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### WARNING!!! ###
# This file has been autogenerated
# Cython imports
from cython.operator cimport dereference as deref
from cython.operator cimport preincrement as inc
from libc cimport stdio
from cpython.version cimport PY_MAJOR_VERSION
from cpython.ref cimport PyTypeObject, Py_INCREF, Py_XDECREF
from cpython.type cimport PyType_Ready
from cpython.object cimport PyObject
from cpython.object cimport Py_LT, Py_LE, Py_EQ, Py_NE, Py_GT, Py_GE
# Python imports
cimport numpy as np
# Local imports
cimport xdress_extra_types
# Cython imports for types
cdef extern from "Python.h":
ctypedef Py_ssize_t Py_ssize_t
ctypedef struct PyGetSetDef:
char * name
ctypedef struct PyTypeObject:
char * tp_name
int tp_basicsize
int tp_itemsize
object tp_alloc(PyTypeObject *, Py_ssize_t)
void tp_dealloc(object)
object tp_richcompare(object, object, int)
object tp_new(PyTypeObject *, object, object)
object tp_str(object)
object tp_repr(object)
long tp_hash(object)
long tp_flags
char * tp_doc
PyMemberDef * tp_members
PyGetSetDef * tp_getset
PyTypeObject * tp_base
void tp_free(void *)
# This is a dirty hack by declaring to Cython both the Python 2 & 3 APIs
int (*tp_compare)(object, object) # Python 2
void * (*tp_reserved)(object, object) # Python 3
# structmember.h isn't included in Python.h for some reason
cdef extern from "structmember.h":
ctypedef struct PyMemberDef:
char * name
int type
Py_ssize_t offset
int flags
char * doc
cdef extern from "numpy/arrayobject.h":
ctypedef object (*PyArray_GetItemFunc)(void *, void *)
ctypedef int (*PyArray_SetItemFunc)(object, void *, void *)
ctypedef void (*PyArray_CopySwapNFunc)(void *, np.npy_intp, void *, np.npy_intp, np.npy_intp, int, void *)
ctypedef void (*PyArray_CopySwapFunc)(void *, void *, int, void *)
ctypedef int (*PyArray_CompareFunc)(const void* d1, const void *, void *)
ctypedef int (*PyArray_ArgFunc)(void *, np.npy_intp, np.npy_intp *, void *)
ctypedef void (*PyArray_DotFunc)(void *, np.npy_intp, void *, np.npy_intp, void *, np.npy_intp, void *)
ctypedef int (*PyArray_ScanFunc)(stdio.FILE *, void *, void *, void *)
ctypedef int (*PyArray_FromStrFunc)(char *, void *, char **, void *)
ctypedef np.npy_bool (*PyArray_NonzeroFunc)(void *, void *)
ctypedef void (*PyArray_FillFunc)(void *, np.npy_intp, void *)
ctypedef void (*PyArray_FillWithScalarFunc)(void *, np.npy_intp, void *, void *)
ctypedef int (*PyArray_SortFunc)(void *, np.npy_intp, void *)
ctypedef int (*PyArray_ArgSortFunc)(void *, np.npy_intp *, np.npy_intp, void *)
ctypedef np.NPY_SCALARKIND (*PyArray_ScalarKindFunc)(np.PyArrayObject *)
ctypedef struct PyArray_ArrFuncs:
np.PyArray_VectorUnaryFunc ** cast
PyArray_GetItemFunc *getitem
PyArray_SetItemFunc *setitem
PyArray_CopySwapNFunc *copyswapn
PyArray_CopySwapFunc *copyswap
PyArray_CompareFunc *compare
PyArray_ArgFunc *argmax
PyArray_DotFunc *dotfunc
PyArray_ScanFunc *scanfunc
PyArray_FromStrFunc *fromstr
PyArray_NonzeroFunc *nonzero
PyArray_FillFunc *fill
PyArray_FillWithScalarFunc *fillwithscalar
PyArray_SortFunc *sort
PyArray_ArgSortFunc *argsort
PyObject *castdict
PyArray_ScalarKindFunc *scalarkind
int **cancastscalarkindto
int *cancastto
int listpickle
cdef void PyArray_InitArrFuncs(PyArray_ArrFuncs *)
ctypedef struct PyArray_ArrayDescr:
PyArray_Descr * base
PyObject *shape
cdef void ** PyArray_API
cdef PyTypeObject * PyArrayDescr_Type
ctypedef struct PyArray_Descr:
Py_ssize_t ob_refcnt
PyTypeObject * ob_type
PyTypeObject * typeobj
char kind
char type
char byteorder
int flags
int type_num
int elsize
int alignment
PyArray_ArrayDescr * subarray
PyObject * fields
PyObject * names
PyArray_ArrFuncs * f
cdef int PyArray_RegisterDataType(PyArray_Descr *)
cdef object PyArray_Scalar(void *, PyArray_Descr *, object)
cdef extern from "xdress_extra_types.h" namespace "xdress_extra_types":
cdef cppclass MemoryKnight[T]:
MemoryKnight() nogil except +
T * defnew() nogil except +
T * renew(void *) nogil except +
void deall(T *) nogil except +