# # FindLibR.cmake # # Copyright (C) 2009-11 by RStudio, Inc. # # This program is licensed to you under the terms of version 3 of the # GNU Affero General Public License. This program is distributed WITHOUT # ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY, INCLUDING THOSE OF NON-INFRINGEMENT, # MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Please refer to the # AGPL (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.txt) for more details. # # # LIBR_FOUND # LIBR_HOME # LIBR_INCLUDE_DIRS # LIBR_DOC_DIR # LIBR_LIBRARIES # detection for OSX (look for R framework) if(APPLE) find_library(LIBR_LIBRARIES R) if(LIBR_LIBRARIES) set(LIBR_HOME "${LIBR_LIBRARIES}/Resources" CACHE PATH "R home directory") set(LIBR_INCLUDE_DIRS "${LIBR_HOME}/include" CACHE PATH "R include directory") set(LIBR_DOC_DIR "${LIBR_HOME}/doc" CACHE PATH "R doc directory") set(LIBR_EXECUTABLE "${LIBR_HOME}/R" CACHE PATH "R executable") endif() # detection for UNIX & Win32 else() # Find R executable and paths (UNIX) if(UNIX) # find executable find_program(LIBR_EXECUTABLE R) if(LIBR_EXECUTABLE-NOTFOUND) message(STATUS "Unable to locate R executable") endif() # ask R for the home path if(NOT LIBR_HOME) execute_process( COMMAND ${LIBR_EXECUTABLE} "--slave" "--vanilla" "-e" "cat(R.home())" OUTPUT_VARIABLE LIBR_HOME ) if(LIBR_HOME) set(LIBR_HOME ${LIBR_HOME} CACHE PATH "R home directory") endif() endif() # ask R for the include dir if(NOT LIBR_INCLUDE_DIRS) execute_process( COMMAND ${LIBR_EXECUTABLE} "--slave" "--no-save" "-e" "cat(R.home('include'))" OUTPUT_VARIABLE LIBR_INCLUDE_DIRS ) if(LIBR_INCLUDE_DIRS) set(LIBR_INCLUDE_DIRS ${LIBR_INCLUDE_DIRS} CACHE PATH "R include directory") endif() endif() # ask R for the doc dir if(NOT LIBR_DOC_DIR) execute_process( COMMAND ${LIBR_EXECUTABLE} "--slave" "--no-save" "-e" "cat(R.home('doc'))" OUTPUT_VARIABLE LIBR_DOC_DIR ) if(LIBR_DOC_DIR) set(LIBR_DOC_DIR ${LIBR_DOC_DIR} CACHE PATH "R doc directory") endif() endif() # ask R for the lib dir if(NOT LIBR_LIB_DIR) execute_process( COMMAND ${LIBR_EXECUTABLE} "--slave" "--no-save" "-e" "cat(R.home('lib'))" OUTPUT_VARIABLE LIBR_LIB_DIR ) endif() # Find R executable and paths (Win32) else() # find the home path if(NOT LIBR_HOME) # read home from the registry get_filename_component(LIBR_HOME "[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\R-core\\R;InstallPath]" ABSOLUTE CACHE) # print message if not found if(NOT LIBR_HOME) message(STATUS "Unable to locate R home (not written to registry)") endif() endif() # set other R paths based on home path set(LIBR_INCLUDE_DIRS "${LIBR_HOME}/include" CACHE PATH "R include directory") set(LIBR_DOC_DIR "${LIBR_HOME}/doc" CACHE PATH "R doc directory") # set library hint path based on whether we are doing a special session 64 build if(LIBR_FIND_WINDOWS_64BIT) set(LIBRARY_ARCH_HINT_PATH "${LIBR_HOME}/bin/x64") else() set(LIBRARY_ARCH_HINT_PATH "${LIBR_HOME}/bin/i386") endif() endif() # look for the R executable find_program(LIBR_EXECUTABLE R HINTS ${LIBRARY_ARCH_HINT_PATH} ${LIBR_HOME}/bin) if(LIBR_EXECUTABLE-NOTFOUND) message(STATUS "Unable to locate R executable") endif() # look for the core R library find_library(LIBR_CORE_LIBRARY NAMES R HINTS ${LIBR_LIB_DIR} ${LIBRARY_ARCH_HINT_PATH} ${LIBR_HOME}/bin) if(LIBR_CORE_LIBRARY) set(LIBR_LIBRARIES ${LIBR_CORE_LIBRARY}) else() message(STATUS "Could not find libR shared library.") endif() if(WIN32) # look for lapack find_library(LIBR_LAPACK_LIBRARY NAMES Rlapack HINTS ${LIBR_LIB_DIR} ${LIBRARY_ARCH_HINT_PATH} ${LIBR_HOME}/bin) if(LIBR_LAPACK_LIBRARY) set(LIBR_LIBRARIES ${LIBR_LIBRARIES} ${LIBR_LAPACK_LIBRARY}) if(UNIX) set(LIBR_LIBRARIES ${LIBR_LIBRARIES} gfortran) endif() endif() # look for blas find_library(LIBR_BLAS_LIBRARY NAMES Rblas HINTS ${LIBR_LIB_DIR} ${LIBRARY_ARCH_HINT_PATH} ${LIBR_HOME}/bin) if(LIBR_BLAS_LIBRARY) set(LIBR_LIBRARIES ${LIBR_LIBRARIES} ${LIBR_BLAS_LIBRARY}) endif() # look for rgraphapp find_library(LIBR_GRAPHAPP_LIBRARY NAMES Rgraphapp HINTS ${LIBR_LIB_DIR} ${LIBRARY_ARCH_HINT_PATH} ${LIBR_HOME}/bin) if(LIBR_GRAPHAPP_LIBRARY) set(LIBR_LIBRARIES ${LIBR_LIBRARIES} ${LIBR_GRAPHAPP_LIBRARY}) endif() endif() # cache LIBR_LIBRARIES if(LIBR_LIBRARIES) set(LIBR_LIBRARIES ${LIBR_LIBRARIES} CACHE PATH "R runtime libraries") endif() endif() # define find requirements include(FindPackageHandleStandardArgs) find_package_handle_standard_args(LibR DEFAULT_MSG LIBR_HOME LIBR_EXECUTABLE LIBR_INCLUDE_DIRS LIBR_LIBRARIES LIBR_DOC_DIR ) if(LIBR_FOUND) message(STATUS "Found R: ${LIBR_HOME}") endif() # mark low-level variables from FIND_* calls as advanced mark_as_advanced( LIBR_CORE_LIBRARY LIBR_LAPACK_LIBRARY LIBR_BLAS_LIBRARY )