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2009-03-13 19:39:06 +00:00

145 lines
2.9 KiB

/* $Id$
Part of XPCE
Designed and implemented by Anjo Anjewierden and Jan Wielemaker
Copyright (C) 2000 University of Amsterdam. All rights reserved.
:- module(rewrite,
[ rewrite/2, % +Rule, +Input
:- use_module(library(quintus)).
:- meta_predicate
rewrite(:, +).
:- op(1200, xfx, user:(::=)).
rew_term_expansion((Rule ::= RuleBody), (Head :- Body)) :-
translate(RuleBody, Term, Body0),
simplify(Body0, Body),
Rule =.. List,
append(List, [Term], L2),
Head =.. L2.
rew_goal_expansion(rewrite(To, From), Goal) :-
To = \Rule,
Rule =.. List,
append(List, [From], List2),
Goal =.. List2.
%% rewrite(?To, +From)
% Invoke the term-rewriting system
rewrite(To, From) :-
strip_module(To, M, T),
( var(T)
-> From = T
; T = \Rule
-> call(M:Rule, From)
; match(To, M, From)
match(Rule, M, From) :-
translate(Rule, From, Code),
translate(Var, Var, true) :-
var(Var), !.
translate((\Command, !), Var, (Goal, !)) :- !,
( callable(Command),
Command =.. List
-> append(List, [Var], L2),
Goal =.. L2
; Goal = rewrite(\Command, Var)
translate(\Command, Var, Goal) :- !,
( callable(Command),
Command =.. List
-> append(List, [Var], L2),
Goal =.. L2
; Goal = rewrite(\Command, Var)
translate(Atomic, Atomic, true) :-
atomic(Atomic), !.
translate(C, _, Cmd) :-
command(C, Cmd), !.
translate((A, B), T, Code) :-
( command(A, Cmd)
-> !, translate(B, T, C),
Code = (Cmd, C)
; command(B, Cmd)
-> !, translate(A, T, C),
Code = (C, Cmd)
translate(Term0, Term, Command) :-
functor(Term0, Name, Arity),
functor(Term, Name, Arity),
translate_args(0, Arity, Term0, Term, Command).
translate_args(N, N, _, _, true) :- !.
translate_args(I0, Arity, T0, T1, (C0,C)) :-
I is I0 + 1,
arg(I, T0, A0),
arg(I, T1, A1),
translate(A0, A1, C0),
translate_args(I, Arity, T0, T1, C).
command(0, _) :- !, % catch variables
command({A}, A).
command(!, !).
%% simplify(+Raw, -Simplified)
% Get rid of redundant `true' goals generated by translate/3.
simplify(V, V) :-
var(V), !.
simplify((A0,B), A) :-
B == true, !,
simplify(A0, A).
simplify((A,B0), B) :-
A == true, !,
simplify(B0, B).
simplify((A0, B0), C) :- !,
simplify(A0, A),
simplify(B0, B),
( ( A \== A0
; B \== B0
-> simplify((A,B), C)
; C = (A,B)
simplify(X, X).
* XREF *
:- multifile
prolog:called_by(rewrite(Spec, _Term), Called) :-
findall(G+1, sub_term(\G, Spec), Called).