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2009-03-13 19:39:06 +00:00

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/* $Id$
Part of SWI-Prolog RDF parser
Author: Jan Wielemaker
Copying: LGPL-2. See the file COPYING or
Copyright (C) 1990-2000 SWI, University of Amsterdam. All rights reserved.
:- module(rdf_triple,
[ rdf_triples/2, % +Parsed, -Tripples
rdf_triples/3, % +Parsed, -Tripples, +Tail
rdf_reset_ids/0, % Reset gensym id's
rdf_start_file/2, % +Options, -Cleanup
rdf_end_file/1, % +Cleanup
anon_prefix/1 % Prefix for anonynmous resources
:- use_module(library(gensym)).
:- use_module(rdf_parser).
/** <module> Create triples from intermediate representation
Convert the output of xml_to_rdf/3 from library(rdf) into a list of
triples of the format described below. The intermediate representation
should be regarded a proprietary representation.
rdf(Subject, Predicate, Object).
Where `Subject' is
* Atom
The subject is a resource
* each(URI)
URI is the URI of an RDF Bag
* prefix(Pattern)
Pattern is the prefix of a fully qualified Subject URI
And `Predicate' is
* Atom
The predicate is always a resource
And `Object' is
* Atom
URI of Object resource
* literal(Value)
Literal value (Either a single atom or parsed XML data)
%% rdf_triples(+Term, -Triples) is det.
%% rdf_triples(+Term, -Tridpples, +Tail) is det.
% Convert an object as parsed by into a list of rdf/3
% triples. The identifier of the main object created is returned
% by rdf_triples/3.
% Input is the `content' of the RDF element in the format as
% generated by load_structure(File, Term, [dialect(xmlns)]).
% rdf_triples/3 can process both individual descriptions as
% well as the entire content-list of an RDF element. The first
% mode is suitable when using library(sgml) in `call-back' mode.
rdf_triples(RDF, Tripples) :-
rdf_triples(RDF, Tripples, []).
rdf_triples([]) --> !,
rdf_triples([H|T]) --> !,
rdf_triples(Term) -->
triples(Term, _).
%% triples(-Triples, -Id, +In, -Tail)
% DGC set processing the output of xml_to_rdf/3. In Id, the identifier
% of the main description or container is returned.
triples(container(Type, Id, Elements), Id) --> !,
{ container_id(Type, Id)
rdf(Id, rdf:type, rdf:Type),
container(Elements, 1, Id).
triples(description(Type, About, BagId, Props), Subject) -->
{ var(About),
}, !,
( { shared_description(description(Type, Props), Subject)
-> []
; { make_id('__Description', Id)
triples(description(Type, about(Id), BagId, Props), Subject),
{ assert_shared_description(description(Type, Props), Subject)
triples(description(description, IdAbout, BagId, Props), Subject) --> !,
{ description_id(IdAbout, Subject)
properties(Props, BagId, Subject).
triples(description(Type, IdAbout, BagId, Props), Subject) -->
{ description_id(IdAbout, Subject),
name_to_type_uri(Type, TypeURI)
properties([ rdf:type = TypeURI
| Props
], BagId, Subject).
triples(unparsed(Data), Id) -->
{ make_id('__Error', Id),
print_message(error, rdf(unparsed(Data)))
name_to_type_uri(NS:Local, URI) :- !,
atom_concat(NS, Local, URI).
name_to_type_uri(URI, URI).
container([], _, _) -->
container([H0|T0], N, Id) -->
li(H0, N, Id),
{ NN is N + 1
container(T0, NN, Id).
li(li(Nid, V), _, Id) --> !,
rdf(Id, rdf:Nid, V).
li(V, N, Id) -->
triples(V, VId), !,
{ atom_concat('_', N, Nid)
rdf(Id, rdf:Nid, VId).
li(V, N, Id) -->
{ atom_concat('_', N, Nid)
rdf(Id, rdf:Nid, V).
container_id(_, Id) :-
nonvar(Id), !.
container_id(Type, Id) :-
container_base(Type, Base),
make_id(Base, Id).
container_base('Bag', '__Bag').
container_base('Seq', '__Seq').
container_base('Alt', '__Alt').
