/************************************************************************* * * * YAP Prolog * * * * Yap Prolog was developed at NCCUP - Universidade do Porto * * * * Copyright L.Damas, V.S.Costa and Universidade do Porto 1985-2014 * * * ************************************************************************** * * * File: boot.yap * * Last rev: 8/2/88 * * mods: * * comments: boot file for Prolog * * * *************************************************************************/ /** @pred :_P_ , :_Q_ is iso Conjunction of goals (and). Example: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ p(X) :- q(X), r(X). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ should be read as "p( _X_) if q( _X_) and r( _X_)". */ /** @pred :_P_ ; :_Q_ is iso Disjunction of goals (or). Example: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ p(X) :- q(X); r(X). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ should be read as "p( _X_) if q( _X_) or r( _X_)". */ /** @pred \+ :_P_ is iso Goal _P_ is not provable. The execution of this predicate fails if and only if the goal _P_ finitely succeeds. It is not a true logical negation, which is impossible in standard Prolog, but "negation-by-failure". This predicate might be defined as: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ \+(P) :- P, !, fail. \+(_). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ if _P_ did not include "cuts". */ /** @pred not :_P_ Goal _P_ is not provable. The same as `\+ _P_`. This predicate is kept for compatibility with C-Prolog and previous versions of YAP. Uses of not/1 should be replaced by `\+`/1, as YAP does not implement true negation. */ /** @pred :_P_ -> :_Q_ is iso Read as "if-then-else" or "commit". This operator is similar to the conditional operator of imperative languages and can be used alone or with an else part as follows: ~~~~~ +P -> +Q ~~~~~ "if P then Q". ~~~~~ +P -> +Q; +R ~~~~~ "if P then Q else R". These two predicates could be defined respectively in Prolog as: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (P -> Q) :- P, !, Q. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ and ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (P -> Q; R) :- P, !, Q. (P -> Q; R) :- R. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ if there were no "cuts" in _P_, _Q_ and _R_. Note that the commit operator works by "cutting" any alternative solutions of _P_. Note also that you can use chains of commit operators like: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ P -> Q ; R -> S ; T. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Note that `(->)/2` does not affect the scope of cuts in its arguments. */ /** @pred :_Condition_ *-> :_Action_ This construct implements the so-called soft-cut. The control is defined as follows: If _Condition_ succeeds at least once, the semantics is the same as ( _Condition_, _Action_). If _Condition_ does not succeed, the semantics is that of (\\+ _Condition_, _Else_). In other words, If _Condition_ succeeds at least once, simply behave as the conjunction of _Condition_ and _Action_, otherwise execute _Else_. The construct _A \*-> B_, i.e. without an _Else_ branch, is translated as the normal conjunction _A_, _B_. */ /** @pred ! is iso Read as "cut". Cuts any choices taken in the current procedure. When first found "cut" succeeds as a goal, but if backtracking should later return to it, the parent goal (the one which matches the head of the clause containing the "cut", causing the clause activation) will fail. This is an extra-logical predicate and cannot be explained in terms of the declarative semantics of Prolog. example: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ member(X,[X|_]). member(X,[_|L]) :- member(X,L). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ With the above definition ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ?- member(X,[1,2,3]). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ will return each element of the list by backtracking. With the following definition: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ member(X,[X|_]) :- !. member(X,[_|L]) :- member(X,L). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ the same query would return only the first element of the list, since backtracking could not "pass through" the cut. */ system_module(_init, _SysExps, _Decls) :- !. system_module(M, SysExps, Decls) :- '$current_module'(prolog, M), '$compile'( ('$system_module'(M) :- true), 0, assert_static('$system_module'(M)), M ), '$export_preds'(SysExps, prolog), '$export_preds'(Decls, M). '$export_preds'([], _). '$export_preds'([N/A|Decls], M) :- functor(S, N, A), '$sys_export'(S, M), '$export_preds'(Decls, M). use_system_module(_init, _SysExps) :- !. use_system_module(M, SysExps) :- '$current_module'(M0, M0), '$import_system'(SysExps, M0, M). '$import_system'([], _, _). '$import_system'([N/A|Decls], M0, M) :- functor(S, N, A), '$compile'( (G :- M0:G) ,0, assert_static((M:G :- M0:G)), M ), '$import_system'(Decls, M0, M). private(_). % % boootstrap predicates. % :- system_module( '$_boot', [(*->)/2, (',')/2, (->)/2, (;)/2, (\+)/1, bootstrap/1, call/1, catch/3, catch_ball/2, expand_term/2, import_system_module/2, incore/1, (not)/1, repeat/0, throw/1, true/0, ('|')/2], ['$$compile'/4, '$call'/4, '$catch'/3, '$check_callable'/2, '$check_head_and_body'/4, '$check_if_reconsulted'/2, '$clear_reconsulting'/0, '$command'/4, '$cut_by'/1, '$disable_debugging'/0, '$do_live'/0, '$enable_debugging'/0, '$find_goal_definition'/4, '$handle_throw'/3, '$head_and_body'/3, '$inform_as_reconsulted'/2, '$init_system'/0, '$init_win_graphics'/0, '$live'/0, '$loop'/2, '$meta_call'/2, '$prompt_alternatives_on'/1, '$run_at_thread_start'/0, '$system_catch'/4, '$undefp'/1, '$version'/0]). :- use_system_module( '$_absf', ['$system_library_directories'/2]). :- use_system_module( '$_checker', ['$check_term'/5, '$sv_warning'/2]). :- use_system_module( '$_consult', ['$csult'/2]). :- use_system_module( '$_control', ['$run_atom_goal'/1]). :- use_system_module( '$_directives', ['$all_directives'/1, '$exec_directives'/5]). :- use_system_module( '$_errors', ['$do_error'/2]). :- use_system_module( '$_grammar', ['$translate_rule'/2]). :- use_system_module( '$_modules', ['$get_undefined_pred'/4, '$meta_expansion'/6, '$module_expansion'/5]). :- use_system_module( '$_preddecls', ['$dynamic'/2]). :- use_system_module( '$_preds', ['$assert_static'/5, '$assertz_dynamic'/4, '$init_preds'/0, '$unknown_error'/1, '$unknown_warning'/1]). :- use_system_module( '$_qly', ['$init_state'/0]). :- use_system_module( '$_strict_iso', ['$check_iso_strict_clause'/1, '$iso_check_goal'/2]). % % % true :- true. '$live' :- '$init_system', '$do_live'. '$init_prolog' :- '$init_system'. '$do_live' :- repeat, '$current_module'(Module), ( Module==user -> '$compile_mode'(_,0) ; format(user_error,'[~w]~n', [Module]) ), '$system_catch'('$enter_top_level',Module,Error,user:'$Error'(Error)). '$init_system' :- get_value('$yap_inited', true), !. '$init_system' :- set_value('$yap_inited', true), % do catch as early as possible ( '$access_yap_flags'(15, 0), '$access_yap_flags'(22, 0), \+ '$uncaught_throw' -> '$version' ; true ), ( '$access_yap_flags'(22, 0) -> '$swi_set_prolog_flag'(verbose, normal) ; '$swi_set_prolog_flag'(verbose, silent) ), % '$init_preds', % needs to be done before library_directory % ( % retractall(user:library_directory(_)), % '$system_library_directories'(D), % assertz(user:library_directory(D)), % fail % ; % true % ), '$swi_current_prolog_flag'(file_name_variables, OldF), '$swi_set_prolog_flag'(file_name_variables, true), '$init_consult', '$swi_set_prolog_flag'(file_name_variables, OldF), '$init_win_graphics', '$init_globals', '$swi_set_prolog_flag'(fileerrors, true), set_value('$gc',on), ('$exit_undefp' -> true ; true), prompt1(' ?- '), '$swi_set_prolog_flag'(debug, false), % simple trick to find out if this is we are booting from Prolog. % boot from a saved state ( '$undefined'('$init_preds',prolog) -> true ; '$init_state' ), '$db_clean_queues'(0), % this must be executed from C-code. % '$startup_saved_state', set_input(user_input), set_output(user_output), '$init_or_threads', '$run_at_thread_start'. '$init_globals' :- % '$swi_set_prolog_flag'(break_level, 0), % '$set_read_error_handler'(error), let the user do that nb_setval('$chr_toplevel_show_store',false). '$init_consult' :- set_value('$open_expands_filename',true), nb_setval('$assert_all',off), nb_setval('$if_level',0), nb_setval('$endif',off), nb_setval('$initialization_goals',off), nb_setval('$included_file',[]), \+ '$undefined'('$init_preds',prolog), '$init_preds', fail. '$init_consult' :- retractall(user:library_directory(_)), '$system_library_directories'(library, D), assert(user:library_directory(D)), fail. '$init_consult' :- retractall(user:commons_directory(_)), '$system_library_directories'(commons, D), assert(user:commons_directory(D)), fail. '$init_consult'. '$init_win_graphics' :- '$undefined'(window_title(_,_), system), !. '$init_win_graphics' :- load_files([library(win_menu)], [silent(true),if(not_loaded)]), fail. '$init_win_graphics'. '$init_or_threads' :- '$c_yapor_workers'(W), !, '$start_orp_threads'(W). '$init_or_threads'. '$start_orp_threads'(1) :- !. '$start_orp_threads'(W) :- thread_create('$c_worker',_,[detached(true)]), W1 is W-1, '$start_orp_threads'(W1). % Start file for yap /* I/O predicates */ /* meaning of flags for '$write' is 1 quote illegal atoms 2 ignore operator declarations 4 output '$VAR'(N) terms as A, B, C, ... 8 use portray(_) */ /* main execution loop */ '$read_toplevel'(Goal, Bindings) :- '$pred_exists'(read_history(_,_,_,_,_,_), user), '$swi_current_prolog_flag'(readline, true), !, read_history(h, '!h', [trace, end_of_file], Prompt, Goal, Bindings), !, (nonvar(Err) -> print_message(error,Err), fail ; true ). '$read_toplevel'(Goal, Bindings) :- prompt1('?- '), prompt(_,'|: '), '$system_catch'('$raw_read'(user_input, Line), prolog, E, (print_message(error, E), '$handle_toplevel_error'(Line, E))), ( '$pred_exists'(rl_add_history(_), user) -> format(atom(CompleteLine), '~W~W', [ Line, [partial(true)], '.', [partial(true)] ]), user:rl_add_history(CompleteLine) ; true ), '$system_catch'( atom_to_term(Line, Goal, Bindings), prolog, E, ( print_message(error, E), fail ) ), !. '$handle_toplevel_error'(_, syntax_error(_)) :- !, fail. '$handle_toplevel_error'(end_of_file, error(io_error(read,user_input),_)) :- !. '$handle_toplevel_error'(_, E) :- throw(E). % reset alarms when entering top-level. '$enter_top_level' :- '$alarm'(0, 0, _, _), fail. '$enter_top_level' :- '$clean_up_dead_clauses', fail. '$enter_top_level' :- '$swi_current_prolog_flag'(break_level, BreakLevel), '$swi_current_prolog_flag'(debug, DBON), ( '$nb_getval'('$trace', on, fail) -> TraceDebug = trace ; DBON == true -> TraceDebug = debug ; true ), print_message(informational,prompt(BreakLevel,TraceDebug)), fail. '$enter_top_level' :- get_value('$top_level_goal',GA), GA \= [], !, set_value('$top_level_goal',[]), '$run_atom_goal'(GA), '$swi_current_prolog_flag'(break_level, BreakLevel), ( Breaklevel \= 0 -> true ; '$pred_exists'(halt(_), user) -> halt(0) ; '$halt'(0) ). '$enter_top_level' :- flush_output, '$run_toplevel_hooks', prompt1(' ?- '), '$read_toplevel'(Command,Varnames), nb_setval('$spy_gn',1), % stop at spy-points if debugging is on. nb_setval('$debug_run',off), nb_setval('$debug_jump',off), '$command'(Command,Varnames,_Pos,top), '$swi_current_prolog_flag'(break_level, BreakLevel), ( BreakLevel \= 0 -> true ; '$pred_exists'(halt(_), user) -> halt(0) ; '$halt'(0) ). '$erase_sets' :- eraseall('$'), eraseall('$$set'), eraseall('$$one'), eraseall('$reconsulted'), fail. '$erase_sets' :- \+ recorded('$path',_,_), recorda('$path',"",_). '$erase_sets'. '$version' :- get_value('$version_name',VersionName), print_message(help, version(VersionName)), get_value('$myddas_version_name',MYDDASVersionName), MYDDASVersionName \== [], print_message(help, myddas_version(MYDDASVersionName)), fail. '$version' :- recorded('$version',VersionName,_), print_message(help, VersionName), fail. '$version'. repeat :- '$repeat'. '$repeat'. '$repeat'. '$repeat'. '$repeat'. '$repeat'. '$repeat'. '$repeat'. '$repeat'. '$repeat'. '$repeat' :- '$repeat'. '$start_corouts' :- eraseall('$corout'), eraseall('$result'), eraseall('$actual'), fail. '$start_corouts' :- recorda('$actual',main,_), recordz('$corout','$corout'(main,main,'$corout'([],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[])),_Ref), recorda('$result',going,_). '$command'(C,VL,Pos,Con) :- '$access_yap_flags'(9,1), !, '$execute_command'(C,VL,Pos,Con,C). '$command'(C,VL,Pos,Con) :- ( (Con = top ; var(C) ; C = [_|_]) -> '$execute_command'(C,VL,Pos,Con,C), ! ; % do term expansion expand_term(C, EC), % execute a list of commands '$execute_commands'(EC,VL,Pos,Con,C), % succeed only if the *original* was at end of file. C == end_of_file ). % % Hack in case expand_term has created a list of commands. % '$execute_commands'(V,_,_,_,Source) :- var(V), !, '$do_error'(instantiation_error,meta_call(Source)). '$execute_commands'([],_,_,_,_) :- !. '$execute_commands'([C|Cs],VL,Pos,Con,Source) :- !, ( '$system_catch'('$execute_command'(C,VL,Pos,Con,C),prolog,Error,user:'$LoopError'(Error, Con)), fail ; '$execute_commands'(Cs,VL,Pos,Con,Source) ). '$execute_commands'(C,VL,Pos,Con,Source) :- '$execute_command'(C,VL,Pos,Con,Source). % % % '$execute_command'(C,_,_,top,Source) :- var(C), !, '$do_error'(instantiation_error,meta_call(Source)). '$execute_command'(C,_,_,top,Source) :- number(C), !, '$do_error'(type_error(callable,C),meta_call(Source)). '$execute_command'(R,_,_,top,Source) :- db_reference(R), !, '$do_error'(type_error(callable,R),meta_call(Source)). '$execute_command'(end_of_file,_,_,_,_) :- !. '$execute_command'(Command,_,_,_,_) :- '$nb_getval'('$if_skip_mode', skip, fail), \+ '$if_directive'(Command), !. '$execute_command'((:-G),VL,Pos,Option,_) :- % !, Option \= top, !, '$current_module'(M), % allow user expansion expand_term((:- G), O), ( O = (:- G1) -> '$process_directive'(G1, Option, M, VL, Pos) ; '$execute_commands'(O,VL,Pos,Option,O) ). '$execute_command'((?-G), V, Pos, Option, Source) :- Option \= top, !, '$execute_command'(G, V, Pos, top, Source). '$execute_command'(G, V, Pos, Option, Source) :- '$continue_with_command'(Option, V, Pos, G, Source). % % This command is very different depending on the language mode we are in. % % ISO only wants directives in files % SICStus accepts everything in files % YAP accepts everything everywhere % '$process_directive'(G, top, M, VL, Pos) :- '$access_yap_flags'(8, 0), !, % YAP mode, go in and do it, '$process_directive'(G, consult, M, VL, Pos). '$process_directive'(G, top, _, _, _) :- !, '$do_error'(context_error((:- G),clause),query). % % allow modules % '$process_directive'(M:G, Mode, _, VL, Pos) :- !, '$process_directive'(G, Mode, M, VL, Pos). % % default case % '$process_directive'(Gs, Mode, M, VL, Pos) :- '$all_directives'(Gs), !, '$exec_directives'(Gs, Mode, M, VL, Pos). % % ISO does not allow goals (use initialization). % '$process_directive'(D, _, M, VL, Pos) :- '$access_yap_flags'(8, 1), !, % ISO Prolog mode, go in and do it, '$do_error'(context_error((:- M:D),query),directive). % % but YAP and SICStus does. % '$process_directive'(G, _, M, VL, Pos) :- ( '$execute'(M:G) -> true ; format(user_error,':- ~w:~w failed.~n',[M,G]) ). '$continue_with_command'(Where,V,'$stream_position'(C,_P,A1,A2,A3),'$source_location'(_F,L):G,Source) :- !, '$continue_with_command'(Where,V,'$stream_position'(C,L,A1,A2,A3),G,Source). '$continue_with_command'(reconsult,V,Pos,G,Source) :- '$go_compile_clause'(G,V,Pos,5,Source), fail. '$continue_with_command'(consult,V,Pos,G,Source) :- '$go_compile_clause'(G,V,Pos,13,Source), fail. '$continue_with_command'(top,V,_,G,_) :- '$query'(G,V). % % not 100% compatible with SICStus Prolog, as SICStus Prolog would put % module prefixes all over the place, although unnecessarily so. % '$go_compile_clause'(G,V,Pos,N,Source) :- '$current_module'(Mod), '$go_compile_clause'(G,V,Pos,N,Mod,Mod,Source). '$go_compile_clause'(G,_,_,_,_,_,Source) :- var(G), !, '$do_error'(instantiation_error,assert(Source)). '$go_compile_clause'((G:-_),_,_,_,_,_,Source) :- var(G), !, '$do_error'(instantiation_error,assert(Source)). '$go_compile_clause'(M:G,V,Pos,N,_,_,Source) :- !, '$go_compile_clause'(G,V,Pos,N,M,M,Source). '$go_compile_clause'((M:H :- B),V,Pos,N,_,BodyMod,Source) :- !, '$go_compile_clause'((H :- B),V,Pos,N,M,BodyMod,Source). '$go_compile_clause'(G,V,Pos,N,HeadMod,BodyMod,Source) :- !, '$prepare_term'(G, V, Pos, G0, G1, BodyMod, HeadMod, Source), '$$compile'(G1, G0, N, HeadMod). '$prepare_term'(G, V, Pos, G0, G1, BodyMod, SourceMod, Source) :- ( get_value('$syntaxcheckflag',on) -> '$check_term'(Source, G, V, Pos, BodyMod) ; true ), '$precompile_term'(G, G0, G1, BodyMod, SourceMod). % process an input clause '$$compile'(G, G0, L, Mod) :- '$head_and_body'(G,H,_), '$flags'(H, Mod, Fl, Fl), is(NFl, /\, Fl, 0x00002000), ( NFl \= 0 -> '$assertz_dynamic'(L,G,G0,Mod) ; '$nb_getval'('$assert_all',on,fail) -> functor(H,N,A), '$dynamic'(N/A,Mod), '$assertz_dynamic'(L,G,G0,Mod) ; '$not_imported'(H, Mod), '$compile'(G, L, G0, Mod) ). % % check if current module redefines an imported predicate. % and remove import. % '$not_imported'(H, Mod) :- recorded('$import','$import'(NM,Mod,NH,H,_,_),R), NM \= Mod, functor(NH,N,Ar), print_message(warning,redefine_imported(Mod,NM,N/Ar)), erase(R), fail. '$not_imported'(_, _). '$check_if_reconsulted'(N,A) :- once(recorded('$reconsulted',N/A,_)), recorded('$reconsulted',X,_), ( X = N/A , !; X = '$', !, fail; fail ). '$inform_as_reconsulted'(N,A) :- recorda('$reconsulted',N/A,_). '$clear_reconsulting' :- recorded('$reconsulted',X,Ref), erase(Ref), X == '$', !, ( recorded('$reconsulting',_,R) -> erase(R) ). '$prompt_alternatives_on'(determinism). /* Executing a query */ '$query'(end_of_file,_). '$query'(G,[]) :- '$prompt_alternatives_on'(OPT), ( OPT = groundness ; OPT = determinism), !, '$yes_no'(G,(?