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2009-03-13 19:39:06 +00:00

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/* $Id$
Part of SWI-Prolog
Author: Jan Wielemaker
Copyright (C): 1985-2002, University of Amsterdam
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
As a special exception, if you link this library with other files,
compiled with a Free Software compiler, to produce an executable, this
library does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be covered
by the GNU General Public License. This exception does not however
invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be covered by
the GNU General Public License.
:- module(emacs_sgml_mode, []).
:- use_module(library(pce)).
:- use_module(library(emacs_extend)).
/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
This module exploits the SGML/XML parser from the SWI-Prolog package
sgml2pl to provide syntax colouring for SGML, XML and HTML modes. Based
on a true parser, we can provide much better feedback as heuristic
parsers used in most syntax-driven editors. For example, we can provide
feedback on SHORTREF matches in SGML mode by highlighting the tokens
acting as a short reference. We can also easily give the scope of
elements that are closed by omited elements.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
:- emacs_begin_mode(sgml, language,
"Mode for editing SGML documents",
[ open_document = button(sgml),
reload_dtd = button(sgml),
colourise_buffer = button(sgml),
colourise_and_recenter = key('\\C-l'),
tag_selection = key('\\e,'),
colourise_element = key('\\C-c\\C-s'),
forward_move_out = key('\\ee')
[ '"' = string_quote('"'),
'\'' = string_quote('\''),
paragraph_end('\\s *$\\|^<p>\\|\\s +<')
class_variable(auto_colourise_size_limit, int, 100000,
"Auto-colourise if buffer is smaller then this").
"?ML Dialect used to parse").
bool := @off,
"Upcase inserted elements?").
"Associated (DTD) parser").
"Auto-colourise if buffer is smaller then this").
% make_parser(M, Parser)
% Create a parser suitable for the current mode and load the DTD
% into it.
make_parser(M, Parser) :-
get(M, dialect, Dialect),
get(M, text_buffer, TB),
get(TB, file, File),
get(File, name, FileName),
get(M, dialect, Dialect),
( Dialect == html
-> TheDialect = sgml,
dtd(html, DTD),
Options = [dtd(DTD)]
; TheDialect = Dialect,
Options = []
new_sgml_parser(Parser, Options),
set_sgml_parser(Parser, file(FileName)),
set_sgml_parser(Parser, dialect(TheDialect)).
% load_dtd(+Mode, +Parser)
% Load the document DTD into the given parser.
load_dtd(M, _) :-
get(M, dialect, html), !.
load_dtd(M, Parser) :-
get(M, text_buffer, TB),
new(Re, regex('<!DOCTYPE', @off)),
( send(Re, search, TB)
-> get(Re, register_start, Start),
pce_open(TB, read, In),
seek(In, Start, bof, _),
[ source(In),
show_message(M, E)),
; send(M, report, warning, 'No <!DOCTYPE declaration')
parser(M, Reload:[bool], Parser:prolog) :<-
"Fetch the default parser"::
( Reload \== @on,
get(M, slot, parser, Parser),
Parser = sgml_parser(_)
-> true
; send(M, destroy_dtd),
make_parser(M, Parser),
load_dtd(M, Parser),
send(M, slot, parser, Parser),
set_sgml_parser(Parser, doctype(_)) % use for partial parsing
dtd(M, Reload:[bool], DTD:prolog) :<-
"Fetch the current DTD"::
get(M, parser, Reload, Parser),
get_sgml_parser(Parser, dtd(DTD)).
reload_dtd(M) :->
"Reload the DTD"::
get(M, dtd, _).
destroy_dtd(M) :->
"Destroy the associated DTD object"::
( get(M, slot, parser, Parser),
Parser = sgml_parser(_)
-> free_sgml_parser(Parser),
send(M, slot, parser, [])
; true
setup_mode(E) :->
"Switch editor into fill-mode"::
send(E, fill_mode, @on).
unlink(M) :->
send(M, destroy_dtd),
send_super(M, unlink).
open_document(M, DT:doctype=name) :->
"Insert <!DOCTYPE line"::
send(M, format, '<!DOCTYPE %s SYSTEM "">\n\n', DT),
send(M, backward_char, 4).
