set (MPI_YAP_SOURCES hash.c prologterms2c.c yap_mpi.c) macro_optional_find_package(MPI ON) if (MPI_FOUND) if (MPI_C_FOUND) # === Variables === # # This module will set the following variables per language in your # project, where <lang> is one of C, CXX, or Fortran: # # :: # # MPI_<lang>_FOUND TRUE if FindMPI found MPI flags for <lang> # MPI_<lang>_COMPILER MPI Compiler wrapper for <lang> # MPI_<lang>_COMPILE_FLAGS Compilation flags for MPI programs # MPI_<lang>_INCLUDE_PATH Include path(s) for MPI header # MPI_<lang>_LINK_FLAGS Linking flags for MPI programs # MPI_<lang>_LIBRARIES All libraries to link MPI programs against # # Additionally, FindMPI sets the following variables for running MPI # programs from the command line: # # :: # # MPIEXEC Executable for running MPI programs # MPIEXEC_NUMPROC_FLAG Flag to pass to MPIEXEC before giving # it the number of processors to run on # MPIEXEC_PREFLAGS Flags to pass to MPIEXEC directly # before the executable to run. # MPIEXEC_POSTFLAGS Flags to pass to MPIEXEC after other flags # # === Usage === # # To use this module, simply call FindMPI from a CMakeLists.txt file, or # run find_package(MPI), then run CMake. If you are happy with the # auto- detected configuration for your language, then you're done. If # not, you have two options: # # :: # # 1. Set MPI_<lang>_COMPILER to the MPI wrapper (mpicc, etc.) of your # choice and reconfigure. FindMPI will attempt to determine all the # necessary variables using THAT compiler's compile and link flags. # 2. If this fails, or if your MPI implementation does not come with # a compiler wrapper, then set both MPI_<lang>_LIBRARIES and # MPI_<lang>_INCLUDE_PATH. You may also set any other variables # listed above, but these two are required. This will circumvent # autodetection entirely. # # When configuration is successful, MPI_<lang>_COMPILER will be set to # the compiler wrapper for <lang>, if it was found. MPI_<lang>_FOUND # and other variables above will be set if any MPI implementation was # found for <lang>, regardless of whether a compiler was found. # # When using MPIEXEC to execute MPI applications, you should typically # use all of the MPIEXEC flags as follows: # # :: # # ${MPIEXEC} ${MPIEXEC_NUMPROC_FLAG} PROCS # ${MPIEXEC_PREFLAGS} EXECUTABLE ${MPIEXEC_POSTFLAGS} ARGS # # where PROCS is the number of processors on which to execute the # program, EXECUTABLE is the MPI program, and ARGS are the arguments to # pass to the MPI program. # add_library(yap_mpi ${MPI_YAP_SOURCES}) target_link_libraries(yap_mpi libYap ${MPI_C_LIBRARIES}) include_directories( ${MPI_C_INCLUDE_PATH} ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}) set_property( DIRECTORY APPEND PROPERTY COMPILE_DEFINITIONS HAVE_MPI_H=1) target_compile_options(yap_mpi PUBLIC ${MPI_C_COMPILE_FLAGS}) install(TARGETS yap_mpi RUNTIME DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_BINDIR} LIBRARY DESTINATION ${YAP_INSTALL_LIBDIR} ARCHIVE DESTINATION ${YAP_INSTALL_LIBDIR} ) endif (MPI_C_FOUND) endif (MPI_FOUND)