-)). '$query'(G,V) :- ( '$current_choice_point'(CP), '$current_module'(M), '$user_call'(G, M), '$current_choice_point'(NCP), '$delayed_goals'(G, V, NV, LGs, DCP), '$write_answer'(NV, LGs, Written), '$write_query_answer_true'(Written), ( '$prompt_alternatives_on'(determinism), CP == NCP, DCP = 0 -> format(user_error, '.~n', []), ! ; '$another', ! ), fail ; '$out_neg_answer' ). '$yes_no'(G,C) :- '$current_module'(M), '$do_yes_no'(G,M), '$delayed_goals'(G, [], NV, LGs, _), '$write_answer'(NV, LGs, Written), ( Written = [] -> !,'$present_answer'(C, true) ; '$another', ! ), fail. '$yes_no'(_,_) :- '$out_neg_answer'. '$add_env_and_fail' :- fail. % % *-> at this point would require compiler support, which does not exist. % '$delayed_goals'(G, V, NV, LGs, NCP) :- ( CP is '$last_choice_pt', '$current_choice_point'(NCP1), '$attributes':delayed_goals(G, V, NV, LGs), '$current_choice_point'(NCP2), '$clean_ifcp'(CP), NCP is NCP2-NCP1 ; copy_term_nat(V, NV), LGs = [], % term_factorized(V, NV, LGs), NCP = 0 ). '$out_neg_answer' :- ( '$undefined'(print_message(_,_),prolog) -> '$present_answer'(user_error,'false.~n') ; print_message(help,false) ), fail. '$do_yes_no'([X|L], M) :- !, '$csult'([X|L], M). '$do_yes_no'(G, M) :- '$user_call'(G, M). '$write_query_answer_true'([]) :- !, format(user_error,'true',[]). '$write_query_answer_true'(_). % % present_answer has three components. First it flushes the streams, % then it presents the goals, and last it shows any goals frozen on % the arguments. % '$present_answer'(_,_):- flush_output, fail. '$present_answer'((?-), Answ) :- '$swi_current_prolog_flag'(break_level, BL ), ( BL \= 0 -> format(user_error, '[~p] ',[BL]) ; true ), ( recorded('$print_options','$toplevel'(Opts),_) -> write_term(user_error,Answ,Opts) ; format(user_error,'~w',[Answ]) ), format(user_error,'.~n', []). '$another' :- format(user_error,' ? ',[]), get0(user_input,C), '$do_another'(C). '$do_another'(C) :- ( C== 0'; -> skip(user_input,10), %' % '$add_nl_outside_console', fail ; C== 10 -> '$add_nl_outside_console', ( '$undefined'(print_message(_,_),prolog) -> format(user_error,'yes~n', []) ; print_message(help,yes) ) ; C== 13 -> get0(user_input,NC), '$do_another'(NC) ; C== -1 -> halt ; skip(user_input,10), '$ask_again_for_another' ). %'$add_nl_outside_console' :- % '$is_same_tty'(user_input, user_error), !. '$add_nl_outside_console' :- format(user_error,'~n',[]). '$ask_again_for_another' :- format(user_error,'Action (\";\" for more choices, for exit)', []), '$another'. '$write_answer'(_,_,_) :- flush_output, fail. '$write_answer'(Vs, LBlk, FLAnsw) :- '$purge_dontcares'(Vs,IVs), '$sort'(IVs, NVs), '$prep_answer_var_by_var'(NVs, LAnsw, LBlk), '$name_vars_in_goals'(LAnsw, Vs, NLAnsw), '$write_vars_and_goals'(NLAnsw, first, FLAnsw). '$purge_dontcares'([],[]). '$purge_dontcares'([Name=_|Vs],NVs) :- atom_codes(Name, [C|_]), C is "_", !, '$purge_dontcares'(Vs,NVs). '$purge_dontcares'([V|Vs],[V|NVs]) :- '$purge_dontcares'(Vs,NVs). '$prep_answer_var_by_var'([], L, L). '$prep_answer_var_by_var'([Name=Value|L], LF, L0) :- '$delete_identical_answers'(L, Value, NL, Names), '$prep_answer_var'([Name|Names], Value, LF, LI), '$prep_answer_var_by_var'(NL, LI, L0). % fetch all cases that have the same solution. '$delete_identical_answers'([], _, [], []). '$delete_identical_answers'([(Name=Value)|L], Value0, FL, [Name|Names]) :- Value == Value0, !, '$delete_identical_answers'(L, Value0, FL, Names). '$delete_identical_answers'([VV|L], Value0, [VV|FL], Names) :- '$delete_identical_answers'(L, Value0, FL, Names). % now create a list of pairs that will look like goals. '$prep_answer_var'(Names, Value, LF, L0) :- var(Value), !, '$prep_answer_unbound_var'(Names, LF, L0). '$prep_answer_var'(Names, Value, [nonvar(Names,Value)|L0], L0). % ignore unbound variables '$prep_answer_unbound_var'([_], L, L) :- !. '$prep_answer_unbound_var'(Names, [var(Names)|L0], L0). '$gen_name_string'(I,L,[C|L]) :- I < 26, !, C is I+65. '$gen_name_string'(I,L0,LF) :- I1 is I mod 26, I2 is I // 26, C is