%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % clp(q,r) version 1.3.3 % % % % (c) Copyright 1992,1993,1994,1995 % % Austrian Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence (OFAI) % % Schottengasse 3 % % A-1010 Vienna, Austria % % % % File: nf.pl % % Author: Christian Holzbaur christian@ai.univie.ac.at % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% :- use_module( library(terms), [term_variables/2]). :- use_module( geler). % ------------------------------------------------------------------------- { Rel } :- var( Rel), !, raise_exception(instantiation_error({Rel},1)). { R,Rs } :- !, {R}, {Rs}. { R;Rs } :- !, ({R} ; {Rs}). % for entailment checking { L < R } :- !, nf( L-R, Nf), submit_lt( Nf). { L > R } :- !, nf( R-L, Nf), submit_lt( Nf). { L =< R } :- !, nf( L-R, Nf), submit_le( Nf). { <=(L,R) } :- !, nf( L-R, Nf), submit_le( Nf). { L >= R } :- !, nf( R-L, Nf), submit_le( Nf). { L =\= R } :- !, nf( L-R, Nf), submit_ne( Nf). { L =:= R } :- !, nf( L-R, Nf), submit_eq( Nf). { L = R } :- !, nf( L-R, Nf), submit_eq( Nf). { Rel } :- raise_exception( type_error({Rel},1,'a constraint',Rel)). % % s -> c = ~s v c = ~(s /\ ~c) % where s is the store and c is the constraint for which % we want to know whether it is entailed. % entailed( C) :- negate( C, Cn), \+ { Cn }. negate( Rel, _) :- var( Rel), !, raise_exception(instantiation_error(entailed(Rel),1)). negate( (A,B), (Na;Nb)) :- !, negate( A, Na), negate( B, Nb). negate( (A;B), (Na,Nb)) :- !, negate( A, Na), negate( B, Nb). negate( A<B, A>=B) :- !. negate( A>B, A=<B) :- !. negate( A=<B, A>B) :- !. negate( A>=B, A<B) :- !. negate( A=:=B, A=\=B) :- !. negate( A=B, A=\=B) :- !. negate( A=\=B, A=:=B) :- !. negate( Rel, _) :- raise_exception( type_error(entailed(Rel),1,'a constraint',Rel)). /* Cases: a) Nf=[] b) Nf=[A] b1) A=k b2) invertible(A) b3) linear -> A=0 b4) nonlinear -> geler c) Nf=[A,B|Rest] c1) A=k c11) B=X^+-1, Rest=[] -> B= c12) invertible(A,B) c13) linear(B|Rest) c14) geler c2) linear(Nf) c3) nonlinear -> geler */ submit_eq( []). % trivial success submit_eq( [T|Ts]) :- submit_eq( Ts, T). submit_eq( [], A) :- submit_eq_b( A). submit_eq( [B|Bs], A) :- submit_eq_c( A, B, Bs). submit_eq_b( v(_,[])) :- !, fail. % b1: trivial failure submit_eq_b( v(_,[X^P])) :- % b2,b3: n*x^p=0 -> x=0 var( X), P > 0, !, arith_eval( 0, Z), export_binding( X, Z). submit_eq_b( v(_,[NL^1])) :- % b2 nonvar( NL), arith_eval( 0, Z), nl_invertible( NL, X, Z, Inv), !, nf( -Inv, S), nf_add( X, S, New), submit_eq( New). submit_eq_b( Term) :- % b4 