* HELP *
help_on_mode(M) :->
( absolute_file_name(sgml_mode,
[ extensions([html]),
-> atom_concat('file:', HTML, URI),
; send(M, report, warning, 'Can''t find help file')
idle(M) :->
"Idle event was received, colour the current element"::
send(M, colourise_element, @off).
setup_styles(M) :->
"Associate defined syntax-styles"::
( get(M, attribute, styles_initialised, @on)
-> true
; send(M, reload_styles),
send(M, attribute, styles_initialised, @on)
set_caret_and_inform(M) :->
get(M, editor, Editor),
get(Editor?image, index, @event, Caret),
send(M, caret, Caret),
get(M?text_buffer, find_all_fragments,
message(@arg1, overlap, Caret),
send(Fragments, sort, ?(@arg1?length, compare, @arg2?length)),
get(Fragments, find, ?(@arg1, attribute, balloon), Frag),
get(Frag, balloon, Balloon),
send(M, report, warning, 'SGML warning: %s', Balloon).
event(M, Ev:event) :->
"Show insert-menu on right-down"::
send(Ev, is_a, ms_right_down),
( get(M?image, index, Ev, I)
-> send(M, caret, I)
; true
send(M, show_menu, Ev).
reload_styles(M) :->
"Force reloading the styles"::
( style_object(Name, Style),
send(M, style, Name, Style),
; true
colourise_element(M, Warn:[bool]) :->
"Colour element at location"::
send(M, setup_styles),
get(M, caret, Caret),
get(M, text_buffer, TB),
new(Re, regex('<\\w+')),
make_parser(M, Parser),
load_dtd(M, Parser),
set_sgml_parser(Parser, doctype(_)),
pce_open(TB, read, In),
( get(TB, scan, Caret, line, -2, start, Start),
% format('Starting from ~w~n', [Start]),
find_element(M, Parser, Re, In, Start, From-To),
Caret < To
-> send(M, remove_syntax_fragments, From, To),
% colour_item(element, TB, From, To),
seek(In, From, bof, _),
set_sgml_parser(Parser, charpos(From)),
colourise(M, Parser,
[ source(In),
; Warn == @off
-> true
; send(M, report, warning, 'Could not find element')
% find_element(+Mode, +Parser, +BeginRegex, +In, +Caret, -From-To)
% Find the start and end of the current element. We do so by scanning
% backwards to '<\\w+' (Re). Then we parse the element and see where
% it ends. If this isn't passed the current caret location we look
% further backward.
% This predicate is non-deterministic, broadening the scope on
% backtracking.
% By asserting caret/1 before calling this predicate, it will
% assert a term element(Tag, Attributes, Start, End), where both
% locations are terms of the form loc(Class, Start, End) indicating
% the location and type of the begin- and end-tag.
:- dynamic
caret/1, % Caret
element/4, % Tag, Attributes, Start, End
stack/5. % Tag, Attributes, Class, Fro, To
set_caret(Caret) :-
unset_caret :-
find_element(M, Caret, Range) :-
get(M, parser, Parser),
get(M, text_buffer, TB),
pce_open(TB, read, In),
new(Re, regex('<\\w+')),
( find_element(M, Parser, Re, In, Caret, Range)
-> close(In)
; close(In),
find_element(M, Parser, Re, In, Caret, Range) :-
get(M, text_buffer, TB),
send(Re, search, TB, Caret, 0),
get(Re, register_start, 0, Start0),
find_element(M, Parser, Re, In, Caret, Start0, Range).
find_element(M, Parser, _Re, In, Caret, Start, Start-To) :-
\+ get(M?text_buffer, find_fragment,
and(message(@arg1, overlap, Start),
@arg1?parsed == @off),
seek(In, Start, bof, _),
set_sgml_parser(Parser, charpos(Start)),
( caret(_)
-> retractall(element(_,_,_,_)),
Extra = [ call(begin, emacs_sgml_mode:find_on_begin),
call(end, emacs_sgml_mode:find_on_end)
; Extra = []
[ source(In),
| Extra
show_message(M, E)),
% charpos/1 yields start-position
get_sgml_parser(Parser, charpos(_, To)),
% format('Found ~d-~d~n', [Start, To]),
To-1 > Caret.
find_element(M, Parser, Re, In, Caret, Start0, Range) :-
get(M, text_buffer, TB),
send(Re, search, TB, Start0, 0),
get(Re, register_start, 0, Start1),
find_element(M, Parser, Re, In, Caret, Start1, Range).
