/************************************************************************* * * * YAP Prolog * * * * Yap Prolog was developed at NCCUP - Universidade do Porto * * * * Copyright L.Damas, V.S.Costa and Universidade do Porto 1985-1997 * * * ************************************************************************** * * * File: splay.yap * * Last rev: 5/12/99 * * mods: * * comments: Vijay Saraswat's implementation of Splay trees * * * *************************************************************************/ :- module(splay,[ splay_access/5, splay_insert/4, splay_del/3, splay_init/1, splay_join/3, splay_split/5]). % Date: Sun 22 Mar 87 03:40:22-EST % >From: vijay <Vijay.Saraswat@C.CS.CMU.EDU> % Subject: Splay trees in LP languages. % There have hardly been any interesting programs in this Digest for a % long while now. Here is something which may stir the slothful among % you! I present Prolog programs for implementing self-adjusting binary % search trees, using splaying. These programs should be among the most % efficient Prolog programs for maintaining binary search trees, with % dynamic insertion and deletion. % The algorithm is taken from: "Self-adjusting Binary Search Trees", % D.D. Sleator and R.E. Tarjan, JACM, vol. 32, No.3, July 1985, p. 668. % (See Tarjan's Turing Award lecture in this month's CACM for a more % informal introduction). % ----------------------------------------- % The operations provided by the program are: % 1. access(i,t): (implemented by the call access(V, I, T, New)) % "If item i is in tree t, return a pointer to its location; % otherwise return a pointer to the null node." % In our implementation, in the call access(V, I, T, New), % V is unifies with `null' if the item is not there, else % with `true' if it is there, in which case I is also % unified with that item. % 2. insert(i,t): (implemented by the call insert(I, T, New)) % "Insert item i in tree t, assuming that it is not there already." % (In our implementation, i is not inserted if it is already % there: rather it is unified with the item already in the tree.) % 3. delete(i,t): (implemented by the call del(I, T, New)) % "Delete item i from tree t, assuming that it is present." % (In our implementation, the call fails if the item is not in % the tree.) % 4. join(t1,t2): (Implemented by the call join(T1, T2, New)) % "Combine trees t1 and t2 into a single tree containing % all items from both trees, and return the resulting % tree. This operation assumes that all items in t1 are % less than all those in t2 and destroys both t1 and t2." % 5. split(i,t): (implemented by the call split(I, T, Left, Right)) % "Construct and return two trees t1 and t2, where t1 % contains all items in t less than i, and t2 contains all % items in t greater than i. This operations destroys t." % The basic workhorse is the routine bst(Op, Item, Tree, NewTree), which % returns in NewTree a binary search tree obtained by searching for Item % in Tree and splaying. OP controls what must happen if Item is not % found in the Tree. If Op = access(V), then V is unified with null if % the item is not found in the tree, and with true if it is; in the % latter case Item is also unified with the item found in the tree. In % the first case, splaying is done at the node at which the discovery % was made that Item was not in the tree, and in the second case % splaying is done at the node at which Item is found. If Op=insert, % then Item is inserted in the tree if it is not found, and splaying is % done at the new node; if the item is found, then splaying is done at % the node at which it is found. % A node is simply an n/3 structure: n(NodeValue, LeftSon, RightSon). % NodeValue could be as simple as an integer, or it could be a (Key, % Value) pair. % A node is simply an n/3 structure: n(NodeValue, LeftSon, RightSon). % NodeValue could be as simple as an integer, or it could be a (Key, % Value) pair. % Here are the top-level axioms. The algorithm for del/3 is the first % algorithm mentioned in the JACM paper: namely, first access the % element to be deleted, thus bringing it to the root, and then join its % sons. (join/4 is discussed