================================================================= Logtalk - Object oriented extension to Prolog Release 2.22.2 Copyright (c) 1998-2004 Paulo Moura. All Rights Reserved. ================================================================= % start by loading the example: | ?- logtalk_load(dcgs(loader)). ... % DCG rules implementing a simple calculator: | ?- calculator::parse("1+2-3*4", Result). Result = -9 yes % recognizing gramatically correct sentences: | ?- sentence::parse([the, girl, likes, the, boy], Result). Result = true yes | ?- sentence::parse([the, girl, scares, the, boy], Result). Result = false yes % generating parse trees for sentences: | ?- parsetree::parse([the, girl, likes, the, boy], Tree). Tree = s(np(d(the), n(girl)), vp(v(likes), np(d(the), n(boy)))) yes % bill of materials example: | ?- bom::parts(bike, L). L = [frame, crank, pedal, pedal, chain, spokes, rim, hub, spokes, rim, hub] yes | ?- bom::parts(wheel, L). L = [spokes, rim, hub] yes % parsing command-line shell input: | ?- shell::parse("pwd; cd ..; ls -a", L). L = [pwd,'cd ..','ls -a'] ? yes % walker movements: | ?- walker::walk([n(5), e(4), s(2), nw(8), s(5), se(1), n(4)], Ending). Ending = -0.94974746830583223,6.9497474683058318 ? yes % conversion between compound terms and XML: | ?- xml::convert(word(child, children), word(singular, plural), XML). XML = '<word><singular>child</singular><plural>children</plural></word>' yes | ?- xml::convert(Term, Interpretation, '<word><singular>child</singular><plural>children</plural></word>'). Term = word(child, children) Interpretation = word(singular, plural) yes % parsing URLs: | ?- url::parse("http://www.logtalk.org", Components). Components = [protocol(http), address([www, logtalk, org]), path([]), file('')] yes | ?- url::parse("http://www.logtalk.org/", Components). Components = [protocol(http), address([www, logtalk, org]), path(['']), file('')] yes | ?- url::parse("http://www.logtalk.org/cvs", Components). Components = [protocol(http), address([www, logtalk, org]), path([cvs]), file('')] yes | ?- url::parse("http://www.logtalk.org/cvs.html", Components). Components = [protocol(http), address([www, logtalk, org]), path([]), file('cvs.html')] yes | ?- url::parse("", Components). Components = [protocol(http), address([193, 136, 64, 5]), path([files, update]), file('')] yes % command language example: | ?- faa::main. Fly Amzi! Air enter command> list flights aa101 aa102 aa103 enter command> book elana aa102 enter command> book tom aa102 enter command> list passengers aa102 elana tom enter command> exit yes % double bypass using the {}/1 control constructs of grammar rules and Logtalk: | ?- bypass::phrase(foo, _, _). bar predicate called yes % run the Logtalk DCG translator on the test cases: | ?- dcgtest::run. ...