find_on_begin(Tag, Attributes, Parser) :-
get_sgml_parser(Parser, charpos(From, To)),
get_sgml_parser(Parser, event_class(Class)),
% format('BEGIN: ~w ~w-~w (~w)~n', [Tag, From, To, Class]),
asserta(stack(Tag, Attributes, Class, From, To)).
find_on_end(Tag, Parser) :-
get_sgml_parser(Parser, charpos(EFrom, ETo)),
% format('END: ~w ~w-~w~n', [Tag, EFrom, ETo]),
retract(stack(Tag, Attributes, BClass, BFrom, BTo)),
( between(BFrom, ETo, Caret)
-> get_sgml_parser(Parser, event_class(EClass)),
( element(_,_,_,_)
-> true
; assert(element(Tag, Attributes,
loc(BClass, BFrom, BTo),
loc(EClass, EFrom, ETo)))
; true
colourise_and_recenter(M) :->
"Colour according to syntax and recenter"::
send(M, auto_colourise_buffer),
send(M, recenter).
colourise_buffer(M) :->
OldTime is cputime,
new(Class, class(sgml_mode_fragment)),
get(Class, no_created, OldCreated),
send(M, setup_styles),
send(M, remove_syntax_fragments),
send(M, report, progress, 'Colourising buffer ...'),
Used is cputime - OldTime,
get(Class, no_created, NewCreated),
Created is NewCreated - OldCreated,
send(M, report, done,
'done, %.2f seconds, %d fragments', Used, Created).
:- dynamic
colourise_buffer(M) :-
make_parser(M, Parser),
get(M, text_buffer, TB),
pce_open(TB, read, In),
colourise(M, Parser,
[ source(In)
colourise(M, Parser, Options) :-
get_sgml_parser(Parser, file(File)),
get(M, text_buffer, TB),
asserta(current_tb(TB, File), Ref),
[ call(begin, emacs_sgml_mode:on_begin),
call(end, emacs_sgml_mode:on_end),
call(cdata, emacs_sgml_mode:on_cdata),
call(decl, emacs_sgml_mode:on_decl),
call(error, emacs_sgml_mode:on_error)
| Options
show_message(M, E)),
on_begin(_Tag, _Attributes, Parser) :-
get_sgml_parser(Parser, file(File)),
current_tb(TB, File),
% format('Tag ~w, Attr = ~p~n', [Tag, Attributes]),
get_sgml_parser(Parser, charpos(From, To)),
get_sgml_parser(Parser, event_class(Class)),
Class \== omitted,
colour_item(tag(begin, Class), TB, From, To).
on_end(_Tag, Parser) :-
get_sgml_parser(Parser, file(File)),
current_tb(TB, File),
get_sgml_parser(Parser, charpos(From, To)),
get_sgml_parser(Parser, event_class(Class)),
% format('At ~d-~d: Class = ~w~n', [From, To, Class]),
Class \== omitted,
colour_item(tag(end, Class), TB, From, To).
on_cdata(_CDATA, Parser) :-
get_sgml_parser(Parser, file(File)),
current_tb(TB, File),
get_sgml_parser(Parser, charpos(From, To)),
( get_sgml_parser(Parser, context([Tag|_]))
-> ( get_sgml_parser(Parser, dtd(DTD)),
dtd_property(DTD, element(Tag, _, Model)),
( Model == cdata
; Model == rcdata
-> Type = cdata
; Type = pcdata
% format('CDATA from ~d-~d~n', [From, To]),
colour_item(cdata(Type), TB, From, To, Fragment),
( Type == cdata
-> send(Fragment, parsed, @off)
; true
on_decl(DECL, Parser) :-
get_sgml_parser(Parser, file(File)),
current_tb(TB, File),
get_sgml_parser(Parser, event_class(explicit)),
get_sgml_parser(Parser, charpos(From, To)),
% format('Decl ~d-~d: ~w~n', [From, To, DECL]),
( DECL == ''
-> colour_item(comment, TB, From, To, Fragment),
send(Fragment, parsed, @off)
; send(regex('DOCTYPE', @off), match, DECL)
-> colour_item(doctype, TB, From, To)
; new(Re, regex('\\w*')),
send(Re, match, DECL),
get(Re, register_value, DECL, 0, name, DeclType0),
get(DeclType0, downcase, DeclType),
% format('Decl(~w)~n', [DeclType]),
colour_item(decl(DeclType), TB, From, To)
on_error(Severity, Message, Parser) :-
current_tb(TB, File),
( get_sgml_parser(Parser, file(File))
-> get_sgml_parser(Parser, charpos(From, To)),
colour_item(error(Severity), TB, From, To, Fragment),
( Fragment \== @nil
-> send(Fragment, message, Message),
send(Fragment, severity, Severity)
; true
; format(user_error, 'SGML: Error in other file!~n', [])
% colour_item(+Class, +TB, +Pos)
% colourise region if a style is defined for this class.
