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2010-06-23 11:52:34 +01:00

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/* $Id$
Part of SWI-Prolog
Author: Jan Wielemaker
Copyright (C): 1985-2007, University of Amsterdam
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
As a special exception, if you link this library with other files,
compiled with a Free Software compiler, to produce an executable, this
library does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be covered
by the GNU General Public License. This exception does not however
invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be covered by
the GNU General Public License.
:- module(thread_httpd,
[ http_current_server/2, % ?:Goal, ?Port
http_server_property/2, % ?Port, ?Property
http_server/2, % :Goal, +Options
http_workers/2, % +Port, ?WorkerCount
http_current_worker/2, % ?Port, ?ThreadID
http_stop_server/2, % +Port, +Options
http_spawn/2, % :Goal, +Options
http_requeue/1, % +Request
http_close_connection/1 % +Request
:- use_module(library(debug)).
:- use_module(library(error)).
:- use_module(library(option)).
:- use_module(library(lists)).
:- use_module(library(socket)).
:- use_module(library(thread_pool)).
:- use_module(http_wrapper).
:- use_module(http_stream).
/** <module> Threaded HTTP server
This library provides a multi-threaded Prolog-based HTTP server based on
the same wrapper as xpce_httpd and inetd_httpd. This server can handle
multiple clients in Prolog threads and doesn't need XPCE.
In addition to the other two frontends (XPCE and inetd), this frontend
provides hooks for for creating an HTTPS server. It
is activated using the option ssl(+SSLOptions), where SSLOptions are
options required by ssl_init/3. See and package ssl
for details.
:- meta_predicate
http_server(1, +),
http_current_server(1, ?),
http_spawn(0, +).
:- dynamic
port_option/2, % Port, Option
current_server/5, % Port, Goal, Thread, Queue, StartTime
queue_worker/2, % Queue, ThreadID
queue_options/2. % Queue, Options
:- multifile
%% http_server(:Goal, +Options) is det.
% Create a server at Port that calls Goal for each parsed request.
% Options provide a list of options. Defined options are
% | port(?Port) | - | Port to listen to |
% | workers(N) | 2 | Define the number of worker threads |
% | timeout(S) | 60 | Max inactivity for reading request |
% | keep_alive_timeout | 10 | Drop Keep-Alive connection timeout |
% | local(KBytes) | <CommandLine> | |
% | global(KBytes) | <CommandLine> | |
% | trail(KBytes) | <CommandLine> | Stack-sizes of worker threads |
http_server(Goal, Options) :-
strip_module(Goal, Module, G),
select_option(port(Port), Options, Options1), !,
make_socket(Port, Options1, Options2),
set_port_options(Port, Options2),
create_server(Module:G, Port, Options2).
http_server(_Goal, _Options) :-
throw(error(existence_error(option, port), _)).
%% make_socket(?Port, +OptionsIn, -OptionsOut) is det.
% Create the HTTP server socket and worker pool queue. OptionsOut
% is quaranteed to hold the option queue(QueueId).
make_socket(Port, Options0, Options) :-
make_socket_hook(Port, Options0, Options), !.
make_socket(Port, Options0, Options) :-
tcp_setopt(Socket, reuseaddr),
tcp_bind(Socket, Port),
tcp_listen(Socket, 5),
atom_concat('httpd@', Port, Queue),
Options = [ queue(Queue),
| Options0
create_server(Goal, Port, Options) :-
memberchk(queue(Queue), Options),
atom_concat('http@', Port, Alias),
thread_create(accept_server(Goal, Options), _,
[ alias(Alias)
assert(current_server(Port, Goal, Alias, Queue, StartTime)).
%% set_port_options(+Port, +Options) is det.
% Register Options for the HTTP server at Port.
set_port_options(Port, Options) :-
retractall(port_option(Port, _)),
assert_port_options(Options, Port).
assert_port_options([], _).
assert_port_options([Name=Value|T], Port) :- !,
Opt =.. [Name,Value],
assert(port_option(Port, Opt)),
assert_port_options(T, Port).
assert_port_options([Opt|T], Port) :- !,
assert(port_option(Port, Opt)),
assert_port_options(T, Port).
