/* persistence.yap - make assertions and retracts persistent Copyright (C) 2006, Christian Thaeter <chth@gmx.net> This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, contact me. */ :- module(persistence, [ persistent_open/3, persistent_close/1, persistent_assert/1, persistent_retract/1 ]). :- use_module(library(system),[]). :- dynamic(persistent_desc/2). /* persistent_open(PredDesc, File, Opts). declare Module:Functor/Arity (Functor/Arity) to be persistent stored in File's (*.db *.log *log.$PID *.lock *.bak) Opts are: db - use dbfile (flat file containing all persistent predicates) log - use logfile (logfile with either +(Term) for asserts and -(Term) for retracts) bak - make backupfiles when regenerating the dbfile sync - flush data always ro - readonly, can load locked files, never changes data on disk wo - (planned) writeonly, implies [log], data is only written to the log and not asserted into prolog, the database will not be loaded at persistent_open. conc - (planned) concurrency, extends the locking for multiple readers/single writer locks trans - (planned) support for transactions (begin/commit/abort) Guides: - if the data mutates a lot, use [db,log]. - if you mostly append data [log] suffices. - if the data is not important (can be regenerated) and mostly readonly then [db] is ok. - when using only [db] you must not forget to persistent_close! - for extra security against failures add [bak,sync]. - don't use [bak] if you need to conserve disk space and the database is huge. - don't use [sync] if you need very fast writes. - turning all on [db,log,bak,sync] is probably the best, if you are undecided. - [ro,db] loads only the last saved db file. - [ro,log] loads the last saved db file if it exists and replays the log. - note that [ro] will fail if the db is not intact (.bak file present). (planned features) - [wo] is very limited and only useful if you want to log data to a file - [wo,db] will replay the log at close - [conc] is useful for shareing data between prolog processes, but this is not a high performance solution. - [trans] can improve performance of concurrent access somewhat */ persistent_open(PredDesc, File, Opts) :- module_goal(PredDesc, Module:Functor/Arity), atom(Functor), integer(Arity), atom(File), \+ persistent_desc(Module:Functor/Arity,_), atom_concat(File,'.db',DBfile), assertz(persistent_desc(Module:Functor/Arity,dbfile(DBfile))), atom_concat(File,'.bak',Backupfile), assertz(persistent_desc(Module:Functor/Arity,backupfile(Backupfile))), atom_concat(File,'.log',Logfile), assertz(persistent_desc(Module:Functor/Arity,logfile(Logfile))), system:pid(Pid), assertz(persistent_desc(Module:Functor/Arity,pid(Pid))), number_atom(Pid,P), atom_concat(Logfile,P,Mylogfile), assertz(persistent_desc(Module:Functor/Arity,mylogfile(Mylogfile))), atom_concat(File,'.lock',Lockfile), assertz(persistent_desc(Module:Functor/Arity,lockfile(Lockfile))), persistent_opts_store(Module:Functor/Arity,Opts), persistent_load(Module:Functor/Arity), ( \+ persistent_desc(Module:Functor/Arity, ro), persistent_desc(Module:Functor/Arity, log) -> open(Logfile, append, Log), assertz(persistent_desc(Module:Functor/Arity,logstream(Log))) ; true ). /* closes the database associated with PredDesc ([Module:]Functor/Arity) */ persistent_close(PredDesc0) :- module_goal(PredDesc0,PredDesc), ( persistent_desc(PredDesc, logstream(Log)) -> close(Log) ; true ), persistent_save(PredDesc), persistent_desc(PredDesc, backupfile(Backupfile)), (system:delete_file(Backupfile,[ignore]); true), persistent_lock_release(PredDesc), retractall(persistent_desc(PredDesc,_)). /* assert data to the database, this is always an assertz, if you need some ordering, then store some kind of key within your data. rules can be asserted too */ persistent_assert(Term) :- Term = (Head0 :- Body), module_goal(Head0, Module:Head), functor(Head, Functor, Arity), once(persistent_desc(Module:Functor/Arity,_)),!, ( persistent_desc(Module:Functor/Arity, logstream(Log)) -> writeq(Log,+(((Module:Head):-Body))), write(Log,'.