colour_item(Class, TB, From, To) :-
colour_item(Class, TB, From, To, _Fragment).
colour_item(Class, TB, From, To, Fragment) :-
style_name(Class, Name), !,
Len is To - From,
Len > 0,
new(Fragment, sgml_mode_fragment(TB, From, Len, Name)).
colour_item(_, _, _, _, @nil).
:- discontiguous
style_name/2, % +Pattern, -StyleName
style_object/2. % +Name, -Style
term_expansion(style(Pattern, Style),
[ style_name(Pattern, Name),
style_object(Name, Style)
]) :-
gensym(syntax_style_, Name).
style(tag(begin, shortref), style(colour := blue,
background := grey90,
bold := @on)).
style(tag(begin, _), style(colour := blue,
bold := @on)).
style(tag(end, shorttag), style(colour := blue,
bold := @on)).
style(tag(end, shortref), style(colour := blue,
background := grey90,
bold := @on)).
style(tag(end, _), style(colour := blue)).
style(cdata(cdata), style(colour := sea_green)).
style(doctype, style(bold := @on)).
style(comment, style(colour := dark_green,
background := grey90)).
style(decl(_), style(colour := purple)).
style(error(warning), style(background := orange)).
style(error(_), style(background := red)).
style(entity, style(colour := dark_green)).
style(element, style(background := pale_turquoise)).
set_insert_point(M, Point:[int]) :->
"Set mark at point if not set"::
get(M, mark, Mark),
( Mark == 0
-> ( Point == @default
-> send(M, mark, M?caret)
; send(M, mark, Point)
; true
insert_begin(M, Tag:name) :->
"Insert begin-tag and required attributes"::
fix_case(M, Tag, TheTag),
send(M, format, '<%s>', TheTag),
get(M, dtd, DTD),
findall(A, dtd_property(DTD, attribute(Tag, A, _, required)), List),
send(M, backward_char),
insert_attributes(List, M),
send(M, forward_char).
insert_attributes([], _).
insert_attributes([H|T], M) :-
send(M, format, ' %s=""', H),
send(M, set_insert_point, M?caret-1),
insert_attributes(T, M).
insert_end(M, Tag:name) :->
"Insert end-tag for element"::
fix_case(M, Tag, TheTag),
send(M, format, '</%s>', TheTag).