later.) splay_access(V, Item, Val, Tree, NewTree):- bst(access(V), Item, Val, Tree, NewTree). splay_insert(Item, Val,Tree, NewTree):- bst(insert, Item, Val, Tree, NewTree). splay_del(Item, Tree, NewTree):- bst(access(true), Item, Val, Tree, n(Item, Val, Left, Right)), splay_join(Left, Right, NewTree). splay_join(Left, Right, New):- join(L-L, Left, Right, New). splay_split(Item, Val, Tree, Left, Right):- bst(access(true), Item, Val, Tree, n(Item, Val, Left, Right)). % We now consider the definition of bst. We use the notion of % `difference-bsts'. There are two types of difference-bsts, a left one % and a right one. The left one is of the form T-L where T is a bst and % L is the *right* son of the node with the largest value in T. The % right one is of the form T-R where T is a binary search tree and R is % the *left* son of the node with the smallest value in T. An empty bst % is denoted by a variable. Hence L-L denotes the empty left (as well as % right) difference bst. % As discussed in the JACM paper, we start with a notion of a left % fragment and a right fragment of the new bst to be constructed. % Intially, the two fragments are empty. bst(Op, Item, Val, Tree, NewTree):- bst(Op, Item, Val, L-L, Tree, R-R, NewTree). % We now consider the base cases. The empty tree is a variable: hence it % will unify with the atom null. (A non-empty tree is a n/3 structure, % which will not unify with null). If Item was being *access*ed, then it % was not found in the tree, and hence Null=null. On the other hand, if % the Item is found at the root, then the call terminates, with the New % Tree being set up appropriately. % The base clauses are: bst(access(Null), Item, _, L, null, R, Tree):- !, Null = null. bst(access(true), Item, Val, Left-A, n(Item0, Val0, A, B), Right-B, n(Item, Val, Left, Right)) :- Item == Item0, !, Val = Val0. bst(insert, Item, Val, Left-A, T, Right-B, n(Item0, Val, Left, Right)) :- (var(T) ; T = n(Item0, Val0, A, B), Item == Item0), !, Item = Item0. % We now consider the zig case, namely that we have reached a node such % that the required Item is either to the left of the current node and % the current node is a leaf, or the required item is the left son of % the current node. Depending upon the Op, the appropriate action is % taken: bst(access(Null), Item, _, Left-L, n(X, VX, null, B), Right-B, n(X, VX, Left, Right)) :- Item @< X, !, Null = null. bst(Op, Item, Val, Left, n(X, VX, n(Item, Val, A1, A2), B), R-n(X, VX, NR,B), New):- Item @< X, !, bst(Op, Item, Val, Left, n(Item, Val, A1, A2), R-NR, New). % The recursive cases are straightforward: % Zig-Zig: bst(Op, Item, Val, Left, n(X, VX, n(Y, VY, Z, B), C), R-n(Y, VY, NR, n(X, VX, B, C)), New):- Item @< X, Item @< Y, !, bst(Op, Item, Val, Left, Z, R-NR, New). % Zig-Zag: bst(Op, Item, Val, L-n(Y, VY, A, NL), n(X, VX, n(Y, VY, A, Z), C), R-n(X, NX, NR, C), New):- Item @< X, Y @< Item,!, bst(Op, Item, Val, L-NL, Z, R-NR, New). % The symmetric cases for the right sons of the current node % are straightforward too: % Zag bst(access(Null), Item, _, Left-B, n(X, VX, B, null), Right-R, n(X, VX, Left, Right)):- X @< Item, !, Null = null. % end of the road. bst(Op, Item, Val, L-n(X, VX, B, NL), n(X, VX, B, n(Item, Val, A1, A2)), Right, New):- X @< Item, !, bst(Op, Item, Val, L-NL, n(Item, Val, A1, A2), Right, New). % Zag-Zag bst(Op, Item, Val, L-n(Y, VY, n(X, VX, C, B), NL), n(X, VX, C, n(Y, VY, B, Z)), Right, New):- X @< Item, Y @<Item,!, bst(Op, Item, Val, L-NL, Z, Right, New). % Zag-Zig bst(Op, Item, Val, L-n(X, VX, A, NL), n(X, VX, A, n(Y, VY, Z, C)), R-n(Y, VY, NR, C), New):- X @< Item, Item @< Y,!, bst(Op, Item, Val, L-NL, Z, R-NR, New). % We now consider the definition of join. To join Left to Right, it is % sufficient to splay at the rightmost vertex in Left, and make Right % its Right son. To build NewTree, we initially start with an empty left join(Left-A, n(X, VX, A, var), Right, n(X, VX, Left, Right)):-!. join(Left-n(X, VX, A, B), n(X, VX, A, n(Y, VY, B, var)), Right, n(Y, VY, Left, Right)):- !. join(Left-n(Y, VY, n(X, VX, C, B), NL), n(X, VX, C, n(Y, VY, B, n(Z, VZ, A1, A2))), Right, New):- join(Left-NL, n(Z, VZ,A1, A2), Right, New). splay_init(_).