/* $Id$ Part of SWI-Prolog Author: Jan Wielemaker E-mail: J.Wielemaker@uva.nl WWW: http://www.swi-prolog.org Copyright (C): 1985-2009, University of Amsterdam This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA As a special exception, if you link this library with other files, compiled with a Free Software compiler, to produce an executable, this library does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License. This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. */ :- module(json, [ json_read/2, % +Stream, -JSONTerm json_read/3, % +Stream, -JSONTerm, +Options atom_json_term/3, % ?Atom, ?JSONTerm, +Options json_write/2, % +Stream, +Term json_write/3, % +Stream, +Term, +Options is_json_term/1, % @Term is_json_term/2 % @Term, +Options ]). :- use_module(library(record)). :- use_module(library(memfile)). :- use_module(library(error)). :- use_module(library(option)). :- use_foreign_library(foreign(json)). /** Reading and writing JSON serialization This module supports reading and writing JSON objects. The canonical Prolog representation for a JSON value is defined as: * A JSON object is mapped to a term json(NameValueList), where NameValueList is a list of Name=Value. Name is an atom created from the JSON string. * A JSON array is mapped to a Prolog list of JSON values. * A JSON string is mapped to a Prolog atom * A JSON number is mapped to a Prolog number * The JSON constants =true= and =false= are mapped -like JPL- to @(true) and @(false). * The JSON constant =null= is mapped to the Prolog term @(null) Here is a complete example in JSON and its corresponding Prolog term. == { "name":"Demo term", "created": { "day":null, "month":"December", "year":2007 }, "confirmed":true, "members":[1,2,3] } == == json([ name='Demo term', created=json([day= @null, month='December', year=2007]), confirmed= @true, members=[1, 2, 3] ]) == @author Jan Wielemaker @see http_json.pl links JSON to the HTTP client and server modules. @see json_convert.pl converts JSON Prolog terms to more comfortable terms. */ :- record json_options(null:ground = @(null), true:ground = @(true), false:ground = @(false), value_string_as:oneof([atom,string]) = atom). /******************************* * MAP * *******************************/ %% atom_json_term(+Atom, -JSONTerm, +Options) is det. %% atom_json_term(-Text, +JSONTerm, +Options) is det. % % Convert between textual representation and a JSON term. In % _write_ mode, the option as(Type) defines the output type, which % is one of =atom=, =string= or =codes=. atom_json_term(Atom, Term, Options) :- ground(Atom), !, atom_to_memory_file(Atom, MF), open_memory_file(MF, read, In), call_cleanup(json_read(In, Term, Options), ( close(In), free_memory_file(MF))). atom_json_term(Result, Term, Options) :- select_option(as(Type), Options, Options1), ( type_term(Type, Result, Out) -> true ; must_be(oneof([atom,string,codes]), Type) ), with_output_to(Out, json_write(current_output, Term, Options1)). type_term(atom, Result, atom(Result)). type_term(string, Result, string(Result)). type_term(codes, Result, codes(Result)). /******************************* * READING * *******************************/ %% json_read(+Stream, -Term) is det. %% json_read(+Stream, -Term, +Options) is det. % % Read next JSON value from Stream into a Prolog term. Options % are: % % * null(NullTerm) % Term used to represent JSON =null=. Default @(null) % * true(TrueTerm) % Term used to represent JSON =true=. Default @(true) % * false(FalsTerm) % Term used to represent JSON =false=. Default @(false) % * value_string_as(Type) % Prolog type used for strings used as value. Default % is =atom=. The alternative is =string=, producing a % packed string object. Please note that =codes= or % =chars= would produce ambiguous output and is therefore % not supported. json_read(Stream, Term) :- default_json_options(Options), json_value(Stream, Term, _, Options). json_read(Stream, Term, Options) :- make_json_options(Options, OptionTerm, _RestOptions), json_value(Stream, Term, _, OptionTerm). json_value(Stream, Term, Next, Options) :- get_code(Stream, C0), ws(C0, Stream, C1), json_term(C1, Stream, Term, Next, Options). json_term(0'{, Stream, json(Pairs), Next, Options) :- !, ws(Stream, C), json_pairs(C, Stream, Pairs, Options), get_code(Stream, Next). json_term(0'[, Stream, Array, Next, Options) :- !, ws(Stream, C), json_array(C, Stream, Array, Options), get_code(Stream, Next). json_term(0'", Stream, String, Next, Options) :- !, get_code(Stream, C1), json_string_codes(C1, Stream, Codes), json_options_value_string_as(Options, Type), codes_to_type(Type, Codes, String), get_code(Stream, Next). json_term(0'-, Stream, Number, Next, _Options) :- !, json_number_codes(Stream, Codes, Next), number_codes(Number, [0'-|Codes]). json_term(D, Stream, Number, Next, _Options) :- between(0'0, 