%% http_current_server(:Goal, ?Port) is nondet.
% True if Goal is the goal of a server at Port.
% @deprecated Use http_server_property(Port, goal(Goal))
http_current_server(Goal, Port) :-
current_server(Port, Goal, _, _, _).
%% http_server_property(?Port, ?Property) is nondet.
% True if Property is a property of the HTTP server running at
% Port. Defined properties are:
% * goal(:Goal)
% Goal used to start the server. This is often
% http_dispatch/1.
% * start_time(?Time)
% Time-stamp when the server was created.
http_server_property(Port, Property) :-
server_property(Property, Port).
server_property(goal(Goal), Port) :-
current_server(Port, Goal, _, _, _).
server_property(start_time(Time), Port) :-
current_server(Port, _, _, _, Time).
%% http_workers(+Port, -Workers) is det.
%% http_workers(+Port, +Workers:int) is det.
% Query or set the number of workers for the server at this port.
% The number of workers is dynamically modified. Setting it to 1
% (one) can be used to profile the worker using tprofile/1.
http_workers(Port, Workers) :-
must_be(integer, Port),
current_server(Port, _, _, Queue, _), !,
( integer(Workers)
-> resize_pool(Queue, Workers)
; findall(W, queue_worker(Queue, W), WorkerIDs),
length(WorkerIDs, Workers)
http_workers(Port, _) :-
existence_error(http_server, Port).
%% http_current_worker(?Port, ?ThreadID) is nondet.
% True if ThreadID is the identifier of a Prolog thread serving
% Port. This predicate is motivated to allow for the use of
% arbitrary interaction with the worker thread for development and
% statistics.
http_current_worker(Port, ThreadID) :-
current_server(Port, _, _, Queue, _),
queue_worker(Queue, ThreadID).
%% accept_server(:Goal, +Options)
% The goal of a small server-thread accepting new requests and
% posting them to the queue of workers.
accept_server(Goal, Options) :-
catch(accept_server2(Goal, Options), http_stop, true),
retract(current_server(_Port, _, Thread, _Queue, _StartTime)),
accept_server2(Goal, Options) :-
accept_hook(Goal, Options), !.
accept_server2(Goal, Options) :-
memberchk(tcp_socket(Socket), Options), !,
memberchk(queue(Queue), Options),
( catch(tcp_accept(Socket, Client, Peer), E, true)
-> ( var(E)
-> debug(http(connection), 'New HTTP connection from ~p', [Peer]),
thread_send_message(Queue, tcp_client(Client, Goal, Peer)),
; accept_rethrow_error(E)
-> throw(E)
; print_message(error, E),
; print_message(error, goal_failed(tcp_accept(Socket, Client, Peer)))
%% close_server_socket(+Options)
% Close the server socket.
close_server_socket(Options) :-
close_hook(Options), !.
close_server_socket(Options) :-
memberchk(tcp_socket(Socket), Options), !,
%% http_stop_server(+Port, +Options)
% Stop the indicated HTTP server gracefully. First stops all
% workers, then stops the server.
% @tbd Realise non-graceful stop
http_stop_server(Port, _Options) :-
http_workers(Port, 0),
current_server(Port, _, Thread, Queue, _Start),
retractall(queue_options(Queue, _)),
thread_signal(Thread, throw(http_stop)),
catch(connect(localhost:Port), _, true),
thread_join(Thread, _),
connect(Address) :-
tcp_connect(Socket, Address),
%% create_workers(+Options)
% Create the pool of HTTP worker-threads. Each worker has the
% alias http_worker_N.
create_workers(Options) :-
option(workers(N), Options, 2),
option(queue(Queue), Options),
catch(message_queue_create(Queue), _, true),
atom_concat(Queue, '_', AliasBase),
create_workers(1, N, Queue, AliasBase, Options),
assert(queue_options(Queue, Options)).
create_workers(I, N, _, _, _) :-
I > N, !.
create_workers(I, N, Queue, AliasBase, Options) :-
gensym(AliasBase, Alias),
thread_create(http_worker(Options), Id,
[ alias(Alias)
| Options
assert(queue_worker(Queue, Id)),
I2 is I + 1,
create_workers(I2, N, Queue, AliasBase, Options).
