#!/bin/bash # # script to compile yap for Android. # # variables are # # SDK_ROOT: where is the SDK # NDK_ROOT: and the NDK # GMPDIR: get your copy of GMP from # BUILDDROID: where we want to compile yap # ANDROID_RELEASE= 17 is 4.2.2, 19 is 4.4.2 ANDROID_RELEASE=19 # ANDROID_ARCH= arm, x86, mips ANDROID_ARCH=arm # ANDROID_BUILD=linux ANDROID_BUILD=linux # what android to compile for ANDROID_IMAGE=first # YAP_SRC="$HOME/Yap/yap-6.3" if test -d "$HOME/git/yap-6.3" then export YAP_SRC="$HOME/git/yap-6.3" elif test -d "$HOME/Yap/yap-6.3" then export YAP_SRC="$HOME/Yap/yap-6.3" fi # check if the SDK is at the usual locations if test -d $HOME/Yap/android-sdk-"$ANDROID_BUILD" then export SDK_ROOT=$HOME/Yap/android-sdk-"$ANDROID_BUILD" else export SDK_ROOT=/scratch/vitor/android-sdk-"$ANDROID_BUILD" fi # check if the NDK is at the usual locations if test -d $HOME/Yap/android-ndk-r9d then export NDK_ROOT=$HOME/Yap/android-ndk-r9d elif test -d /scratch/vitor/android-ndk-r9d then export NDK_ROOT=/scratch/vitor/android-ndk-r9d fi # fetch GMP from https://github.com/Rupan/gmp, # or compile it. if test -d /scratch then export GMPDIR=/scratch/vitor/gmp-android else export GMPDIR="$HOME"/Yap/gmp-android fi #where I want to compile #export BUILDTOOLCHAIN="$HOME/Yap/my-android-toolchain" if test -d /scratch then export BUILDTOOLCHAIN="/scratch/vitor/my-android-toolchain" export BUILDDROID="/scratch/vitor/yap-android" else export BUILDTOOLCHAIN="$HOME/Yap/my-android-toolchain" export BUILDDROID="$HOME/Yap/bins/android" fi # which gcc to use GCC_VERSION=4.8 #======================================================== # should be fine #======================================================== export ANDROID_NDK_ROOT="$NDK_ROOT"/ export ANDROID_SYSROOT="$NDK_ROOT"/platforms/android-"$ANDROID_RELEASE"/arch-"$ANDROID_ARCH" # which platform to compile for ANDROID_PLATFORM=android-"$ANDROID_RELEASE" # which disk IMAGE="$ANDROID_IMAGE" export PATH="$BUILDTOOLCHAIN"/bin:"$NDK_ROOT":"$SDK_ROOT/tools":"$SDK_ROOT/platform-tools":$PATH echo $PATH if test -d "$BUILDTOOLCHAIN" then echo using the setup at "$BUILDTOOLCHAIN" else "$NDK_ROOT"/build/tools/make-standalone-toolchain.sh \ --platform="$ANDROID_PLATFORM" \ --toolchain="$ANDROID_ARCH"-"$ANDROID_BUILD"-androideabi-"$GCC_VERSION" \ --install-dir="$BUILDTOOLCHAIN" fi mkdir -p $BUILDDROID cd $BUILDDROID if test x$1 = xmake then make -j install rm -r packages/swig/android elif test x$1 = xenv then return 0 elif test x$1 = xeclipse then emulator -avd $IMAGE & "$ECLIPSE"eclipse & return 0 else EMS=`ps -ef | grep emulator64| grep -v grep` if test x"$EMS" = x then emulator -avd $IMAGE & fi rm -rf "$BUILDDROID"/* cd "$BUILDDROID" "$YAP_SRC"/configure --host="$ANDROID_ARCH"-"$ANDROID_BUILD"-androideabi --prefix=`pwd` --enable-low-level-tracer --enable-debug-yap --enable-dynamic-loading --with-swig --with-gmp=$GMPDIR --disable-chr #--enable-threads make depend make -j install fi cd packages/swig mkdir -p "$ANDROID_NDK_ROOT"/build/core/lib make android make install-android adb uninstall pt.up.fc.dcc.yap adb install android/bin/JavaYap-debug.apk