term_variables( Term, Vs), geler( Vs, resubmit_eq([Term])). submit_eq_c( v(I,[]), B, Rest) :- !, submit_eq_c1( Rest, B, I). submit_eq_c( A, B, Rest) :- % c2 A=v(_,[X^1]), var(X), B=v(_,[Y^1]), var(Y), linear( Rest), !, Hom = [A,B|Rest], % 'solve_='( Hom). nf_length( Hom, 0, Len), log_deref( Len, Hom, [], HomD), solve( HomD). submit_eq_c( A, B, Rest) :- % c3 Norm = [A,B|Rest], term_variables( Norm, Vs), geler( Vs, resubmit_eq(Norm)). submit_eq_c1( [], v(K,[X^P]), I) :- % c11 var( X), ( P = 1, !, arith_eval( -I/K, Val), export_binding( X, Val) ; P = -1, !, arith_eval( -K/I, Val), export_binding( X, Val) ). submit_eq_c1( [], v(K,[NL^P]), I) :- % c12 nonvar( NL), ( P = 1, arith_eval( -I/K, Y) ; P = -1, arith_eval( -K/I, Y) ), nl_invertible( NL, X, Y, Inv), !, nf( -Inv, S), nf_add( X, S, New), submit_eq( New). submit_eq_c1( Rest, B, I) :- % c13 B=v(_,[Y^1]), var(Y), linear( Rest), !, % 'solve_='( [v(I,[]),B|Rest]). Hom = [B|Rest], nf_length( Hom, 0, Len), normalize_scalar( I, Nonvar), log_deref( Len, Hom, [], HomD), add_linear_11( Nonvar, HomD, LinD), solve( LinD). submit_eq_c1( Rest, B, I) :- % c14 Norm = [v(I,[]),B|Rest], term_variables( Norm, Vs), geler( Vs, resubmit_eq(Norm)). % ----------------------------------------------------------------------- submit_lt( []) :- fail. % trivial failure submit_lt( [A|As]) :- submit_lt( As, A). submit_lt( [], v(K,P)) :- submit_lt_b( P, K). submit_lt( [B|Bs], A) :- submit_lt_c( Bs, A, B). submit_lt_b( [], I) :- !, arith_eval( I<0). submit_lt_b( [X^1], K) :- var(X), !, ( arith_eval( K>0) -> ineq_one_s_p_0( X) ; ineq_one_s_n_0( X) ). submit_lt_b( P, K) :- term_variables( P, Vs), geler( Vs, resubmit_lt([v(K,P)])). submit_lt_c( [], A, B) :- A=v(I,[]), B=v(K,[Y^1]), var(Y), !, ineq_one( strict, Y, K, I). submit_lt_c( Rest, A, B) :- Norm = [A,B|Rest], ( linear(Norm) -> 'solve_<'( Norm) ; term_variables( Norm, Vs), geler( Vs, resubmit_lt(Norm)) ). submit_le( []). % trivial success submit_le( [A|As]) :- submit_le( As, A). submit_le( [], v(K,P)) :- submit_le_b( P, K). submit_le( [B|Bs], A) :- submit_le_c( Bs, A, B). submit_le_b( [], I) :- !, arith_eval( I=<0). submit_le_b( [X^1], K) :- var(X), !, ( arith_eval( K>0) -> ineq_one_n_p_0( X) ; ineq_one_n_n_0( X) ). submit_le_b( P, K) :- term_variables( P, Vs), geler( Vs, resubmit_le([v(K,P)])). submit_le_c( [], A, B) :- A=v(I,[]), B=v(K,[Y^1]), var(Y), !, ineq_one( nonstrict, Y, K, I). submit_le_c( Rest, A, B) :- Norm = [A,B|Rest], ( linear(Norm) -> 'solve_=<'( Norm) ; term_variables( Norm, Vs), geler( Vs, resubmit_le(Norm)) ). submit_ne( Norm1) :- ( nf_constant( Norm1, K) -> arith_eval( K=\=0) ; linear( Norm1) -> 