%% resize_pool(+Queue, +Workers) is det.
% Create or destroy workers. If workers are destroyed, the call
% waits until the desired number of waiters is reached.
resize_pool(Queue, Size) :-
findall(W, queue_worker(Queue, W), Workers),
length(Workers, Now),
( Now < Size
-> queue_options(Queue, Options),
atom_concat(Queue, '_', AliasBase),
I0 is Now+1,
create_workers(I0, Size, Queue, AliasBase, Options)
; Now == Size
-> true
; Now > Size
-> Excess is Now - Size,
forall(between(1, Excess, _), thread_send_message(Queue, quit(Me))),
forall(between(1, Excess, _), thread_get_message(quitted(_)))
%% http_worker(+Options)
% Run HTTP worker main loop. Workers simply wait until they are
% passed an accepted socket to process a client.
% If the message quit(Sender) is read from the queue, the worker
% stops.
http_worker(Options) :-
option(queue(Queue), Options),
debug(http(worker), 'Waiting for a job ...', []),
thread_get_message(Queue, Message),
debug(http(worker), 'Got job ~p', [Message]),
( Message = quit(Sender)
-> !,
thread_send_message(Sender, quitted(Self))
; open_client(Message, Queue, Goal, In, Out,
Options, ClientOptions),
( catch(http_process(Goal, In, Out, ClientOptions),
Error, true)
-> true
; Error = goal_failed(http_process/4)
( var(Error)
-> fail
; current_message_level(Error, Level),
print_message(Level, Error),
memberchk(peer(Peer), ClientOptions),
close_connection(Peer, In, Out),
%% open_client(+Message, +Queue, -Goal, -In, -Out,
%% +Options, -ClientOptions) is semidet.
% Opens the connection to the client in a worker from the message
% sent to the queue by accept_server/2.
open_client(requeue(In, Out, Goal, ClOpts),
_, Goal, In, Out, Opts, ClOpts) :- !,
memberchk(peer(Peer), ClOpts),
option(keep_alive_timeout(KeepAliveTMO), Opts, 5),
check_keep_alife_connection(In, KeepAliveTMO, Peer, In, Out).
open_client(Message, Queue, Goal, In, Out, _Opts,
[ pool(client(Queue, Goal, In, Out))
| Options
]) :-
catch(open_client(Message, Goal, In, Out, Options),
E, report_error(E)),
memberchk(peer(Peer), Options),
debug(http(connection), 'Opened connection from ~p', [Peer]).
open_client(Message, Goal, In, Out, Options) :-
open_client_hook(Message, Goal, In, Out, Options), !.
open_client(tcp_client(Socket, Goal, Peer), Goal, In, Out,
[ peer(Peer),
]) :-
tcp_open_socket(Socket, In, Out).
report_error(E) :-
print_message(error, E),
%% check_keep_alife_connection(+In, +TimeOut, +Peer, +In, +Out) is semidet.
% Wait for the client for at most TimeOut seconds. Succeed if the
% client starts a new request within this time. Otherwise close
% the connection and fail.
check_keep_alife_connection(In, TMO, Peer, In, Out) :-
stream_property(In, timeout(Old)),
set_stream(In, timeout(TMO)),
debug(http(keep_alife), 'Waiting for keep-alife ...', []),
catch(peek_code(In, Code), E, true),
( var(E), % no exception
Code \== -1 % no end-of-file
-> set_stream(In, timeout(Old)),
debug(http(keep_alife), '\tre-using keep-alife connection', [])
; ( Code == -1
-> debug(http(keep_alife), '\tRemote closed keep-alife connection', [])
; debug(http(keep_alife), '\tTimeout on keep-alife connection', [])
close_connection(Peer, In, Out),
%% done_worker
% Called when worker is terminated due to http_workers/2.
done_worker :-
thread_property(Self, status(Status)),
retract(queue_worker(_Queue, Self)),
httpd_stopped_worker(Self, Status)).
