:- module(test_wizard, [ make_tests/3, % +Module, +File, +Out make_test/3 % +Callable, -Module, -Test ]). :- use_module(library(time)). :- use_module(library(lists)). :- use_module(library(listing)). :- use_module(library(readutil)). /** <module> Test Generation Wizard Tasks * Accumulate user queries * Suggest tests from user queries */ setting(max_time(5)). /******************************* * UNIT GENERATION * *******************************/ %% make_tests(+Module, +File, +Out) is det. % % Create tests from queries stored in File and write the tests for % Module to the stream Out. make_tests(Module, File, Out) :- read_file_to_terms(File, Queries, []), findall(Test, ( member(Q, Queries), make_test(Q, Module, Test)), Tests), ( Tests == [] -> true ; format(Out, ':- begin_tests(~q).~n~n', [Module]), maplist(portray_clause(Out), Tests), format(Out, '~n:- end_tests(~q).~n', [Module]) ). /******************************* * TEST GENERATION * *******************************/ %% make_test(+Query:callable, -Module, -Test:term) is det. % % Generate a test from a query. Test is returned as a clause of % test/1 or test/2 to be inserted between begin_tests and % end_tests. make_test(Query0, Module, (test(Name, Options) :- Query)) :- find_test_module(Query0, Module, Query), pred_name(Query, Name), setting(max_time(Max)), test_result(Module:Query, Max, Options). %% find_test_module(+QuerySpec, ?Module, -Query). % % Find module to test from a query. Note that it is very common % for toplevel usage to rely on SWI-Prolog's DWIM. % % @tbd What if multiple modules match? We can select the % local one or ask the user. find_test_module(Var, _, _) :- var(Var), !, fail. find_test_module(M:Query, M0, Query) :- !, M0 = M. find_test_module(Query, M, Query) :- current_predicate(_, M:Query), \+ predicate_property(M:Query, imported_from(_M2)). %% pred_name(+Callable, -Name) is det. % % Suggest a name for the test. In the plunit framework the name % needs not be unique, so we simply take the predicate name. pred_name(Callable, Name) :- strip_module(Callable, _, Term), functor(Term, Name, _Arity). %% test_result(+Callable, +Maxtime, -Result) is det. % % Try running goal and get meaningful results. Results are: % % * true(Templ == Var) % * fail % * all(Templ == Bindings) % * throws(Error) % * timeout test_result(Callable, Maxtime, Result) :- term_variables(Callable, Vars), make_template(Vars, Templ), catch(call_with_time_limit(Maxtime, findall(Templ-Det, call_test(Callable, Det), Bindings)), E, true), ( var(E) -> success(Bindings, Templ, Result) ; error(E, Result) ). %% success(+Bindings, +Templ, -Result) is det. % % Create test-results from non-error cases. success([], _, [fail]) :- !. success([[]-true], _, []) :- !. success([S1-true], Templ, [ true(Templ == S1) ]) :- !. success([[]-false], _, [ nondet ]) :- !. success([S1-false], Templ, [ true(Templ == S1), nondet ]) :- !. success(ListDet, Templ, [all(Templ == List)]) :- strip_det(ListDet, List). strip_det([], []). strip_det([H-_|T0], [H|T]) :- strip_det(T0, T). %% error(+ErrorTerm, -Result) error(Error0, [throws(Error)]) :- generalise_error(Error0, Error). generalise_error(error(Formal, _), error(Formal, _)) :- !. generalise_error(Term, Term). %% make_template(+Vars, -Template) is det. % % Make a nice looking template make_template([], []) :- !. make_template([One], One) :- !. make_template([One, Two], One-Two) :- !. make_template(List, Vars) :- Vars =.. [v|List]. %% call_test(:Goal, -Det) is nondet. % % True if Goal succeeded. Det is unified to =true= if Goal left % no choicepoints and =false= otherwise. call_test(Goal, Det) :- Goal, deterministic(Det). /******************************* * COLLECT * *******************************/ /* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Collect toplevel queries if the Prolog flag log_query_file points to the name of a writeable file. The file is opened in append-mode for exclusive write to allow for concurrent operation from multiple Prolog systems using the same logfile. The file is written in UTF-8 encoding and using ignore_ops(true) to ensure it can be read. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */ :- multifile user:message_hook/3. user:message_hook(toplevel_goal(Goal0, Bindings), _Level, _Lines) :- open_query_log(Out), bind_vars(Bindings), clean_goal(Goal0, Goal), call_cleanup(format(Out, '~W.~n', [Goal, [ numbervars(true), quoted(true), ignore_ops(true) ]]), close(Out)), fail. clean_goal(Var, _) :- var(Var), !, fail. clean_goal(user:Goal, Goal) :- !. clean_goal(Goal, Goal). bind_vars([]). bind_vars([Name=Var|T]) :- Var = '$VAR'(Name), bind_vars(T). open_query_log(Out) :- current_prolog_flag(log_query_file, File), exists_file(File), !, open(File, append, Out, [ encoding(utf8), lock(write) ]). open_query_log(Out) :- current_prolog_flag(log_query_file, File), access_file(File, write), !, open(File, write, Out, [ encoding(utf8), lock(write), bom(true) ]), format(Out, '/* SWI-Prolog query log. This file contains all syntactically\n \ correct queries issued in this directory. It is used by the\n \ test wizard to generate unit tests.\n\ */~n~n', []).