fix_case(M, Tag, TheTag) :-
( get(M, upcase_elements, @on)
-> get(Tag, upcase, TheTag)
; TheTag = Tag
style_for_event(Ev, Style) :-
( send(Ev, has_modifier, c)
-> Style = inline
; send(Ev, has_modifier, s)
-> Style = block
; send(Ev, has_modifier, m)
-> Style = shorttag
; Style = @default
show_menu(M, Ev:event) :->
"Show menu to insert-tag/tag selection"::
( send(M, in_tag)
-> send(M, show_attribute_menu, Ev)
; send(M, show_element_menu, Ev)
in_tag(M) :->
"Test whether caret is between <>"::
get(M, caret, Caret),
get(M, text_buffer, TB),
send(regex('<[^>]*'), match, TB, Caret, 0),
send(regex('[^<]*[>/]'), match, TB, Caret). % / for shortag
show_element_menu(M, Ev:event) :->
"Show menu for inserting a new element"::
( get(M, allowed_elements, List),
delete(List, '#pcdata', Elems),
Elems \== [],
sort(Elems, Sorted)
-> ( get(M, selection, point(A,B)), B > A
-> Label = tag_selection
; Label = insert_element
get(Ev, button, Button),
style_for_event(Ev, Style),
new(G, popup_gesture(new(P, popup(Label,
message(M, popup_tag_selection,
@arg1, Style))),
Button, new(modifier))),
send(P, show_label, @on),
length(Sorted, Len),
Cols is max(1, Len // 20),
send(P, columns, Cols),
send_list(P, append, Sorted),
send(G, event, Ev)
; send(M, report, warning, 'No element allowed here')
show_attribute_menu(M, Ev:event) :->
"Show menu for adding attributes"::
get(M, caret, Caret),
get(M, text_buffer, TB),
new(Re, regex('<[^>]*')),
send(Re, match, TB, Caret, 0),
get(Re, register_start, 0, Start),
( get(M, looking_at_element, Start, E)
-> make_parser(M, Parser),
load_dtd(M, Parser),
get_sgml_parser(Parser, dtd(DTD)),
dtd_property(DTD, attributes(E, Atts)),
( Atts == []
-> free_sgml_parser(Parser),
send(M, report, warning, 'Element "%s" has no attributes', E)
; sort(Atts, Sorted),
% format('Atts = ~p~n', [Sorted]),
get(Ev, button, Button),
new(G, popup_gesture(new(P, popup(add_attribute,
message(M, insert_attribute,
send(P, show_label, @on),
length(Sorted, Len),
Cols is max(1, Len // 10),
send(P, columns, Cols),
fill_attribute_menu(Sorted, DTD, E, P, M),
send(G, event, Ev)
; send(M, report, warning, 'Not in begin-tag')
fill_attribute_menu([], _, _, _, _).
fill_attribute_menu([A|T], DTD, E, P, Mode) :-
dtd_property(DTD, attribute(E, A, Type, Default)),
add_attribute_menu(Type, Default, A, P, Mode),
fill_attribute_menu(T, DTD, E, P, Mode).
add_attribute_menu(nameof(List), Def, A, P, Mode) :- !,
send(P, append, new(P2, popup(A, message(Mode, insert_attribute,
A, @arg1)))),
add_attribute_values(List, Def, P2).
add_attribute_menu(Type, Def, A, P, _Mode) :- !,
type_label(Type, TypeLabel),
send(P, append, new(MI, menu_item(A, @default,
string('%s (%s)', A, TypeLabel)))),
( Def == required
-> send(MI, font, bold)
; true
type_label(list(Type), Label) :- !,
atom_concat(Type, s, Label).
type_label(Type, Type).
add_attribute_values([], _, _).
add_attribute_values([H|T], Def, P) :-
send(P, append, new(MI, menu_item(H))),
( Def == default(H)
-> send(MI, font, bold)
; true
add_attribute_values(T, Def, P).
insert_attribute(M, Att:name, Val:'[name|int|real]') :->
"Add attribute-value pair"::
get(M, text_buffer, TB),
get(M, caret, Caret),
new(Re, regex('\\(\\s +\\|[/>]\\)')),
send(Re, search, TB, Caret), % find place to insert
get(Re, register_start, 0, Where),
( send(regex('\\s +'), match, TB, Where)
-> get(Re, register_end, 0, NewCaret), % after blanks
send(M, caret, NewCaret)
; send(M, caret, Where),
send(M, format, ' ')
( Val == @default
-> send(M, format, '%s=""', Att),
get(M, caret, C),
( send(M, looking_at, '\\s \\|[/>]')
-> true
; send(M, format, ' ')
send(M, caret, C-1)
; send(M, format, '%s="%s"', Att, Val),
( send(M, looking_at, '\\s \\|[/>]')
-> true
; send(M, format, ' ')
send(M, mark_undo). % called from popup!
popup_tag_selection(M, Tag:name, Style0:[{inline,shorttag,block}]) :->
"->tag_selection wrapper for popup"::
( Style0 == @default
-> style_for_event(@event, Style)
; Style = Style0
send(M, tag_selection, Tag, Style),
send(M, mark_undo).
