat this relies on indexing within the list to avoid creating
list2conj([], true).
list2conj([Last], Last).
list2conj([Head,Next|Tail], (Head,Goals)) :-
	list2conj([Next|Tail], Goals).

/** clauselength( +Clause, -Length) is det
  Count the number of literals in a clause (head counts as one).

  Notice that this is 1+length(conj2list), as we ignore  disjunctions.
clauselength( (_Head :- Conj), Length ) :-
	clauselength( Conj, Length, 1 ).

clauselength( C, I1, I ) :-
	{ var(C) },
	I1 is I+1.
clauselength( (C1, C2), I2, I ) :- !,
	clauselength( C1, I1, I ),
	clauselength( C2, I2, I1 ).
clauselength( _C, I1, I ) :-
        I1 is I+1.