'solve_=\\='( Norm1) ; term_variables( Norm1, Vs), geler( Vs, resubmit_ne(Norm1)) ). linear( []). linear( v(_,Ps)) :- linear_ps( Ps). linear( [A|As]) :- linear( A), linear( As). linear_ps( []). linear_ps( [V^1]) :- var( V). % excludes sin(_), ... % % Goal delays until Term gets linear. % At this time, Var will be bound to the normalform of Term. % :- meta_predicate wait_linear( ?, ?, :). % wait_linear( Term, Var, Goal) :- nf( Term, Nf), ( linear( Nf) -> Var = Nf, call( Goal) ; term_variables( Nf, Vars), geler( Vars, wait_linear_retry(Nf,Var,Goal)) ). % % geler clients % resubmit_eq( N) :- repair( N, Norm), submit_eq( Norm). resubmit_lt( N) :- repair( N, Norm), submit_lt( Norm). resubmit_le( N) :- repair( N, Norm), submit_le( Norm). resubmit_ne( N) :- repair( N, Norm), submit_ne( Norm). wait_linear_retry( Nf0, Var, Goal) :- repair( Nf0, Nf), ( linear( Nf) -> Var = Nf, call( Goal) ; term_variables( Nf, Vars), geler( Vars, wait_linear_retry(Nf,Var,Goal)) ). % ----------------------------------------------------------------------- /* invertible( [v(Mone,[]),v(One,[X^Px,Y^Py])], Norm) :- Px+Py =:= 0, abs(Px) mod 2 =:= 1, % odd powers only ... arith_eval( 1, One), arith_eval( -1, Mone), !, ( Px < 0 -> {X=\=0} ; {Y=\=0} ), nf( X-Y, Norm). % x=y */ nl_invertible( sin(X), X, Y, Res) :- arith_eval( asin(Y), Res). nl_invertible( cos(X), X, Y, Res) :- arith_eval( acos(Y), Res). nl_invertible( tan(X), X, Y, Res) :- arith_eval( atan(Y), Res). nl_invertible( exp(B,C), X, A, Res) :- ( nf_constant( B, Kb) -> arith_eval(A>0), arith_eval(Kb>0), arith_eval(Kb=\=1), X = C, arith_eval( log(A)/log(Kb), Res) ; nf_constant( C, Kc), \+ (arith_eval(A=:=0),arith_eval(Kc=<0)), X = B, arith_eval( exp(A,1/Kc), Res) ). % ----------------------------------------------------------------------- nf( X, Norm) :- var(X), !, Norm = [v(One,[X^1])], arith_eval( 1, One). nf( X, Norm) :- number(X), !, nf_number( X, Norm). % nf( rat(N,D), Norm) :- !, nf_number( rat(N,D), Norm). % nf( #(Const), Norm) :- monash_constant( Const, Value), !, ( arith_eval( 1, rat(1,1)) -> nf_number( Value, Norm) % swallows #(zero) ... ok in Q ; arith_normalize( Value, N), % in R we want it Norm = [v(N,[])] ). % nf( -A, Norm) :- !, nf( A, An), arith_eval( -1, K), nf_mul_factor( v(K,[]), An, Norm). nf( +A, Norm) :- !, nf( A, Norm). % nf( A+B, Norm) :- !, nf( A, An), nf( B, Bn), nf_add( An, Bn, Norm). nf( A-B, Norm) :- !, nf( A, An), nf( -B, Bn), nf_add( An, Bn, Norm). % nf( A*B, Norm) :- !, nf( A, An), nf( B, Bn), nf_mul( An, Bn, Norm). nf( A/B, Norm) :- !, nf( A, An), nf( B, Bn), nf_div( Bn, An, Norm). % nf( Term, Norm) :- nonlin_1( Term, Arg, Skel, Sa1), !, nf( Arg, An), nf_nonlin_1( Skel, An, Sa1, Norm). nf( Term, Norm) :- nonlin_2( Term, A1,A2, Skel, Sa1, Sa2), !, nf( A1, A1n), nf( A2, A2n), nf_nonlin_2( Skel, A1n, A2n, Sa1, Sa2, Norm). % nf( Term, _) :- raise_exception( type_error(nf(Term,_),1,'a