#CHECK: CUDA macro_optional_find_package (CUDA ON) macro_log_feature (CUDA_FOUND "CUDA" "CUDA GGPU Programming " "http://www.r.org" FALSE) if (CUDA_FOUND) # CUDA_VERSION_MAJOR -- The major version of cuda as reported by nvcc. # CUDA_VERSION_MINOR -- The minor version. # CUDA_VERSION # CUDA_VERSION_STRING -- CUDA_VERSION_MAJOR.CUDA_VERSION_MINOR # # CUDA_TOOLKIT_ROOT_DIR -- Path to the CUDA Toolkit (defined if not set). # CUDA_SDK_ROOT_DIR -- Path to the CUDA SDK. Use this to find files in the # SDK. This script will not directly support finding # specific libraries or headers, as that isn't # supported by NVIDIA. If you want to change # libraries when the path changes see the # FindCUDA.cmake script for an example of how to clear # these variables. There are also examples of how to # use the CUDA_SDK_ROOT_DIR to locate headers or # libraries, if you so choose (at your own risk). # CUDA_INCLUDE_DIRS -- Include directory for cuda headers. Added automatically # for CUDA_ADD_EXECUTABLE and CUDA_ADD_LIBRARY. # CUDA_LIBRARIES -- Cuda RT library. # CUDA_CUFFT_LIBRARIES -- Device or emulation library for the Cuda FFT # implementation (alternative to: # CUDA_ADD_CUFFT_TO_TARGET macro) # CUDA_CUBLAS_LIBRARIES -- Device or emulation library for the Cuda BLAS # implementation (alterative to: # CUDA_ADD_CUBLAS_TO_TARGET macro). # CUDA_cupti_LIBRARY -- CUDA Profiling Tools Interface library. # Only available for CUDA version 4.0+. # CUDA_curand_LIBRARY -- CUDA Random Number Generation library. # Only available for CUDA version 3.2+. # CUDA_cusparse_LIBRARY -- CUDA Sparse Matrix library. # Only available for CUDA version 3.2+. # CUDA_npp_LIBRARY -- NVIDIA Performance Primitives lib. # Only available for CUDA version 4.0+. # CUDA_nppc_LIBRARY -- NVIDIA Performance Primitives lib (core). # Only available for CUDA version 5.5+. # CUDA_nppi_LIBRARY -- NVIDIA Performance Primitives lib (image processing). # Only available for CUDA version 5.5+. # CUDA_npps_LIBRARY -- NVIDIA Performance Primitives lib (signal processing). # Only available for CUDA version 5.5+. # CUDA_nvcuvenc_LIBRARY -- CUDA Video Encoder library. # Only available for CUDA version 3.2+. # Windows only. # CUDA_nvcuvid_LIBRARY -- CUDA Video Decoder library. # Only available for CUDA version 3.2+. # Windows only. endif (CUDA_FOUND)