:- thread_local
node_id/2, % nodeID --> ID
unique_id/1. % known rdf:ID
rdf_reset_node_ids :-
description_id(Id, Id) :-
var(Id), !,
make_id('__Description', Id).
description_id(about(Id), Id).
description_id(id(Id), Id) :-
( unique_id(Id)
-> print_message(error, rdf(redefined_id(Id)))
; assert(unique_id(Id))
description_id(each(Id), each(Id)).
description_id(prefix(Id), prefix(Id)).
description_id(node(NodeID), Id) :-
( node_id(NodeID, Id)
-> true
; make_id('__Node', Id),
assert(node_id(NodeID, Id))
properties(PlRDF, BagId, Subject) -->
{ nonvar(BagId)
}, !,
rdf(BagId, rdf:type, rdf:'Bag'),
properties(PlRDF, 1, Statements, [], Subject),
fill_bag(Statements, 1, BagId).
properties(PlRDF, _BagId, Subject) -->
properties(PlRDF, 1, [], [], Subject).
fill_bag([], _, _) -->
fill_bag([H|T], N, BagId) -->
{ NN is N + 1,
atom_concat('_', N, ElemId)
rdf(BagId, rdf:ElemId, H),
fill_bag(T, NN, BagId).
properties([], _, Bag, Bag, _) -->
properties([H0|T0], N, Bag0, Bag, Subject) -->
property(H0, N, NN, Bag0, Bag1, Subject),
properties(T0, NN, Bag1, Bag, Subject).
%% property(Property, N, NN, Subject)// is det.
% Generate triples for {Subject, Pred, Object}. Also generates
% triples for Object if necessary.
% @param Property One of
% * Pred = Object
% Used for normal statements
% * id(Id, Pred = Object)
% Used for reified statements
property(Pred0 = Object, N, NN, BagH, BagT, Subject) --> % inlined object
triples(Object, Id), !,
{ li_pred(Pred0, Pred, N, NN)
statement(Subject, Pred, Id, _, BagH, BagT).
property(Pred0 = collection(Elems), N, NN, BagH, BagT, Subject) --> !,
{ li_pred(Pred0, Pred, N, NN)
statement(Subject, Pred, Object, _Id, BagH, BagT),
collection(Elems, Object).
property(Pred0 = Object, N, NN, BagH, BagT, Subject) --> !,
{ li_pred(Pred0, Pred, N, NN)
statement(Subject, Pred, Object, _Id, BagH, BagT).
property(id(Id, Pred0 = Object), N, NN, BagH, BagT, Subject) -->
triples(Object, ObjectId), !,
{ li_pred(Pred0, Pred, N, NN)
statement(Subject, Pred, ObjectId, Id, BagH, BagT).
property(id(Id, Pred0 = collection(Elems)), N, NN, BagH, BagT, Subject) --> !,
{ li_pred(Pred0, Pred, N, NN)
statement(Subject, Pred, Object, Id, BagH, BagT),
collection(Elems, Object).
property(id(Id, Pred0 = Object), N, NN, BagH, BagT, Subject) -->
{ li_pred(Pred0, Pred, N, NN)
statement(Subject, Pred, Object, Id, BagH, BagT).
%% statement(+Subject, +Pred, +Object, +Id, +BagH, -BagT)
% Add a statement to the model. If nonvar(Id), we reinify the
% statement using the given Id.
statement(Subject, Pred, Object, Id, BagH, BagT) -->
rdf(Subject, Pred, Object),
{ BagH = [Id|BagT]
-> statement_id(Id)
; BagT = BagH
( { nonvar(Id)
-> rdf(Id, rdf:type, rdf:'Statement'),
rdf(Id, rdf:subject, Subject),
rdf(Id, rdf:predicate, Pred),
rdf(Id, rdf:object, Object)
; []
statement_id(Id) :-
nonvar(Id), !.
statement_id(Id) :-
make_id('__Statement', Id).