0'9, D), !, json_number_codes(Stream, Codes, Next), number_codes(Number, [D|Codes]). json_term(C, Stream, Constant, Next, Options) :- get_code(Stream, C1), json_identifier_codes(C1, Stream, Codes, Next), atom_codes(ID, [C|Codes]), json_constant(ID, Constant, Options). json_pairs(0'}, _, [], _) :- !. json_pairs(C0, Stream, [Pair|Tail], Options) :- json_pair(C0, Stream, Pair, C, Options), ws(C, Stream, Next), ( Next == 0', -> ws(Stream, C2), json_pairs(C2, Stream, Tail, Options) ; Next == 0'} -> Tail = [] ; syntax_error(illegal_object, Stream) ). json_pair(C0, Stream, Name=Value, Next, Options) :- json_string_as_atom(C0, Stream, Name), ws(Stream, C), C == 0':, json_value(Stream, Value, Next, Options). json_array(0'], _, [], _) :- !. json_array(C0, Stream, [Value|Tail], Options) :- json_term(C0, Stream, Value, C, Options), ws(C, Stream, Next), ( Next == 0', -> ws(Stream, C1), json_array(C1, Stream, Tail, Options) ; Next == 0'] -> Tail = [] ). codes_to_type(atom, Codes, Atom) :- atom_codes(Atom, Codes). codes_to_type(string, Codes, Atom) :- string_to_list(Atom, Codes). codes_to_type(codes, Codes, Codes). json_string_as_atom(0'", Stream, Atom) :- get_code(Stream, C1), json_string_codes(C1, Stream, Codes), atom_codes(Atom, Codes). json_string_codes(0'", _, []) :- !. json_string_codes(0'\\, Stream, [H|T]) :- !, get_code(Stream, C0), ( escape(C0, Stream, H) -> true ; syntax_error(illegal_string_escape, Stream) ), get_code(Stream, C1), json_string_codes(C1, Stream, T). json_string_codes(C, Stream, [C|T]) :- get_code(Stream, C1), json_string_codes(C1, Stream, T). escape(0'", _, 0'") :- !. escape(0'\\, _, 0'\\) :- !. escape(0'/, _, 0'/) :- !. escape(0'b, _, 0'\b) :- !. escape(0'f, _, 0'\f) :- !. escape(0'n, _, 0'\n) :- !. escape(0'r, _, 0'\r) :- !. escape(0't, _, 0'\t) :- !. escape(0'u, Stream, C) :- !, get_code(Stream, C1), get_code(Stream, C2), get_code(Stream, C3), get_code(Stream, C4), code_type(C1, xdigit(D1)), code_type(C2, xdigit(D2)), code_type(C3, xdigit(D3)), code_type(C4, xdigit(D4)), C is D1<<12+D2<<8+D3<<4+D4. json_number_codes(Stream, Codes, Next) :- get_code(Stream, C1), json_number_codes(C1, Stream, Codes, Next). json_number_codes(C1, Stream, [C1|Codes], Next) :- number_code(C1), !, get_code(Stream, C2), json_number_codes(C2, Stream, Codes, Next). json_number_codes(C, _, [], C). number_code(C) :- between(0'0, 0'9, C), !. number_code(0'.). number_code(0'-). number_code(0'e). number_code(0'E). json_identifier_codes(C1, Stream, [C1|T], Next) :- between(0'a, 0'z, C1), !, get_code(Stream, C2), json_identifier_codes(C2, Stream, T, Next). json_identifier_codes(C, _, [], C). json_constant(true, Constant, Options) :- !, json_options_true(Options, Constant). json_constant(false, Constant, Options) :- !, json_options_false(Options, Constant). json_constant(null, Constant, Options) :- !, json_options_null(Options, Constant). %% ws(+Stream, -Next) is det. %% ws(+C0, +Stream, -Next) % % Skip white space on the Stream, returning the first non-ws % character. Also skips =|//|= ... comments. ws(Stream, Next) :- get_code(Stream, C0), ws(C0, Stream, Next). ws(C0, Stream, C) :- ws(C0), !, get_code(Stream, C1), ws(C1, Stream, C). ws(0'/, Stream, C) :- !, get_code(Stream, Cmt1), !, expect(Cmt1, 0'/, Stream), skip(Stream, 0'\n), get_code(Stream, C). ws(C, _, C). ws(0' ). ws(0'\t). ws(0'\n). ws(0'\r). expect(C, C, _) :- !. expect(_, 0'/, Stream) :- !, syntax_error(illegal_comment, Stream). syntax_error(Message, Stream) :- stream_error_context(Stream, Context), throw(error(syntax_error(json(Message)), Context)). stream_error_context(Stream, stream(Stream, Line, LinePos, CharNo)) :- character_count(Stream, CharNo), line_position(Stream, LinePos), line_count(Stream, Line). /******************************* * JSON OUTPUT * *******************************/ %% json_write_string(+Stream, +Text) is det. % % Write a JSON string to Stream. Stream must be opened in a % Unicode capable encoding, typically UTF-8. % foreign json_write_string/2. %% json_write_indent(+Stream, +Indent, +TabDistance) is det. % % Newline and indent to Indent. A Newline is only written if % line_position(Stream, Pos) is not 0. Then it writes Indent // % TabDistance tab characters and Indent mode TabDistance spaces. % foreign json_write_indent/3. %% json_write(+Stream, +Term) is det. %% json_write(+Stream, +Term, +Options) is det. % % Write a JSON term to Stream. The JSON object is of the same % format as produced by json_read/2, though we allow for some more % flexibility with regard to pairs in objects. All of Name=Value, % Name-Value and Name(Value) produce the same output. In addition % to the options recognised by json_read/3, we process the % following options are recognised: % % * width(+Width) % Width in which we try to format the result. Too long lines % switch from _horizontal_ to _vertical_ layout for better % readability. If performance is critical and human % readability is not an issue use Width = 0, which causes a % single-line output. % % * step(+Step) % Indentation increnment for next level. Default is 2. % % * tab(+TabDistance) % Distance between tab-stops. If equal to Step, layout % is generated with one tab per level. :- record json_write_state(indent:nonneg = 0, step:positive_integer = 2, tab:positive_integer = 8, width:nonneg = 72). json_write(Stream, Term) :- json_write(Stream, Term, []). json_write(Stream, Term, Options) :- make_json_write_state(Options, State, Options1), make_json_options(Options1, OptionTerm, _RestOptions), json_write_term(Term, Stream, State, OptionTerm). json_write_term(Var, _, _, _) :- var(Var), !, instantiation_error(Var). json_write_term(json(Pairs), Stream, State, Options) :- !, space_if_not_at_left_margin(Stream), write(Stream, '{'), ( json_write_state_width(State, Width), ( Width == 0 -> true ; json_write_state_indent(State, Indent), json_print_length(json(Pairs), Options, Width, Indent, _) ) -> set_width_of_json_write_state(0, State, State2), write_pairs_hor(Pairs, Stream, State2, Options), write(Stream, '}') ; step_indent(State, State2), write_pairs_ver(Pairs, Stream, State2, Options), indent(Stream, State), write(Stream, '}') ). json_write_term(List, Stream, State, Options) :- is_list(List), !, space_if_not_at_left_margin(Stream), write(Stream, '['), ( json_write_state_width(State, Width), ( Width == 0 -> true ; json_write_state_indent(State, Indent), json_print_length(List, Options, Width, Indent, _) ) -> set_width_of_json_write_state(0, State, State2), write_array_hor(List, Stream, State2, Options), write(Stream, ']') ; step_indent(State, State2), write_array_ver(List, Stream, State2, Options), indent(Stream, State), write(Stream, ']') ). json_write_term(Number, Stream, _State, _Options) :- number(Number), !, write(Stream, Number). json_write_term(True, Stream, _State, Options) :- json_options_true(Options, True), !, write(Stream, true). json_write_term(False, Stream, _State, Options) :- json_options_false(Options, False), !, write(Stream, false). json_write_term(Null, Stream, _State, Options) :- json_options_null(Options, Null), !, write(Stream, null). json_write_term(String, Stream, _State, _Options) :- json_write_string(Stream, String). write_pairs_hor([], _, _, _). write_pairs_hor([H|T], Stream, State, Options) :- json_pair(H, Name, Value), json_write_string(Stream, Name), write(Stream, ':'), json_write_term(Value, Stream, State, Options), ( T == [] -> true ; write(Stream, ', '), write_pairs_hor(T, Stream, State, Options) ). write_pairs_ver([], _, _, _). write_pairs_ver([H|T], Stream, State, Options) :- indent(Stream, State), json_pair(H, Name, Value), json_write_string(Stream, Name), write(Stream, ':'), json_write_term(Value, Stream, State, Options), ( T == [] -> true ; write(Stream, ','), write_pairs_ver(T, Stream, State, Options) ). json_pair(Var, _, _) :- var(Var), !, instantiation_error(Var). json_pair(Name=Value, Name, Value) :- !. json_pair(Name-Value, Name, Value) :- !. json_pair(NameValue, Name, Value) :- compound(NameValue), NameValue =.. [Name, Value], !. json_pair(Pair, _, _) :- type_error(json_pair, Pair). write_array_hor([], _, _, _). write_array_hor([H|T], Stream, State, Options) :- json_write_term(H, Stream, State, Options), ( T == [] -> true ; write(Stream, ', '), write_array_hor(T, Stream, State, Options) ). write_array_ver([], _, _, _). write_array_ver([H|T], Stream, State, Options) :- indent(Stream, State), json_write_term(H, Stream, State, Options), ( T == [] -> true ; write(Stream, ','), write_array_ver(T, Stream, State, Options) ). indent(Stream, State) :- json_write_state_indent(State, Indent), json_write_state_tab(State, Tab), json_write_indent(Stream, Indent, Tab). step_indent(State0, State) :- json_write_state_indent(State0, Indent), json_write_state_step(State0, Step), NewIndent is Indent+Step, set_indent_of_json_write_state(NewIndent, State0, State). space_if_not_at_left_margin(Stream) :- line_position(Stream, 0), !. space_if_not_at_left_margin(Stream) :- put_char(Stream, ' '). %% json_print_length(+Value, +Options, +Max, +Len0, +Len) is semidet. % % True if Len-Len0 is the print-length of Value on a single line % and Len-Len0 =< Max. % % @tbd Escape sequences in strings are not considered. json_print_length(json(Pairs), Options, Max, Len0, Len) :- !, Len1 is Len0 + 2, Len1 =< Max, pairs_print_length(Pairs, Options, Max, Len1, Len). json_print_length(Array, Options, Max, Len0, Len) :- is_list(Array), !, Len1 is Len0 + 2, Len1 =< Max, array_print_length(Array, Options, Max, Len1, Len). json_print_length(Null, Options, Max, Len0, Len) :- json_options_null(Options, Null), !, Len is Len0 + 4, Len =< Max. json_print_length(False, Options, Max, Len0, Len) :- json_options_false(Options, False), !, Len is Len0 + 5, Len =< Max. json_print_length(True, Options, Max, Len0, Len) :- json_options_true(Options, True), !, Len is Len0 + 4, Len =< Max. json_print_length(Number, _Options, Max, Len0, Len) :- number(Number), !, atom_length(Number, AL), Len is Len0 + AL, Len =< Max. json_print_length(@(Id), _Options, Max, Len0, Len) :- !, atom_length(Id, IdLen), Len is Len0+IdLen, Len =< Max. json_print_length(String, _Options, Max, Len0, Len) :- string_len(String, Len0, Len), Len =< Max. pairs_print_length([], _, _, Len, Len). pairs_print_length([H|T], Options, Max, Len0, Len) :- pair_len(H, Options, Max, Len0, Len1), ( T == [] -> Len = Len1 ; Len2 is Len1 + 2, Len2 =< Max, pairs_print_length(T, Options, Max, Len2, Len) ). pair_len(Name=Value, Options, Max, Len0, Len) :- string_len(Name, Len0, Len1), Len2 is Len1+2, Len2 =< Max, json_print_length(Value, Options, Max, Len2, Len). array_print_length([], _, _, Len, Len). array_print_length([H|T], Options, Max, Len0, Len) :- json_print_length(H, Options, Max, Len0, Len1), ( T == [] -> Len = Len1 ; Len2 is Len1+2, Len2 =< Max, array_print_length(T, Options, Max, Len2, Len) ). string_len(String, Len0, Len) :- atom_length(String, AL), Len is Len0 + AL + 2. /******************************* * TEST * *******************************/ %% is_json_term(@Term) is semidet. %% is_json_term(@Term, +Options) is semidet. % % True if Term is a json term. Options are the same as for % json_read/2, defining the Prolog representation for the JSON % =true=, =false= and =null= constants. is_json_term(Term) :- default_json_options(Options), is_json_term2(Options, Term). is_json_term(Term, Options) :- make_json_options(Options, OptionTerm, _RestOptions), is_json_term2(OptionTerm, Term). is_json_term2(_, Var) :- var(Var), !, fail. is_json_term2(Options, json(Pairs)) :- !, is_list(Pairs), maplist(is_json_pair(Options), Pairs). is_json_term2(Options, List) :- is_list(List), !, maplist(is_json_term2(Options), List). is_json_term2(_, Primitive) :- atomic(Primitive), !. % atom, string or number is_json_term2(Options, True) :- json_options_true(Options, True). is_json_term2(Options, False) :- json_options_false(Options, False). is_json_term2(Options, Null) :- json_options_null(Options, Null). is_json_pair(_, Var) :- var(Var), !, fail. is_json_pair(Options, Name=Value) :- atom(Name), is_json_term2(Options, Value). /******************************* * MESSAGES * *******************************/ :- multifile prolog:error_message/3. prolog:error_message(syntax_error(json(Id))) --> [ 'JSON syntax error: ' ], json_syntax_error(Id). json_syntax_error(illegal_comment) --> [ 'Illegal comment' ]. json_syntax_error(illegal_string_escape) --> [ 'Illegal escape sequence in string' ].