# Copyright (C) 2012 - 2013 by Pedro Mendes, Virginia Tech Intellectual # Properties, Inc., University of Heidelberg, and The University # of Manchester. # All rights reserved. # - Try to find the Raptor RDF parsing library (http://librdf.org/raptor/) # Once done this will define # # RAPTOR_FOUND - system has Raptor # RAPTOR_LIBRARIES - Link these to use Raptor # RAPTOR_INCLUDE_DIR - Include directory for using Raptor # RAPTOR_DEFINITIONS - Compiler switches required for using Raptor # # Capabilities # RAPTOR_HAVE_TRIG - Set if raptor has TRIG # (c) 2007-2011 Sebastian Trueg # (c) 2011 Artem Serebriyskiy # (c) 2011 Michael Jansen # # Based on FindFontconfig Copyright (c) 2006,2007 Laurent Montel, # # Redistribution and use is allowed according to the terms of the BSD license. # For details see the accompanying COPYING-CMAKE-SCRIPTS file. MACRO (FIND_RAPTOR) ENDMACRO () # Check if we have cached results in case the last round was successful. if (NOT (RAPTOR_INCLUDE_DIR AND RAPTOR_LIBRARIES) OR NOT RAPTOR_FOUND) set(RAPTOR_LDFLAGS) find_path(RAPTOR_INCLUDE_DIR raptor.h PATHS $ENV{RAPTOR_DIR}/include $ENV{RAPTOR_DIR} ~/Library/Frameworks /Library/Frameworks /sw/include # Fink /opt/local/include # MacPorts /opt/csw/include # Blastwave /opt/include /usr/freeware/include NO_DEFAULT_PATH) if (NOT RAPTOR_INCLUDE_DIR) find_path(RAPTOR_INCLUDE_DIR raptor.h) endif () find_library(RAPTOR_LIBRARY NAMES raptor PATHS $ENV{RAPTOR_DIR}/lib $ENV{RAPTOR_DIR}/lib-dbg $ENV{RAPTOR_DIR} ~/Library/Frameworks /Library/Frameworks /sw/lib # Fink /opt/local/lib # MacPorts /opt/csw/lib # Blastwave /opt/lib /usr/freeware/lib64 NO_DEFAULT_PATH) if (NOT RAPTOR_LIBRARY) find_library(RAPTOR_LIBRARY NAMES raptor) endif () if (NOT WIN32) find_package(PkgConfig) pkg_check_modules(PC_RAPTOR QUIET raptor) if (PC_RAPTOR_FOUND) set(RAPTOR_DEFINITIONS ${PC_RAPTOR_CFLAGS_OTHER}) set(RAPTOR_VERSION ${PC_RAPTOR_VERSION} CACHE STRING "Raptor Version found" ) string( REGEX REPLACE "^.*-lraptor;" "" RAPTOR_LDFLAGS "${PC_RAPTOR_STATIC_LDFLAGS}") string( REGEX REPLACE "-lexpat[;]*" "" RAPTOR_LDFLAGS "${RAPTOR_LDFLAGS}") endif (PC_RAPTOR_FOUND) endif (NOT WIN32) if (RAPTOR_LDFLAGS) set(RAPTOR_LIBRARY ${RAPTOR_LIBRARY} ${RAPTOR_LDFLAGS}) endif (RAPTOR_LDFLAGS) mark_as_advanced(RAPTOR_INCLUDE_DIR RAPTOR_LIBRARY) endif () # Check for cached values include(FindPackageHandleStandardArgs) find_package_handle_standard_args( Raptor VERSION_VAR RAPTOR_VERSION REQUIRED_VARS RAPTOR_LIBRARY RAPTOR_INCLUDE_DIR) mark_as_advanced(RAPTOR_VERSION) if (NOT RAPTOR_FOUND AND Raptor_FIND_VERSION_MAJOR EQUAL "2" AND NOT Raptor_FIND_QUIET ) pkg_check_modules(PC_RAPTOR QUIET raptor) if (PC_RAPTOR_FOUND) message( STATUS "You have raptor1 version ${PC_RAPTOR_VERSION} installed. Please update." ) endif () endif ()