tag_selection(M, Tag:[name], Style:[{inline,block,shorttag}]) :->
"Tag the current selection using element"::
( Tag == @default
-> new(TI, text_item(element)),
( get(M, allowed_elements, List),
% format('Allowed: ~p~n', [List]),
delete(List, '#pcdata', Elems),
sort(Elems, Sorted)
-> send(TI, value_set, Sorted)
; true
get(M, prompt_using, TI, String),
get(String, value, TheTag)
; TheTag = Tag
( get(M, selection, point(A,B)),
B > A
-> send(M, tag_region, TheTag, A, B, Style),
send(M, selection, 0, 0),
send(M, colourise_element)
; send(M, insert_element, TheTag, Style)
tag_region(M, Tag:[name], From:int, To:int,
Style:[{inline,block,shorttag}]) :->
"Tag a defined region"::
fix_case(M, Tag, TheTag),
get(M, text_buffer, TB),
( Style == shorttag
-> send(TB, insert, To, /),
send(TB, insert, From, string('<%s/', TheTag))
; Style == block
-> ( get(M, column, To, 0)
-> send(TB, insert, To, string('</%s>\n', TheTag))
; send(TB, insert, From, string('\n</%s>\n', TheTag))
( get(M, column, From, 0)
-> send(TB, insert, From, string('<%s>\n', TheTag))
; send(TB, insert, From, string('\n<%s>\n', TheTag))
; Style == inline
-> send(TB, insert, To, string('</%s>', TheTag)),
send(TB, insert, From, string('<%s>', TheTag))
; get(M, column, From, 0),
get(M, column, To, 0)
-> send(M, tag_region, Tag, From, To, block)
; send(M, tag_region, Tag, From, To, inline)
insert_element(M, Tag:element=name, Style:[{inline,shorttag,block}]) :->
"Insert a new empty element"::
( get(M, dtd, DTD),
dtd_property(DTD, element(Tag, Omit, Content))
-> true
; Omit = omit(false, false),
Content = '#pcdata'
fix_case(M, Tag, TheTag),
send(M, prepare_insert),
send(M, mark, 0), % put insert position here
insert_by_style(Style, M, TheTag, Omit, Content, _),
send(M, colourise_element),
( get(M, mark, Mark),
Mark > 0
-> send(M, caret, Mark)
; true
prepare_insert(M) :->
"Find location to insert a new tag"::
get(M, caret, Caret),
( find_element(M, Caret, From-_To)
-> get(M, looking_at_element, From, E),
% format('~p: Inserting in "~w" at ~w~n', [M, E, From]),
get(M, dtd, DTD),
dtd_property(DTD, element(E, _, Content)),
( mixed_content(Content)
-> true
; get(M, column, From, Col0),
Col is Col0+2,
get(M, text_buffer, TB),
get(TB, scan, Caret, line, 0, start, SOL),
( new(Re, regex('\\s *')),
send(Re, match, TB, SOL, Caret),
get(Re, register_end, Caret)
-> true % at a blank line
; send(M, newline)
send(M, align_line, Col)
; true
insert_by_style(_, M, Tag, _, empty, End) :- !,
send(M, insert_begin, Tag),
( get(M, dialect, xml)
-> send(M, backward_char),
send(M, format, /),
send(M, forward_char)
; true
get(M, caret, End).
insert_by_style(Style, M, Tag, _, Model, End) :-
required_content(Model, List),
( mixed_content(Model)
-> def_style(Style, inline, TheStyle),
insert_by_style(TheStyle, M, Tag, End),
send(M, set_insert_point)
; insert_by_style(block, M, Tag, End0),
get(M, text_buffer, TB),
new(Mark, fragment(TB, End0, 0)),
insert_sub_elements(List, M),
get(Mark, start, End),
mixed_content(M) :-
term_member('#pcdata', M), !.
term_member(X, X).
term_member(X, C) :-
arg(_, C, A),
term_member(X, A).
insert_by_style(shorttag, M, Tag, End) :- !,
send(M, insert_begin, Tag),
send(M, backward_delete_char),
send(M, format, '//'),
get(M, caret, End),
send(M, backward_char).
insert_by_style(inline, M, Tag, End) :- !,
send(M, insert_begin, Tag),
get(M, caret, New),
send(M, insert_end, Tag),
get(M, caret, End),
send(M, caret, New).
insert_by_style(block, M, Tag, End) :- !,
send(M, insert_begin, Tag),
get(M, caret, Insert),
send(M, newline_and_indent),
send(M, insert_end, Tag),
get(M, caret, End),
send(M, caret, Insert).