I1+65, '$gen_name_string'(I2,[C|L0],LF). '$write_vars_and_goals'([], _, []). '$write_vars_and_goals'([nl,G1|LG], First, NG) :- !, nl(user_error), '$write_goal_output'(G1, First, NG, Next, IG), '$write_vars_and_goals'(LG, Next, IG). '$write_vars_and_goals'([G1|LG], First, NG) :- '$write_goal_output'(G1, First, NG, Next, IG), '$write_vars_and_goals'(LG, Next, IG). '$goal_to_string'(Format, G, String) :- format(codes(String),Format,G). '$write_goal_output'(var([V|VL]), First, [var([V|VL])|L], next, L) :- !, ( First = first -> true ; format(user_error,',~n',[]) ), format(user_error,'~a',[V]), '$write_output_vars'(VL). '$write_goal_output'(nonvar([V|VL],B), First, [nonvar([V|VL],B)|L], next, L) :- !, ( First = first -> true ; format(user_error,',~n',[]) ), format(user_error,'~a',[V]), '$write_output_vars'(VL), format(user_error,' = ', []), ( recorded('$print_options','$toplevel'(Opts),_) -> write_term(user_error,B,[priority(699)|Opts]) ; write_term(user_error,B,[priority(699)]) ). '$write_goal_output'(nl, First, NG, First, NG) :- !, format(user_error,'~n',[]). '$write_goal_output'(Format-G, First, NG, Next, IG) :- !, G = [_|_], !, % dump on string first so that we can check whether we actually % had any output from the solver. '$goal_to_string'(Format, G, String), ( String == [] -> % we didn't IG = NG, First = Next ; % we did ( First = first -> true ; format(user_error,',~n',[]) ), format(user_error, '~s', [String]), NG = [G|IG] ). '$write_goal_output'(_-G, First, [G|NG], next, NG) :- !, ( First = first -> true ; format(user_error,',~n',[]) ), ( recorded('$print_options','$toplevel'(Opts),_) -> write_term(user_error,G,Opts) ; format(user_error,'~w',[G]) ). '$write_goal_output'(_M:G, First, [G|NG], next, NG) :- !, ( First = first -> true ; format(user_error,',~n',[]) ), ( recorded('$print_options','$toplevel'(Opts),_) -> write_term(user_error,G,Opts) ; format(user_error,'~w',[G]) ). '$write_goal_output'(G, First, [M:G|NG], next, NG) :- '$current_module'(M), ( First = first -> true ; format(user_error,',~n',[]) ), ( recorded('$print_options','$toplevel'(Opts),_) -> write_term(user_error,G,Opts) ; format(user_error,'~w',[G]) ). '$name_vars_in_goals'(G, VL0, G) :- '$name_well_known_vars'(VL0), '$variables_in_term'(G, [], GVL), '$name_vars_in_goals1'(GVL, 0, _). '$name_well_known_vars'([]). '$name_well_known_vars'([Name=V|NVL0]) :- var(V), !, V = '$VAR'(Name), '$name_well_known_vars'(NVL0). '$name_well_known_vars'([_|NVL0]) :- '$name_well_known_vars'(NVL0). '$name_vars_in_goals1'([], I, I). '$name_vars_in_goals1'(['$VAR'(Name)|NGVL], I0, IF) :- I is I0+1, '$gen_name_string'(I0,[],SName), !, atom_codes(Name, [95|SName]), '$name_vars_in_goals1'(NGVL, I, IF). '$name_vars_in_goals1'([NV|NGVL], I0, IF) :- nonvar(NV), '$name_vars_in_goals1'(NGVL, I0, IF). '$write_output_vars'([]). '$write_output_vars'([V|VL]) :- format(user_error,' = ~s',[V]), '$write_output_vars'(VL). call(G) :- '$execute'(G). incore(G) :- '$execute'(G). % % standard meta-call, called if $execute could not do everything. % '$meta_call'(G, M) :- '$current_choice_point'(CP), '$call'(G, CP, G, M). '$user_call'(G, M) :- ( '$$save_by'(CP), '$enable_debugging', '$call'(G, CP, M:G, M), '$$save_by'(CP2), (CP == CP2 -> ! ; ( true ; '$enable_debugging', fail ) ), '$disable_debugging' ; '$disable_debugging', fail ). '$enable_debugging' :- '$swi_current_prolog_flag'(debug, false), !. '$enable_debugging' :- '$nb_getval'('$trace', on, fail), !, '$creep'. '$enable_debugging'. '$disable_debugging' :- '$stop_creeping'. ','(X,Y) :- yap_hacks:env_choice_point(CP), '$current_module'(M), '$call'(X,CP,(X,Y),M), '$call'(Y,CP,(X,Y),M). ';'((X->A),Y) :- !, yap_hacks:env_choice_point(CP), '$current_module'(M), ( '$execute'(X) -> '$call'(A,CP,(X->A;Y),M) ; '$call'(Y,CP,(X->A;Y),M) ). ';'((X*->A),Y) :- !, yap_hacks:env_choice_point(CP), '$current_module'(M), ( yap_hacks:current_choice_point(DCP), '$execute'(X), yap_hacks:cut_at(DCP), '$call'(A,CP,((X*->A),Y),M) ; '$call'(Y,CP,((X*->A),Y),M) ). ';'(X,Y) :- yap_hacks:env_choice_point(CP), '$current_module'(M), ( '$call'(X,CP,(X;Y),M) ; '$call'(Y,CP,(X;Y),M) ). '|'(X,Y) :- yap_hacks:env_choice_point(CP), '$current_module'(M), ( '$call'(X,CP,(X|Y),M) ; '$call'(Y,CP,(X|Y),M) ). '->'(X,Y) :- yap_hacks:env_choice_point(CP), '$current_module'(M), ( '$call'(X,CP,(X->Y),M) -> '$call'(Y,CP,(X->Y),M) ). '*->'(X,Y) :- yap_hacks:env_choice_point(CP), '$current_module'(M), ( '$call'(X,CP,(X*->Y),M), '$call'(Y,CP,(X*->Y),M) ). \+(G) :- \+ '$execute'(G). not(G) :- \+ '$execute'(G). '$cut_by'(CP) :- '$$cut_by'(CP). % % do it in ISO mode. % '$meta_call'(G,_ISO,M) :- '$iso_check_goal'(G,G), '$current_choice_point'(CP), '$call'(G, CP, G, M). '$meta_call'(G, CP, G0, M) :- '$call'(G, CP, G0, M). '$call'(G, CP, G0, _, M) :- /* iso version */ '$iso_check_goal'(G,G0), '$call'(G, CP, G0, M). '$call'(M:_,_,G0,_) :- var(M), !, '$do_error'(instantiation_error,call(G0)). '$call'(M:G,CP,G0,_) :- !, '$call'(G,CP,G0,M). '$call'((X,Y),CP,G0,M) :- !, '$call'(X,CP,G0,M), '$call'(Y,CP,G0,M). '$call'((X->Y),CP,G0,M) :- !, ( '$call'(X,CP,G0,M) -> '$call'(Y,CP,G0,M) ). '$call'((X*->Y),CP,G0,M) :- !, '$call'(X,CP,G0,M), '$call'(Y,CP,G0,M). '$call'((X->Y; Z),CP,G0,M) :- !, ( '$call'(X,CP,G0,M) -> '$call'(Y,CP,G0,M) ; '$call'(Z,CP,G0,M) ). '$call'((X*->Y; Z),CP,G0,M) :- !, ( '$current_choice_point'(DCP), '$call'(X,CP,G0,M), yap_hacks:cut_at(DCP), '$call'(Y,CP,G0,M) ; '$call'(Z,CP,G0,M) ). '$call'((A;B),CP,G0,M) :- !, ( '$call'(A,CP,G0,M) ; '$call'(B,CP,G0,M) ). '$call'((X->Y| Z),CP,G0,M) :- !, ( '$call'(X,CP,G0,M) -> '$call'(Y,CP,G0,M) ; '$call'(Z,CP,G0,M) ). '$call'((X*->Y| Z),CP,G0,M) :- !, ( '$current_choice_point'(DCP), '$call'(X,CP,G0,M), yap_hacks:cut_at(DCP), '$call'(Y,CP,G0,M) ; '$call'(Z,CP,G0,M) ). '$call'((A|B),CP, G0,M) :- !, ( '$call'(A,CP,G0,M) ; '$call'(B,CP,G0,M) ). '$call'(\+ X, _CP, _G0, M) :- !, '$current_choice_point'(CP), \+ '$call'(X,CP,G0,M). '$call'(not(X), _CP, _G0, M) :- !, \+ '$call'(X,CP,G0,M). '$call'(!, CP, _,_) :- !, '$$cut_by'(CP). '$call'([A|B], _, _, M) :- !, '$csult'([A|B], M). '$call'(G, CP, G0, CurMod) :- ( '$is_expand_goal_or_meta_predicate'(G,CurMod) -> ( '$do_goal_expansion'(G, CurMod, NG) -> '$call'(NG, CP, G0,CurMod) ; % repeat other code. '$is_metapredicate'(G,CurMod) -> ( '$meta_expansion'(G,CurMod,CurMod,CurMod,NG,[]) -> '$execute0'(NG, CurMod) ; '$execute0'(G, CurMod) ) ; '$execute0'(G, CurMod) ) ; '$execute0'(G, CurMod) ). '$check_callable'(V,G) :- var(V), !, '$do_error'(instantiation_error,G). '$check_callable'(M:_G1,G) :- var(M), !, '$do_error'(instantiation_error,G). '$check_callable'(_:G1,G) :- !, '$check_callable'(G1,G). '$check_callable'(A,G) :- number(A), !, '$do_error'(type_error(callable,A),G). '$check_callable'(R,G) :- db_reference(R), !, '$do_error'(type_error(callable,R),G). '$check_callable'(_,_). % Called by the abstract machine, if no clauses exist for a predicate '$undefp'([M|G]) :- '$find_goal_definition'(M, G, NM, NG), '$execute0'(NG, NM). '$find_goal_definition'(M, G, NM, NG) :- % make sure we do not loop on undefined predicates % for undefined_predicates. '$enter_undefp', ( '$get_undefined_pred'(G, M, Goal, NM) -> '$exit_undefp', Goal \= fail, '$complete_goal'(M, Goal, NM, G, NG) ; '$find_undefp_handler'(G, M), NG = G, NM = M ). '$complete_goal'(M, G, CurMod, G0, NG) :- ( '$is_metapredicate'(G,CurMod) -> '$meta_expansion'(G, CurMod, M, M, NG,[]) ; NG = G ). '$find_undefp_handler'(G,M,NG,user) :- functor(G, Na, Ar), user:exception(undefined_predicate,M:Na/Ar,Action), !, '$exit_undefp', ( Action == fail -> NG = fail ; Action == retry -> NG = G ; Action == error -> '$unknown_error'(M:G) ; '$do_error'(type_error(atom, Action),M:G) ). '$find_undefp_handler'(G,M) :- '$exit_undefp', '$swi_current_prolog_flag'(M:unknown, Action), ( Action == fail -> fail ; Action == warning -> '$unknown_warning'(M:G), fail ; '$unknown_error'(M:G) ). '$silent_bootstrap'(F) :- '$init_globals', nb_setval('$if_level',0), '$swi_current_prolog_flag'(verbose_load, OldSilent), '$swi_set_prolog_flag'(verbose_load, silent), bootstrap(F), % -p option must be processed after initializing the system '$swi_set_prolog_flag'(verbose_load, OldSilent). bootstrap(F) :- % '$open'(F, '$csult', Stream, 0, 0, F), % '$file_name'(Stream,File), open(F, read, Stream), stream_property(Stream, file_name(File)), '$start_consult'(consult, File, LC), file_directory_name(File, Dir), working_directory(OldD, Dir), ( '$swi_current_prolog_flag'(verbose_load, silent) -> true ; H0 is heapused, '$cputime'(T0,_), format(user_error, '~*|% consulting ~w...