numeric expression',Term)). nf_number( N, Res) :- nf_number( N), arith_normalize( N, Normal), ( arith_eval( Normal=:=0) -> Res = [] ; Res = [v(Normal,[])] ). nf_number( N) :- number( N), !. /* MC 980507 */ nf_number( N) :- compound( N), N=rat(_,_). % sicstus nonlin_1( abs(X), X, abs(Y), Y). nonlin_1( sin(X), X, sin(Y), Y). nonlin_1( cos(X), X, cos(Y), Y). nonlin_1( tan(X), X, tan(Y), Y). nonlin_2( min(A,B), A,B, min(X,Y), X, Y). nonlin_2( max(A,B), A,B, max(X,Y), X, Y). nonlin_2( exp(A,B), A,B, exp(X,Y), X, Y). nonlin_2( pow(A,B), A,B, exp(X,Y), X, Y). % pow->exp nonlin_2( A^B, A,B, exp(X,Y), X, Y). nf_nonlin_1( Skel, An, S1, Norm) :- ( nf_constant( An, S1) -> nl_eval( Skel, Res), nf_number( Res, Norm) ; S1 = An, arith_eval( 1, One), Norm = [v(One,[Skel^1])] ). nf_nonlin_2( Skel, A1n, A2n, S1, S2, Norm) :- ( nf_constant( A1n, S1), nf_constant( A2n, S2) -> nl_eval( Skel, Res), nf_number( Res, Norm) ; Skel=exp(_,_), nf_constant( A2n, Exp), integerp( Exp, I) -> nf_power( I, A1n, Norm) ; S1 = A1n, S2 = A2n, arith_eval( 1, One), Norm = [v(One,[Skel^1])] ). nl_eval( abs(X), R) :- arith_eval( abs(X), R). nl_eval( sin(X), R) :- arith_eval( sin(X), R). nl_eval( cos(X), R) :- arith_eval( cos(X), R). nl_eval( tan(X), R) :- arith_eval( tan(X), R). % nl_eval( min(X,Y), R) :- arith_eval( min(X,Y), R). nl_eval( max(X,Y), R) :- arith_eval( max(X,Y), R). nl_eval( exp(X,Y), R) :- arith_eval( exp(X,Y), R). monash_constant( X, _) :- var(X), !, fail. monash_constant( p, 3.14259265). monash_constant( pi, 3.14259265). monash_constant( e, 2.71828182). monash_constant( zero, Eps) :- arith_eps( Eps). % % check if a Nf consists of just a constant % nf_constant( [], Z) :- arith_eval( 0, Z). nf_constant( [v(K,[])], K). % % this depends on the polynf ordering, i.e. [] < [X^1] ... % split( [], [], Z) :- arith_eval( 0, Z). split( [First|T], H, I) :- ( First=v(I,[]) -> H=T ; arith_eval( 0, I), H = [First|T] ). % % runtime predicate % :- mode nf_add( +, +, ?). % nf_add( [], Bs, Bs). nf_add( [A|As], Bs, Cs) :- nf_add( Bs, A, As, Cs). :- mode nf_add( +, +, +, ?). % nf_add( [], A, As, Cs) :- Cs = [A|As]. nf_add( [B|Bs], A, As, Cs) :- A = v(Ka,Pa), B = v(Kb,Pb), compare( Rel, Pa, Pb), nf_add_case( Rel, A, As, Cs, B, Bs, Ka, Kb, Pa). :- mode