

logtalk_load(Entities, Options)

Compiles to disk and then loads to memory a Logtalk entity or a list of entities (objects, protocols or categories) using a list of options. The Logtalk file name extension (by default, .lgt) should be omitted. Note that the first argument is a list of entity/file names, not file paths.

Template and modes

logtalk_load(+atom_list, +list)


Entities is a variable:
Entities is neither a variable nor a proper list:
type_error(list, Entities)
One of the entities is not an atom:
type_error(atom, Entity)
One of the entities does not exist in the current working directory:
existence_error(entity, Entity)
Options is a variable:
Options is neither a variable nor a list:
type_error(list, Options)
One of the options is not valid:
type_error(compiler_option, Option)


| ?- logtalk_load([list], []).

| ?- logtalk_load([listp, list], [xml(off), plredf(warning)]).

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Last updated on: October 1, 2000