% thread_httpd:message_level(+Exception, -Level)
% Determine the message stream used for exceptions that may occur
% during server_loop/5. Being multifile, clauses can be added by
% the application to refine error handling. See also
% message_hook/3 for further programming error handling.
:- multifile
message_level(error(io_error(read, _), _), silent).
message_level(error(timeout_error(read, _), _), informational).
message_level(keep_alive_timeout, silent).
current_message_level(Term, Level) :-
( message_level(Term, Level)
-> true
; Level = error
%% http_requeue(+Header)
% Re-queue a connection to the worker pool. This deals with
% processing additional requests on keep-alife connections.
http_requeue(Header) :-
requeue_header(Header, ClientOptions),
memberchk(pool(client(Queue, Goal, In, Out)), ClientOptions),
thread_send_message(Queue, requeue(In, Out, Goal, ClientOptions)), !.
http_requeue(Header) :-
debug(http(error), 'Re-queue failed: ~p', [Header]),
requeue_header([], []).
requeue_header([H|T0], [H|T]) :-
requeue_keep(H), !,
requeue_header(T0, T).
requeue_header([_|T0], T) :-
requeue_header(T0, T).
%% http_process(Message, Queue, +Options)
% Handle a single client message on the given stream.
http_process(Goal, In, Out, Options) :-
debug(http(server), 'Running server goal ~p on ~p -> ~p',
[Goal, In, Out]),
option(timeout(TMO), Options, 60),
set_stream(In, timeout(TMO)),
http_wrapper(Goal, In, Out, Connection,
[ request(Request)
| Options
next(Connection, Request).
next(spawned(ThreadId), _) :- !,
debug(http(spawn), 'Handler spawned to thread ~w', [ThreadId]).
next(Connection, Request) :-
downcase_atom(Connection, 'keep-alive'),
http_requeue(Request), !.
next(_, Request) :-
%% http_close_connection(+Request)
% Close connection associated to Request. See also http_requeue/1.
http_close_connection(Request) :-
memberchk(pool(client(_Queue, _Goal, In, Out)), Request),
memberchk(peer(Peer), Request),
close_connection(Peer, In, Out).
%% close_connection(+Peer, +In, +Out)
% Closes the connection from the server to the client. Errors are
% currently silently ignored.
close_connection(Peer, In, Out) :-
debug(http(connection), 'Closing connection from ~p', [Peer]),
catch(close(In, [force(true)]), _, true),
catch(close(Out, [force(true)]), _, true).
%% http_spawn(:Goal, +Options) is det.
% Continue this connection on a new thread. A handler may call
% http_spawn/2 to start a new thread that continues processing the
% current request using Goal. The original thread returns to the
% worker pool for processing new requests. Options are passed to
% thread_create/3, except for:
% * pool(+Pool)
% Interfaces to library(thread_pool), starting the thread
% on the given pool.
% * backlog(+MaxBacklog)
% Reply using a 503 (service unavailable) if too many requests
% are waiting in this pool.
http_spawn(Goal, Options) :-
select_option(pool(Pool), Options, Options1), !,
select_option(backlog(BackLog), Options1, ThreadOptions, infinite),
check_backlog(BackLog, Pool),
wrap_spawned(CGI, Goal), Id,
[ detached(true)
| ThreadOptions
http_spawn(Goal, Options) :-
thread_create(wrap_spawned(CGI, Goal), Id,
[ detached(true)
| Options
wrap_spawned(CGI, Goal) :-
http_wrap_spawned(Goal, Request, Connection),
next(Connection, Request).
%% check_backlog(+MaxBackLog, +Pool)
% Check whether the backlog in the pool has been exceeded. If so,
% reply as =busy=, which causes an HTTP 503 response.
check_backlog(BackLog, Pool) :-
thread_pool_property(Pool, backlog(Waiting)),
Waiting > BackLog, !,
check_backlog(_, _).
:- multifile
prolog:message(httpd_stopped_worker(Self, Status)) -->
[ 'Stopped worker ~p: ~p'-[Self, Status] ].