nf_add_case( +, +, +, -, +, +, +, +, +). % nf_add_case( <, A, As, Cs, B, Bs, _, _, _) :- Cs=[A|Rest], nf_add( As, B, Bs, Rest). nf_add_case( >, A, As, Cs, B, Bs, _, _, _) :- Cs=[B|Rest], nf_add( Bs, A, As, Rest). nf_add_case( =, _, As, Cs, _, Bs, Ka, Kb, Pa) :- arith_eval( Ka+Kb, Kc), ( arith_eval( Kc=:=0 ) -> nf_add( As, Bs, Cs) ; Cs=[v(Kc,Pa)|Rest], nf_add( As, Bs, Rest) ). :- mode nf_mul( +, +, -). % nf_mul( A, B, Res) :- nf_length( A, 0, LenA), nf_length( B, 0, LenB), nf_mul_log( LenA, A, [], LenB, B, Res). nf_mul_log( 0, As, As, _, _, []) :- !. nf_mul_log( 1, [A|As], As, Lb, B, R) :- !, nf_mul_factor_log( Lb, B, [], A, R). nf_mul_log( 2, [A1,A2|As], As, Lb, B, R) :- !, nf_mul_factor_log( Lb, B, [], A1, A1b), nf_mul_factor_log( Lb, B, [], A2, A2b), nf_add( A1b, A2b, R). nf_mul_log( N, A0, A2, Lb, B, R) :- P is N>>1, Q is N-P, nf_mul_log( P, A0, A1, Lb, B, Rp), nf_mul_log( Q, A1, A2, Lb, B, Rq), nf_add( Rp, Rq, R). :- mode nf_add_2( +, +, -). % nf_add_2( Af, Bf, Res) :- % unfold: nf_add( [Af], [Bf], Res). Af = v(Ka,Pa), Bf = v(Kb,Pb), compare( Rel, Pa, Pb), nf_add_2_case( Rel, Af, Bf, Res, Ka, Kb, Pa). :- mode nf_add_2_case( +, +, +, -, +, +, +). % nf_add_2_case( <, Af, Bf, [Af,Bf], _, _, _). nf_add_2_case( >, Af, Bf, [Bf,Af], _, _, _). nf_add_2_case( =, _, _, Res, Ka, Kb, Pa) :- arith_eval( Ka+Kb, Kc), ( arith_eval( Kc=:=0 ) -> Res = [] ; Res=[v(Kc,Pa)] ). % % multiply with a scalar =\= 0 % nf_mul_k( [], _, []). nf_mul_k( [v(I,P)|Vs], K, [v(Ki,P)|Vks]) :- arith_eval( K*I, Ki), nf_mul_k( Vs, K, Vks). nf_mul_factor( v(K,[]), Sum, Res) :- !, nf_mul_k( Sum, K, Res). nf_mul_factor( F, Sum, Res) :- nf_length( Sum, 0, Len), nf_mul_factor_log( Len, Sum, [], F, Res). nf_mul_factor_log( 0, As, As, _, []) :- !. nf_mul_factor_log( 1, [A|As], As, F, [R]) :- !, mult( A, F, R). nf_mul_factor_log( 2, [A,B|As], As, F, Res) :- !, mult( A, F, Af), mult( B, F, Bf), nf_add_2( Af, Bf, Res). nf_mul_factor_log( N, A0, A2, F, R) :- P is N>>1, Q is N-P, nf_mul_factor_log( P, A0, A1, F, Rp), nf_mul_factor_log( Q, A1, A2, F, Rq), nf_add( Rp, Rq, R). mult( v(Ka,La), v(Kb,Lb), v(Kc,Lc)) :- arith_eval( Ka*Kb, Kc), pmerge( La, Lb, Lc). pmerge( [], Bs, Bs). pmerge( [A|As], Bs, Cs) :- pmerge( Bs, A, As, Cs). :- mode pmerge(+,+,+,-). % pmerge( [], A, As, Res) :- Res = [A|As]. pmerge( [B|Bs], A, As, Res) :- A=Xa^Ka, B=Xb^Kb, compare( R, Xa, Xb), pmerge_case( R, A, As, Res, B, Bs, Ka, Kb, Xa). :- mode pmerge_case( +, +, +, -, +, +, +, +, ?). % pmerge_case( <, A, As, Res, B, Bs, _, _, _) :- Res = [A|Tail], pmerge( As, B, Bs, Tail). pmerge_case( >, A, As, Res, B, Bs, _, _, _) :- Res = [B|Tail], pmerge( Bs, A, As, Tail). pmerge_case( =, _, As, Res, _, Bs, Ka, Kb, Xa) :- Kc is Ka+Kb, ( Kc=:=0 -> pmerge( As, Bs, Res) ; Res = [Xa^Kc|Tail], pmerge( As, Bs, Tail) ). nf_div( [], _, _) :- !, zero_division. nf_div( [v(K,P)], Sum, Res) :- !, arith_eval( 1/K, Ki), mult_exp( P, -1, Pi), nf_mul_factor( v(Ki,Pi), Sum, Res). nf_div( D, A, [v(One,[(A/D)^1])]) :- arith_eval( 1, One). zero_division :- fail. % raise_exception(_) ? mult_exp( [], _, []). mult_exp( [X^P|Xs], K, [X^I|Tail]) :- I is K*P, mult_exp( Xs, K, Tail). % % raise to integer powers % % | ?- time({(1+X+Y+Z)^15=0}). % Timing 00:00:02.610 2.610 iterative % Timing 00:00:00.660 0.660 binomial nf_power( N, Sum, Norm) :- integer( N), compare( Rel, N, 0), ( Rel = < -> Pn is -N, % nf_power_pos( Pn, Sum, Inorm), binom( Sum, Pn, Inorm), arith_eval( 1, One), nf_div( Inorm, [v(One,[])], Norm) ; Rel = > -> % nf_power_pos( N, Sum, Norm) binom( Sum, N, Norm) ; Rel = = -> % 0^0 is indeterminate but we say 1 arith_eval( 1, One), Norm = [v(One,[])] ). % % N>0 % nf_power_pos( 1, Sum, Norm) :- !, Sum = Norm. nf_power_pos( N, Sum, Norm) :- N1 is N-1, nf_power_pos( N1, Sum, Pn1), nf_mul( Sum, Pn1, Norm). % % N>0 % binom( Sum, 1, Power) :- !, Power = Sum. binom( [], _, []). binom( [A|Bs], N, Power) :- ( Bs=[] -> nf_power_factor( A, N, Ap), Power = [Ap] ; Bs=[_|_] -> arith_eval( 1, One), factor_powers( N, A, v(One,[]), Pas), sum_powers( N, Bs, [v(One,[])], Pbs, []), combine_powers( Pas, Pbs, 0, N, 1, [], Power) ). combine_powers( [], [], _, _, _, Pi, Pi). combine_powers( [A|As], [B|Bs], L, R, C, Pi, Po) :- nf_mul( A, B, Ab), arith_normalize( C, Cn), nf_mul_k( Ab, Cn, Abc), nf_add( Abc, Pi, Pii), L1 is L+1, R1 is R-1, C1 is C*R//L1, combine_powers( As, Bs, L1, R1, C1, Pii, Po). nf_power_factor( v(K,P), N, v(Kn,Pn)) :- arith_normalize( N, Nn), arith_eval( exp(K,Nn), Kn), mult_exp( P, N, Pn). factor_powers( 0, _, Prev, [[Prev]]) :- !. factor_powers( N, F, Prev, [[Prev]|Ps]) :- N1 is N-1, mult( Prev, F, Next), factor_powers( N1, F, Next, Ps). sum_powers( 0, _, Prev, [Prev|Lt], Lt) :- !. sum_powers( N, S, Prev, L0, Lt) :- N1 is N-1, nf_mul( S, Prev, Next), sum_powers( N1, S, Next, L0, [Prev|Lt]). % ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ repair( Sum, Norm) :- nf_length( Sum, 0, Len), repair_log( Len, Sum, [], Norm). repair_log( 0, As, As, []) :- !. repair_log( 1, [v(Ka,Pa)|As], As, R) :- !, repair_term( Ka, Pa, R). repair_log( 2, [v(Ka,Pa),v(Kb,Pb)|As], As, R) :- !, repair_term( Ka, Pa, Ar), repair_term( Kb, Pb, Br), nf_add( Ar, Br, R). repair_log( N, A0, A2, R) :- P is N>>1, Q is N-P, repair_log( P, A0, A1, Rp), repair_log( Q, A1, A2, Rq), nf_add( Rp, Rq, R). repair_term( K, P, Norm) :- length( P, Len), arith_eval( 1, One), repair_p_log( Len, P, [], Pr, [v(One,[])], Sum), nf_mul_factor( v(K,Pr), Sum, Norm). repair_p_log( 