%% li_pred(+Pred, -Pred, +Nth, -NextNth)
% Transform rdf:li predicates into _1, _2, etc.
li_pred(rdf:li, rdf:Pred, N, NN) :- !,
NN is N + 1,
atom_concat('_', N, Pred).
li_pred(Pred, Pred, N, N).
%% collection(+Elems, -Id)
% Handle the elements of a collection and return the identifier
% for the whole collection in Id.
collection([], Nil) -->
{ global_ref(rdf:nil, Nil)
collection([H|T], Id) -->
triples(H, HId),
{ make_id('__List', Id)
rdf(Id, rdf:type, rdf:'List'),
rdf(Id, rdf:first, HId),
rdf(Id, rdf:rest, TId),
collection(T, TId).
rdf(S0, P0, O0) -->
{ global_ref(S0, S),
global_ref(P0, P),
global_obj(O0, O)
[ rdf(S, P, O) ].
global_ref(URI, URI) :-
var(URI), !.
global_ref(rdf:Local, Global) :-
rdf_name_space(NS), !,
atom_concat(NS, Local, Global).
global_ref(NS:Local, Global) :- !,
atom_concat(NS, Local, Global).
global_ref(URI, URI).
global_obj(V, V) :-
var(V), !.
global_obj(literal(type(Local, X)), literal(type(Global, X))) :- !,
global_ref(Local, Global).
global_obj(literal(X), literal(X)) :- !.
global_obj(Local, Global) :-
global_ref(Local, Global).
:- thread_local
shared_description/3, % +Hash, +Term, -Subject
share_blank_nodes/1, % Boolean
shared_nodes/1. % counter
reset_shared_descriptions :-
shared_description(Term, Subject) :-
term_hash(Term, Hash),
shared_description(Hash, Term, Subject),
( retract(shared_nodes(N))
-> N1 is N + 1
; N1 = 1
assert_shared_description(Term, Subject) :-
term_hash(Term, Hash),
assert(shared_description(Hash, Term, Subject)).
%% rdf_start_file(+Options, -Cleanup) is det.
% Initialise for the translation of a file.
rdf_start_file(Options, Cleanup) :-
rdf_reset_node_ids, % play safe
set_bnode_sharing(Options, C1),
set_anon_prefix(Options, C2),
add_cleanup(C1, C2, Cleanup).
%% rdf_end_file(:Cleanup) is det.
% Cleanup reaching the end of an RDF file.
rdf_end_file(Cleanup) :-
( shared_nodes(N)
-> print_message(informational, rdf(shared_blank_nodes(N)))
; true
set_bnode_sharing(Options, erase(Ref)) :-
option(blank_nodes(Share), Options, noshare),
( Share == share
-> assert(share_blank_nodes(true), Ref), !
; Share == noshare
-> fail % next clause
; throw(error(domain_error(share, Share), _))
set_bnode_sharing(_, true).
set_anon_prefix(Options, erase(Ref)) :-
option(base_uri(BaseURI), Options, []),
BaseURI \== [], !,
concat_atom(['__', BaseURI, '#'], AnonBase),
asserta(anon_prefix(AnonBase), Ref).
set_anon_prefix(_, true).
add_cleanup(true, X, X) :- !.
add_cleanup(X, true, X) :- !.
add_cleanup(X, Y, (X, Y)).
* UTIL *
%% anon_prefix(-Prefix) is semidet.
% If defined, it is the prefix used to generate a blank node.
:- thread_local
make_id(For, ID) :-
anon_prefix(Prefix), !,
atom_concat(Prefix, For, Base),
gensym(Base, ID).
make_id(For, ID) :-
gensym(For, ID).
%% rdf_reset_ids is det.
% Utility predicate to reset the gensym counters for the various
% generated identifiers. This simplifies debugging and matching
% output with the stored desired output (see
rdf_reset_ids :-
anon_prefix(Prefix), !,
( anon_base(Base),
atom_concat(Prefix, Base, X),
; true
rdf_reset_ids :-
( anon_base(Base),
; true