threaded_exit(Goal) threaded_exit(Goal, Tag)
Retrieves the result of proving Goal
in a new thread. This predicate blocks execution until the reply is sent to the this message queue by the thread executing the goal. When there is no thread proving the goal, the predicate generates an exception. This predicate is non-deterministic, providing access to any alternative solutions of its argument.
The argument of this predicate should be a variant of the argument of the corresponding threaded_call/1 call. When the predicate argument is subsumed by the threaded_call/1 call argument, the threaded_exit/1
call will succeed iff its argument is a solution of the (more general) goal.
The variant threaded_exit/2
accepts a threaded call identifier tag generated by the calls to the threaded_call/2
and threaded_once/2
predicates. Tags shall be considered as an opaque term; users shall not rely on its type.
threaded_exit(+callable) threaded_exit(+callable, +nonvar)
type_error(callable, Goal)
existence_error(goal_thread, Goal)