0, Ps, Ps, [], L0, L0) :- !. repair_p_log( 1, [X^P|Ps], Ps, R, L0, L1) :- !, repair_p( X, P, R, L0, L1). repair_p_log( 2, [X^Px,Y^Py|Ps], Ps, R, L0,L2) :- !, repair_p( X, Px, Rx, L0, L1), repair_p( Y, Py, Ry, L1, L2), pmerge( Rx, Ry, R). repair_p_log( N, P0, P2, R, L0, L2) :- P is N>>1, Q is N-P, repair_p_log( P, P0, P1, Rp, L0, L1), repair_p_log( Q, P1, P2, Rq, L1, L2), pmerge( Rp, Rq, R). %vsc: added ! (01/06/06) repair_p( Term, P, [Term^P], L0, L0) :- var( Term), !. repair_p( Term, P, [], L0, L1) :- nonvar( Term), repair_p_one( Term, TermN), nf_power( P, TermN, TermNP), nf_mul( TermNP, L0, L1). % % An undigested term a/b is distinguished from an % digested one by the fact that its arguments are % digested -> cuts after repair of args! % repair_p_one( Term, TermN) :- nf_number( Term, TermN), % freq. shortcut for nf/2 case below !. repair_p_one( A1/A2, TermN) :- repair( A1, A1n), repair( A2, A2n), !, nf_div( A2n, A1n, TermN). repair_p_one( Term, TermN) :- nonlin_1( Term, Arg, Skel, Sa), repair( Arg, An), !, nf_nonlin_1( Skel, An, Sa, TermN). repair_p_one( Term, TermN) :- nonlin_2( Term, A1,A2, Skel, Sa1, Sa2), repair( A1, A1n), repair( A2, A2n), !, nf_nonlin_2( Skel, A1n, A2n, Sa1, Sa2, TermN). repair_p_one( Term, TermN) :- nf( Term, TermN). :- mode nf_length( +, +, -). % nf_length( [], Li, Li). nf_length( [_|R], Li, Lo) :- Lii is Li+1, nf_length( R, Lii, Lo). % ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ nf2term( [], Z) :- arith_eval( 0, Z). nf2term( [F|Fs], T) :- f02t( F, T0), yfx( Fs, T0, T). yfx( [], T0, T0). yfx( [F|Fs], T0, TN) :- fn2t( F, Ft, Op), T1 =.. [Op,T0,Ft], yfx( Fs, T1, TN). f02t( v(K,P), T) :- ( P = [] -> T = K ; arith_eval( K=:=1) -> p2term( P, T) ; arith_eval( K=:= -1) -> T = -Pt, p2term( P, Pt) ; T = K*Pt, p2term( P, Pt) ). fn2t( v(K,P), Term, Op) :- ( arith_eval( K=:=1) -> Term = Pt, Op = + ; arith_eval( K=:= -1) -> Term = Pt, Op = - ; arith_eval( K<0) -> arith_eval( -K, Kf), Term = Kf*Pt, Op = - ; Term = K*Pt, Op = + ), p2term( P, Pt). p2term( [X^P|Xs], Term) :- ( Xs=[] -> pe2term( X, Xt), exp2term( P, Xt, Term) ; Xs=[_|_] -> Term = Xst*Xtp, pe2term( X, Xt), exp2term( P, Xt, Xtp), p2term( Xs, Xst) ). exp2term( 1, X, X) :- !. exp2term(-1, X, One/X) :- !, arith_eval( 1, One). exp2term( P, X, Term) :- arith_normalize( P, Pn), % Term = exp(X,Pn). Term = X^Pn. pe2term( X, Term) :- var(X), Term = X. pe2term( X, Term) :- nonvar(X), X =.. [F|Args], pe2term_args( Args, Argst), Term =.. [F|Argst]. pe2term_args( [], []). pe2term_args( [A|As], [T|Ts]) :- nf2term( A, T), pe2term_args( As, Ts).