\n'), ( persistent_desc(Module:Functor/Arity, sync) -> flush_output(Log) ; true ) ; true ), assertz((Module:Head:-Body)). persistent_assert(Term0) :- module_goal(Term0, Module:Term), functor(Term,Functor,Arity), once(persistent_desc(Module:Functor/Arity,_)),!, ( persistent_desc(Module:Functor/Arity,logstream(Log)) -> writeq(Log,+(Module:Term)), write(Log,'.\n'), ( persistent_desc(Module:Functor/Arity, sync) -> flush_output(Log) ; true ) ; true ), assertz(Module:Term). /* retract a persistent Term */ persistent_retract(Term0) :- module_goal(Term0, Module:Term), functor(Term,Functor,Arity), once(persistent_desc(Module:Functor/Arity,_)),!, retract(Module:Term), ( persistent_desc(Module:Functor/Arity, logstream(Log)) -> writeq(Log,-(Module:Term)), write(Log,'.\n'), ( persistent_desc(Module:Functor/Arity, sync) -> flush_output(Log) ; true ) ; true ). % transaction support for future persistent_begin. persistent_commit. persistent_abort. /* PRIVATE PREDICATES, DONT USE THESE */ % save all data to a .db file persistent_save(PredDesc) :- \+ persistent_desc(PredDesc,ro), ( persistent_desc(PredDesc,db) -> persistent_desc(PredDesc,dbfile(DBfile)), ( persistent_desc(PredDesc,bak) -> persistent_desc(PredDesc,backupfile(Backupfile)), ( system:file_exists(DBfile) -> system:rename_file(DBfile,Backupfile) ; true ) ; true ), open(DBfile, write, S), persistent_writeall(PredDesc,S), close(S), persistent_desc(PredDesc,logfile(Logfile)), (system:delete_file(Logfile,[ignore]); true) ; true ). % write all predicates matching Functor/Arity to stream S persistent_writeall(PredDesc, S) :- module_goal(PredDesc, Module:Functor/Arity), functor(Clause, Functor, Arity), clause(Module:Clause, Body), ( Body = true -> writeq(S,Module:Clause) ; writeq(S,(Module:Clause:-Body)) ), write(S,'.\n'), fail. persistent_writeall(_,_). % load a database, recover logfile, recreate .db persistent_load(PredDesc) :- persistent_desc(PredDesc,dbfile(DBfile)), persistent_desc(PredDesc,backupfile(Backupfile)), persistent_desc(PredDesc,logfile(Logfile)), ( persistent_desc(PredDesc,ro) -> \+ system:file_exists(Backupfile), ( system:file_exists(DBfile) -> persistent_load_file(DBfile) ; true ), ( persistent_desc(PredDesc,log), system:file_exists(Logfile) -> persistent_load_file(Logfile) ; true ) ; persistent_lock_exclusive(PredDesc), ( system:file_exists(Backupfile) -> system:rename_file(Backupfile, DBfile) ; true ), ( system:file_exists(DBfile) -> persistent_load_file(DBfile) ; true ), ( system:file_exists(Logfile) -> persistent_load_file(Logfile), ( persistent_desc(PredDesc, db) -> persistent_save(PredDesc) ; true ) ; true ) ). % load a .db file or replay a .log file persistent_load_file(File) :- open(File, read, S), repeat, read(S, TermIn), ( TermIn == end_of_file, close(S), ! ; ( TermIn = +(Term), assertz(Term) ; TermIn = -(Term), retract(Term) ; assertz(TermIn) ), fail ). %lock handling, so far only exclusive locks persistent_lock_exclusive(PredDesc) :- persistent_desc(PredDesc,lockfile(Lockfile)), persistent_desc(PredDesc,pid(Pid)), open(Lockfile, append, Lockappend), write(Lockappend,lock(write,Pid)),write(Lockappend,'.\n'), close(Lockappend), open(Lockfile, read, Lockread), read(Lockread,LPid), close(Lockread), LPid = lock(_,Pid). % recover lock persistent_lock_exclusive(PredDesc) :- persistent_desc(PredDesc, lockfile(Lockfile)), open(Lockfile, read, Lockread), read(Lockread,lock(_,LPid)), close(Lockread), \+ catch(kill(LPid,0),_,fail), (system:delete_file(Lockfile,[ignore]); true), %system:sleep(1), persistent_lock_exclusive(PredDesc). persistent_lock_release(PredDesc) :- persistent_lock_exclusive(PredDesc), persistent_desc(PredDesc,lockfile(Lockfile)), (system:delete_file(Lockfile,[ignore]); true). persistent_opts_store(_,[]). persistent_opts_store(PredDesc,[H|T]) :- assertz(persistent_desc(PredDesc,H)), persistent_opts_store(PredDesc,T). module_goal(Module:Goal,Module:Goal) :- callable(Goal), nonvar(Module),!. module_goal(Goal,Module:Goal) :- callable(Goal), prolog_flag(typein_module,Module).