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2012-04-05 18:38:56 +01:00

276 lines
7.3 KiB

#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include "BayesNet.h"
#include "FactorGraph.h"
#include "VarElimSolver.h"
#include "BnBpSolver.h"
#include "FgBpSolver.h"
#include "CbpSolver.h"
#include "ElimGraph.h"
using namespace std;
void processArguments (BayesNet&, int, const char* []);
void processArguments (FactorGraph&, int, const char* []);
void runSolver (Solver*, const VarNodes&);
const string USAGE = "usage: \
main (int argc, const char* argv[])
VarIds vids1 = { 4, 1, 2, 3 } ;
VarIds vids2 = { 4, 5 } ;
VarIds vids3 = { 4, 6 } ;
VarIds vids4 = { 4, 7 } ;
// Factor f1 (vids1, {2,2,2,2},{0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5,0.6,0.7,0.8,0.9,0.10,0.11,0.12,0.13,0.14,0.15,0.16});
// Factor f2 (vids2, {2,2},{0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4});
// Factor f3 (vids3, {2,2},{0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4});
// Factor f4 (vids4, {2,2},{0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4});
Factor* f1 = new Factor (vids1, {2,2,2,2},{0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5,0.6,0.7,0.8,0.9,0.10,0.11,0.12,0.13,0.14,0.15,0.16});
Factor* f2 = new Factor (vids2, {2,2},{0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4});
Factor* f3 = new Factor (vids3, {2,2},{0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4});
Factor* f4 = new Factor (vids4, {2,2},{0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4});
Factor* f5 = new Factor (vids4, {2,2},{0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4});
vector<Factor*> fs = {f1,f2,f3,f4,f5};
//FactorGraph fg;
//fg.addFactor (f1);
//fg.addFactor (f2);
//fg.addFactor (f3);
//fg.addFactor (f4);
ElimGraph eg (fs);
eg.exportToGraphViz ("");
return 0;
if (!argv[1]) {
cerr << "error: no graphical model specified" << endl;
cerr << USAGE << endl;
exit (0);
const string& fileName = argv[1];
const string& extension = fileName.substr (fileName.find_last_of ('.') + 1);
if (extension == "xml") {
BayesNet bn;
bn.readFromBifFormat (argv[1]);
processArguments (bn, argc, argv);
} else if (extension == "uai") {
FactorGraph fg;
fg.readFromUaiFormat (argv[1]);
processArguments (fg, argc, argv);
} else if (extension == "fg") {
FactorGraph fg;
fg.readFromLibDaiFormat (argv[1]);
processArguments (fg, argc, argv);
} else {
cerr << "error: the graphical model must be defined either " ;
cerr << "in a xml, uai or libDAI file" << endl;
exit (0);
return 0;
processArguments (BayesNet& bn, int argc, const char* argv[])
VarNodes queryVars;
for (int i = 2; i < argc; i++) {
const string& arg = argv[i];
if (arg.find ('=') == std::string::npos) {
BayesNode* queryVar = bn.getBayesNode (arg);
if (queryVar) {
queryVars.push_back (queryVar);
} else {
cerr << "error: there isn't a variable labeled of " ;
cerr << "`" << arg << "'" ;
cerr << endl;
exit (0);
} else {
size_t pos = arg.find ('=');
const string& label = arg.substr (0, pos);
const string& state = arg.substr (pos + 1);
if (label.empty()) {
cerr << "error: missing left argument" << endl;
cerr << USAGE << endl;
exit (0);
if (state.empty()) {
cerr << "error: missing right argument" << endl;
cerr << USAGE << endl;
exit (0);
BayesNode* node = bn.getBayesNode (label);
if (node) {
if (node->isValidState (state)) {
node->setEvidence (state);
} else {
cerr << "error: `" << state << "' " ;
cerr << "is not a valid state for " ;
cerr << "`" << node->label() << "'" ;
cerr << endl;
exit (0);
} else {
cerr << "error: there isn't a variable labeled of " ;
cerr << "`" << label << "'" ;
cerr << endl;
exit (0);
Solver* solver = 0;
FactorGraph* fg = 0;
switch (Globals::infAlgorithm) {
case InfAlgorithms::VE:
fg = new FactorGraph (bn);
solver = new VarElimSolver (*fg);
case InfAlgorithms::BN_BP:
solver = new BnBpSolver (bn);
case InfAlgorithms::FG_BP:
fg = new FactorGraph (bn);
solver = new FgBpSolver (*fg);
case InfAlgorithms::CBP:
fg = new FactorGraph (bn);
solver = new CbpSolver (*fg);
assert (false);
runSolver (solver, queryVars);
delete fg;
processArguments (FactorGraph& fg, int argc, const char* argv[])
VarNodes queryVars;
for (int i = 2; i < argc; i++) {
const string& arg = argv[i];
if (arg.find ('=') == std::string::npos) {
if (!Util::isInteger (arg)) {
cerr << "error: `" << arg << "' " ;
cerr << "is not a valid variable id" ;
cerr << endl;
exit (0);
VarId vid;
stringstream ss;
ss << arg;
ss >> vid;
VarNode* queryVar = fg.getFgVarNode (vid);
if (queryVar) {
queryVars.push_back (queryVar);
} else {
cerr << "error: there isn't a variable with " ;
cerr << "`" << vid << "' as id" ;
cerr << endl;
exit (0);
} else {
size_t pos = arg.find ('=');
if (arg.substr (0, pos).empty()) {
cerr << "error: missing left argument" << endl;
cerr << USAGE << endl;
exit (0);
if (arg.substr (pos + 1).empty()) {
cerr << "error: missing right argument" << endl;
cerr << USAGE << endl;
exit (0);
if (!Util::isInteger (arg.substr (0, pos))) {
cerr << "error: `" << arg.substr (0, pos) << "' " ;
cerr << "is not a variable id" ;
cerr << endl;
exit (0);
VarId vid;
stringstream ss;
ss << arg.substr (0, pos);
ss >> vid;
VarNode* var = fg.getFgVarNode (vid);
if (var) {
if (!Util::isInteger (arg.substr (pos + 1))) {
cerr << "error: `" << arg.substr (pos + 1) << "' " ;
cerr << "is not a state index" ;
cerr << endl;
exit (0);
int stateIndex;
stringstream ss;
ss << arg.substr (pos + 1);
ss >> stateIndex;
if (var->isValidState (stateIndex)) {
var->setEvidence (stateIndex);
} else {
cerr << "error: `" << stateIndex << "' " ;
cerr << "is not a valid state index for variable " ;
cerr << "`" << var->varId() << "'" ;
cerr << endl;
exit (0);
} else {
cerr << "error: there isn't a variable with " ;
cerr << "`" << vid << "' as id" ;
cerr << endl;
exit (0);
Solver* solver = 0;
switch (Globals::infAlgorithm) {
case InfAlgorithms::VE:
solver = new VarElimSolver (fg);
case InfAlgorithms::BN_BP:
case InfAlgorithms::FG_BP:
solver = new FgBpSolver (fg);
case InfAlgorithms::CBP:
solver = new CbpSolver (fg);
assert (false);
runSolver (solver, queryVars);
runSolver (Solver* solver, const VarNodes& queryVars)
VarIds vids;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < queryVars.size(); i++) {
vids.push_back (queryVars[i]->varId());
if (queryVars.size() == 0) {
} else if (queryVars.size() == 1) {
solver->printPosterioriOf (vids[0]);
} else {
solver->printJointDistributionOf (vids);
delete solver;