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% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% The Computer Language Benchmarks Game
% Contributed by anon
% Modified to run with YAP by Glendon Holst
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
:- yap_flag(unknown,error).
:- initialization(main).
main :-
unix( argv([H|_]) ), number_atom(N,H),
approximate(N, R),
format("~9f~n", [R]),
% ------------------------------- %
approximate(N, R) :-
make_array(app_u, N, 1.0, U), make_array(app_v, N, 0.0, V),
approx_(10, N, U, V),
vbv_loop(N, U, V, VbV), vv_loop(N, V, V, Vv),
Vi is VbV / Vv, R is sqrt(Vi).
approx_(I, N, U, V) :-
I > 0,
mulAtAv(N, U, V),
mulAtAv(N, V, U),
I1 is I - 1, approx_(I1, N, U, V).
approx_(0, _, _, _).
% ------------- %
vbv_loop(N, U, V, VbV) :- vbv_loop_(N, U, V, 0.0, VbV).
vbv_loop_(0, _, _, VAcc, VAcc) :- !.
vbv_loop_(N, U, V, VAcc, VbV) :-
arg(N, U, UValue), arg(N, V, VValue),
VAcc1 is VAcc + UValue * VValue,
N1 is N - 1, !, vbv_loop_(N1, U, V, VAcc1, VbV).
% ------------- %
vv_loop(N, U, V, Vv) :- vv_loop_(N, U, V, 0.0, Vv).
vv_loop_(0, _, _, VAcc, VAcc) :- !.
vv_loop_(N, U, V, VAcc, Vv) :-
arg(N, V, VValue),
VAcc1 is VAcc + VValue * VValue,
N1 is N - 1, !, vv_loop_(N1, U, V, VAcc1, Vv).
% ------------------------------- %
a(I, J, AResult) :-
Ia is I - 1.0, Ja is J - 1.0,
AResult is 1.0 / ((Ia + Ja) * (Ia + Ja + 1.0) / 2.0 + Ia + 1.0).
% ------------------------------- %
mulAv(N, V, Av) :- mulAv_(N, N, N, V, Av).
% ------------- %
mulAv_(0, _, _, _, _) :- !.
mulAv_(I, J, N, V, Av) :-
setarg(I, Av, 0.0),
mulAvJ_(I, J, N, V, Av),
I1 is I - 1, !, mulAv_(I1, J, N, V, Av).
mulAvJ_(_, 0, _, _, _) :- !.
mulAvJ_(I, J, N, V, Av) :-
arg(I, Av, AvValue), arg(J, V, VValue), a(I, J, AResult),
AvNew is AvValue + AResult * VValue,
setarg(I, Av, AvNew),
J1 is J - 1, !, mulAvJ_(I, J1, N, V, Av).
% ------------------------------- %
mulAtV(N, V, Atv) :- mulAtV_(N, N, N, V, Atv).
% ------------- %
mulAtV_(0, _, _, _, _) :- !.
mulAtV_(I, J, N, V, Atv) :-
setarg(I, Atv, 0.0),
mulAtVJ_(I, J, N, V, Atv),
I1 is I - 1, !, mulAtV_(I1, J, N, V, Atv).
mulAtVJ_(_, 0, _, _, _) :- !.
mulAtVJ_(I, J, N, V, Atv) :-
arg(I, Atv, AtvValue), arg(J, V, VValue), a(J, I, AResult),
AtvNew is AtvValue + AResult * VValue,
setarg(I, Atv, AtvNew),
J1 is J - 1, !, mulAtVJ_(I, J1, N, V, Atv).
% ------------------------------- %
mulAtAv(N, V, AtAv) :-
make_array(mul_u, N, 0.0, U),
mulAv(N, V, U), mulAtV(N, U, AtAv).
% ------------------------------- %
make_array(Name, N, V, Array) :- functor(Array, Name, N), fill_array(N, V, Array).
% ------------- %
fill_array(0, _, _) :- !.
fill_array(N, V, Array) :-
setarg(N, Array, V), N1 is N - 1, !,
fill_array(N1, V, Array).
% ------------------------------- %