insert_by_style(@default, M, Tag, End) :-
get(M, text_buffer, TB),
get(M, caret, Caret),
get(TB, scan, Caret, line, 0, start, SOL),
( send(regex('\\s *$'), match, TB, SOL)
-> insert_by_style(block, M, Tag, End)
; insert_by_style(inline, M, Tag, End)
def_style(@default, Style, Style) :- !.
def_style(Style, _, Style).
insert_sub_elements([], _).
insert_sub_elements([H|T], M) :-
send(M, format, ' '),
get(M, dtd, DTD),
dtd_property(DTD, element(H, Omit, Content)),
send(M, prepare_insert),
insert_by_style(@default, M, H, Omit, Content, End),
( T == []
-> true
; send(M, caret, End),
insert_sub_elements(T, M)
required_content(empty, []).
required_content(cdata, []).
required_content(Model, Elems) :-
phrase(required_content(Model), Elems).
required_content((A,B)) --> !,
required_content(&(A,B)) --> !,
required_content('|'(_,_)) --> !,
required_content(?(_)) -->
required_content(*(_)) -->
required_content(+(A)) -->
required_content('#pcdata') --> !,
required_content(A) -->
looking_at_element(M, From:int, Elem:name) :<-
new(Re, regex('<\\([-_:a-zA-Z0-9]+\\)')),
get(M, text_buffer, TB),
send(Re, match, TB, From),
get(Re, register_value, TB, 1, name, Elem).
allowed_elements(M, Allowed:prolog) :<-
"Show elements allowed here"::
get(M, caret, Caret),
get(M, text_buffer, TB),
new(Re, regex('<\\w+')),
make_parser(M, Parser),
load_dtd(M, Parser),
get_sgml_parser(Parser, dtd(DTD)),
set_sgml_parser(Parser, doctype(_)),
pce_open(TB, read, In),
( find_element(M, Parser, Re, In, Caret, From-_To),
get(M, looking_at_element, From, E),
% format('Looking at ~w~n', [E]),
( dtd_property(DTD, doctype(E))
; dtd_property(DTD, element(E, omit(_, false), _))
-> unset_caret,
seek(In, From, bof, _),
set_sgml_parser(Parser, charpos(From)),
Len is Caret - From,
[ goal(emacs_sgml_mode:feed(In, Len)),
parse(input) % do not complete document
show_message(M, E)),
( element(_,_,_,loc(explicit,_,_))
-> format('End-tag available~n', [])
; true
get_sgml_parser(Parser, allowed(Allowed))
; unset_caret,
dtd_property(DTD, doctype(DocType)),
-> Allowed = [DocType]
; send(M, report, warning, 'No current element'),
Allowed = []
feed(In, Len, Parser) :-
copy_stream_data(In, Parser, Len).
report_allowed(M) :-> % DEBUGGING
"Report allowed elements at point"::
get(M, allowed_elements, Allowed),
concat_atom(Allowed, ', ', Atom),
send(M, report, status, 'Allowed: %s', Atom).
show_message(M, E) :-
message_to_string(E, String),
send(M, report, warning, 'Caught error: %s', String).
forward_move_out(M) :->
"Move forwards to end of current element"::
get(M, caret, Caret),
( find_element(M, Caret, _From-To)
-> send(M, caret, To)
; send(M, report, warning, 'Cannot find element')
:- emacs_end_mode.
* XML *
:- emacs_begin_mode(xml, sgml,
"Mode for editing XML documents",
initialise(M) :->
send_super(M, initialise),
send(M, dialect, xml).
open_document(M, DTD:doctype=name) :->
"Insert document header"::
send(M, format, '<?xml version="1.0"?>\n'),
send_super(M, open_document, DTD).
:- emacs_end_mode.
* HTML *
:- emacs_begin_mode(html, sgml,
"Mode for editing HTML documents",
initialise(M) :->
send_super(M, initialise),
send(M, dialect, html).
open_document(M) :->
"Insert document header"::
send(M, format,
'<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2//EN">\n\n'),
send(M, insert_element, html).
:- emacs_end_mode.
:- pce_begin_class(sgml_mode_fragment, emacs_colour_fragment,
"Provide colourised region").
variable(parsed, bool := @on, both, "@off for unparsed fragments").
:- pce_end_class.