/* Using xml.pl to solve XML Query Cases - An Example * * The following is a complete example to illustrate how the module can be used; * it exercises both the input and output parsing modes of xml_parse/[2,3], and * illustrates the use of xml_subterm/2 to access the nodes of a "document value * model". It's written for Quintus Prolog, but should port to other Prologs * easily. * * The entry-point of the program is the test/1 predicate. * * test( +QueryId ) executes a Prolog implementation of a Query from Use Case * "XMP": Experiences and Exemplars, in the W3C's XML Query Use Cases, which * "contains several example queries that illustrate requirements gathered from * the database and document communities". * <http://www.w3.org/TR/2002/WD-xmlquery-use-cases-20021115/#xmp> * * QueryId is one of q1…q12 selecting which of the 12 use cases is executed. * The XML output is written to the file [QueryId].xml in the current directory. * * xml_pp/1 is used to display the resulting "document value model" % data-structures on the user output (stdout) stream. */ :- use_module(library(lists),[append/3]). test( Query ) :- xml_query( Query, ResultElement ), % Parse output XML into the Output chars xml_parse( Output, xml([], [ResultElement]) ), absolute_file_name( Query, [extensions([xml])], OutputFile ), % Write OutputFile from the Output list of chars tell( OutputFile ), put_chars( Output ), told, % Pretty print OutputXML write( 'Output XML' ), nl, xml_pp( xml([], [ResultElement]) ). /* xml_query( +QueryNo, ?OutputXML ) when OutputXML is an XML Document Value Model * produced by running an example taken, identified by QueryNo from the XML Query * "XMP" use case. */ % Q1: List books published by Addison-Wesley after 1991, including their year and % title. xml_query( q1, element(bib, [], Books) ) :- element_name( Title, title ), element_name( Publisher, publisher ), input_document( 'bib.xml', Bibliography ), findall( element(book, [year=Year], [Title]), ( xml_subterm( Bibliography, element(book, Attributes, Content) ), xml_subterm( Content, Publisher ), xml_subterm( Publisher, Text ), text_value( Text, "Addison-Wesley" ), member( year=Year, Attributes ), number_codes( YearNo, Year ), YearNo > 1991, xml_subterm( Content, Title ) ), Books ). % Q2: Create a flat list of all the title-author pairs, with each pair enclosed % in a "result" element. xml_query( q2, element(results, [], Results) ) :- element_name( Title, title ), element_name( Author, author ), element_name( Book, book ), input_document( 'bib.xml', Bibliography ), findall( element(result, [], [Title,Author]), ( xml_subterm( Bibliography, Book ), xml_subterm( Book, Title ), xml_subterm( Book, Author ) ), Results ). % Q3: For each book in the bibliography, list the title and authors, grouped % inside a "result" element. xml_query( q3, element(results, [], Results) ) :- element_name( Title, title ), element_name( Author, author ), element_name( Book, book ), input_document( 'bib.xml', Bibliography ), findall( element(result, [], [Title|Authors]), ( xml_subterm( Bibliography, Book ), xml_subterm( Book, Title ), findall( Author, xml_subterm(Book, Author), Authors ) ), Results ). % Q4: For each author in the bibliography, list the author's name and the titles % of all books by that author, grouped inside a "result" element. xml_query( q4, element(results, [], Results) ) :- element_name( Title, title ), element_name( Author, author ), element_name( Book, book ), input_document( 'bib.xml', Bibliography ), findall( Author, xml_subterm(Bibliography, Author), AuthorBag ), sort( AuthorBag, Authors ), findall( element(result, [], [Author|Titles]), ( member( Author, Authors ), findall( Title, ( xml_subterm( Bibliography, Book ), xml_subterm( Book, Author ), xml_subterm( Book, Title ) ), Titles ) ), Results ). % Q5: For each book found at both bn.com and amazon.com, list the title of the % book and its price from each source. xml_query( q5, element('books-with-prices', [], BooksWithPrices) ) :- element_name( Title, title ), element_name( Book, book ), element_name( Review, entry ), input_document( 'bib.xml', Bibliography ), input_document( 'reviews.xml', Reviews ), findall( element('book-with-prices', [], [ Title, element('price-bn',[], BNPrice ), element('price-amazon',[], AmazonPrice ) ] ), ( xml_subterm( Bibliography, Book ), xml_subterm( Book, Title ), xml_subterm( Reviews, Review ), xml_subterm( Review, Title ), xml_subterm( Book, element(price,_, BNPrice) ), xml_subterm( Review, element(price,_, AmazonPrice) ) ), BooksWithPrices ). % Q6: For each book that has at least one author, list the title and first two % authors, and an empty "et-al" element if the book has additional authors. xml_query( q6, element(bib, [], Results) ) :- element_name( Title, title ), element_name( Author, author ), element_name( Book, book ), input_document( 'bib.xml', Bibliography ), findall( element(book, [], [Title,FirstAuthor|Authors]), ( xml_subterm( Bibliography, Book ), xml_subterm( Book, Title ), findall( Author, xml_subterm(Book, Author), [FirstAuthor|Others] ), other_authors( Others, Authors ) ), Results ). % Q7: List the titles and years of all books published by Addison-Wesley after % 1991, in alphabetic order. xml_query( q7, element(bib, [], Books) ) :- element_name( Title, title ), element_name( Publisher, publisher ), input_document( 'bib.xml', Bibliography ), findall( Title-element(book, [year=Year], [Title]), ( xml_subterm( Bibliography, element(book, Attributes, Book) ), xml_subterm( Book, Publisher ), xml_subterm( Publisher, Text ), text_value( Text, "Addison-Wesley" ), member( year=Year, Attributes ), number_codes( YearNo, Year ), YearNo > 1991, xml_subterm( Book, Title ) ), TitleBooks ), keysort( TitleBooks, TitleBookSet ), range( TitleBookSet, Books ). % Q8: Find books in which the name of some element ends with the string "or" and % the same element contains the string "Suciu" somewhere in its content. For each % such book, return the title and the qualifying element. xml_query( q8, element(bib, [], Books) ) :- element_name( Title, title ), element_name( Book, book ), element_name( QualifyingElement, QualifyingName ), append( "Suciu", _Back, Suffix ), input_document( 'bib.xml', Bibliography ), findall( element(book, [], [Title,QualifyingElement]), ( xml_subterm( Bibliography, Book ), xml_subterm( Book, QualifyingElement ), atom_codes( QualifyingName, QNChars ), append( _QNPrefix, "or", QNChars ), xml_subterm( QualifyingElement, TextItem ), text_value( TextItem, TextValue ), append( _Prefix, Suffix, TextValue ), xml_subterm( Book, Title ) ), Books ). % Q9: In the document "books.xml", find all section or chapter titles that % contain the word "XML", regardless of the level of nesting. xml_query( q9, element(results, [], Titles) ) :- element_name( Title, title ), append( "XML", _Back, Suffix ), input_document( 'books.xml', Books ), findall( Title, ( xml_subterm( Books, Title ), xml_subterm( Title, TextItem ), text_value( TextItem, TextValue ), append( _Prefix, Suffix, TextValue ) ), Titles ). % Q10: In the document "prices.xml", find the minimum price for each book, in the % form of a "minprice" element with the book title as its title attribute. xml_query( q10, element(results, [], MinPrices) ) :- element_name( Title, title ), element_name( Price, price ), input_document( 'prices.xml', Prices ), findall( Title, xml_subterm(Prices, Title), TitleBag ), sort( TitleBag, TitleSet ), element_name( Book, book ), findall( element(minprice, [title=TitleString], [MinPrice]), ( member( Title, TitleSet ), xml_subterm( Title, TitleText ), text_value( TitleText, TitleString ), findall( PriceValue-Price, ( xml_subterm( Prices, Book ), xml_subterm( Book, Title ), xml_subterm( Book, Price ), xml_subterm( Price, Text ), text_value( Text, PriceChars ), number_codes( PriceValue, PriceChars ) ), PriceValues ), minimum( PriceValues, PriceValue-MinPrice ) ), MinPrices ). % Q11: For each book with an author, return the book with its title and authors. % For each book with an editor, return a reference with the book title and the % editor's affiliation. xml_query( q11, element(bib, [], Results) ) :- element_name( Title, title ), element_name( Author, author ), element_name( Book, book ), element_name( Editor, editor ), element_name( Affiliation, affiliation ), input_document( 'bib.xml', Bibliography ), findall( element(book, [], [Title,FirstAuthor|Authors]), ( xml_subterm( Bibliography, Book ), xml_subterm( Book, Title ), findall( Author, xml_subterm(Book, Author), [FirstAuthor|Authors] ) ), Books ), findall( element(reference, [], [Title,Affiliation]), ( xml_subterm( Bibliography, Book ), xml_subterm( Book, Title ), xml_subterm( Book, Editor ), xml_subterm( Editor, Affiliation ) ), References ), append( Books, References, Results ). % Q12: Find pairs of books that have different titles but the same set of authors % (possibly in a different order). xml_query( q12, element(bib, [], Pairs) ) :- element_name( Author, author ), element_name( Book1, book ), element_name( Book2, book ), element_name( Title1, title ), element_name( Title2, title ), input_document( 'bib.xml', Bibliography ), findall( element('book-pair', [], [Title1,Title2]), ( xml_subterm( Bibliography, Book1 ), findall( Author, xml_subterm(Book1, Author), AuthorBag1 ), sort( AuthorBag1, AuthorSet ), xml_subterm( Bibliography, Book2 ), Book2 @< Book1, findall( Author, xml_subterm(Book2, Author), AuthorBag2 ), sort( AuthorBag2, AuthorSet ), xml_subterm( Book1, Title1 ), xml_subterm( Book2, Title2 ) ), Pairs ). % Auxilliary Predicates other_authors( [], [] ). other_authors( [Author|Authors], [Author|EtAl] ) :- et_al( Authors, EtAl ). et_al( [], [] ). et_al( [_|_], [element('et-al',[],[])] ). text_value( [pcdata(Text)], Text ). text_value( [cdata(Text)], Text ). element_name( element(Name, _Attributes, _Content), Name ). /* range( +Pairs, ?Range ) when Pairs is a list of key-datum pairs and Range * is the list of data. */ range( [], [] ). range( [_Key-Datum|Pairs], [Datum|Data] ) :- range( Pairs, Data ). /* minimum( +List, ?Min ) is true if Min is the least member of List in the * standard order. */ minimum( [H|T], Min ):- minimum1( T, H, Min ). minimum1( [], Min, Min ). minimum1( [H|T], Min0, Min ) :- compare( Relation, H, Min0 ), minimum2( Relation, H, Min0, T, Min ). minimum2( '=', Min0, Min0, T, Min ) :- minimum1( T, Min0, Min ). minimum2( '<', Min0, _Min1, T, Min ) :- minimum1( T, Min0, Min ). minimum2( '>', _Min0, Min1, T, Min ) :- minimum1( T, Min1, Min ). /* input_document( +File, ?XML ) reads File and parses the input into the * "Document Value Model" XML. */ input_document( File, XML ) :- % Read InputFile as a list of chars see( File ), get_chars( Input ), seen, % Parse the Input chars into the term XML xml_parse( Input, XML ). % Load the XML module. :- use_module( library(xml) ). % Load a small library of utilities. :- ensure_loaded( misc ).