/* This category defines a predicate, interface/0, that prints an object interface, i.e. predicate names and the corresponding scope properties. We need to encapsulate the interface/0 predicate in a category instead of just defining it in a root object in order to be able to list private object predicates. */ :- category(interface). :- public(interface/0). :- mode(interface, one). interface :- forall( (::current_predicate(Functor/Arity), functor(Pred, Functor, Arity), Pred \= interface), (::predicate_property(Pred, Prop), scope_property(Prop), % we are only interested on scope properties writeq(Functor/Arity), write(' - '), writeq(Prop), nl)). scope_property(public). scope_property(protected). scope_property(private). :- end_category.