~n', [LC,F]) ), '$loop'(Stream,consult), working_directory(_, OldD), '$current_module'(_, prolog), '$end_consult', ( '$swi_current_prolog_flag'(verbose_load, silent) -> true ; H is heapused-H0, '$cputime'(TF,_), T is TF-T0, format(user_error, '~*|% ~w consulted ~w bytes in ~d msecs~n', [LC,F,H,T]) ), !, close(Stream). '$loop'(Stream,exo) :- prolog_flag(agc_margin,Old,0), prompt1('| '), prompt(_,'| '), '$current_module'(OldModule), repeat, '$system_catch'(dbload_from_stream(Stream, OldModule, exo), '$db_load', Error, user:'$LoopError'(Error, Status)), prolog_flag(agc_margin,_,Old), !. '$loop'(Stream,db) :- prolog_flag(agc_margin,Old,0), prompt1('| '), prompt(_,'| '), '$current_module'(OldModule), repeat, '$system_catch'(dbload_from_stream(Stream, OldModule, db), '$db_load', Error, user:'$LoopError'(Error, Status)), prolog_flag(agc_margin,_,Old), !. '$loop'(Stream,Status) :- repeat, prompt1('| '), prompt(_,'| '), '$current_module'(OldModule), '$system_catch'('$enter_command'(Stream,OldModule,Status), OldModule, Error, user:'$LoopError'(Error, Status)), !. '$enter_command'(Stream,Mod,Status) :- read_clause(Stream, Command, [variable_names(Vars), term_position(Pos), syntax_errors(dec10) ]), '$command'(Command,Vars,Pos,Status). '$abort_loop'(Stream) :- '$do_error'(permission_error(input,closed_stream,Stream), loop). /* General purpose predicates */ '$head_and_body'((H:-B),H,B) :- !. '$head_and_body'(H,H,true). % % split head and body, generate an error if body is unbound. % '$check_head_and_body'((H:-B),H,B,P) :- !, '$check_head'(H,P). '$check_head_and_body'(H,H,true,P) :- '$check_head'(H,P). '$check_head'(H,P) :- var(H), !, '$do_error'(instantiation_error,P). '$check_head'(H,P) :- number(H), !, '$do_error'(type_error(callable,H),P). '$check_head'(H,P) :- db_reference(H), !, '$do_error'(type_error(callable,H),P). '$check_head'(_,_). % term expansion % % return two arguments: Expanded0 is the term after "USER" expansion. % Expanded is the final expanded term. % '$precompile_term'(Term, Expanded0, Expanded, BodyMod, SourceMod) :- %format('[ ~w~n',[Term]), '$module_expansion'(Term, Expanded0, ExpandedI, BodyMod, SourceMod), !, %format(' -> ~w~n',[Expanded0]), ( '$access_yap_flags'(9,1) /* strict_iso on */ -> Expanded = ExpandedI, '$check_iso_strict_clause'(Expanded0) ; '$expand_array_accesses_in_term'(ExpandedI,Expanded) ). '$precompile_term'(Term, Term, Term, _, _). expand_term(Term,Expanded) :- ( '$do_term_expansion'(Term,Expanded) -> true ; '$expand_term_grammar'(Term,Expanded) ). % % Grammar Rules expansion % '$expand_term_grammar'((A-->B), C) :- '$translate_rule'((A-->B),C), !. '$expand_term_grammar'(A, A). % % Arithmetic expansion % '$expand_array_accesses_in_term'(Expanded0,ExpandedF) :- '$array_refs_compiled', '$arrays':'$c_arrays'(Expanded0,ExpandedF), !. '$expand_array_accesses_in_term'(Expanded,Expanded). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % catch/throw implementation % at each catch point I need to know: % what is ball; % where was the previous catch catch(G, C, A) :- '$catch'(C,A,_), '$$save_by'(CP0), '$execute'(G), '$$save_by'(CP1), (CP0 == CP1 -> !; true ). % makes sure we have an environment. '$true'. % system_catch is like catch, but it avoids the overhead of a full % meta-call by calling '$execute0' instead of $execute. % This way it % also avoids module preprocessing and goal_expansion % '$system_catch'(G, M, C, A) :- % check current trail '$catch'(C,A,_), '$$save_by'(CP0), '$execute_nonstop'(G, M), '$$save_by'(CP1), (CP0 == CP1 -> !; true ). % % throw has to be *exactly* after system catch! % throw(_Ball) :- % use existing ball '$get_exception'(Ball), !, '$jump_env_and_store_ball'(Ball). throw(Ball) :- ( var(Ball) -> '$do_error'(instantiation_error,throw(Ball)) ; % get current jump point '$jump_env_and_store_ball'(Ball) ). % just create a choice-point '$catch'(_,_,_). '$catch'(_,_,_) :- fail. '$handle_throw'(_, _, _). '$handle_throw'(C, A, _Ball) :- '$reset_exception'(Ball), % reset info (catch_ball(Ball, C) -> '$execute'(A) ; throw(Ball) ). catch_ball(Abort, _) :- Abort == '$abort', !, fail. % system defined throws should be ignored by used, unless the % user is hacking away. catch_ball(Ball, V) :- var(V), nonvar(Ball), Ball = error(Type,_), % internal error ?? functor(Type, Name, _), atom_codes(Name, [0'$|_]), %'0 !, fail. catch_ball(C, C). '$run_toplevel_hooks' :- '$swi_current_prolog_flag'(break_level, 0 ), recorded('$toplevel_hooks',H,_), H \= fail, !, ( call(user:H1) -> true ; true). '$run_toplevel_hooks'. '$run_at_thread_start' :- recorded('$thread_initialization',M:D,_), '$meta_call'(D, M), fail. '$run_at_thread_start'. log_event( String, Args ) :- format( atom( M ), String, Args), log_event( M ).